0 PAGE 2 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. MARCH 18.1983 <cA/(o±t[u <SociaL Mission Team Slates Meeting Plan "Fair Diddley 99 * JULIE SPELLMAN AND MICHAEL YAEGER MA* WEDDING - A wedding is being planned by Julie Ann Spellman and MUtiael Eric Yaeger for May 13, at 7 p.m., in the First Assembly of God church, Caroondale, HI. The bride elect, a 1979 graduate of Wheaton Central high sciool, Wheaton, III., is the daughter of Jack and Lois Spellman of McHenry. Eijjc and Helen Yaeger of Glen EUyn, 111. are the parents of the future bridegroom, who graduated in 1977 from Glenbard South high school, Glen Eljyn, 111. RUSSEILS FURNITURE! The next United Methodist Women Mission Team (Executive committee) meeting will be held Monday, April 4, at 9:30 a.m., in the church parlor of the First United Methodist church, McHenry. The last meeting of the group was opened with a prayer by Nancy Hodges. An announcement was made that the annual Spring Rummage Sale of the United Methodist Women is slated for Thursday, April 14, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; and Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon; in the Fellowship hall of the church, lower level. Rummage donations can be brought to the church starting March 28, and placed in classroom 1-B on the lower level. The Naomi Circle will meet for its March meeting at the home of Nancy Hodges. Mae Stinespring mentioned con ference Point, the Midwest Ecumenical Center at Lake Geneva, which is open from Easter to Thanksgiving, for retreats, family groups, camp sessions and small groups. She also brought to everyone's attention the Women's Information Day scheduled at McHenry County college Saturday, March 26... Members were advised that the Response and World Outlook magazine subscriptions are being placed or renewed for Mission Team members. It was quite a busy meeting, with much accomplished. Annual Prayer Breakfast Set The Whispering Oaks Woman's club will hold its seventh annual Prayer Breakfast March 23, at 9:30 a.m., at the Whispering Oaks Community Center. Chairman Roberta Wildes has chosen the theme, "Attitude of Faith" and there will be special vocal selections by Pastor Mitchell Con- sidine of the Chain O'Lakes Evangelical Covenant church. Also, the assembly will join in a song ser vice yvith Mildred Albrecht ac companying on the piano. Preceding the program, a con tinental breakfast will be served by hostess Alice Bethel, assisted by Alyce Johnson and Estelle White. In lieu of any charge, the club would greatly appreciate monetary gifts, and-or cereals, canned goods and other non-perishable items for FISH to help them carry on the meaningful work they are doing. Members of the Mental Health Resource League are pictured at a recent planning session for the group's fifteenth annual "Fair Diddley", Sunday, May 15, on the Woodstock city square. This old time country fair will feature over 250 artists and craftsmen. Shown above, from the left, are Sharon O'Dwyer of McHenry, general chairman; Lynda Stoxen of Harvard; and Martha Peters of McHenry, craft rental chairman. A day of treasure shopping, entertainment, and fun is promised for all. Senior Walk-In KELLY DIETZ AND ROBERT PLINER AJflfcoUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Dietz of Waukesha, Wis. ince the engagement of their daughter Kelly, to David Pliner, son of Mr, Irs. Robert Pliner of McHenry. The future bride is a 1979 graduate of il Lake Central high school and will graduate from Northern Illinois rsity in May with a degree in elemental education. The prospective sgroom gaduated from McHenry Community high school in 1978. An Aug. ig is planned. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD INTENT loNAL feUtfCR * SGCTtortAL Meals are served Monday through Friday at the McHenry Walk-In Center beginning at 11:45 a.m. Reservations must be made by 1:30 p.m. the day before at 385-8260. The menu for the week of March 21 through March 25 is as follows: Mar. 21: Meat balls and gravy, mashed potatoes, Harvard beets, assorted breads, vanilla pudding, fruit, milk. Mar. 22: Chop suey on rice, peas, peach and cottage cheese salad, roll, carrot cake, milk. Mar. 23: Oven fried chicken, par sley buttered potatoes, glazed carrots, cole slaw, assorted breads, whipped jello, milk. Mar. 24: Lasagna, spinach, tossed salad, French bread, tapioca pudding, milk. Mar. 25: Ham, scalloped potatoes, Frenched green beans, pineapple and carrot jello salad, assorted breads, banana, milk. P.T.O. Sponsors Shop-Sharp Dpys Hilltop school P.T.O. will spOrisof Shop and Share days March 28,29 and 30. On March 21, Hilltop students will bring home gold certificates. They should be brought to the cooperating store, and after purchase of groceries, the gold certificate and receipt are taken to the service counter. Five percent of the grocery receipt will go to the P.T.O. The P.T.O. uses funds to purchase educational, recreational and other needed items for the school. These items are particularly welcome because of government cutbacks in school funding. Invite New Moms To Discussion The New Mom's Discussion Group, which strives to help new moms deal .with all of their new responsibilities, and is open to all new moms, will meet Tuesday, March 22. at 10 a.m. The group offers mothers and their babies a time and a place to come together to share the positive and negative experiences of parenting that accompany motherhood during the baby's first year. One need not be a first time mother to attend. For more information about the group and location of the meeting, contact the leader, Mrs. Carl (Deb bie) Wright of Crystal Lake. Ladies Auxiliary To VFW Post 4600 Makes Donations To Worthy Groups The March meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 was attended by 18 members with Gerry Kuck presiding. General orders which were read by the secretary brought to the members' attention that election of officers will take place at the April meeting. It was agreed by all that the auxiliary should donate $25 to the Junior Girls unit affiliated with the Waukegan auxiliary. There also will be donations of $10 each to 4-H, Salvation Army and March of Dimes. A donation had been given to the Christmas Cheer program, which is enjoyed by naval servicemen each year at Great Lakes. Americanism and Loyalty day chairman Mary Kuemmel asked everyone to inform her when there is a request for an American flag. Child Welfare chairman Frances Nells reminded the group to turn in their banks at the April meeting. Pat Spoto, Junior Girls Unit chairman stated that on April 16, the Junior Girls Unit will hold its con ference in Springfield. Legislative chairman Edna Olson asked the members to write to their congressmen in regards to the Agegt Orange Compensation bill and the Ten Percent Withholding Tax on Savings Accounts bill. Anne Scarbrough, rehabilitation chairman reported a post member is seriously ill, as is his wife, and requested the auxiliary to offer aid. Financial aid was approved by the membership. Safety chairman Eva Snell stated that the state of Illinois chairman urged the disposal of unnecessary items. She further stated tornado season is upon us and mentioned some of the precautions that can be taken during a tornado. Voice of Democracy chairman Gerry Kuck advised that she had attended the state of Illinois banquet honoring the 19 district winners in Springfield and added that more than 800 members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary had attended. Gerry Kuck reported that she had assembled over 1,100 crossword and other word puzzles and delivered them to North Chicago Medical Center. The next regular meeting, with election of officers, will be Wed nesday, April 6. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Prayer breakfast, 9:30 a.m.-- community center-theme, "Attitude of Faith". Pistakee Highlands Women's Club- meeting, 7 p.m.-Community Center. 4 MARCH 18, ^liuspering NA.M-.St. Margaret Chapter££ regular meeting, 7:30 p.m.-Oak " "lUi -J124 . , aks Assn.--annual &UCEN B£D (8g>- TvJlkJ 3€t>$ DIMENSIONS •unisex salon! (hispering POINT CENTE| 4318 CRYSTAL LAKE RD., SUITE C VNCr>* v 'rMM'ti n * sows -y»or cuotcc STYLING FOR ( MEN & WOMEN! v> *» , v V NOW FEATURING 2 NEW SERVICES IN OUR SALON! •FULL SKIN CARE FACIALS FULL SIZE BCOS Clo>E < J U T . . • • 139- SjpFW, Lo*£»£At H-93- SM£ W) STRAiaLouV&lH. WAUAtfAy 259- &Mould fbl 359- FOR MEN & WOMEN FOR A HEALTHY COMPLEXION PLUS MANICURES FOR LOVELY HANDS & NAILS IY APPMTMEJfT M.Y 344-5510 room-Montini Middle School. Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner-5 to 8 p.m.--comedian and band, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.-Wonder Lake American Legion Post 1169. 2nd Annual St. Patrick's Card Party-7:30 to 10:30 p.m.-Wonder Lake Fire Co. I Firehouse. MARCH 18-19 Rummage Sale-Ringwood United Methodist church-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.-Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. MARCH 19 McHenry Sportsmen's club-- Weingart road-practice shoot, 1 p.m.- -public invited. MARCH 20 La Fashion Affaire-champagne brunch and fashion show-ll:30 a.m.- Chapel Hill Country club- reservations, Mrs. Raymond Tem- pleman or La Fashion Affaire, Box 69, McHenry-by Mar. 14. Spaghetti Dinner-11 a.m. to 6 p.m.- Johnsburg Community Club-sponsor, Johnsburg Boy Scout Troop 455-ticket info call 312-497-3992 or 385-5478. MARCH 21 THE OS meet 5:30 p.m.-dinner at The Spirit of a New Decade restaurant-1225 N. Green St.-then to First United Methodist church- reservations, call Lyda Radisch, 385- 2754. MARCH 23 Whispering Oaks Woman's club- manic candidates speak. / MARCH 26 Valley View Fun Fair-11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.-at the school-public in vited. McHenry American Legion-WWI Barracks 1315-Post 491 and auxiliary- combined birthday party-6:30 p.m. dinner-reservations, 385-8570. McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-practice shoot, 1 p.m.- -public invited. Bake Sale-sponsor, Polish Legion of American Vets, Chapter 188- McHenry State Bank and Carey building, 9 a.m. to noon-Hornsby's, 9 a.m. until... Easter Egg Hunt, 1 p.m.-sponsor, Pistakee Highlands Women's club- Community Center. MARCH 27 McHenry Sportsmen's club- Weingart road-meat shoot-handicap and games, 11 a.m.-public invited. MARCH 28 McHenry Senior Citizens Club- regular meeting, 7 p.m.-East campus cafeteria-slides, Northern 111. Med. Center. McHenry Area Toastmasters club- meeting, 8 p.m.-First United Methodist church, McHenry-Guests Welcome. MARCH 28-29-30 Landmark PTO-Shop & Share-for information, call the school, 385-8120. »aaas8aa!^^^sg^^ American Legion Post 491 I RING WOOD ROAD, McHENRY OPEN TO THE PUBLIC NEW FRIDAY FISH FRY BEER BATTER Perch or Haddock $3.00 Baked Haddock $3.00 Stuffed Flounder.. $3.50 Shrimp (6) $4.25 Shrimp in a Basket (21) $4.00 Seafood Platter .. $4.95 Chicken .» $3.50 Hamburger $2.50* Butt Steak $4.95 All above orders served with home-cut fries or baked potato, cole slaw, bread and butter. 'Cheese Additional $.10 Childs portion available. ACROSS FRON\ DUNKIN OOHUtS 4507 WW 120 AcM gffNEWCHEf STONY HALL FOR RENT Perfect for B Perfect for Banquets Weddings, Parties & More Hilltop School-Shop & Share-for information call 385-4421. APRIL 2 Bake Sale-McHenry State Bank- 9:30 a.m.-sponsor, Catholic Daughters. APRIL 4 U.M.W. Mission Team (Executive committee)-meeting, 9:30 a.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. APRIL 5 Marcia Mary Ball Circle-meeting, noon-First United Methodist church parlor-hostess, Esther Sims. 'Ruth Circle-First United Methodist Church-meeting, noon-Ethel Bailey- bring sandwich. APRIL 6 Candidates night-Parkland school, 7:30 p.m.-sponsor, McHenry C. of C. Legislative Advisory council-public invited. McHenry Grandmothers club- Special Business Meeting, 11 a.m - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church-Bring own lunch-dessert served-Mae Stinespring, book review. APRIL 7 Xi Kappa Iota chapter-Beta Sigma Phi-meeting, 8 p.m.-home of Mrs. Dee Boeka. Evening Circle--7:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church parlor. APRIL 8-10 10th annual McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce and Industry Trade Fair-Parkland School. APRIL 9 Friendship Club Potluck Luncheon & Meeting-Fellowship hall, 12:30 p.m.-First United Methodist church. McHenry Area Toastmasters Club- meeting, 9 a.m.-McHenry Country club-Guests Welcome. APRIL 13 Pistakee Highlands Women's Club- 15th annual Luncheon and Card Party-noon-Community Center. ALUMNI DINNER DANCE The Richmond-Burton Community High School Alumni Association has selected Saturday, July 9, as the date for its annnual dinner dance, to be held at Andre's Steak House in Rich mond. Music will be provided by a live band and all interested alumni are asked to mark this date on their calendars. Officers of the association this year-*ire Chris Lay, president; Eileen Gwizdala, vice-president; and Cindy Gardner, secretary-treasurer. A VOTE FOR ERNEST SCHOOLEY FOR FOURTH WARD ALDERMAN IS A POSITIVE VOTE FOR A BETTER WATER SYSTEM Paid for by recycling aluminum cans collected by Ernest Schooley