~ THOMAS F.BOLGER President III Mc 3510 WEST ELM STREt I -- Dear Home Owner ^ ̂ IS BACK'. ~ ^ ~ u n n k h a s :! THE SINGLE DIGIT MORTGAGE • AUTHORIZED T of the McHenry st£°enrfarel, owner occupied, . of Directors ol ™ fQT McHenry The Board of aS low as 9 l/^/ mortgages a reSidences. interest rates Pa i^ single family deregulation o^rically high 1®^ibuted The high cofd°fivennhlme mortgage -f s t°market whi^ in^recent mon^s srs svsr ars ̂ ŝSJsrxAvs£Si gjs srffi "»•-- . ,h l l» there e .« e"1 £7 . « £ * * - , lv* , re-sr1."'. »«««• st.«.... ~rr" Board o, » s^.'sgHss =--»• "" oi the .«'•»««» "ds;S» s^£rsrs"' B State °^1 I^1 t h e tAcHenry communi serve all of the inquiries. officers wiU welcome your Our loan officer Sincerely yours, iifilllt! . ' • < • • • • "rhomas F. Bolgei president TFB/bam * JV.A , . lift m , x : • - • mediately and through the montn ot • Effective immediate y „ on owner occupied, ZXSS2Z?'*---*• following mortgage rates: ^ 11/. "L Service Charg 9'/j#/< 10% 11 '/a % 13% 1 ^ W Renegotiate Th % Service Charge Renegotiable 3% Service Charge Renegotiab e 3% Service Charge Renegotiable 70% of Appraised Value (30 Year tixedrqtemortgoggfg^^ Au'° s.. y0„r local R̂ o<, ̂ 3t5.104»̂ ov_̂ M 2yrs . 3 y rs . 5y rs . lOyrs . Legal Notice STATE OF ILLINOIS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINETEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT McHENRY COUNTY - IN PROBATE In the Matter ) of the Estate of ) EMMAV. ) SCHULTZ, ) Deceased ) No. 83-P-59 CLAIM NOTICE l Notice is given of the death of EMMA V. SCHULTZ, of McHenry, Illinois. Letters of office were issued on February 21, 1983, to K E N N E T H S . SCHULTZ. 55 Salem Lane, Skokie, Illinois, 60076 whose attorney is TERRANCE D. KANE, 1480 Renaissance Drive, Suite 206, Park Ridge, Illinois, 60068. Claims against the estate may De filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court at McHenry County Courthouse, 2200 N o r t h S e m i n a r y Avenue, Woodstock, Illinois, 60098 or with representative, or both, within 6 months from the date of issuance of letters and any claim not filed within that period is barred. Copies of a claim Jiled with the Clerk must be delivered W representative the attorney i , days after it has been filed. VernonW, B i t amce (Pub. Mar. Mar. 16 No. Legal Notice ASSUMED NAMfe PUBLICATION 'V r NOTICE. Mm Public Notice "HK hereby given that February certificate was the Office of the Clerk of Mcft County, Illinois, si forth the names, post-office addrsflsei of all of the r owning, conduct transacting the f known as TGOMERY GRAPHICS, locat 200 W. South t McHenry, Illinois, which certificate forth the owners it follows: Archie M. Holm III. Dated February 24, 1983 Rosemary Azzaro, A Coimty Clerk (Pub.Mar.2i9It No. 830089 AS t STATE BANK ™T' p mo w. fc*«TTT 4 S > -t* V i. T#Z& mm >t Pearl Street . IS, A FULI SERVICE BANK /• " B.ng: crystal lake Road and Lillian Straat SB McHenry 385-1040 U9I0» -i i t DARLENE STADIA CO ACSW CSW COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual, Couple, Family And Group Therapy (815)728-1039 DAYS, EVENINGS AND SATURDAY HOURS BY APPOINTMENT * s p u r g e o n s McHENRY MARKET PLACE 385-4100 or 2 for $22 tfeg. $14.98 Pr. 1/ -•& V v < •"•>5 ii \ - >r\ You and Mitre®--the perfect pair and 20% less if you act now! Men, Boys--slip these on and experience solid comfort from the rae- suede uppers, padded collars and cushioned insoles to the durable, non-slip molded soles. Have yours in grey, burgundy trim; tan with brown; blue with white. Boys' sizes 1-6, men's 61/2-11,12. Now! Sale ends April 17th m l>; • r-i- •r *- , .. DAILY 9-9 SAT 9-6 SUNDAV'