PAfiF -> . PLAlMnF A i V.R . FRIDAY. nFPFMBFR 10.1982 J cJ\X o±t[y Social! Reservations For T.H.E.O.S. Christmas Dinner Due Dec. 15 KATHLEEN MITCHELL AND TIMOTHY BENOY j. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. John A. Mitchell, a McHenry businessman, and Mrs. Mitchell, of 840 Country Club road, Crystal Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter Kathleen, to Timothy Benoy, son of 9ir. and Mrs. Raymond Benoy of 810 Sharon drive, Woodstock. The bride-to-be a senior at St. Mary's college, Winona, Minn, and will graduate in May. Her nee is a senior at Bradley university, Peoria, 111. and will also graduate in May. The wedding date has been set for Sept. 24,1983. MR. AND MRS. JEFFERY BIERMAN JlARRIED IN OHIO -- The Church of God in North Ridgeville, Ohio, was the •felting for the Nov. 6 exchange of promises of marriage between the former [-fionna S. Chapman and Jeffery S. Bierman. The bride is the daughter of Mr. >d Mrs. Denzil Chapman of N. Ridgeville, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ji&erman of McHenry are the parents of the bridegroom. The 3 p.m. nuptials •Jjere performed by the Reverend Justice, and a reception followed at the Silos .4} Elyria, Ohio, for 150 guests. On Nov. 20, about 100 friends and relatives •$Uended another reception, held at the VFW hall in McHenry. The bride is <c$nployed as a customer service manager for Zayre Department store in North •jHmsted, Ohio. The groom is a diesel technician for Maslin Transportation, ;<Jeveland, Ohio. The newlyweds reside at 245 Heatherbrook, Elyria, Ohio. Stmt' r~-- Senior Walk-In Center V y Meals are served Monday through jJriday at the McHenry Walk-In ;«Jenter beginning at 11:45 a.m. •jleservations must be made by 1:30 >£m. the day before at 385-8260. '.+Z The menu for the week of Dec. 13 ;2(jirough 17 is as follows: Dec. 13: Ham slice, scalloped corn, nnach, carrot sticks, muffin, ap- plesauce, cookie, milk. Dec. 14: Veal Scallopine, rice, peas, lettuce and spinach salad, bread, orange cake, milk. Dec. 15: Baked chicken with sage dressing, whipped potatoes, cole slaw, assorted breads, canned peaches, milk. Dec. 16: Hot dog, maccaroni and cheese, broccoli, bran muffins, fruit in jello, milk. Dec. 17: Meat balls, mashed potatoes with gravy, tomatoes and green beans, carrot sticks, chocolate pudding, rye bread, milk. 7 Frosty Weather Arrow" Flannels 11 99 This Week' Reg $16 Here! Seven exceptional cotton plaids, each offering solid comfort with a soft, brushed finish Well made with matched center pleat and matched pocket Handsome chill-chasers for leisure -- indoors and outdoors. Sensational for gifts' His in sizes S M-L-XL •-Arrow*- >PEN SUNDAYS 10 to 5 Use our free Layaway ... or Choose and Charge today! McHenry Market Place 385-4100 Hurry...Sale Ends Sunday, Dec. 12th The annual catered Christmas Dinner for the T.H.E.O.S. group, scheduled for Monday, Dec. 20, at 5:30 p.m., in the Fellowship hall of the First United Methodist church was discussed at the November dinner get- together, and those attending made reservations. After dinner, the group will go up to the church parlor for the annual grab bag exchange party. Reservations for the catered dinner can be made by contacting Mrs. Wm. J. (Lyda) Radisch of McHenry by Dec. 15. Anyone wishing to bring non- perishable food items or paper products for FISH can do so, and they will be delivered promptly to the FISH Pantry. Pamphlets were distributed on "The Depression Plan" and Helen COMMUNITY CALENDAR DECEMBER 10 McHenry Hospital Auxiliary Cookie Sale-10 a.m.'->Pink Door-benefit Scholarship Fund. DECEMBER 11 Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive-Pearl St. Park-1 to 3 p.m. Toys for Tots-drop off, Pearl St. Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open 11 a.m.-guests invited. Friendship Club-Potluck Luncheon and meeting, 1 p.m.-Fellowship hall- First United Methodist church- Christmas program-bring Valley-Hi residents' birthday gifts. DECEMBER 12 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-Ham and Meat shoot open 11 a.m.-public invited. Chamber of Commerce Home Decorating Contest-entry forms at Chamber office. Whispering Oaks Woman's Club- Madrigal Dinner and Program, 1 p.m.-West Campus high school. DECEMBER 13 McHenry Senior Citizens club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East cam pus-entertainment. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-last day to register for children's Christmas party. DECEMBER 14 McCullom Lake Conservation club- meeting, 8 p.m.--McCullom Lake Beach House-Orchard Drive. St. Agatha Court 777-National Qatholic Society of Foresters-animal Steak HwSSe-i^eF^atldBS BJTDec. 7 to Mrs. Richard (Katie) Dehn or Mrs. Frank (Laura) $g|pnitt. McHenry Garden club-luncheon, noon-Courthouse Inn, Woodstock- meet at McHenry Roller Rink. DECEMBER 15 Ruth Circle-First United Methodist church-annual Christmas party, noon-home of Bea Nuziard-potluck and $2 grab bag. McHenry Grandmothers club- Christmas Party Luncheon-12:30 p.m.-McHenry Country Club. DECEMBER 16 McHenry Senior Citizens club- Tiffany Treasures-Museum of Science & Industry-McHenry Market Place parking lot, 8 a.m. Xi Kappa Iota Chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-Christmas Party, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Etta McCarthy. CDA Christmas Party meeting- Liberty hall, 7:30 p.m. U.M.W.-general meeting-potluck luncheon-noon-Marcia Mary Ball Circle hostesses-Fellowship hall- Christmas program. Pi Alpha and Xi Kappa Iota chapters-Beta Sigma Phi Christmas party, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Kathie Etten-Pi Alpha hosts. DECEMBER 17 NAIM-Christmas potluck, 6 p.m.- St. Mary's Oak room-grab bag-bring dish to pass and table service. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Rock & Roll party-Larry Johnson, D.J.-no cover-dance contest prizes-7 p.m. to I a.m. DECEMBER 18 8 Santa and Mrs. Claus-at Pearl St. Park -1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot-open II a.m.-guests invited. Schlaeger and Mae Stinespring conducted a discussion which was very interesting and informative. Mrs. Stinespring assigned "homework" on the topic, to be brought to the January meeting. T.H.E.O.S. (To Help Each Other Smiley is a friendly, warm and casual group for widows and widowers, meeting the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. at some local restaurant for dinner together, and then going to the church for an evening of fun and fellowship.^ The programs vary, but are always en tertaining. - Newcomers are most welcome and for further information, one may contact Mrs. Harry P. (Mae) Stinespring, Jr. of Bay View lane, Pistakee or, Mrs. Radisch. Skate, sled and toboggan exchange- Pearl Street Park-1 to 3 p.m. McHenry Mooge Lodge Annual Children's Christmas Party-2 to 4 p.m.-members' children only. DECEMBER 19 Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-Christmas party-1-3 p.m,.« Santa & helpers-legion and auxiliary members' children only. / DECEMBER 20 T.H.E.O.S.--Annual Catered Christmas Dinner Party-Fellowship hall, 5:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-grab bag ex change-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. DECEMBER 26 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meat shoot-open 11 a.m.-public invited. Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169-E. Wonder Lake Rd.-Breakfast- -all you can eat-9 a.m. to 12 p.m. DECEMBER 27 McHenry Senior Citizen's club-no regular meeting-school closed- Christmas holiday. MR. AND MRS. THOMAS SCHMIDT RESIDE IN McHENRY - Newly married Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Schmidt are- making their home in McHenry following their Nov. 13 wedding. The couple! recited their vows before Father Schott during a 2:30 p.m. ceremony performed < in the Church of St. Mary of the Assumption, McHenry. The bride is the former Ann C. Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Sullivan of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Schmidt of Kenosha, Wis. are the parents of the groom. The couple was toasted by 250 friends and relatives at a reception held in the Johnsburg Community club. They will take a delayed honeymoon to Florida in February. The new Mrs. Schmidt graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, and is a store manager for Stay N Touch cards and gifts. A graduate of the same university, majoring in Forestry, her husband is employed by Spring Green as an assistant manager. PWP Schedules Holiday Activities Parents Without Partners' (PWP) Annual Children's Christmas Party for children of PWP members will begin at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17, at the Crystal Bowl in Crystal Lake. En tertainment will be provided by a gifted young magician, who will present his own special magic with the assistance of the children. Refreshments and balloons will be shared with the highlight of the evening being a very special visit from Santa Claus. Parents are asked tourings gifWfor/«HcbTof their children (valued at no more than $3 to *4), wrapped and marked with the child's name for Santa to distribute. The PWP Adult Christmas Party -we FISH FISH volunteers have been working very hard since Thanksgiving, preparing for the Christmas baskets. Judging from the many calls FISH has been receiving, the need this year will be greater than we have ever had to face. Word comes to us of families who will have no Christmas unless someone helps. Also of families without adequate clothing. FISH would like to fill baskets with food for each family. We would like to have Christmas gifts appropriate for each member of the family. We are asking that people donate new toys, new clothing, food, paper products, soap, etc. We have lists of children all ages, from infants through high school. We feel teenagers should not be left out - a wallet, gloves, cologne, etc., would help make Christmas for this age group. We suggest, when you shop for your family, buy a gift for FISH, too. We would appreciate receiving donations as soon as possible, so we can begin the work. Phone 385-0258 for information as to where such gifts can be delivered. They can also be left at St. Patrick church, inside the left side door, between Dec. 13 and 18., The boxes will be packed on the eighteenth and nineteenth, and delivered on the nineteenth. We will need strong high school age will take place Saturday, Dec. 18, at 7 p.m. at Anna's home in Crystal Lake. (R.S.V.P. to Anna at 459-1614) Guests are asked to bring a dish to pass (serving eight), B.Y.O.B. and a $3 grab bag gift. Christmas Afterglow will begin at 6 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 26, at Dolores' home in Wonder Lake. This is a tranquil setting for PWP's annual evening of Christmas cheer and the warm friendship of the Christmas season.- Homemade soaps will ibe provided for the main entree. Ladies will bring crackers or cheese and men bring the wine. Dress is casual and only Christmas lights and candles will boys and strong men to help carry these boxes from the church hall up to the cars and to help in their delivery. Please volunteer by calling Bertha Stange, 385-4071. As we have no storage facilities, we are asking people who wish to donate used clothing to do so at the shop in the business district at 1312 Riverside drive. Articles must be in good condition and on hangers. We speak of FISH preparing these Christmas baskets, but we are merely the instrument through which the generosity of the McHenry com munity is extended to those in need. There are more than 100 such families who will have Christmas this year if McHenry citizens will help. FISH volunteers will do everything they can to make a joyful Christmas for all our neighbors. AFW Girl Foresters Schedule Party Girl Foresters Court No. 777, Johnsburg, of the National Catholic Society of Foresters, will hold its Christmas Party-Potluck Dinner from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Dec. 13, at the John sburg Community club, and mothers are invited. A grab bag gift exchange, will be for pre-school-first grade, $1; second-fifth grade, $2; and sixth grade-high school, $3. Also, Santa Claus will pay a visit. For more information, contact Mrs. Lester R. (Kathy) Klotz, Jr., Chapel glow.for an evening of friends, con versation and holiday music. Call Dolores for directions and to R.S.V.P. before Dec. 23, at 653-3931. PWP's New Year's Eve Party will be from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. at Dorothy's home in Algonquin and all attending are to bring their own bottles and a snack. Hoi barbecue sandwiches and a light meal will be provided. Call Dorothy for directions at 312-658-7389. Those feeling lonely and alone duiahgihe holiday season; andeligiblt for PWP activities, are urged to pick up the phone and call 653-3931. PWP offers warm friendship and exciting activities. MATCHING VELOUR TOPS & PANTS 10% OFF WITH ANY "KEEP ON DIGGÎ p" SCRATCH CARD ^aifzion 1007 N. FRONT ST. (S. RTE. 31) McHENRY 385-7747 BEN FRANKLIN SUNDAY SPECIALS (Good Sunday, Dec. 12th Only) OPEN IOOBI TO 3|wi THIS WEEK'S "KEEP ON DIGGING SPECIAL 257i HOLIDAY TRADITIONS Holiday time is a. favorite time everywhere and a great time for girls and boys to learn about the traditions of their own families and of people around the world. To help kids ap preciate the customs and traditions of various cultures, Camp Fire, the national youth agency, has a project called "Many Cultures Make Up Our World." According to Debra Connor, project director, environment is one factor that influences how people celebrate holidays. Take Santa Claus, for example. In Syria, a hot Mediterranean country, a man in a fur suit riding in a sled pulled by reindeer would seem out of place. So instead of Santa, Syrian children look for their presents to be delivered by the Youngest Camel, an animal that is familiar to them. In Brazil, where Christmas falls in the middle of the summer, Papa Noel comes in through the window because the chimneys, if there are any, are too small. For the New Year, Japanese families decorate their houses with bamboo, evergreen and straw rope, all common items in Japan. The decorations symbolize long life and strong ties. Many holidays had their beginnings as a way to celebrate the changing of the seasons, says Ms. Connor. For example, Chanukah and Christmas are celebrated near the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Passover and Easter fall near the spring equinox, when day and night are equal in length. 1250 North Green St. McHenry 385-0806 ALL CHRISTMAS MERCHANDISE Choose from: •Christmas Cords (packaged & individuat)*Tags •Christmas Tree Lights "Wraps "Packaged Bows •Gift Boxes •Christmas Candy