Jail Rehabilitation Parks & Recreation by Kprt Begalka .lack Allman served 17 years at Menard. Stateville and Pontiac prisons before being released last year. -He went to Rockford to try to find work. No dice. The days held no promise. It was a challenge just to survive. Then Allman became involved in McHenry County College's jail rehabilitation program, run in cooperation with the county jail. He met with its director, psychologist Robert Meyer. Ultimately, he met with success. Allman voiced his support of the program at a recent fund raiser held at 'he college. Over lunch, county businessmen and clergy were in troduced to the jail rehabilitation program and future plans for growth. "You got the feeling that someone really cared," Allman said of the rehabilitation effort. "They gave you an opportunity, and what you wanted to do was up to you." Allman took advantage of the program and now works as a volun teer program coordinator. "I'm proud 'o be a part of McHenry County College and part of Dr. Meyer's program," he said. In addition to Allman, Meyer has a secretary, part-time job developer and part-time teacher on his staff. He would like to expand operations to fill the growing need. At the rehabilitation program's inception in 1967, the county jail housed an average of 30 offenders daily. The average today is 55. Meyer would like to add another full-time counselor and expand job development into a full-time position. He also would like to expand Allman's public relations role into a regular staff position. Recruiting commufiity support is a large job, buf they succeeded in raising about $2,000 in pledges from the luncheon alone. Despite financial support from the McHenry County Mental Health (708) Board, Comprehensive Employment Training Act and the Illinois Department of Corrections, Meyer said community support was necessary to realize his goals. He said a budget of $77,000 would be necessary to make the changes he wants, up from about $55,000 last year. He believes it is money that more than pays for itself. "I represent an excess of a $300,000 expense to all of you," Allman told those gathered. It costs the taxpayer about $16,000 a year to keep an inmate in prison. "What is the cost of not supporting a program like this," he asked. Meyer tries to screen all inmates within 72 hours after they arrive at the county jail. Those with questionable attitudes and motives will be referred for further psychological testing, with •he state's attorney and sheriff's policte notified as well. All those approved for the job program are checked to make sure 'hey pose no threat to themselves, 'heir employers or 'he public. Counseling and Vocational planning also are provided. "It helps them get more direction," Meyer said Em phasis is placed on keeping first-time offenders productive instead of on welfare roles. The program's success' speaks-for itself. Larry Moeller, a state parole officer from Rockford, said 70 percent of all parolees are employed in McHenry County, compared to 70 percent unemployed in Winnebago County. He noted 45 people are on parole in McHenry County now. Parole usually lasts a year or two. Moeller said about 30 percent of all offenders wind up back in jail, but steady work ' outside prison strengthens the odds against further crimes. "A parole agent has no way in the world of getting around to see all you employers," Moeller told those gathered. "The greatest resource I have is the job rehabilitation program. It benefits the whole community." < He added that ex-offenders actually might make better employees. "You don't have to worry about them calling in sick," he said "Just call me up and I'll bring him to work." But Meyer says absenteeism isn't a big problem. Most of the estimated 90 people his office processes each year want to work. Even with' tight economic conditions, 30 were suc cessfully placed in jobs last year. He defines success as a minimum of 30 days' employment. Meyer's office 'hen follows up on the placement, making sure the ex-offender makes a smooth transition into society. Most of the program participants start out in blue-collar or clerical positions, but education is available. Participants can work toward their general education degree through classes held four days a week at the jail. In addition, they can obtain a school release to attend classes at MCC. "Eighty percent of the people in county jail lack diplomas," Meyer said. There is no other program of its kind in the state, but that doesn't mean the jail rehabilitation effort is self-perpetuating. "The key thread to its success is competitive employment," Meyer said. "What it comes down 'to in the end is community support." The McHenry County college theatre department will present Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" at 8 p.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, Dec. 9, 10 and 11. The production will be held in the black box theatre in the Applied Science building on the MCC campus. "A Christmas Memory" is an early short story of Capote that recounts on an adult's (Capote) remembrance of a very special childhood friend. The short story has been adapted for a Reader's Theatre presentation by Robert Riner, theatre instructor at MCC. Riner will also direct "A Christmas Memory". Featured in the cast is Greg Boyd, McHenry. There will be no admission charge for this production. It is requested that those attending "A Christmas Memory" bring a contribution of non- perishable food or a toy. All con- BLACKOUT BACKUP WHEN THE POWER GOES OUT. KERO-SUN' PORTABLE HEATERS WILL KEEP YOU WARM. * • The Moonlighter provides light heat and cooking capabilities. • 99.9% fue'i efficient • Cost Just pennies per hour to operate • safety f*«sted and listed by unf/erwrlters Laboratories •FREE CLEANING KIT * $14.95 VALUE FREE 5 CALLOUS OF KMSOINE I KERO-CAN WITH PORCNASE SAVE $20 "«oSu0On FOR TOP PERFORMANCE INSIST ON GENUINE ULTRA K™ PREMIUM KEROSENE EUEl "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Geo. P. Freund, Inc 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHenry, III. 385-0420 Sewing for Teens Registration is now being taken for I he Teens Sewing class sponsored, by the City of McHenry Department of Parks & Recreation. Students will learn how to operate a sewing machine and will complete one simple project chosen from a list of patterns available^ the first class. This class will be held at Parkland Junior high school starting Monday, Jan. 10. and running for six weeks. Paula Ekstrom will be teaching this sewing class from 4:30 to fj. Adult Jazzercise Classes ( For a great workout and fun at the same time, an adult jazzercise class starts in January. The instructor's years of ballet training has aided her in the study of exercise for our bodies. The City of McHenry Department of Parks & Recreation is now taking registration for this Adult Jazzercise. There are two different class times - Monday nights 7 to 8 and Wednesday nights, 8 to 9. Both of these will begin the week of Jan. 17 and run for 10 weeks. Parkland Junior high will be where the classes will take place. For further information, call the Department of Parks & Recreation at 344-3300. I'A<;K 17 - I'l.AINDK Rose Zemeckis Elite Winner Rose Zemeckis, of McHenry. has been named Kelly Services' monthly Kelly Elite winner by Ton J. Zahn, regional manager. Ms. Zemeckis. a retiree from Gearmaster, works out of Kelly's Libertyville office. 611 S. Milwaukee, where her supervisor. Mary Eve Gemmeil, nominated her for the Elite honor. A temporary employee for six months, shp works for Kpttv's AI.KR - FRIDAY, DKCKMKKK 10. I!»« Marketing division demonstrating products and distributing coupons^* V. * "Rose is the kind of person everyone likes," says Gemmeil. "Sp« is cheerful and extraverted which)*is very important for our marketi&g assignments,"' Ms. Gemmeil states. i Ai Ms. Zemeckis was chosen for livirjg up to high standards of performance. They include adaptability to each n<W situation, a cheerful attitude, a natural ability to do well in giv^n circumstances, a vajJability, professionalism and loyalty to assignments. rent soft\ PER MO. • NO installation charge • NEW fully automatic softeners • TWO year option to buy with • FULL rental fee deducted • ONE phone call can answer any questions 312-259-3393 FOX VAUEY DIVISION * 1982 SAME DAY SERVICE AT LAKES AUTO RADIATOR FREE TOWING SERVICE (15 Miles) One Of The Largest Radiator Inventories In Lake County •Repairing •Recorinq •Flushing Hooter & Rodiotor Eichwge-Air Conditioning Sorvice Gas Tanks Repaired-Rewse Flushing- Water Pumps ASK ABOUT OUR WRITTEN CONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Over 17 Years' Experience-Senior Citizens Discount 5 Miles from McHenry (312) 587-7799 514 Rollins Road, Ingleside Across from Ingleside Train Station "Take Your Leaks To Lakes" COMPLETE AUTO RADIATOR SERVICE MCC Theatre Presents "A Christmas Memory" tributed items will c»e distributed by the Crystal L Ake Ministerial association and, hopefully, will help brighten the Christmas season for some county residents with special needs. In addition to "A Christmas Memory", a s'norter Christmas piece will be perforuied. "Christmas Every Day" by William Dean Howells. The entire program will run a little over an hour and audience seating will be limited '«> 90 for each performance. A HAPPY "NOEL" GREETING Add 2, special "Noel" decoration to your of f ice or home by cutting out the letters N-O-E-L from styrofoam blocks. Now punch holes in the letters and insert sprigs of holly into the holos.. Hang the letters on a door or mavitel for a happy Christmas greeting. THE COMPLETE FLOOR COVERING CENTER gs titiMM Carpets Floor f,'o» t*rint*s Est. IftZO presents a YEAR-END CLEARANCE OF QUALITY FLOOR COVERINGS FROM LEES, BIGELOW, XltLifug MILLIKEN, CABIN CRAFTS, EVANS BLACK, and MORE! : / rt X ' We're literally packed with thrifty values for you who want to comfortize and beautify your homes for the coming holiday season. This is the kind of carpeting you see advertised for far more! But we're offering it to you this week for far less because we're having our year-end inventory clearance sale this weekend! SAVINGS OF 30% to 40% on December 9,10,11 and 12 Here are 10 outstanding reasons for you to buy your floor covering this weekend and have it installed by the Holiday and have 90 days to pay for your purchase.* Yes, you'll save 30% to 40% because this is our year-end clearance sale of our entire inventory - Just look at these 10 outstanding values • Hurry they won't last long! 1 2' x 67'3" Evans Black Fox Hollow Misty Sand - 100% DuPont Antron III featuring warm earthtone colors and berber textures specially treated with Teflon carpet protector makes this one of the best carpets you could buy for durability for any room in your home. Reg cut order price $19 80 sa vd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $13.95 sq.yd. 1 2 x1213" Evans Black Fox Hollow Misty Sand, featuring warm earth- tone colors and berber textures specially treated with teflon carpet pro tector makes this one of the best carpets you could buy for durability for any room in your home. Reg. cut order price $19.80 sq.yd. Pre-Holiday Sale Price $13.95 sq.yd. 12' x 83'9" Evans Black Celebration II Parchment Beige 100% Anso Nylon, a dense saxony plush is a velvety soft highly resilient carpeting you'll enjoy in your living room and dining room. Regular cut order price $1 8.20 sq.yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $12.67 sq.yd. 12 x 74'9" Milliken - Casalon Sable, subtle whispers of color highlight this beautiful saxony carpet. This carpet features DuPont Antron III nylon which mak&s this carpeting an elegant choice for your contemporary life. Reg. cut order price$1 8.95 sq.yd Pre-Holiday Sale Priced $11;47 sq.yd. 12 x 27'2" Milliken Casalon Wedgewood subtle whispers of color highlight this beautiful saxony carpet. This carpet features DuPont An tron III nylon which makes this carepting an elegant choice. Reg. cut order price $1 8 .95 sq.yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $11.47 sq.yd. 1 2 x 85'6" Lees Designers Touch Italian Maibba - 1 00% Antron nylon subtly toned marbleized plush saxony make this luxurious carpeting. A carpeting that will never lose its highly stylized look - Perfect for the heaviest traffic areas in your home. Reg cut order price $24.95 sq yd. Pre-Holiday Sale Price $16.23 sq.yd. 12x81 7 " Lees Renoir Almond Ice is a texture plush that is visually ex citing in blended multi-color variations which enables you to use it anywhere in our home and still provide you with superior performance Reg cut order price $24 95 sq yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $16.23 sq.yd. 12 x 98'3" Lees Hallandale Misty Mauve this distinctive saxony plush will show elegant patterns of shading, a hallmark of a fine plush texture -a Real Bargain for your home Reg. cut order price $13 95 sq yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $8.73 sq.yd. 12 'X 51 8" Bigelow Carpeting Vibrancy Firefly multi-color styling for easy living, excellent masking of traffic patterns and luxurious good looks - will enhance the casual elegance of your-.home Reg cut order price S1 0 95 sq.yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $6.75 sq.yd. 1 2 x 28'5" Bigelow Carpeting Varsity-an Ultron nylon featuring a full 5 year warranty rated for heavy traffic This exquisite pencil point saxony plush is a terrific value Reg. cut order price $15 95 sq yd Pre-Holiday Sale Price $11.03 sq.yd. •rt i i A. Can you think of a better present than giving these beautiful, long lasting quality broadloom carpets for your family holiday present? One you would be prouder to give? Then don't put it off another minute, come in this weekend and Save on Carpeting, Padding and Installation! 117 K. N\\ H\\>. - Burrington, II 312-381-7507 Mon. & I hurs. KM) lues.,Wed..Hi..Sal. 10-5; Sun. 12-5 *90 Days-Same-As-Cash-Plan for qual i f ied I l l inois buyers. Minimum purchase: S3S0.00. 200 Washington - Woodstock, II XI5-338-1000 \1on.. I hurs., I ri. 10-') I lies.. NNi'd.. 'sill. 10-5: Sun. 12-5 663 \ iiia SI. - Llgin, II. 312-697-26(H) Moii. & I hurs. KM) I ues.,\\cd.,Hi.,Sat. 10-5; Sun. 12-5*3