PAGE 4 - PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY. APRIL 20.1983 "EARL WALSH" So I Hear Somebody in Ye Olde Plaindealer office marked the following for me, thinking I need help. I do. This pertains to a change of address on the subscription list: Please change and tell Mr. Walsh "Vivian Bassett's son and family sen a hello from the Rockies". His column is a "must read". I thank you. Mrs. Homer Bassett Now, that was nice. It was also a reminder -- "must write". I get carried away when I read history books covering McHenry County. * Looking for something else, I ran Into Miller Monument Co. in Lowell •Jtye's 1832-1968 history book. > Had never heard that this business started in Johns burg back in 1868. > The book reports "Probably the \bldest continuous business in /McHenry Township". \ I well remember John H. Miller, £iown as the "stone cutter". His son, enry, carried on the business until }iis death. Henry's son, John H. < Honky) now carries (Hi the business Jat the same Elm St. location. Now comes the fourth generation, Jerry, to assist his father. 4 I In the old days, it was thought by )ome that the bigger the gravestone, ihe more the survivors thought of the Jleceased. I Fred Bienapfl read about left overs in the column and called to tell me a Jtwist to that name. • Fred was visiting relatives in ^Minnesota. They were getting ready 4o close their home and head for Florida. • The man of the house informed Fred they were going to have "must goes" for their next meal. Fred was puzzled. It was the lady of the house who explained. She pointed to items in the ice box that "must go". In "Zeke's " last letter he wondered about the date when I will be com pleting 48 years in the column , business. Without looking it up, I am sure August 5th of this year will be the day. What he had in mind was that if I could keep going to make it 50 years he would travel from Arizona to help celebrate. A Quick calculations tell me it will require about 250 more columns to hit the 50. As they say in sports circles, just play one game at a time. ving followed her progress since Pigtail League days, I was especially interested in Mike Lamb's feature article about Cissy Pinkstaff. Cissy was and is a good athlete. But, as the old timers used to say "She didn't just lick that off the grass". Nope, Her father, Jim, was a good, rugged athlete and he has spent many years coaching the young girls in softball. It is "All In The Family". It is a big relief to have that Chicago Mayoral race over. Some people said it took their minds off the local city election. In one circle where discussion was going strong, I remarked good people won and good people lost. One fellow said, "Yeah, but I see a trend". Time will tell. I wish the new aldermen success and think each will be his own man. , "Shorty" Long and his son Jerry called on us last week. Would you believe? "Shorty", who has spent years in Africa, has applied to go back into the Peace Corps. He has helped many people to get an education and lead a better life. Most men of "Shorty's" age are in rocking chairs. I forget how old he is. He isn't as old as Methuselah -- just the old fellow's younger brother. May Conliss, who resides on Hanley Street, noticed we spelled the name without an e. Explained to her it was Hanly until somebody added the e. Th%y knocked the L out of Kelly, but added an e to Hanly. Now, whathell! Walked into the news office and that girl at the front desk had a sign greeting me - "THANK YOU FOR NOT SMOKING". Think of all the years I have fumigated that office with cigar smoke. You never see a moth around there. I did give up cigars for Lent, but have been told it isn't what you give up. It is what good deeds you do that counts. • - ̂- * 2 ^ m « s Might add -- that sign disappeared. Don't look at me! The highlight of the week was a surprise luncheon party at McHenry Country Club for Helen Seborg. "Kitten on the keys" or "That little doll" retired from her Plaindealer job after about 17 years of doing various jobs. After that Musin' and Meanderin' column last week about Helen, I won't attempt to gild the lily. Let's just say that when people serve in a job for a number of years, you get somebody to take their place, but you don't replace them. After two long columns last week, I had better cut down or the management will start charging me for space. Honored By Hospital Four Spring Field Trips Slated The McHenry county chapter of the Illinois Audubon society has many interesting field trips planned for the spring months. The public is invited to participate in any of these at no charge. Binoculars and hand lenses will prove useful. The first trip planned is a nature Walk through Burrows woods, a McHenry County Conservation area on McGuire road, near Harvard. The group which will meet in the parking lot at 8:30 a.m. will be led by a knowledgeable naturalist. One can hope to see some of the early migrating birds and some wild- flowers April 23. For a car-pool or to get directions. contact Barbara Meding at 385-6717. A Spring Bird count, similar to the Christmas bird count, will be held May 7, beginning one-half hour before sunrise and closing at one half-hour after sunset. An owl hoot will be arranged if there is sufficient interest. Since this count covers the entire county, bird watchers, both amateur and expert, are needed. For further information about participating in this count, call Dave Frey at 338-4866. A field trip to the Kloempken property in Huntley is planned for Saturday, May 14, at 8:30 a.m. A wide variety of habitat, including a wetland area, should offer an opportunity to view many birds, including the great MCCULLOMLAKE Dawn Miller 385-4901 CYNTHIA SCHWEDER Cynthia Schweder, McHenry resident who is a nurse at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, for the past three years, has been chosen Employee of the Month for April by a five-member employee committee. Her selection continues the monthly recognition program begun a year ago and which included an Employee of the Year selection at the Memorial hospital annual meeting last January. Mrs. Schweder works on the 3 to 11 shift on the third floor surgical unit. In announcing the selection, Yvonne Wolff, committee chairman, said "Cindy exemplifies nursing by her compassion and level of care given patients. She is an outgoing and friendly person with a pleasant sense of humor." Cindy and her husband, Gary, have lived in McHenry for 15 years. She obtained her Bachelor's degree in nursing at Northern Illinois univer sity, DeKalb, in 1980. Her hobbies include enjoying the family German Shepherd dog, named J.D., and camping and canoeing. tlecf Three New Trustees There wasn't much of a turn-out for the April 12 election. The residents that did vote elected Roland Hughes, Dee Valentine and John Morris to four-year trustee terms. Congratulations to these candidates, and they are wished successful terms serving the village board. As to the poll taken on sewers, the majority of the voters were favorable towards sewerage. Even though this won't come about for many years, the village board can start the works in motion. VILLAGE BOARD MEETING The April 11 board meeting was almost two hours long. After the long list of bills was approved, com munications were read by the clerk. Fifty copies of our new Code of Or dinances have arrived. The village ordinances have been going through codification for over two years now, and the work is finally done. The board was very happy about that. During building and zoning reports, it was brought up whether or not a permit is needed to tear down a house. The answer is yes. New chairs will be ordered for the beach house since we are short quite a few. Chairs are necessary items when someone wants to rent the hall. Trustee Lois Parenti is in charge of the hall and rental of it. If interested, give her a call at 385-3140. The next village board meeting will be Tuesday, April 26, at 8 p.m., at which time, our new trustees will be sworn in. Why not plan on attending this important event. Our past trustees have served our village well and their presence, knowledge and good works will be missed. BIKE-A-THON Pat Wade, chairperson of the Cystic Fibrosis (children's lung and in testinal disease) bike-a-thon, has announced that May 15, from 9 a.m. to noon, will be the official date for the CF bike-a-thon here in McCullom Lake. If you wish to participate in the event, sponsor sheets are available at Pat Wade's, 5000 Fountain or Donna Gates, 2722 N. Orchard or Chris Lawson's, 2911 Knollwood, starting Friday April 22. If you have any questions or can help in any way, please contact Pat Wade at 385-6365 today. CLERK'S HOURS Residents are now 20 days late in purchasing 1984 vehicle stickers. My hours through the end of April will remain Wednesdays and Thursdays 2 through 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m. through 1 p.m. In delaying to purchase your vehicle sticker, you may receive a costly ticket. This is also a good time to renew blue herons which nest there. The Kloempkens have also a restored prairie where the forerunners of summer glory will be seen. For details concerning the location, car- pooling, etc. the contact person will be Darlene Fiske, 338-0592. Ryerson woods has been chosen for a Sunday field trip, May 22, at 8:45 a.m. This Lake County Forest preserve area located on River Woods road, near Half Day, features such early bloomers as white trillium and false rue anemone. The warbler migration should be in full swing by this time. Contact Darlene Fiske (338- 0592) for further details. your boat stickers and rent a boat post. I suggest you hurry on the post rental since they do go fast and there are only 10 posts. To renew your boat sticker is only $1 and the post rental is $7 for the season. BIRTHDAYS "Happy Birthday" wishes for this week are expressed to Raina Rourke, who will blow out eight candles April 20; Todd Lasco blowing out five candles April 24, and sharing that date with Barb Reiter and Ron Kloeckner; Joy Miller turns seven April 25, and shares that day with Barb Millar, Irene Johnson opens her cards April 26. May you all enjoy your cake and another happy year. ANNIVERSARIES Anniversary wishes are sent to Orville and Ruth Brandt, who will celebrate another year of bliss April 20. COMMUNITY CALENDAR April 22, Friday-sponsor sheets available for Cystic Fibrosis Bike-a- thon. April 26, Tuesday-Village Board meeting at 8 p.m. at the beach house. New trustees to be sworn in. All residents welcome. "Guys And Dolls" Is Theatre Group Choice THRU APRIL 27 Long John Silver's All-You-Can-Eat Special *2.99 SUNDAY THRO WEDNESDAY ONLY Start with 3 crispy fish fillets, golden fryes, fresh cole slaw and 2 crunchy hushpuppies... then go back for more as many times as you like! % With coupon: Fish & More® Dinner $1.99 Each dinner includes 2 fish fillets, golden fryes, fresh cole slaw, & 2 hushpuppies. Valid thru: May 14, 1983 Only at: 4313 W. Rte. 120, McHenry "Well, do you?" The McHenry Plaindealer Ml] Watt tlm MtMt McHanry. Illlnoia M0S0 Phona (IS-MS-0170 PuWiM t»»«7 I Friday at McHanry. Illinois >itm< Class Paatafa PAX) at McHanry Illinois by McMCMtV PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTff lm< irtnis chanfas la McHanry Plalntfaalar Mil W. tlm St.. McHanry. Illinois MM* SubscriWrs ara raflN to provMo Immadlata not tea of changa of ad drass to Tha McHanry Ptalndaalar. Mil W. Elm St.. McHanry. III. MOM. A dadvetton of ana montfc Iron, tfca aipiratian of a subscription will bo mado wbara a chanfa of addrns is pravMad riiraw«h Mm Past OHka Thomas C. Mill*r-Publi»h«r fltoarb Spinning ^tbtfpaper Johnsburg high school theatre will present "Guys and Dolls" April 28,29 and 30. Performances of the musical comedy will be at 8 p.m. in the Johnsburg high school auditorium. Students at the high school have been rehearsing for the past six weeks on musical numbers, dances and dialog. Another group of students has b been buildinf^bd painting sceneryfor the production. "Guys and Dolls" will be one of the most technically elaborate shows Johnsburg has ever produced. The musical takes place on Broadway in New York City in the 1940's. Nathan Detroit runs a floating crap game. Its location must be dif ferent each night so the police don't find out about it. Nathan needs a thousand dollars to get a place for the crap game. He bets his friend Sky Masterson that Sky cannot take a certain girl with him on his trip to Havana, Cuba. If Sky does not take the girl to Havana, Nathan wins the thousand dolalrs and the crap game will continue. The Johnsburg high school cast is headed by Paul Metzger as Sky Masterson, Rick Schaller as Nathan Detroit, Kathy Wester as Miss Adelaide, and Carrie Boike as Sarah Brown. Other leading roles are played by Chap Hughes, Ed Foster, Dave Rucker, and Debbie Swinford. The Hot Box Dancers are Lisa Kelly, Carol Schmidt, Laura Schratt, Paula Wroblewski and Kim Pieper. The crap shooters will be played by Ken Schoenig, Dave Drogosz, John Wharton, Jon Wills, Randy Beck, and Mark Hiller. Lisa Carlson, Dawn Dagens, Mary Dvorak, Annette Freels, and GaU Wroblewski play members of the Save-a-Soul mission. Other cast members include Steve Kalsch as Lt. Brannigan, Cheryl Burkhardt, Lisa Matulka, Laura Shiman, and Ray Tantillo. "Guys and Dolls" is directed by Roger Zawacki. Musical direction is ..Hal Thompson. The Choreographer, the technical 'dhrefctor, and the assistant director for this production are all students. The choreographer is Kathy Wester, the technical director is Tom Huemann, and the assistant director is Paul Metzger. Tickets for "Guys and Dolls" can be reserved by calling Johnsburg high school at 385-9233. Tickets will also be available at the door at each per formance beginning at 7 p.m. Senior citizens will be admitted free of charge to the Thursday performance April 28. Shamrock Club Meets The next general membership meeting of the Shamrock club of Twin Lakes will be held Tuesday, April 26, at St. John's Community center in Twin Lakes at 7:30 p.m. Topics under discussion include plans for an Irish- American concert June 26. Also on the agenda is the club's second annual family picnic scheduled for Aug. 14. Anyone interested in Irish heritage is invited to attend a Shamrock club meeting. Membership currently in cludes over 300 Irish-Americans from McHenry, Lake and Code counties in Illinois and from Kenosha, Racine and Walworth counties in Wisconsin. For membership information contact Larry Coffey at 414-877-2696. MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES With coupon: | With coupon: • |2Fish&Chickeni Seafood Platter i One coupon per person per vis Dinners $3.99 • Only $2.99 Each dinner includes a fish fillet, 2 Chicken Planks," golden fryes, & fresh cole slaw. Valid thru: May 14, 1983 Only at: 4313 W. Rte. 120, McHenry One coupon I per person Onecoupon per person per visit per usu Platter includes a fish fillet, 2 shrimp, 2 scallops, fryes, cole slaw & 2 hushpuppies. Valid thru: May 14,1983 Only at: 4313 W. Rte. 120, McHenry open lunch bownw it% DISCOUNT ifXBE Ad*l« Frochlich-Editor WEDNESDA Y~p THURSDAY ROAST SAIURDAY-i--SUNDAY ROAST TURKEY \^ITH DRESSING FRIDAY PAN FRIED ALL YOU CAN EAT LARGE CUT PRIME RIB SIRLOIN IBEEFI & SWEET POTATOES I Y*or $16.50 I Yaor 124.00 ta McHMiry County Outsido McHanry County m RIVERSIDE 1309 Riverside Dr., McHenry • 385-0044 NO-ORDERS - NO RAINCHECKS - WHILE QUANTITIES LAST.