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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Mar 1983, p. 2

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SI. Patrick's Day SpwMi 11 am-8 pm CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE & BOILED POTATO We use and sell Helene Curtis Products GRACE BEAMAN AND JOHNNY ESKRIDGE PLAN 1984 WEDDING - Grace Ellen Beaman and Johnny Allen Eskridge have announced their engagement and marriage set for April, 1984. The bride elect, the daughter of Nadine Beaman of McHenry, attended Johns burg high school, graduating in 1981. John and Rokle E&kridge of Dundee are the parents of the prospective bridegroom, who graduated from Dundee high school the same year. Women's Club Sets Luncheon April 13 • April 13 is the date of the Pistakee Highlands Women's Club's Fifteenth Annual Luncheon and Card Party, to be held at the Pistakee Highlands Community Center. Tickets are available from members. • The Women's club is ajso having an faster Egg Hui)t for area children March 26, at the community center, starting at 2 p.m. Members are asked to Dring two or three dozen colored eggs. Applications for scholarships being offered from the women's club may be picked up at the Dean of Students office at Johnsburg high school. Pack spicy beef soup in a vacuum bottle for lunch. Brown L4 lb. ground beef in 2-quart saucepan until crumbly; drain. Combine 1 pkg. (IV4 oz) taco seasoning mix, l1^ cups water. 1 cup tomato juice and 1 can (1 lb.) pinto beans, thoroughly with beef. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 10 minutes. Makes 4 servings. Grandma » Th' "Wearin' O' the Green" time is iiere again, an' seems there's a bit o' th" Old Sod in most o' us, when St. Patrick's Day arrives. When Springtime's nearin", an' *'Th' Ides O' March" awaken th' urges 0' th' season, wi' Mother Nature manifestin' her miracles, one gits th' feelin' that th' world hain't so bad. $fter all. • We've known th' most affluent t>eriod in th' history o' mankind, an' folks enjoyed better livin' conditions !n we e'er expected t' see. But th' balloon had t' burst sometime. Folks ha' b'come accustomed t' th' "Cost o' pvin"' increases, periodically, an' e'en big organizations couldn't stand lip t* it, wi' havin't' raise th' prices t' sich high levels, people quit buyin'. So, th' result, an' companies shut flown, an' people wi'out work. « We older folk saw it a comin' lon„ fcgo, but little by little th' good livin* caught on. an' it got t' be a habit wi' Jnany. We used t' warn th' young about formin' habits, easy t' form, but hard t' break. • But there's a better day a comin'. when folks git back t' bein' more practical. Younguns'll find emselves enjoyin' a bit 0' r'sponsibility, an' e'en some real work. Wi' all th' warnins. regardin' th' way so many things ha' changed, there's a substantial recognition 0' th' real needs in so many areas o' our society, there seems t' be a strong tendency t' re- adopt many 0' th' idees that were termed ol' fashioned, an' too out­ moded fr a modern social structure. Wi' these beautiful days, an' spring so near, our hopes awaken, along wi' Mother Nature's manifestation o' life. Maybe th' good Lord decided we needed somethin't' make us aware o' all th' things we've sort 0' taken f'r granted. Oh yes. it was earned, but in many cases, th' pay was too high. hain't easy t' buckle down an' •na.»e do. where it was easier t' get more, but it'll all come out in th' wash, as th' sayin' goes, an' Mom Nature will have her way. no matter what. A 'Happy St. Patrick's Day" t' ye all. Grandma Radtke CULLOM KNOLL ON McCULLOM LAKE ROAD 2 Miles West of Route 31 CAMYOUTS AVAILABLE 3S5-9712 --SATURDAY NIGHTS-- SERVING 5 pm-10 pm BAM-0 BABY BACK $C95 (IBS t CHICKEN ** 01 CHOOSE FtOM 08K FUU MEM SELECTION FRIDAY FISH FRY ALL "IT CAN EAT <425 ICELANDIC COO 4 Senior Citizens -$3.76 (4:30*6 pm) Dinner-Dance Members and friends of the Shamrock club of Twin Lakes will celebrate the feast of St. Patrick with a dinner-dance Saturday, March 19, at Andre's Steak House in Richmond. A trio of young Irish dancers and lively music are scheduled to entertain the "wearers o' the green". For reser­ vations call Tom Fitzgerald at 414 877- 3706. The next general membership meeting of the club will be held-March 22 at St. John's Community center in Twin Lakes at 7:30 p.m. Founded to promote Irish heritage, the club is a non-profit making, non-political organization. Over 300 Irish- Americans are currently listed on the club's roster. Membership covers a six-county area including McHenry, Lake and Cook counties in Illinois and Kenosha, Walworth and racine counties in Wisconsin. For membership information contact Larry Coffey at 414 877-2696. Baptismal Rite For Smith Baby Michael Augustine Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith, Jr. of McHenry, was baptized recently at St. Patrick's Catholic church, McHenry. The Reverend Edmund P. -"Petit of­ ficiated at the afternoon rite , The ikfartf %6re "a* long whUe, traditional, baptismal gown v<rhi4h had been made by his maternal grandmother. Mrs. Mary Raica and embroidered by his mother Patricia. A matching hat completed the outfit. Godparents for Michael were his aunt and uncle, Rose Marie and Daniel Raica of Crystal Lake. A buffet dinner was served to 25 relatives, including his godparents and grandparents, Edwin and Mary Raica of Crystal Lake; Dave and Judy Smith of McHenry; and great- grandparents, Leo J. and Florence Smith of McHenry. Rock 'N Roll Jamboree Set A rock n roll jamboree is scheduled Friday, March 18, at the county nursing home at Valley Hi. The jamboree involves a 24-hour rocking chair marathon beginning at 3 p.m. A carnival is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 19. It will feature game booths, contests, craft and bake sales. Proceeds will benefit the American Heart association. ST. PATRICK'S CARD PARTY The Wonder Lake Fire Co. I Auxiliary announces its second an­ nual St. Patrick's Card Party. The event will be held Friday, March 18, from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m., at the Wonder Lake Fire Co. I firehouse, located on East Wonder Lake road. The evening promises to be loads of fun for everyone who attends. Bridge and canasta clubs and neighborhood friends are all invited. Methodist church, Welcome. McHenry-Guests MARCH 18 NAIM--St. Margaret Chapter- regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Oak room-Montini Middle School. Corned Beef ft Cabbage Dinner-5 to 8 p.m.--comedian and band, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.-Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169. MARCH 18-19 Rummage Sale-Ringwood United Methodist church-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. -- MARCH 19"" McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot, 1 p.m.- - public invited. MARCH 20 La Fashion Affaire--champagne brunch and fashion show-U:30 a.m.- Chapel Hill Country club- reservations, Mrs. Raymond Tem- pleman or La Fashion Affaire, Box 69, McHenry-by Mar. 14. Spaghetti Dinner-11 a.m. to 6 p.m.- Johnsburg Community Club-sponsor, Johnsburg Boy Scout Troop 455-ticket info call 312-497-3992 or 385-5478. MARCH 21 THE OS meet 5:30 p.m.-dinner at The Spirit of a New Decade restaurant-1225 N. (keen St.-then to First United Methodist church- reservations, call Lyda Radisch, 385- 2754. MARCH 23 Whispering Oaks Woman's club-r church-Bring own lunch-dessert Prayer hfeakfast, 9!30 a.m.^J served-Mae Stinespring, book community center-theme, "Attitude review of Faith". MICHELE STILLING AND JAMES KIECKHAEFER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling of Cambridge, Wis., former residents of McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter Michele Colleen, to James Russell Kieckhaefer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kieckhaefer of Hartford, Wis. The couple are both 1982 graduates of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, majoring in retailing and accounting, respectively. They are planning a Sept. 10,1983 wedding. APRIL 2 _ Bake Sale-McHenry State Bank- 9:30 a.m.-sponsor, Catholic Daughters. APRIL 4 U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee)-meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. APRIL 5 Marcia Mary Ball Circle-meeting, noon--First United Methodist church parlor--hostess, Esther Sims. APRIL 6 Candidates night-Parkland school, 7:30 p.m.-sponsor, McHenry C. of C. Legislative Advisory council-public invited. McHenry Grandmothers club- Special Business Meeting, 11 a.m- Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Pistakee Highlands Women's Club- meeting, 7 p.m.-Community Center. MARCH 24 Whispering Oaks Assn.-annual meeting, 7:90 p.m.-Whispering Oaks Community Center-Ward 2 alder- manic candidates speak. MARCH 26 Valley View Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-at the school-public in­ vited. McHenry American Legion-WWI Barracks 1315-Post 491 and auxiliary- -combined birthday party-6:30 p.m. dinner-reservations, 385-8570. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot, 1 p.m.- - public invited. Bake Sale-sponsor, Polish Legion of American Vets, Chapter 188- McHenry State Bank and Carey building, 9 a.m. to noon-Hornsby's, 9 a.m. until... Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m.-sponsor, Pistakee Highlands Women's club- Community Center. MARCH 27 . McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road--meat shoot--handicap and games, 11 a.m.-public invited. MARCH 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus cafeteria-slides, Northern Dl. Med. Center. McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 8 p.m.-First United spurgeons Family Hairstyling Center Phone 385-4520 DAILY 8 TO 8 SATURDAY 8 TO 3 Now thru April 2.. FREE MSL CONDITIONING TREATMENT With any hair service! Creates a smooth. glossy. manageable finish. All MOISTURE QUOTIENT. Products Are 20% OFF! Easy opening for clams and oyster- s . wash in cold water and store in a plastic bag in the freezer for an hour. APRIL 7 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Dee Boeka. Evening Circle-7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. APRIL 8-10 10th annual McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trade Fair-Parkland School. APRIL 9 Friendship Club Potluck Luncheon & Meeting-Fellowship hall, 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Area Toastmasters Club- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country club-Guests Welcome. APRIL 13 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club- 15th annual Luncheon and Card Party--noon--Community Center. APRIL 14 McHenry County Genealogical Society-meeting, 7:30 p.m.~ Fellowship hall, Grace Lutheran church-Washington St., Woodstock- topic, New England Research. Lakeland Park Women's Club- meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Lakeland Part Community House-17!7 N. Sunset-ell lakeland ladies invited. Priscilla Circle-First United Methodist church parlor-9:30 to 11:30 a.m.-babysitter provided. APRIL 14-16 United Methodist Church Women's Annual Spring Rummage Sale- Fellowship hall of the church- Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.-Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.-Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon. APRIL .20 Card Party, Bake Sale, benefit FISH-sponsor, Lakeland Park Women's club-Lakeland Park Community House-1717* N. Sunset Ave.-tickets, at door or from club members-reservations, Lyda Radisch, 385-2754. APRIL 21 United Methodist Women-general meeting, 7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church-Speaker on McHenry Co. Hospice-Evening circle hostess. Xi Kappa Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Linda Jachino. Fashion Show Model DR. GEORGE GALLANT ' Dr. George Gallant of Woodstock looks over one of the outfits to be worn in "La Fashion Affaire", a fashion show and champagne brunch, sponsored by the Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital (Northern Illinois Medical Center). Dr. Gallant, director of the Emergency Medicine depart­ ment at McHenry hospital, will be among the men modeling sportswear^ western apparel and business »nrf formal wear. The brunch will be held Sunday, Mar. 20, at Chapel Hill Country club, with cocktails starting at 11:30 a.m. Bonnie Sheehan and Judith Irwin will moderate the fashion show which includes clothing from 14 local stores. Reservation! can be made by contacting Mrs. Raymond Templeman or by writing La Fashion Affaire, Box 69, McHenry, 111. 60050. BRIDES TO-BE SILIC WEDDING BOUQUETS PLUS SMART BRIDES SAVE MONEY EVERLASTING SILK FLOWERS «mb» FREE GIFT WITH WEDDING ORDER WE ALSO FURNISH INVITAtlONS AND AISLE RUNNERS. U 3 CRAFTS & GIFTS 1219 N. Green St.-McHenry I Hold Dinner Dance I I I I For Singles Group On Saturday night, March 26, Branches is sponsoring its third an­ nual Champagne Singles Dinner Dance at Lakeside cento*, 401 Country Club road, Crystal Lake. All singles in the area are invited to join in the celebration. The evening will begin at 6:30 p.m., with cocktails and hors d'oeuvres; a roast beef dinner will be served at 7130 p.m. Reservations for the dinner and dance must be made before March 21 by calling 459-0064.. Dancing will begin at 9:30 p.m. and* no reservations are needed to enjoy the live music which will include the sounds of big bands, rock, country, and slow and dreamy. Branches, a Christian singles group, is an outreach organization of the First Congregational church of Crystal Lake. It began in 1979 with a dozen members and has now grown to almost 300. It is non-denominational and has a purpose to encourage an atmosphere where single persons can find caring, sharing, friendships and the opportunity for personal growth as a single. Meetings are held every Tuesday at Lakeside center, begin­ ning at 8 p.m. Shamrock Club COMMUNITY CALENDAR MARCH 16 St Patrick's Day Luncheon ft Card Party-St. Peter's hall, Spring Grove- serving, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.-sponsor, Christian Mothers-public invited. Whispering Oaks Woman's club-1 p.m.-community* center-silk flower demonstration. "Protect Your Business" seminar- Jay Chief Pasenelli-sponsor, Retail Comm. McH. C of C-open to all business owners-any size business- East campus, 7:30 p.m. MARCH 17 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Karen Colomer. McHenry Senior Citizens club- Luncheon ft Show-Holiday Park, 11 a.m.-lunch served, noon- transportation on your own. United Methodist Women-general meeting, 10 a.m.-Communion brunch led by the Rev. Martha Lewis, Hampshire UMW church-hostess, Mission team. Catholic Daughters-monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Liberty Hall. PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 16,1983 <£ocLa,[

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