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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1983, p. 8

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PAGE 8 - PLAINDEALER Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19th JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRYCOUNTY THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY Plaintiff Cs TIMOTHY I. WINSCOM, A Bachelor, TRACY L. BORDERS, A Spinster, andUNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants No. 83CH072 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION NOTICE IS GIVEN YOU, TIMOTHY I. WIN­ SCOM, TRACY L BORDERS, and UNKNOWN OWNERS Defendants, that this case has been com­ menced in this court Against you and other - WEDNESDAY. MARCH defendants, asking for the foreclosure of a certain Mortgage conveying the premises described as follows, to- wit: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 in Block 3 in Nippersink Channel Addition to Pistakee Highlands, a Subdivision of t of the West part of half of the Nor­ theast Quarter of S e c t i o n 5 , Township 45 North, Range 9. East of the Third Principal Meridian, ac­ cording to the Plat thereof recorded August 11, 1954, as Document No. 281671 in Book 12 of Plats, Page 1, in McHenry County, Illinois. Commonly known as: 517 Deeiuath Drive, McHenry. Illinois, 60050. and_ which said Mor- " age was made by IMOTHY I. WIN­ SCOM, & TRACY L. DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. Elm St. McHanry 385-7111 "See me fora State Farm Homeowners Policy with Inflation Coverage." Like » good neighbor. State Farm is there 1fanx I jafty Cc Npffv 0*c* fcwwjw 16.1983 BORDERS, Mor­ tgagors), to Great American Funding .Corporation as Mor­ tgagee, and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois as Document No. 766543 and Re­ corded 5-23-79 as Document No. 768615 and for other relief. UNLESS YOU file your answer or otherwise file your appearance in this case in the offie of the clerk of this courthouse, 2200 North Seminary, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098, Illinois, on or before April 4, 1983, A JUDGMENT OR D E C R E E B Y DEFAULT MAY BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU FOR THE RELIEF ASKED IN THE COMPLAINT WITNESS, Feb. 23, 1983. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the Circuit Court) (Seal of court) By: AK (Deputy) PIERCE & BASHAW Attorney for Plaintiff 116 S. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60603 346-9068 (Pub. Mar. 2,9& Mar. 16,1983) No. 830086 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY - IN PROBATE 3R CHINA LIGHT RESTAURANT and LOUNGE In the Matter of the Estate of STEPHEN G. JANCIK, Deceased No. 83-P-24 St. Patrick'* Bay FEATURING CLOSED FOR VACATION FftOM MARCH 20th thru APRIL *1 APHLf* CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of STEPHEN G JANCIK, of Crystal Lake, 111. Letters of office were issued on February 17, 1983. to MARY ANN JANCIK, 6114 Chestnut Drive, Crystal Lake, Illinois 60014 whose attorney is HARRY P. STINESPRING & ASSOC., P C., One First Nat'l Plaza, Suite 3190, Chicago, 111., 60603. Claims against the estate may be Hied in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHENRY COUNTY COUR­ THOUSE, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim filed with the Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10, days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the Circuit Court) I Janice M. Arnold (Deputy) (Pub. Mar. 2,9, & Mar. 16,1983) No. 830090 Legal Notice The Nunda Township Board of Trustees will hold a Special Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, March 29th, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. prior to the Budget and Ap­ propriation Hearing for the Road and Bridge and Permanent Hard Road Funds, at the Nunda Township Office. 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, for the purpose of approval of final bills before the close of the fiscal year ending March 31st, 1983. and other unfinished business. Kathleen C. Harper, NUNDA TOWN CLERK DATED: February 28th, 1983 (Pub. Mar. 9,16 & Mar. 23,1983) No. 830095 Legal Notice ASSUMED NAME PUBLICATION NOTICE Public Notice is herebv given that on March 3, 1983, a cer­ tificate was filed in the Office of the County Uc 1266 N. GREEN ST.-McHENRY (Corner of Green St. and Rt. 120) For Carryout Orders Call 344-3220 MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL CHECK OiT TON ELECTROLOMST Electro Blend. California'* Finest Method. Now Offered Mere The Needle Method ts The Otifytrufy Permanent Form : Of Heir Removal State Accredited Schools Produce the Finest METHODS TECHWQUE0 SCHOOLINGS 1-FtB MINI TREATMENT--i 4302 W. Crystal Lake ltd tulla t . •Wlfw v TTnlipVI IViy I VVVIl McHenry. (If No Answer) SI2-6M-MM MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE 301 W. Virginia Street Crystal Lake--815-455-0333 Mon.-Tues. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sun. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. USE CASH, VISA, M.C. or OUR PURCHASING CARD SALE DATES MARCH 16 thru MARCH 22 --WHILE QUANTITIES LAST-- Have you visited our store in Wauconda? •RUGS •DRAPERIES •TOWELS DOMESTICS 40% OFF It MEN'S BAN-ROL SLACKS WITH BELT OUR REGULAR PRICE •COMFORTERS 'SHEETS 'THROWS REG. -17.50 ^ YELLOW ONLY , ^9 FLATWARE 60 % OFF OUR REG PRICE SERVICE FOR 4 FROM S6.00 SERVICE FOR 8 FROM $8.00 CARS-OF-THE 60's Set of 4 miniature cars REGULAR $4.19 *1.99 * * * * * * * * * GIRLS'VANITY WRIST COMPACT REGULAR $2.39 # SPECIAL # *1.19 10-PIECE TOWEL SET 5S. FLORAL •YELLOW *BROWN SPECIAL Jh WATCHES and JEWELRY 50 % OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as SCHULIEN'S JOHNSBURG REALTORS, located at 2313 Johns burg Road, McHenry. IL , 60050 which certificate sets forth the owners as follows: Edward Schulien. Dated March 3, 1983. Rosemary Azzaro, County Clerk (Pub. Mar. 9,16 & Mar. 23,1983) No. 830097 Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that a tentative Dudget and appropriation or­ dinance for the Road and Bridge Fund and Permanent Hard Road Fund of the Town of Nunda in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning April 1, 1983, ana ending March 31> 1984, will be on file and conveniently available to public in­ spection at the townshi] office 3510 Bay Roai Crystal Lake, Illinois, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., any weekday prior to the Public Hearing from and after 8:30 A.M., on the 25th day of February, 1983. Notice is further hereby given that a public hearing on said budget and ap­ propriation ordinance will be held at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 29th, 1983, at the Nunda Township Office, 3510 Bay Road, Crystal Lake, Illinois, 60014, in this Town and that final action on this ordinance will be taken by the Board of Town Trustees at thi§^meeting. Dated this 21st day of February, 1983. Kathleen C. Harper Town Clerk Nunda Township (Pub. Mar. 9.16 & Mar. 23,1983) No. 830093 Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT t McHENRY COUNTY-- IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate of ) VITOSPERO ) Deceased ) No. 83-P-68 CLAIM NOTICE Notice is given of the death of VITO SPERO, of McHenry , Illinois. Letters of office were issued on February 28, 1983, to LAURA FATIGATO, 710 West Rand Road, McHenry, Illinois, 60050 whose attorney is MILTON A. SVEC & ASSOCIATES, 6504 West Cermak Road, Berwyn, Illinois, 60402-2367. Claims against the estate may be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 North Seminary Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed witmn that period is barred. Copies of a claimjijed withjhe Clerk must be mailed or delivered to the representative and to the attorney within 10 days after it has been filed. Vernon W. Kays, Jr., (Clerk of the Circuit Court) Janice M. Arnold (Deputy) (Pub. Mar. 9,16& Mar. 23,1983) No. 830096 Legal Notice INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bids are requested by the State of Illinois, Department of Conservation, for the following: Boat Ramp Chain O'Lakes State Park Lake Countv. Illinois Bids will be received at the office of the Division of Technical Services, Department of Conservation, Lincoln Tower Plaza, 524 So. Second St., Springfield, IL., 62706, until 2:30 o ' c l o c k , p . m . . Prevailing Time, April 1,1983 at which time all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Complete information including specifications and bidding forms may Technical Services. Department if Con­ servation, Lincoln Tower Plaza, 524 So. Second St., Springfield, IL., or from the Ranger, or Manger in charge of the ai>ove project location. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bias and to waive any informality in bids received whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of the Owner. STATE OF ILLINOIS Department of Conservation Division of Technical Services DATED: March 9, 1983 (Rub. March 16,1983) No. 830109 Legal Notice The Board of Education of McHenry Community High School District No. 156 will receive sealed bids on Water Softener Salt for the 1983-84 school year. Bids will be accepted until 11:00 a.m. Wed- be obtained at the office of the Chief. Division of CLEANERS "JhtL ĵsnilfL Joitdt of, £Lotjanct" Another Reason For Trying Us: DRAPERY CLEANING Gently Cleaned, Expertly Pressed, and Decorator Folded. McHENRY MARKET PLACE 4400 West Elm Street McHenry 385-1944 HOURS: MON-FRI 7-6 SAT 8:30-4:30 REVCO DISCOUNT DRUG CENTER It costs less to B.Y.0J. froa Revco PABST BEER 6 PACK* 12 OZ. CANS REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE J1 69 msm 16% Alcohol • 750 ML Sweet or Extra Dry REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE LONDON SQUARE GIN 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter Distilled London Dry REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE $639 HANNAH & HOGG CANADIAH 80 Proof* 1 .75 Liter Product of Canada REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE $759 WHITE VELVET VODKA 80 Proof* 1 .75 Liter Distilled From 100% Grain REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE s6" HANNAH S HOW SCOTCH 80 Proof* 1.75 Liter Imported from Scotland REVCO'S LOW. LOW PRICE SJ89 McHenry • 4400 W. Elm • 385-1125 F- cf'S inp.Mec* Apfl * <s V.i"' ... 'ems av*'able wh ie quant ties >ast Copyngh! 1983 by Revco D S Inc STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF McHENRY ) ) )SS ) ) Dairyland Motorcycle Insurance It's the affordable protection you need. Call for a free quote. |McHEfBY COUNTY INSURANCE INSURANCE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES McHenry County Insurance Agency 1209 N. Green St. P.O. Box 566 McHenry. IL 60050 (SIS) 385-3000 a subsidiary of McHenry Savings & Loan Good Rite) For Good Riden nesday, March 23, 1963. Specifications may be obtained at the Board of Education Office, 3926 W. Main St., McHenry, IL., 60050. James Tonyan, Secretary (Pub. March 16,1963) No. 830107 Legal Notice POLLUTION VARIANCE Modine Manufac­ turing Company located ,at Ringwood Road near Barnard Mill Road has filed with the En­ vironmental Protection Agency and Pollution Control Board a petition for variance. Title IX of the Environmental Protection Act provides for individual variances upon proof by the Petitioner that com­ pliance with specific provisions of the Act, related regulations or Board orders would impose upon the Petitioner an "arbitrary and unreasonable hardship". The Petitioner alleges such a hardship, and requests a five year variance from volatile organic compound emission limitations. The Environmental Protection Agency solicits the views of persons who might be adversely affected by the granting of the variance. Any com­ ments or inquiries snouia oe adunessecr to Peter E. Orlinsky, Illinois EPA, 1701 South F i r s t A v e n u e , Maywood, Illinois 60153. Objections to the petition must be filed in writing with the Clerk of the Pollution Control Board, 309 West Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606, prior to April 15,1963. If an objection is received by that date, the Pollution Control Board is required to conduct a hearing on the petition. Date: March 10. 1983 Agency File Number: 6672 (Pub. Mar. 16,23 & Mar. 30,1983) No. 830110 Legal Notice £ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS McHENRY ) STATE BANK, ) an Illinois Banking Corporation; andTHOMAS F. BOLGER, Trustee, Plaintiffs, vs. FRANCIS RICHARD HESTER and EMILY HESTER, his wife; and UNKNOWN OWNERS, Defendants. NO. 83 CH 85 NOTICE The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS, Defen­ dants in the above- en&ied suit, that the said suit has been commenced in the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, by the said Plaintiff against fou, praying for the oreclosure of certain Trust Deeds made by FRANCIS RICHARD HESTER and EMILY HESTER, his wife, to McHENRY STATE BANK, an Illinois Banking Corporation; and THOMAS F. BOLGER, Trustee, conveying the premises described as follows, to- wit: Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Sec­ tion 26, Township 45 North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, described as follows: Com­ mencing at the Southeast corner of a piece of land conveyed by Lola D. Walsh and husband, to Katherine Stoffel, by Warranty Deed dated April 15, 1899, and recorded in the Recorder's Office in Book 115 of Deeds, page 10; thence West on the South side of s a i d l a s t described piece, 4 rods; thence South 5 rods; thence East 6 rods to the West line of Block 23 in the Village of McHenry on the West siae of Fox River; thence North on the West line of the last above described premises, 5 rods; thence West 2 rods to the place of i beginning; also known and described as Lot 4 • of the County . Clerk's Plat of Sirt of the South alf of said Section 26, aforesaid, said Plat filed for record in said Recorder's Of­ fice, according to the Plat thereof recorded May 6, 1902 in Book 2 of Plats, page 38, (excepting and reserving therefrom that part thereof dedicated to the V i l l a g e o f McHenry by Dedication dated October 15, 1925 and recorded in said Recorder's Office in Book 10 of Miscellaneous Records, page 247; said above described Rremises being in IcHenry County, Illinois. and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said court as provided by law and that the suit is still pending. NOW, THEREFORE, unless you, UNKNOWN OWNERS and NON- RECORD CLAIMANTS, the said Defendants Hie yoar" answer to the complaint in said suit or otherwise make vow- appearance therein in tire said Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, McHenry County, Illinois, held in the Courthouse in the City cf Woodstock, Illinois on or before the 15h day of April, 1983. default may be entered against you at any time after the day and a judgement entered in accordance with the prayer of said com­ plaint. Dated March llth, 1983. Vernon W. Kays, Jr. Clerk of the Court COWLIN, COWLIN & UNGVARSKY Attorneys for Plaintiffs 20 Grant Street Crystal Lake, IL., 60014 (815 ) 459-5300 (Pub. Mar. 16,23 & Mar. 30,1983) No. 830106 Legal Notice DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION DIVISION OF PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Notice of Sealed Bid Proposals for Farm Leasing Sealed bid proposal for farm leases wul be accepted by the Department of Con­ servation, State of Illinois, on ap- roximately 92 acres. ~ >is acreage is located on the Volo Bog State Natural Area. Bid forms and information ted at a ted by a representative from the Department of Conservation at the Site Headquarters located at 28478 west Brandenburg Road, Ingleside, IL., 60041, iVz miles west of Route 12, at 10:30 A.M., Thursday, March 24, 1983. Bidders must have their bid forms com- leted and delivered to partment of Conservation, in care of Tim Kieler, Site. Superintendent, Volo Bog Natural Area, 28478 West Brandenburg Road, Ingleside, IL., 60041 by 9:30 A.M., Thursday, March 31. 1983, when the public bid pre Thi detailed will be meeting ft' opening will be held by the Department of Conservation's • authorized represen­ tative. For furtherwin- formation phone: $15 344-1294. <J • The State of Illinois, Department of Con­ servation, in ac­ cordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252) and the Regulations of the Department of Com­ merce 15 C.F.R. (Part 8) issued pursuant to such Act hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that the acceptance of any bid pursuant to this advertisement will be without discrimination on the grounds of race, color, religion,* sex or national origin. The Department of Conservation reserves the right to reject any or all proposals ana to waive technicalities. BY ORDER OF THE DEPART­ MENT OF CONSER­ VATION David Kenney, Director (Pub. Mar. 16,18 & Mar. 23,1963) No. 830106 Farm Resident Deaths The accidental death rate for farm residents is 63.8 per 100,000 per­ sons, compared to 43.2 for the nation as a whole, reports the National Safety Council There are over lOO changes in this year's tax laws and forms. H&R Block preparers have received special training to help you this year. Did you know there are two different short forms, increased deductions for an IRA. and in­ creased child care credits ... and many more changes? We ve dqne our homework on the new tax laws, so you don't have to H&R BLOCK The new tax laws. This year's number one reason to go to MM Block. McHenry 5101 W. Elm (Rout. 120) MasterCard ana Vrsrf accepted at most area locations MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE MCC CATALOG OUTLET STORE

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