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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Dec 1982, p. 18

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PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10.1982 Scouts Enjoy Hayride t Pai Einweck gives lasi call before ihe hayride departs from Knox park with Cub Seoul Pack 162 members. BLOW WINTER AWAY AND SAVE! Buy And Save Now* On A C'tmm Tractor- $100 Rebate Itactor wHh Snowblower or Blade-$150 Rebate SAVE NOW! t •LIMITED OFFER ENDS DECEMBER 31,1982 "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUILT" Geo. P. Freund, Inc. 4102 W. CRYSTAL LAKE RD., McHENRY, ILL. K 315-0420 g Pat Einweck, who is chairperson of special activities for Cub Scout Pack 162, planned a hayride for the month of November. While the boys awaited the arrival of the tractor-driven wagon covered with hay, they were led in song by Mrs. Einweck. As Scouts and several of the leaders boarded the wagon, excitement mounted as they anticipated their travels through the countryside. Upon returning to Knox park 45 minutes later, everyone enjoyed hot chocolate, cupcakes, cookies and popcorn. New Members Join Church * . iv J ' New members were greeted by the congregation at a recent worship service at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry. The new members were introduced to the congregation at a special point in the worship service and received a certificate of church membership frc a Pastor Roger Schneider. All of the new members stood in a receiving line at the door of the church to be greeted by the members of the parish. In the near future, the new members will be guests of honor at a new member reception to be spon­ sored by the Evangelism committee in the fellowship hall of the church. New members received were Dale, Nora, and Rachel Brown; Nipkie and John Crawford; Charles, Patricia, John, Robert, and Jason Cashin; Frank, Shirley, Terri, and Kenneth Lamerand; Lynne, Michael, and William McKiernan; Marie, Brian, and Peter Ritter; Jeffrey, Patricia, and Jessi Lynn Scholotterer; Curtis, Debra, and Jasmine Schmidt; Scott, Laura, and Judson Smiricky; John, Trudy, Tracy, and Jacqueline Soos; Donna Wood, Sharon Mass, and James, Gloria, Lindsay, and Melani Oliver. Johnsburg Honor Society Induction Johnsburg higli scho A held its fifth annual National Honor society induction re cently. At this time the four newly elecied officers gavt> talks on the various qualities a National Honor soch- ty member should possess. Lori Nichols, secretary, sprite on scholarship, Terri Olenick, vice-president, on service, Lisa Boyer, treasurer, on character, and Paul Metzger, president, spoke on leadership. Following their talks, guest speaker, Roger Kriewaldt, assistant prin cipal, spoke about reflection on pasi experiences and growth that has taken place in their lives and the school. He aAso talked to members about pride in themselves, their lfamilies and their school and the obligation they have as school leaders to explore the endless possibilities for them after school.' From left to right above are newly inducted members: first row, Kathey Wester, Laura Carlson, M. J. Anderson, Diane Heard, Jane Pecucci, Patty Ullrich and Terri Olenick; second row, Lori Nichols, Sherri Bruce, Kathy Moe, Gina Rittorno, Ruth Pflug, Paula Wroblewski, Carol Schmidt and Lisa Boyer; third row, Paul Metzger, Linda Davidson, Debbie Swinford, Cheryl Burkhardt, Laura Schratt, Scott Tvaroh, Ken Schoenig and Rich Michels. fourth row, Michelle Swartzloff, Kathy Butler, Steve Kalsch, Jim Leon, John Nett, Larry Zuley and N.H.S. Advisor Dennis Spraetz. Not pictured are members Terri Cluff, Norman Rokosz and Tom Huemann. Jhwfl/aJhue. ^ HARDWARE STORES® ^ HARDWARE GIFTS 12-R MECHANIC ® 30-513K MM654-6C it-Sal. Wet/Dn Vacwm Rugged, professional-quality vacuum for use indoors and out. Variable airflow control on extension wand. MMP800-10 nuur i <HBgP ?GEPQWEJ : MECHANIC ® K110MM •I® Compressor Verfatilejjnit for spraying, caulking, much niCre. Uses 110V.MT4100/MA1000 4-Placa Accessory Pk 22.99 fvV-'V-' C rt e e o C O «5olD MECHANIC ® 1B-ta. 80570 11-Fc. Drop-forged steel wrenches from % to 1-in sizps. Vinyl roll pouch. 171-111A li fe. %-ta. MM IKM Sat Drop-forged, chroma-plated standard set incl. ratchet, handy case. T3811 Winfc Sal 171/66A/6M MECHANIC < cimn 7699 Legal Notfce Public notice is hereby given thai the Village of Holiday H.Uls, M c H e n r y C o u n i y , Illinois, filing dates tor the April 12, 1903 election will be January 24-31, 1983. Special hours have been set for this purpose by the Village Clerk located at 1312 Sunset Drive, Holiday Hills, as follows: Monday - January 24, 1983, 1-3 P.M. ana 6-8 P.M. Tuesday - January 25, 1983 - 1-3 P.M. Wednesday - January, 26. 1983 , 6-8 P.M. Thursday - January 27, 1983, 1-3 P.M. Friday - January 28, 1983, 1-3 P.M. Saturday - January 29, 1983, 10 A.M.-l P.M. Sunday - January 30, 1983, Closed Monday - January 31, 1983, 3-5 P.M. Rosemary Holtz, Village CTerk *3* (Rub. Dec. KXt 15,-1982) No. 820515 Legal Notice PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Filing To the Patrons of the Illinois Bell Telephone Company: The Illinois Bell Telephone Company hereby gives notice to the pubfic that it has filed with the Illinois C o m m e r c e C o m ­ mission, under Advice No. 4342, proposed changes in its schedules of rates, charges and r e g u l a t i o n s f o r telephone service in Illinois furnished under t h e C o m p a n y ' s Telecommunications .Services Tariff, 111. C.C. No. 5. The said changes involve modification to ra te structures, and a general increase in the rat.'JS and charges for intrastate services affec ting virtually all customers. This filing will result in a $ 1 8 4 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l increase in the Com­ p a n y ' s i n t r a s t a t e revenue!'. The modit ication to rate structures and increase in rates ivnd charges involve FART '1 - GENERAL ,deluding: Definitions and Ab- brfviations, - Regulations, Service Charges, Directory Service and Con­ n e c t i o n s ; P A R T 2 - EXCHANGE TELECOMMUN - ICATIONS SERVICE including Telephone Exchange Service, C oin Telephone Service, S w i t c h i n g S y s t e m Services, Station.^, MM40080 7-Pc. Airless Paint Sprayar Includes quart container, filter, 2 spray tips with extension, viscosity test cup, mahual and more. 3050 Ski Doo Snowmobiles 7%-In. Circular Saw 2-HP motor cuts 2% in. at 90 , 1'/. in. at 45V With Vari- Torque clutch, more. 675S jji'iikigitArj Imperial* NEW AND HirsH |799] 27®° Lack-Back Knifa Great gift for campers, hunters, and fishers. Hardwood handle. 4'/, »n. when closed. 4815 23? Router/Sabre Saw labia Converts router or saw into sta­ tionary power tool. Assembles. 18Wx11Hx13D inches. TRST2 Master MECHANIC 10 3-Saooi Mil Proas Heavy-duty Vi-HP press for hobbyists and professionals. 4-in. depth. Vi-in. cap. SP30 B) 10-ki. Boocfc labia Saw Features 1 Vi-HP high-torque motor, 17x26V»-in. cast alum, table, miter gauge. 8TS-10 C) 1/3-HP Bancb Grinder 5-in. cast-iron grinder is equip­ ped with safety eye shields and handy tool rest. 33-5 D) Haavy-Duty Bancb Visa Professional-type workbench vise has 4Vi-in. jaws and a swivel base. 44 lbs. HDV4 MITM I AUTO***16 tO tJ UL w*\ SALE-SERVICE-PARIS AN0 CLOTHINO DAILY 9-5 CLOSED MONDAY TRI MARINE 4019 E. Lake Shore Dr. lESS IB-Amp Automatic Battary Charger Charges 6 or 12-volt batteries at a 10-ampere rate. Ideal for both home and farm. CR612 Wonder Lake, IL (815)653-3000 \8ki-doo •TKAOfMAm or tOMIAaOM MC 49s" Work Bancb with Visa Movable vise holds even irregular shapes up to 27 in wide. Bench top tilts and adjusts to 5 positions. Folds easily to store anywhere. MM1000 MECHANIC ® 2541 Pswer Tape Toggle lock holds 1 -in. W. blade at desired length. With belt clipK MM425 2-Pc. | Vlse-6rlp * Taal Sat 6-in. long nose and 7-in. curved jaw pliers with wire cutters 213H Variable Stroke Enpravar Use to mark valuables. ( Tough tungcten carbide tip for long life. 21C TOOL VALUE OF THE MONTH AT PARTICIPATING STORES ONLY--NO RAIN CHECKS ON THIS ITEM--QUANTITIES LIMITED ScrewBall 0-ln-l Ratchet Screwdriver Portable Battery Tester Provides accurate read­ ings instantly. For stan­ dard batteries. 49664 Get the use of 6 screwdrivers in 1 neat tool! Built-in ratchet operates forward, reverse or locked. 3 com­ bination bits have 6 different tips. Oversized handle delivers amazing turning power. SB401 "well OOOO FOH ONE WCCK ONLY. Pricmt may v»ry and ar« aubjact to changa (Without notica Spaca may pfavanl aoma storaa from faaturing all itama. You'll find thaaa valuaa and mw» at participating Trua Valua Hardwara Storaa and Homa Cantara Soma Marchandiaa may not ba immadiataiy available on damand. Howavar. moat itama can ba ordarad by tha mambar atora from a ragional warehouse A participating Trua Valua mambar will ba plaaaad to prowl, a ~HAM CHECK" guarantaaing tha tale price of any itam lamparafUy unavaMabte. SEE YOUR YELLOW PAGES FOR THE PARTICIPATING TRUE VALUE DEALER NEAREST YOU American Legion Post 491 RINGWOOD ROAD, McHENRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC OUR KITCHEN IS UNDF.R NEW MANAGEMENT ! TRY OUR NEW FRIDAY FISH FRY BEER BATTER Perch or Haddock $3.00 Baked Haddock $3.00 Stuffed Flounder .$3.50 Shrimp (6) $4.25 Shrimp in a Basket (21) $4.00 Seafood Platter $4.95 Chicken $3.50 Hamburger $2.50* Butt Steak $4.95 All above orders served wifh home-cut fries or baked potato, cole slaw, bread and butter. 'Cheese Additional $.10 Childs portion available. OUR NEW CHEF IS TONY HALL FOR RENT Perfect for Banquets Weddings, Parties & More T e l e p h o n e s A u x i l i a r y Miscellaneous E q u i p m e n t a n d a n d a n d Arrangements; PART 3 - STATION SERVICE i n c l u d i n g : K e y a n d B u t t o n T e l e p h o n e S e r v i c e , P r i v a t e B r a n c h E x c h a n g e S e r v i c e a n d M i s c e l l a n e o u s I n ­ tercommunication Service; PART 4 - L O N G D I S T A N C E TELECOMMUNICATI­ ONS SERVICE in­ cluding: Message Service; PART 6 - TELECOMMUNICAT­ IONS CHANNEL SER­ VICE including: Series 1000 thru and including Series 6000 Channel Service; PART11- DATAPHONE * Select- A-Station Service. This filing includes time and material charging for certain installation and maintenance service. A copy of the proposed changes in schedules may De inspected by an interested party at any business office of this Company in Illinois. All parties interested in this matter may obtain i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h respect thereto either directly from this Company or by ad­ dressing the Chief Clerk of the Illinois Com­ merce Commission, Springfield, Illinois 62706. * Registered Service Mark of A.T. & T. Co. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY By E. C. Shusis, Division Manager (P ub. Dec. 10& 17,1962) No. 820516 Versitlle Sugar Brot vn sugar not only im­ parts it own distinctive fla­ vor to b.xkery products, but it helps t< * keep them moist. COLORFUL CHRISTMAS / ORNAMENTS Buy two or three more colors of 9" by 12" pieces of felt cloth. Cut thin cardboard into teardrop shapes or circles. Spread glue on one side of the cardboard. Cover the glued card­ board with felt fabric. Do the reverse side the same. Now place the ornament between two pieces of clean paper and weight it down for an hour or two. Plan and cut designs of contrasting felt, ribbons, lace, sequins, beads, etc., for each ornament. Place the designs on the felt before gluing to see the effect you want. Attach small gems to your ornaments by holding them with tweezers and gently dipping the section to be attached into the glue. Remove the excess glue with wet cotton swabs. Finish the ornament by gluing a ruffle, a gold braid or other pretty trim around the edges. Punch a hole in the top of the ornament. Insert a piece of yarn or a ribbon into the hole for hanging. These make beautiful gift name tags by writing the name of the receiver on the back of the teardrop. Editor's Quote Book A handful of good life is better than a bushel of learning. George Herbert ®fjt frtafneb IJant Call Now For Custom Stained Glass Gifts In Time For Christmas. (815)344-4724 now emm sum cuss SWHES Bearcat" • CHANNEL POLICE SCANNER LIST $183.00 - - W 1139*5 ~ PRICE INCLUDES t CRYSTALS! IIUMII *•»•»••• LI PROGRAMMABLE WW" ((III ra (< <« d icom h , Wi ve GOT ' A^McMf H*Y OOLO McHENRY, ILL M0S0 815-385-4224

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