PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY S, 1983 J u n i o r H i g h Honor Roll At Johnsburg James Van Bosch, principal of the Johnsburg Junior high school, has announced the names of the honor students for the second quarter of the 1982-1983 school year. Perfect Average 5.0 Grade 8: Christopher Bonus, and Laura Lund. High Honor Roll 4.5-5.0 Grade 6: Matthew Bonus, Jayne Borchers, Lisa Davidson, Angie DeWolfe, Tracy Du Rei, Heidi Her mann. Matthew Lavin, Michael Lewallen. Patricia Ponte, Yasmine Shedbalkar, Renee Thayer, Allan Van Every. Mary Welter, Jennie Wisniewski and Rebecca Wolter, Grade 7: Kathryn Lynn Barrett, Marsha Demers, Linda Foster, Diane Hartigan. Sharon Kee, Keith Mat- tison. Kathleen Munson, Lisa Nunamaker, Carolyn Shine, Karen Slack, and Marcie Webel. Grade 8: Paula Jargstorf, Kathleen Kirk. Karin Ort, Steven Sterka, and Randy Sundell. Honor Roll 3.5-4.5 Grade 6: Lisa Ackerman, Michele Adams, Michael Albers, Elizabeth Bachmann, Jennifer Baehne, Bradley Baidinger, Jr., Scott Banaszynski, Janine Barrett, Daniel Beake, Beau Berg, Dawn Biederman, Thomas Birkhoff, Cheryl Cummings, Paula Dean, Alison DiPerna, Carrie Dombroski, Traci Ehrhardt, Jennifer Emrich, Tricia Evertsen, David Ferrara, Jeffrey Fontana, Tina Forgette, William Gahlbeck, Christine Ganzer, Michael Garlanger, and Douglas Gibson. Also Kris Hanamoto, Trevor Hart, Matthew Hennigan, Vicky Huska, Jennifer Jaques, Michelle Jargstorf. Kim Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Amy Juergensen, Kerri Kacprowicz, Sean Kegel, Jennifer Kinsman, Anneliese Kirkpatrick, Michelle Kunczak, Russell Kramer, Jr., John Lahti, Kathleen Lane, Keith Lehman, Eve Letizia, Michael Lewis, Dennis Linn, Jr., Heather Mahl, Toni Markus, Patricia McDonough, Stacy McLain, Lisa Menolasino, Megan Miller, Richard Mirs, Mark Moss on, Robert Mullally, and Jason Mumford. Also Sherri O'Brien, Kary Olsen, Shannon Parker, Beverly Parsons, Daniel Paulsen, Cheri Persons, Jennifer Peters, Jeffrey Piatt, Kristine Pittman. Eric Pulk. Randall Ries, Catherine Ritter. Todd Roos, James, Rorig, Janel Rowland, Karen Schaefer, Kimberly Schmidt, Kristie Schneider, Shelbi Scott, Heather Sears, Chester Seymour, Kimberly Shumate, Jeffrey Sima, Michelle Simon, Bryan Smith, Daniel Spung, Scott Stanell, Charles Swinford, Jr., Kelly Tally, Dawn Thome, Carey Tissing. Annette Violett, Traci Wettstein, and Wendy Winiarski. Grade 7: Jack Anderson, Jr., John Ansell, Brooklynn Bean, Jennifer Blowers, Arnold Boedecker, Julie Christie, Marie Davids, Eric Dember, Jennie Eckstein, Jennifer Emrich, Tracy Forgette, Christine Fowles, Christine Freund, Frank Good, Donald Grons, Jennifer Harker, Karen Herrmann, Julie Jacobson, Ronda Kibbe, Jennifer Kristof and Connie LaShure. Also Kevin Mattison. Todd Mazrin, Linda Miller. Catherine Neumann, Melody Patterson. Lisa Pease, Wendy Pedersen, Carolyn Podhorn, Tamera Policky, Laureen Przybylski, Julie Sande, Guy Stedman, Elizabeth Steinbock, Jay Straulin, Thomas Valant, Jennifer Walk, Lydia Walker, Suzanne Wester, and Joseph Wharton. Grade 8: Patricia Adams, Craig Ames, Shawn Bach, Kenneth Barrett, Shaun Bean, Penelope Beck, Renee Beck, Debbie Bosse, Michele Bowe, Scott Bowerman, Laura Brehm, Daniel Burns, Karin Cluff, Philip Cook, Lesley Davidson, John Dodge, John Drogosz, Rhonda DuPont, Kim Easterling, Kyle Geisser, Katherine Grams, Gregory Hart, Marikay Hopp, Frank Husak, and Steven Huska. Also Tyler Kinney, Cara Kraus.and Lisa Lay ton, Linda Maiorca, Melissa Moulis, Bonnie Norton, Joseph Nowak, Christine O'Brien, Tina Paries, Susan Ponte, Lori Raycraft, Michelle Scavo, David Shedbalkar, John Shiman, Cynthia Swartzloff, David Tornatore, Melissa Urbanski, Dawn Wetzstein, Mary Wroblewski, and Alicia Musur. "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson 25%-30% m Hangers & Carry Ons Carry your Hartmann luggage on with you! Specially designed to fit in the overhead compartment of most jets Hartmann Hangers can carry up to four suits or eight dresses with room to spare. Hartmann Carry-Ons, with plenty of pockets, give easy access to the little things, as well as spacious packing space. Make travel easier for you and your budget during our Hartmann Sale. Reg. 140.00-295.00 now only 93.80-221.25. Luggage, Elgin on 1. St. Charles and Crystal Lake. CHARGE IT? Your own Spiess Charge. Visa and MasterCard. We weicome them a gin Fountain Square Plaza (312)741-4300 Crystal Point Mall (815)455-3600 St Charles Mai; (3"2;377-2570 Smoke Detectors In 1981 about 4,000 people died from ac cidental fires and burns suffered in the home, according to the National Safety council. Most of those victims perished because of smoke inhalation, not flames. The council recommends that every home have at least one smoke detector to monitor the air and sound an alarm at the first hint of trouble. Smoke detectors allow sufficient warning so that your family can escape unharmed. Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE Jn the Matter of ) the Estate of ) HARRY C. MEIER, ) Deceased ) No. 83-P-8 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of HARRY C. MEIER, of Wonder Lake, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on January 25, 1983, to EVELYN & BERNARD M ALONE Y t 2404 Holmes, Rockford, 111. 61108, whose attorney is HAMER, SCHUH, BAKER & HORELED, P.O. Box 430, Wood stock, Illinois 60098 Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Cleric of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock. IL., 60098, or with tne represen tative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. .... Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Cleric of the Circuit Court) Marjorie E. Emerson, (Deputy) (Pub. Feb. 2,9, & 16, 1983) No. 830042 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS were issued on Januar 25, 1983, to DONAI Short form filers 1040A one-stop service from H&R Block. Now you can have H&R Block prepare your 1040A short form whi le you wai t . An accurate and complete return - ready to s ign and rnai t when you walk out our door. With over 100 chapges in the tax laws ancf forms, including two new short forms and new deductions, H&R Block's 1040A one-stop service can save you time and money. H&R BLOCK9 if The new tax laws. This year's number one reason to go to HM Block. McHen 5101 W. Elm (Route 120) Op«n W« OPEN TONIGHT--APPOIf> MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS IN PROBATE In the Matter of ) the Estate of ) LAURA A. WEBER, ) Deceased ) No. 83-P-28 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of LAURA A. WEBER, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office lary ILD HOWARD, 1504 North Rivers ide Drive , McHenry, Illinois 60050, whose attorney is D O N A L D W . TRUCKENBROD, 4108 West Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, Illinos 60050 Claims against the estate may be filed in * the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N. Seminary Ave . , Woodstock, IL., 60098, or with the represen tative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerfcof the Circuit Court) Marjorie E. Emerson, (Deputy) (Pub. Feb. 2,9,16,1983) No. 830040 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY -- IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate of ) ARTHUR LESLIE ) REYNOLDS a-k-a ) ARTHUR L. ) REYNOLDS ) Deceased ) No. 82-P-468 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of ARTHUR LESLIE REYNOLDS a- k-a ARTHUR L. REYNOLDS. of McHenry, I l l ino is , betters of office were idsued on December 27, 1982, to FLORENCE LYNN, 910 Royal Drive, McHenry, Illinois 60050 whose attorney is JOHN F. LAMPE, 3424 West Elm Street, Suite 27, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Claims against the estate may De filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHENRY COUNTY COUR THOUSE, 2200 North Seminary Avenue , Woodstocx, Illinois 60098 or wi th representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the Circuit Court) (Pub. Jan. 26, Feb. 2 & Feb. 9,1983) No. 830028 SAFETY HINTS by Secretary of State Jim Edgar Driving on ice and snow requires extra skill and patience. Here are some driving tips that will help you avoid an accident this winter: 1 -- Keep a safe distance. Increase the distance between you and the vehicle ahead as the condition of the pavement dictates. Many rear end collisions occur on icy streets because drivers are following too closely. 2 - Watch for danger spots ahead. Shaded spots on the highway may be icy when the other portions of the pavement ar'e* dry. Accelerating too quickly on ice or stepping on the brakes can throw your vehicle out of control. 3 - Be prepared if you are suddenly stranded in a blizzard. Have a shovel, heavy wool blanket and a few candy bars with you, just in case you are unable to reach your destination. If you become stranded, your chances for sur vival are better if you stay inside your car and wait for someone to find you. Run your vehicle's engine for short time - periods only, just enough to give you heat for survival. Open the windows a little, even if it is very cold. Carbon monoxide poisoning is always a.danger in an idling car. " If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800 252-8980). (A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111., 62756). Designated Driver Before going to a party with a group of friends designate one person to drive the group home. The des ignated dr iver refrains from drinking and is responsible for seeing that everyone gets home safely. The National Safety Council says the program has been used successfully in Sweden and other European countries for mi/ ENJOY THE CHICAGO WEEKEND OF YOUR DREAMS, ATA PRICE YOU WONT LOSE ANY SLEEP OVER. 79* PER COUPLE. (Includes $25 Worth of Free Food & Drink). Luxury Chicago-Style. Place yourself in the lush, rich surroundings of an elegant downtown Chicago hotel. Let us pamper you like never before. Or give it as a gift to someone you love. That's the whole idea behind our Fantasy Weekend. For just $79.95 per couple you can choose from any one of the luxurious Downtown Chicago Holiday Inn Hotels. Stay a second night for only $20 more. Arrive any night, Thursday through Sunday. Park free. You'll be given the very best available room in the hotel. Complimen tary champagne will be delivered to your rcxim. Savor fabulous cuisine with $25 in free Fantasy Money.* And enjoy the McClurg Court Sports Complex for just a gUeSt THE DOWNTOWN CHICAGO Gift certificates available. 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