PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19. 198:5 LAKEMOOR-LILYMOOR AREA Margaret Karas ^ 385-4934 Village Clerk Position Open No petitions have been filed as yet for the village clerk position in Lakemoor. Lola Narcaroti resigned as of October, 1982, but has been continuing with the clerk's duties until a replacement comes foifth. This is a paying position with fairly flexible hours. General office skills are an advantage. A pleasant per sonality would also be appreciated when dealing with village residents and their concerns. The position of village clerk is voted on by the people of Lakemoor. A petition must be filed with the county clerk by Jan. 31. Forms are available at the village hall every weekday except Wednesday, from 8 to noon. Need a job? There's one open in Lakemoor. Carol Schmidt, trustee on the village board appointed to fill a vacancy, tendered her resignation at the Jan. 13 meeting. Village matters are now being conducted by five trustees. VISIT FROM ARKANSAS A busy five days were spent by former Lakemoor residents Ann and Paul Starzyk, as they visited with their many friends left behind when they migrated to Arkansas three years ago. Their home base was Ann's son's house in Lakeland Park, and finally did manage to schedule a meal with him and his family. Time was spent with Alyce and Andy Kowal. A "hello" to Peggy and Bill Hendrickson at the Bungalow. On to an hour's reminiscing with Bruno and myself, primarily reliving the happy several days we had spent with Ann and Paul in Arkansas. Dinner was enjoyed one evening at Marion and Hal Vornkahl's, undoubtedly recalling the trials and joys of helping the Starzyks move to their new home. A gathering was held in Chicago with mfcny friends enjoying each other and catching up with each other's lives. A sad note was the disappearance of Ann's famous short tailed cat several months ago, which had been with them for many years. . It is always a joy to be with these two active people. Yes, Paul is now known as the '"Cookie man" of his neighborhood. Those of us who have seen and eaten his originally- decorated delicious cakes, know that his generous nature has been discovered by all the local children. We wish the Starzyks many more years of good Arkansas living. ANOTHER VISIT * Alyce and Andy Kowal of Lakemoor had more visitors last week. LeRoy Seyfferth and his wife from Cobb, Wis., spent a few hours with them. LeRoy had grown up in the house on - Route 120 with all the statuary, and was reliving some of those times with Alyce, who was very close to his family. Alyce was brought up to date on what had been happening with family members these past years. BIRTHDAY TIME Steve Watkins, Linda Pickett and Phillip Sovsky have something in common-the same birth date, Jan. 19. Ann Krawzyk celebrates hers on the 20th. The 21st finds Bill Koehler and Allen Povidas adding another year. Dianne Dember's birthday is the 24th. Have a happy day! FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY Having to wait 81 years for a bir thday party, made it all the more special when it happened, as Myldred Rowe can attest. Dear friends Eva Dingle of Eastwood Manor and Dorothy Williamson of McHenry were responsible for the luncheon. Eva made a special cake with a fresh coconut whipped cream frosting, but without 81 candles, thank you. There was much pure joy in being able to have a first birthday party when you're old enough to appreciate it. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Jan. 27 - Lakemoor Village meeting, 8 p.m. Jan. 27 - McHenry Nunda Library District Board meeting. Friends of the library and others invited. Jan. 31 - Last day tD file petition for Lakemoor Village Trustee or Clerk with County Clerk. Feb. 3 - Free blood pressure screening, Moose Lodge Route 120,11 a.m. Feb. 7 - Lilymoor Association Games night. Donations accepted at Marion Vornkahl's or Laura Meyer's. GOOD HEALTH WISHES Evelyn Dawdy has been hospitalized this past week. Hopefully she will be home by now and feeling much better. Daughter Shawnda also „ had a short hospital stay. Laura Meyer had a bout with bronchitis adn walking pneumonia, which has walked away by now, we hope. Mrs. Louise Franz, Myldred Rowe's mother, is still in McHenry hospital taking a bit more nourishment, especially when given by Myldred. When neighbor Mary Behrends visited her, she was sitting up and chatting. This all testifies to the strength of two dear ladies, one a youngster of 81 and the other heading toward her one-hundred and third year. ICY ROAD RESULTS IN TRAGEDY Nancy Brzezinski left her home in Parkside with her son Kristopher Thursday afternoon, Jan. 6, without realizing the short-lived icyness of the roads. Traveling on Route 120 east of Darrell road, her car apparently slid off Route 120, and on getting back was hit by another vehicle. Four and a half-year-old Kristopher sustained injuries which caused his death. Don McMillan of Fritzsche Estates was also out that afternoon, following a truck that was able to stop at the accident scene. Before the arrival of the ambulance, he saw the youngster held in the mother's arms, and realized the child was seriously in jured. There was no report available from the hospital, and no report in the newspaper. It was a shock to neigh bors when Kristopher's death was made known. His funeral was in Chicago, his mother's former home. The same early afternoon, neighbor Nancy Willhoit had a doctor's ap pointment for her almosl five-year-old Katie. Nancy went outside, slipped on the ice and fell. Something, some one (?) made her go to the telephone and cancel the appointment. Who can say why it is that sometimes we are warned, sometimes we are not. - The loss of a child always leaves the question, "Why?". One of the mysteries of life is the when of death. Deepest sympathy is given to the Brzezinski family. May the pain be eased by Him. GOD BLESS Sweet Adelines Begin New Season The Chain O Lakes chapter of Sweet Adelines is preparing for a fine new year under the direction of a new director and is desperately in need of new members. Anyone who likes to sing and would like to be introduced to barbershop harmony is invited to join the chapter any Monday night at 8 p.m. For more information call Kathy Pinn at 338-7116 or Mary Jane Boelens at 497-3867 after 5 p.m. The Chain O Lakes chapter has recently hired a new director who comes with 29 years, of extensive barbershop experience. Joe Jullivan lives in Gurnee. He has many credits to his name in the barbershop world. In 1967 he directed the Illinois Valley chapter and won regional competition; three first place honors came with Belles of Harmony and the Kirkwood Missouri chapter. He is the assistant director of the Arlingtones chapter of SPEB- SOSA, from Arlington Heights. The director has sung with many champion quartets including the 4 Renegades, The Avantgarde quartet and most recently in 1981 the Tin Pan Allies, who won the 1981 district competition. The Chain O Lakes chapter is confident his direction will inspire new singers to join. The group will be preparing im mediately for, 1983 regional com petition to be held in Grand Rapids, Mich., March 20. Sweet Adelines is a non-profit organization for women and is designed to preserve the four-part harmony art of barbershop style music. Barbershop is one of the only truly original arts of American heritage. D20 & *N THAT LAZY LETVIARGlC V CROAKER ! WHY CAN'T ME BE MORE VIGOROUS AMD DYNAMIC ? IP YOU TWlMKf H£'S INACTIVE NOW, YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN HIM BEFOKF HE BE6AM TAKING ALL . THOSE VITAMINS.' ^ -Mr VO Use Caution Beware of door-to-door salesmen. Items sold this way may be much more expensive than similar items at local stores. Repairs or adjust ments may bedifficult or im possible to get. 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A deduction ol one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode where a change of address is provided through the Post Office deportment. Thomas C. MilUr-Publish«r Ad*U Froehlich-Editor atawrb ©inning Jhtospaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Y»or $16.50 In McHenry County I Year $24.00 Outtid* McHonry County c im WE MAKE HOUSE CALLST 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 W. MAIN STREET, McHENRY 385-7661 WH6LE&ALE fcATTERY SALE! BATTERIES 40% DISCOUNT MON.-TUES.-THURS.-FRI 9 AM TO NOON SERVICE CENTER HOURS: WEDNESDAYS 9 TO 5. EVES. BY APPT. REPAIRS ALL MAKES ~ Robert $t*nsldhd, Mgr. 25 Yrs. 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