LIVE! RADIO WXRD IN STORE BROADCAST Many In-Store Open Houm Special*! There are over lOO changes in this year's tax laws and forms. , I Named Counsel PAGE 13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, MARCH 18,1983 Call To Jul ie Prevents Damage College Honors Here And There In Business MARCH 19*20 HONDA PLANNING TO IMPROVE ~ T O i . N ' YOUR BUSINESS Realtors Record THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER NEWSPAPER Available At The Following Locations: • WHITE HEN PANTRY • McHENRY DRUG • BELL LIQUORS • BOLGERS DRUG STORE • BEN FRANKLIN • OSCO DRUGS • JEWEL • HORNSBYS • HERMES & CO. • LIQUOR MART • VILLAGE MARKET • J & R FOOD MART • McHENRY HOSPITAL • FOOD MART • J & L G A S • ACE HARDWARE • LAKEVIEW • SUNNYSIDE FOODS • ADAMS GROCERY • LITTLE STORE • FRED & IRENE'S TAP • SUNRISE GROCERY • DEBBIE'S GENERAL STORE • NORTHWEST TRAIN • ISLAND FOODS • CONVENIENT FOOD • COUNTRY CUPBOARD • SULLIVAN FOODS • MILLSTREAM UNION 76 • COLE PHARMACY • SUNNYSIDE AUTO • COAST TO COAST Jewel Offers Cooking Classes Cooking classes have been scheduled for the public at the McHenry Jewel Food store. Wednesday, March 23, will be Chops tick I, where students can learn about Chinese vegetables, stir-frying in the wok, egg foo yung, and moo goo gai peen. The Wednesday, April 6, class is called Chops tick II. In this session, it is possible to learn to make egg rolls, wontons, tempura, fortune cookies, and almond cookies. Classes are conducted at the Jewel store, 4222 Elm street, McHenry, between 7 and 9 p.m. Advanced registration and payment is necessary. For further information contact the store manager, Bill Milzer. With the coming of spring, the thoughts of many turn to the garden or home improvement. Northern Illinois Gas company suggests anyone thinking of digging call JULIE before the first shovel is turned. JULIE (Joint Utility Locating In formation for Excavators) is a toll- free hotline designed to notify NI-Gas and nearly 140 other Illinois utilities of digging projects that might disturb underground facilities. The number is 800 892-0123. ' Join Honor Fraternities Tax Practice RETIRES-^Lorraine (Freund) Stephens, a native of McHenry who has nursed at Memorial hospital since 1938 following her family's move to Woodstock, was honored at an open house on her retirment recently. Lorraine and her husband, Burt, have two sons and a daughter--Doug, a lawyer and Frank, a doctor, and Onanc Laurie, a nurse. With Ms. Stepehens at the open house are, fi'om left, Erika V/TT/C6 5 Visser, assistant dietitian; Margaret Norgard, R.N.; Mrs. Stephens and Mrs. Stephens' granddaughter, 4-year-old Elizabeth Stephens. Don Peasley Photography According to analysts at the National Association of Realtors, the housing industry is on a firm road to recovery which is good news for America's homebuyers. Lower interest rates and slower home price appreciation have contributed greatly to the greater affordability of homes over the last few months. A recent existing home sales report issued by the National association noted the improvement in home sales and af fordability in all regions of the country. The report showed the sales of existing single- family homes last December were at an annual rate of 2.18 million units, up 2.8 percent from the November rate and 20 percent higher than the level at mid-year. The report also noted that the median price of a resale home at year-end was $67,500. % Now is the best time to buy because many homes are available aJ bargain prices. The NAR reports home prices are growing at a rate slower than in flation. . * The report cautioned, ^however, that waiting too long to buy a home could be a costly mistake. A recent ar ticle in Realtors News, a real estate industry newspaper, reported that only 250,000 new homes are available for sale. This translates to about a six-month supply at the current sales pace. The article stated that the in ventory of unsold homes is extremely low by historic standards and, if the housing supply doesn't keep up with increasing demand, economists predict 1984 home prices are likely to increase faster than overall inflation. The substantial im provement in new home sales over the last six months shows the positive response of home buyers to falling interest rates. It's clear that builders will have to increase their current levels of production in order to meet demand and avoid a critical housing shortage which would force home prices up. C o n t i n u e d i m provement in the h o u s i n g i n d u s t r y depends on actions by the Reagan ad m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d Congress to reduce federal deficits. The McHenry County Board of Realtors supports federal fiscal policies which will keep interest rates down and help make owning a home a reality for every American. Donald Bergman has opened an accounting and tax practice office at 2210 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, in the for mer Region Century 21 office building. He and his associates will serve the local public in their knowledge of changing tax law. Prior to moving to this area, Bergman conducted a year 'round business in the LaGrange area for seven years. There, he answered various types of business concerns including loan applications, financial statements, and tax planning among others. Karen Funk Recipe In New Cookbook It all began when Karen Funk of the McHenry area addressed an envelope to the food editor of Farm Wife News magazine. Like hundreds of other women across the country, Karen put a favo -ite snack recipe in the mail with hopes of winning a nationwide recipe contest. Karen's outstanding recipe for "Crab-Stuffed Mushrooms" now appears in a new, nationally distributed cookbook which contains over 140 recipes selected as the best from the Farm Wife News snack contest. THOMAS O'LEARY McHenry resident Thomas O'Leary has been named corporate counsel for Pepper Construction Co., Chicago- based general contracting and con struction management organization. A graduate of St. Norbert college, West DePere, Wis., O'Leary received his law degree from DePaul university, Chicago. He is currently a member of both the Illinois and Chicago bar associations. He and his wife, Susan, have two children. Service Pin To Sylvester Richard T. Sylvester, Sr., research engineer, applications research, has been presented his 15-year service award by Chemplex company, Rolling Meadows. / Sylvester originally joined Chemplex as a laboratory technician, research and development. He received his associate degree in plastics technology from Elgin Community college. Sylvester his wife, Carol and son reside in McHenry. Credit Adjustment Commonwealth Edison company has announced that its customers will again see a fuel adjustment credit on their March bills. This marks the longest continuous fuel adjustment credits the company has realized since early 1969. This credit, which has occurred for the past six months, will bring the total six-month savings of a typical residential customer using 500 kilowatthours to $4.23 outside Chicago. AT ANALYSIS SCHOOL David L. (Jake) Backhaus, McHenry, Country Companies in surance agent in McHenry county, recently completed the companies' Personal Needs Analysis school, Part 1. The five-day school was held in the home office in Bloomington. Backhaus joined the firm as an agent in February, 1983. Heidi Reihansperger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reihansperger, 1 5 0 7 V a l c o u r t , M c H e n r y , w a s initiated into Phi"Eta Sigma and Alpha Lambda Delta honorary fraternities at The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va., March. 17.; Eligibility for both fraternities requires^3*5 grade point during the first semester of the freshman year. HOW Much M Your TONY CHUCK LEWANOOWSKI 1308 N. PARK McHENRY 385-2304 AMERICAN JAM 11^ AUTO HOMf BUS/MESS HfAlTN Ifff F*»r>.iy Mutual Insurance Co Mad-son W-s CHARLIE AVOIDED THE DEHTIST'S OFFICE LIKE THE PLA6UE, HOW HE AVOIDS CHEWIHS. •OFFICE MANAGEMENT •INTERACTIVE ACCOUNTI SYSTEM •INSURANCE RATING SYSTEM H&R Block preparers have received special training to help you this year. Did you know there are two different short forms, increased deductions for an IRA, and in creased child care credits ... and many more changes? We' ve done our homework on the new tax laws, so you don't have to. H&R BLOCK S Our annual Open Hoyse is the place to learn what two-wheel performance is all about. And now is the time. The new tax laws. This year's number one reason to go to H&R Block. •ATTORNEY'S TIME AND BILLING PACKAGE 'jp* wu\ mafr Let The HENNIP COMPUTER GROUP Help Design And Install The Right Package For Your Needs Call (815) 344-3133 SPECIALIZING IN:" T̂el̂ ideo Systems, Inc. YOU CAN KEEP YOUR TEETH FOREVER, WITH A LITTLE HELP OUR HELP •i The two main reasons why people like Charlie avoid the Dentist are fear and money. Here at ANTIOCH AND FOX LAKE DENTAL CENTERS, we remove your fears with experienced, personalized care, and friendly people. With our HELP-DENT PLAN, we can reduce the cost of your dental needs, from braces to dentures/ And, if you have dental insurance, the HELP-DENT PLAN1, REDUCED YOUR CO-PAYMENT, SOMETIMES COMPLETELY. Call today. We are open weekdays, evenings and Saturdays. Come in this weekend and see the world's most exciting motorcycles. The 1983 Hondas. You'H discover the look and feel of our radical new V-Twins. The breathtaking power of our V-fours. And our spectacular new in-line fours. We'll also make sure you get more than you bargain for when you come in. McHenry 5101 W. Elm (Route 120) Open WMkdm 8-8; Saturday 9-5 Phon* 385-8630 OPEN TONIGHT--APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE MasterCard and Visa accepted at most area locations FOX LAKE DENTAL : CENTER BUILMNO t [< 18 East Grand Avenue (just West of R.R. tracks) (312)587-5053 Free deck of Honda playing card.* Pick up a deck j ust for coming in. They feature all the great '83 Hondas. Tha RedMne Super Sale is on now. F antast ic prices on selected Hondas. Win one of four 1982 Honda Urban Expresses* € nter the drawings for one of Hondas most fun and economical forms of transportation. 'While quantities last. ©1983'American Honda Motor Co., Inc. One per family, must be accompanied by adult. ANTIOCH DENTAL CENTER BUILDING 439 Lake Street (next taBen Franklin) (312) 395-3250 i / OPEN 7 DAYS! • •• • • rt. 14, w. of 31 Good T imes Cyclery