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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1982, p. 10

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PAGE It»PLA1NDEALER • FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10.1982 No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Mamoriom. Situation Wantad, Wontod to Rant, Wantod to Buy, and Carogo Solas MUST bo paid in Tha Ptalndealer is not responsible for orrors in classifiod ads aftor tha first insortion. Chock your od aftor tha first insortion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOU*S:MOMPAY-FHOAY •:90am to 5:00pm SATURDAY 9 to 12 NOON CLASS4FIED READER DEADLINE 3:30 MON. FOR WED. PAPER 3:30 WID. FOR FR1. PAPER CLASSIFIED DISPLAY DEADLINE 4:HM6N.ttftWt5.UH»T 4:00 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER PH0NE:815-385-0170 CUBIC FT AMANA Side Side Refrigerator: .16' > stove. Both d FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 BU&NE&S SERUKES D O C ; B K D I E N C E COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition S125.00:. Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards with rhythm section, excellent condition JUST reduced $20,000 to $14,500 (iiant Oaks Estates. eautnu airwavs. \ SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, tnanv sizes 7**24-7-3 lc FOOSBALL4 TABLE $225.00 7-24-7-31C AUTOS n HORSE POWER ClulcJ driven. Shoe brakes. ShiK'Ks Ff)RD«l977. i'on Super Cab < aniper Special, power electric $15.00: 4 Mushroom. beige-brown pattern. vin\l placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- :ncore with Magic Genie, doulbe kevboard. 3 vears old First FOR SALE fttHL ESTATE ACRE High and Dn| BUSINESS StOUICCS •LUMBING, New /ork, remodeling, |repairs, water heaters, gisump pumps, water ^softeners, Licensed, ^insured. Call Tom. 815- *5653-9725 12-ltfc $LOCAL MOVING and ^HAULING, reasonable grates. 815-385-9386. 12- g"fc § R T & R P A I N T I N G pCO. Commercial k ^Residential. Interior k Exterior. Low prices. ^ I n s u r e d . F r e e stimates. Ron 815-728- )176. 12-ltfc &ELP ME HELP You ©Plan Your Financial future. If You Don't, .tWho Will. Patrick J. Yetizia, Financial "Planner since 1968. 815- 728-0404. ^ 12-ltfc PROFESSIONAL ^Vindow Cleaning. .^Reasonable. Ken 815- Jl55-5536. 12-ltfc UMP STARTS! Save his Ad! You may need t this winter. 24 hour rvice. 815-455-5536. 12- ltfc i G A R A G E D O O R ! SALES, Service k " Elepair. Electric Door i Openers. All Work J Guaranteed. 815-385- ' 1010. 12-ltfc GREAT ENTERTAINMENT! A REAL BARGAIN!" I NORMAN ROttf* 4« , WGN • WFMT WT BOB REGA; Clown. Magician,^ Balloon Artist & More. Shows for Kids & Adults Any Occasion Special Birthday & Xmas Rates 815-344-1384 SEWING MACHINE Repair, Domestic and Industrial, In Home Service. We carry parts and supplies for all sewing machines. Keener k Son, Wonder Lake. 815-728-0672 12- ltfc S C H U E R R W A Y Builders. All phases of Carpentry, Electric, Plumbing, Heating, Tiling. No job too small. Free advice, no obligation. 815-385-4806 12-ltfc DAVE'S ROOFING. We specialize in shingles. No roof too big. Call day or night. 815-678-4177. 12-ltfc TOM HUBBARD, A w a r d w i n n i n g Magician, is available f o r s c h o o l s , auditoriums, banquets and homes. 312-395-7168 or 312-39^6006. 12-ltfc PAINTING PLUS, all t y p e s , p a i n t i n g , papering, carpentry. Free estimates. In­ sured. Best price around. Bill 815-385- 2843. 12-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 4 0 2 4 G a r y Jensen. 12-ltfc P A I N T I N G , P A T ­ CHING and light r e p a i r s . V e r y reasonable. Ken 815-455- 5536. 12-ltfc wii*;. we are currently lining up C o m m e r c i a l - Residential accounts for winter season. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 12-ltfc A L B R E C H T C o n - struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 12-ltfc BUSINfSr SERVICE •V BIRTHDAY AUTOS REAL ESTATE I •Electrical •family Rooms •Maiiteaace Free Decks ft Perches •Hose Repairs Ne Job Too Small Call Ibny L Viezees Cwstractioe H-l 815-385-2847 yiaiCi OnCff Scultpured Nails Nail Wraps Manicures Nail Painting Mon-Tues-Wed Sam to 4pm Karen Garbacz 312-587-8526 12/8-12/10 12 /8 lows SI 0,000 I Up STOP A FORECLOSURE Poy off Bills Remodel Your Home Credit problems our speciality Fixed Rotes Starting at 13%% 312-094-1270 MATHISOM SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repairs. Backhoe Work. Questions about your, septic systems? Give us a call. Light Hauling, Driveway gravel, top soil, sand and fill. 815-344-398 ̂ McHENR WELDING SERVICE All Types Welding- SPECIALIZING IN *I«U Pnp tapirs *C«st» Traitor HHcte 2912W. Rte. 120, McHenry 815-385-4929 COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE SNOW PLOWINC (815)385-6733 Wood Decks iSiding S. 3Cake Construction Quality Custom Built Homes Remodeling Experts Will design and draw plans for your new home or remodeling heeds Free Estimates Coll R o o f i n g J o h n B l a k « 385-5593 after 5 P.M. Concrete Patios I? 3 TF? BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE P r o f e s s i o n a l D o g Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 12-ltfc MONEY IS Available! If you are in need of a loan, call 815-728-0404. Patrick James Letizia, Financial Planners since 1968. 12-ltfc SAVE MONEY! Re- insulate your attic with fire retardant cellulose insulation. 5.1 inches only $.28 cents per foot, installed. Free con­ sultation. 815-455-6474. 12-8-12-lOc INTERIOR PAINTING, Decorating, carpentry, c l e a n u p , h a u l i n g . Lowest prices, free estimates. Call David 815-385-1388, Bob 815- 385-0375. 12-8-12-lOc HOME IM­ PROVEMENT Specialist, complete contracting services, from additions to wall p a p e r i n g . P r o m p t ! Reliable! Reasonable! 815-385-9386. 12-ltfc LOST The McHenry County Fair Association ANNUAL MEETING Will be held Tuesday, Dec. 14 8:00 P.M. Building D • Fairgrounds Woodstock, IL HOME CARE FOR Elderly or Handicapped 4 HOURS to 24 HOURS 7 DAYS A WEEK Meal Preparation Shopping Light Housekeeping Laundry Personal Care ALSO AVAILABLE: Nursing Care Registered Nurses Licensed Practical Nurses Home Care Assistants **** 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICES 815-568-5488 TRULY CARING SERVICES, INC. Rm. 206k 100 W. Washington St. Marengd/lll. Licensed & Bonded Employment Age'iic» lt/5-1/28 Child Care UNLICENSED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4 or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of Illinois. It is also illegal to adver­ tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well- being of the child. For information and Licen­ sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN I FAMILY SERVICES LokeVillo Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave. Lake Villa III. 60046 3'2 356-1011 HAPPY 16th JEFF 'Mn m HAPPY SWEET 16th MICHELLE LOVE, MOM & DAD HAPPY BIRTHDAY NEVER OLDER JUST BETTER L O S T ! W A L L E T , December 4th, vicinity McHenry theatre. 815- 385-6144. 12-10 LOST! BLACK Male Poodle, Woodlawn Park area. Reward. 815-385- 8222. 12-10 NtTKt B i i s f ^ N i * Presents, Betty Miller and Sara Pufpaff, Saturday December 11, all day art show 9:30 til 5pm. 1219 N. Green St., McHenry. 12-8-12-lOc LOVE, HE!!! HAPPY 21st BONNIE AND DONNIE 1 UM2/I li HAPPY 50th LOVE, YOUR FAMILY NAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE Love, Your Kids HAPPY "BIG 40" BIRTHDAY D.J. •JOE, MIKE| JOE AND MUZI 12 10 IKTH COLUMN LOVE, KERRY CARD OF THANKS YOUR KIND EX­ PRESSIONS of sym­ pathy are gratefully a c k n o w l e d g e d a n d deeply appreciated by the family of the late Hilary Rodenkirch. We realize, now, more than ever, just how much our friends mean to us. Thank you again. 12-10 NOTICE KANE COUNTY GUN SHOW SUNDAY DECEMBER 12 * ©p«n •:00flm-3:30pm Fireorms of all kinds, an­ tiques and modern, war souvenirs and related items. Kan* County Fair Ground ««#. 31 mmi Randall Road St. Charles, II. 12 8 12 10 12 8G GIVE AWAY: Small Mixed breed puppies for Christmas. Santa sent them early for stocking stuffers. 815-344-0893. 12-10 PETS m SALT" "SCHNAUZERS, M i n i a t u r e , A . K . C . , registered. Ready for Christmas! 815-344-3447. 12-8-12-lOc SIAMESE KITTENS For sale for Christmas, 815-344-0951. 12-10-12-15C COCKATEIL, Tame, one year old, best, offer, 815-344-4083. 12-10 AVAILABLE NOW For Christmas, Champion line, A.K.C., Doberman p u p s . E x c e l l e n t disposition, dew-claws, tails and puppy shots. From $175.00. After 3pm., 7 days, 5207 Lear, east side Wonder Lake, 815-728-0962. 12-8-12-lOc AVAILABLE NOW for Christmas! Champion line, A.K.C., Doberman p u p s . E x c e l l e n t disposition, dew-claws, pales and puppy shots. From $175.00. After 3pm, 7 days, 5207 Lear, east side Wonder Lake. 815-728-0962. 12-8-12-lOc GERMAN SHORTHAIR Pointers, A.K.C., 2 months old, parents field champions, $150.00 each. 312-395-6841. 12-3- 12-10c FLUFFY LHASA APSO Puppies. All shots and wormed. A.K.C. Walnut Hinge Kennel. 815-385- 1757. 12-8tfc IRISH SETTER, 4 years old, A.K.C.. good with children, $50.00. Call 815-385-6223. If no an­ swer leave message. 12- 8-12-lOc 1975 DODGE COLT,^ $400.00 or best offer, call after 6pm. 815-385-6819. 12-10 1973 LINCOLN MARK IV, low miles, excellent condition, $2,200 or best offer, evenings Larry, 815-385-8252. 12-10-12-17C 1978 CHEVY 1 Ton Dump, 7^2 ft. Western plow, 28 ft. Knack tool boxes, 32,000 original miles, excellent con­ dition, $6,200. 312-639- 3487. 12-10-J2-17C 1974 MONTE CARLO, 16,000 miles, sharp. Call after 5pm, 815-728-1656. 12-10-12-15 1972 LINCOLN MARK IV, copper with white interior, runs excellent, some rust, am-fm stereo, $1,100 or best. 815-385-1452. 12-10-12-17C 1979 PONTIAC Grand AM, fully loaded, 40,000 miles, excellent con­ dition, $4,500. 815-385- 3152. 12-10 1979 CHEVY LUV, 4x4, am-fm cassette, CB, $4,500.815-344-3170. 12- 10-12-17C PLEASE DON'T SLIDE Through winter without auto insurance! Call us for quote. Special rates for over 55 drivers. Budget terms. Sun- d e r l a g e I n s u r a n c e Agency, 815-338-3328. - 12-8-12-lOc 1 9 7 9 C A D I L L A C SEVILLE, well cared for, excellent condition, many extras including 2 extra tires and whew, best offer, 815-344-2443. 12-8-12-lOc 1970 DODGE POLARA In running condition, best offer. Also 3 tires. Call after 3pm. 815-385- 5428. 12-8-12-lOc 1978 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, 4 door, excellent condition $5,800. 815-344- 5903. 12-8-12-lOc 1980 CHEVY VAN, one ton, power steering, p o w e r b r a k e s , automatic, air, heavy duty equipment, $5,100. 815-385-9038. 12-8-l2-10c 1971 TWO DOOR V.W. wagon, $600.00. Call 815- 385-1401. 12-1-12-12C 1979 MUSTANG GHIA, Black, 6 cylinder, automatic, p.s., p.b., air condition, AM-FM stereo, electric rear defogger. 1 owner family car, garage kept, excellent condition, 45,000 miles, $3,995. Call after 5pm. 815-344-5358. 12-8-12-lOc MUST SELL, 1979 tenth anniversary Trans Am, 403, all options, AM-FM cassette, low milage, must see. $6,600., 815- 385-6270. 12-8-12-lOc 1968 DODGE Dump truck, good working condition, $1,200., 1970 Chevy pickup, runs good, $600. After 6pm. weekdays 815-344-4564. 12-8-12-lOc 1978 FORD MUSTANG II, 2 door, auto, tran­ s m i s s i o n , p o w e r steering, power brakes, air conditioning, 4 c y l i n d e r , e x c e l l e n t condition $2,995. or best offer. 815-344-1151. 12-8- 12-10c MUST SELL 1982 Chevy Chevette $5,500. or take over payments. 815-653- 9490. ,Jl2-8-12-10c 1976 CAPRI V-6, 4 speed stick, new brakes, Macpherson shocks, rust proofed. 815-653- 9255. 12-3-12-lOc HORSES 18 MONTH AP- PALOOSA Gelding, youth prospect. $500.00 or best offer. 815-338- 7343. 12-8-12-lOc 1976 CAMARO, p.s., p.b., 6 cylinder, looks and runs great. $2,500 or best. Weekdays call after 5:30 pm, 815-653- 9627. 12-3-12-10C ONE OF A KIND! 1978 Grand Prix, SJ, loaded including power sun roof, cruise control, $5,000 or best offer. 815- 385-4640 ask for Jay. 12- 3-12-lOc 1 9 7 ; V E G A Mechanically in good r u n n i n g c o n d i t i o n . Needs rear stabilizer bar, must be towed. $175.00 or best offer. Cash only. 312-587-4728 12-8-12-lOc WE BUY CARS and TRUCKS in any condition 815-338-0270 Free Towing SNOWMOBILE, •Hoi )LARB' Charger- 400, good belt and track, with ice cleats, ex­ cellent runner, heads worked and carb's rebuilt, $300. firm, after 5pm Monday through Friday, Saturday 9-11, 815-344-2422. 12-8-12-lOc $55,000 LIABILITY Insurance for only $25.00. Call for your insurance needs. Fit­ z g e r a l d I n s u r a n c e Agency, 4721 W. Elm St., McHenry, II. 815- 385-8700. 12-10 MOTORCYCLES SUZUKI RM 80, with helmet. Call 815-385- 1132. 12-8-12-10c SITUATION WANTED MOVING SALE Sofa, bedroom furniture, king size bed, Hide-a- bed, white dinette set, tables, chairs, lamps, tires, tools, much misc. Friday-Soturday- Sunday Dec. 10-11-12 10 to 5 4505 Riverdale Dr. Pistakee Terrace, McHanry ,2 8.12 )0 , ' ? 8 HELP WANTED JOBS, FAST Growing company has im­ mediate openings. Can earn part time $7.00 per hour, full time $360.00 p e r w e e k . S t u d e n t s welcome. Mr. Drager, 312-449-1920. 12-ltfc OWNER ANXIOUS to sell 3 bedroom raised ranch. Dining room, large family room, deck, room for bedroom andbath in lower level. E x c e l l e n t f i n a n c i n g : rewrite; FHA; assume; contract. $50's. Call 815- 344-3288. 12-3-12-lOc B Y . O W N E R , C O N ­ D O M I N I U M I n McHenry's Whispering Oaks. 2 bedroom, i»£ baths, garage, extras. Asking $51,900. 815-385- 9040 or 815-385-0039. 12- 10-12-17C OPEN HOUSE DEC. 12* 1-4 PM 2007 W. Grandview Sunnyside Village Near Johnsburg 3000 sq. ft., 4 bedroom Hillside Ranch on '/j acre corner lot. Reduced to $79,900 for quick sale. Magnificent view. ^ Call Owner-Agent I1S-344-1U7 or 3I2-72S-7M7 DIRECTIONS: Rte. 31 N. to Johnsburg Road, East to Hilltop (by big barn) left to Grandview, left on Grondview to Florence. ' HELP (DANTE0 SNOWMOBILES 1979 KAWASAKI 440 Invader, liquid cooled, 360 miles, like new condition, with cover, $1,700. 815-344-2160 days, after 5pm. 815-344-1976. 12-8-12-lOc 1979 ARTIC CAT JAG 3000, low miles, runs great $850. or offer. 85- 385-5243. 12-8-12-lOc FULL TIME Delivery man. Contact Spengle Meat Packing. 815-385- 8300. 12-10 M A T U R E I N ­ DIVIDUAL To care for 19 month old and infant in my Johnsburg area home. Tuesday, Wed­ nesday and Friday from 8 to 5pm. Must love c h i l d r e n , h a v e references and own transportation. After 6pm. or weekends. 815- 385-2359 or 31*>-587-7825. 12-8-12-lOc BARTENDER, EX­ PERIENCED Female preferred, excellent pay and benefits, send resume to Box DE 2, Plaindeeilfer. 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry,II. 60050. 12-8-12-lOc W O M A N F O R C L E A N I N G A p ­ pliances. Call Marion for interview. Wahl Used Appliance Center. 815-385-1872. 12-8-12-lOc LADY TO Stay with elderly woman to do cooking and light house work. By day or live in. Call 815-459-6417 or 815 385-4714. 12-8-12-lOc INDIVIDUAL to come t o m y h o u s e t w o evenings a week to watch two toddlers. Own transportation. Over 18 years and love children. 815-385-6729. 12-8-12-lOc WANTED: FULL TIME Lighting ghowroom sales person, 54 day week, some decorating experience helpful, e x c e l l e n t b e n e f i t s , salary plus com­ missions. Cal|. for a{h pointment, ~Judy^ flip 459-6500. ' i2-3-12-l<*i AV( )11 NEED EXTRA MONEY! SELL AVON Set your own hours. $20.00 investment, over 18 call Nancy McClure 815-385-6105 HELP WANTED < Young men and girls who have eager, aggressive and outgoing personalities. Must be 21 or over.^For demo pur­ poses, misc. sales, Fridays and Saturdays 815-344-5713 815-344-5027 12 8-12 10 HOUSECLEANING BY Chris, available every day, 7 years experience, good references. 815- 385-4385. 12-8-12-lOc T E N D E R L O V I N G Care in my Fox Ridge home for working mothers. Call 815-344- 3806. 12-8-12:10c MATURE LADY will chauffeur and assist you for Doctor ap­ pointments, shopping, all your needs, hourly or weekly basis, your car or mine. Call 815-385- 5784. • 12-8-12-lOc OARAGE SALE SECRETARY FOR CHAMBER OFFICE Good Bookkeeping Skills Receptionist' Qualities Are Essential Send resume to: McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce 1257 N. Green St. McHenry, 11.60050 SUBSTITUTE NEEDED Elementary Grades K-8 Call Harrison School Wonder Lake 815-653-2311 for application 1 2 8 - 1 2 1 0 NEED THREE LADIES for Sarah Coventry Fashion Show directors. Will train. Can earn $15.00 an hour or more. Call for interview Mrs. Meyer 815-344-4618 12 10-IP 15 HELP YOURSELF! Due to all our innovative programs offered through Electronic Realty Associates, we have openings for experienced salespeople who want to make more money. ERA-RDG REALTY OFFERS YOU: *A growing Company, growing through the em­ phasis on "The Salesperson" 'Professional Sales Training practice proven by over 1,000 Sales Associates across the U.S. *A National Referral Program that benefits both buyers and sellers. *An exclusive Home Protection Plan which in­ creases the saleabllity of any home. 'Billboard, newspaper, magazine, radio and TV advertising. 'Sellers Security Plan -- 'Partnership Mortgage Program 'National Multiple Listing Service 'Liberal Commission Plan If you are in Real Estate now and are looking for advancement, or if you are ready to start your Real Estate Career, please coll Alan Moll for a confiden­ tial interview ERA-RK REALTY 4507 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050 815-385-9394

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