on prepaid ads. Cords of Thanks, ia (Momoriam, Wrthdeys, AnniveVsarieft, Situation Wonted. Wan tod to Rent. Wanted to Buy Garage Sales MUST bo paidln advance. N* Tho Plolndoalor Is not rosponslblo far error* in flaniNod ads otter tho first insortion. .Chock your ad after tho «r*t Insertion and caH our attention ̂ ""^"KSMSHDAY-FMPAY 1:30am to S:00^m SATURDAY *te!2 NOON &V :'y~( 3:30 WED. FOR FRI. PAPER WED.FOR,FRI,PAPtR :81S-385-0170 CUBIC FT AMANA Side Side , Refrigerator: 36" i st FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 BUSHESS SfftUKES O B E D I E N C E COUCH & LOVESEAT. black naugahyde. excellent condition $125.00:; Ex- THOMAS OR0AN. 2 keyboards with rhythm section, excellent condition JUST REDUCED Pri $20,000 to $14,500. 5 acr< Giant Oaks Estates, i He I Nc ar liotf V SCREEN re Windows, SHADES, for many sizes. 7-24-7-31C FOOSBALL TABLE $225.00. 7-24-7-31 c AUTOS 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks FORD 1977.i: 1 ton Super Cab Camper Special, power electric jiu.uu; 4 Mushroom, beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all prices firm. 7- luwrvn. i unviAiT pna with Magic Genie, doulbe keyboard. 3 years old. First fOR SALE- REAL ACRE High and1 Dn| BUSINESS SERUKES '•M ' RUSMESS SERVICES HAW MRTNDAV It'S SPRING HOME I nprovement Time! Ffaintiilg, .interior and x t e r i o r a n d \4allpapering. Quality v ork. For a ~frefc estimate, call 815-344- 1722 after 6pm. 5-18-6- 2 4 c ' . v . - . . - F & S PAINTERS. C ustom . interiors and € Kteriors., ,... > Wallpapering., . Free qstimates. 815-459-4264. ... ... „ ,"6-ltfc tfARPET CLEANING Special. Any living loom ^teamed cleaned « nd'sanitized, $39.95. l l auman, Carpet gleaners, 815-943-4793. 6-ltfc ft & S PAINTERS, ustom r/ interiors. Wallpapering. Free estimates, 815-459-4264. ^ 6-ltfc 5ARAGE "DOOR SALES, Service and Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2662. 6-ltfc SWIMMING POOL, < pump repair. Home and industrial, electrical and plumbing. Insured. Schaeffer &,Co., 815-728- f 1700. ;. 6-1-7-lc REMODELING Specialists. "30 years". Basements, porches, room addi t ions , garages, concrete repairs, roofing, siding. , Prompt service.^v).E.A. Construction,, 815-344- 1632, 815-385-6566,' ,815- 344-0748. 5-27-6-15C WILL CLEAN OUT Basements, garages, attics, also lawn work. CaH after 5pm; free- estimates, 815-385^6511. - • - - - -6-8-6-24C ENTERPRISING Medical student will do painting, household repairs, minor land- s c a p i n g , e t c . Reasonable rates. 815- 385-9348 1 6-8-6-17C PAINTING PLUS, Ail t y p e s p a i n t i n g , papering, carpentry. Free estimates. In sured. Best price around. Bill 815-385- 2843. ' . ' "83™ EQUIPMENT MOVING, Up to 9 tons. ^12-497-3473. 6-3tfc SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum Cleaner Repair and Parts in Home Service, Keener and Son. 815-728-0672. 6- 8tfe ) 4t. TYPEWRITER REPAIR, Manual and electric,1 Free pick-up and delivery. Keener and Son, 815-728-0672. 6- 8tfc * --TT COMMUNITY TREE SERVICE " *Tree Trimming ^•^Romdvol " "Stump Removal ^•WWwood ' • 'Snow Romoval •Froo Estimates ' *Fully Insured (SI 5)385-6733 FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS -SPRING jogegnarnc/j MO 1H I Best time for tree care.; Now offering: 1,5% Off. trimming and removals. Free estimates Fully Insured 815-385-0318 i , THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Stop, Think, Call and Compare Prigps Complete lawn Maintenance, A, Weed and Feed fertilizing. Thatching, Sod. Black Dirt, Sand Gravel, Decorative Stone, Tree and Shrub Planting • Installed or Delivered Oak firewood $45. dropped off 815-385-6103 Landscapes bv Garv Weiss v<vr><.PlANS*PtANTS*4M.ANTING <•« v **>•;} ̂ ^•5£ED*S0D*Q8APINGu - v,;. RATIOS AND RETAINER,WAL|.S IN£lJR?b, OUARANTJEEd WORK 815-728-1668 \ •; . £ r Free Estimates WHARTOH BLACKTOP PAVING, INC. Servile yo«r area- 28 years experience. We are low takitg orders. Deal direct with owner ft sav^!!. ; «b * . Vi . * Call anytime to? FREE ESTIMATES. GRAYSUKE 312 223-5634 LIBERTYVILLE 312 367-0676 COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL WILL DO GARAGE and basement cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815r65$-689fi.r<6-ltfc PEQPEETY MANAGEMENT. Homes, Condominiums, Apartment Buildings, etc! Reasonable rates. References. 815-385- 0150. ̂ 5-13-6-17C BOW WOW BOUTIQUE Profess iona l Dog Grooming. All breeds. Call 815-385-2018 for appointment. 6-ltfc ALBRECHT Con struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. 6-ltfc F O X V A L L E Y CHRISTIAN School, 509 Front Street Grades K- 12v Now enrolling. Enrollment fee $55.00. Prior to June 30, save $30.00. 815-385-0083. Kindergarten students and new students must be tested for placement before school starts. Enroll now! 6-8-6-10c GARDENS ROTOTILLED, Reasonable rates. Call after 2pm, 815-385-6829. 6-8-6-lOc PLUMBING, New work , remodel ing , repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725 . 6-ltfc K.T.&' 'ff; " PAINTING' CQi Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. I n s u r e d . F r e e estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 6-ltfc J E N S E N W O O D Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 815-385-4024 Gary Jensen. 6-ltfc MATCHEN'S CONSTRUCTION BOB CAT WORK Cement work Remodeling Ron Glosson Ken Maxson Bob Matchen 815-344-0274 815385-2711 815-344-2449 6 8 6/1QIC MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Aluminum*Steel*Vinyl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 MAINISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repair*. Backhoe Work Questions about your u septic systems? Give us a coll Light Haulihg, DriveWay Gravel, Top Soil, Sand a Fill ' 815-344-3980 . • 5 Pi AWH* EARLY BIRD SPECIAL .M< in. Ft. for Griding * Blacktopping Only On Driveways flvef 1000 Sq. Ft. •Parking lois'New-Drives •Long Lanes*Patcfiing . •Resurlacing*Sealcoatmg 24 Hour Service All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates •I 5-459-3940 Call Now ft Save S/4TF WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good worft, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystail Lake Road, McHenry. 6-ltfc YARD CARE. Spring c lean-up . Mowing , Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc LICENSED HOR SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 6-ltfc « BASEMENTS & AT TICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 6-ltfc HANDYMAN. WILL Fix almost anything. Free estimates, pain ting, plumbing, elec trical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815-344- 4267 . 6-ltfc PAINTING, PAT CHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455- 5536. 6-ltfc RICK'S ROTOTILLING, 16 Hp., Kabota Diesel, 6" to 10" deep, 42" wide. No garden too big or too small. Very reasonable. Phone 815-728-0161. 6- ltfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, rfeli^We service,A ca l l T "feTectr f fcST* Unlimited'! f:liieen8ed! and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 6-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 6- l t f c LORDYILORDY! HE CLAIMS HE'S FORTY Happy 30th Bill With ail my love, Diana CARD Of THANKS MANY THANKS to all my relatives and friends for their kindnesses shown during my recent hospital stay. It will be long remembered. Special thanks to Father Bartel of St. John's, Johnsburg and the Deacons of St. Mary's in Woodstock. Jim Hettermann • 4 6-8 The Family of Edward Kennebeck would like to thank everyone for prayers, cards and all acts of kindness shown during his illness and special thank you to Father Gaynor, and the doctors and nurses at McHenry Hospital and to all who helped to make his funeral so nice. Everything was ap preciated. THANKS TO ST. Jude for favors granted. P.G. 6-8-6-lOc KftSONALS AS OF MAY 1963, No longer responsible for anything pertaining to Village of Sunnyside. Betty Messer, former clerk. 6-8 MOTORCYCLES ,1979 YAMAHA XS 400 Spec ia l , exce l l ent condition, $850.00. 815- 385-4269. 6-3-6-lOc HONDA 1979 CX 500 Custom, liquid cooled, drive shaft, plexi fairing, luggage rack, adult driven, $1,150. Call sis-sss-goafrf 6^3*6iOfl 1 iUi, f, •'.!* 1 '\ '1,'f 1 ? "? M0T0RCVCICS 1976 HONDA 550 Four, New battery, new ignition, runs good, $750.00 firm. 815-344- 4464. * \ 6-8-6-Jpc 1978 KAWASAKI KZ 650, kerker, LTD seat, $1,000 or best offer. 815- 344-0774. 6-8-6-lOc 1972 YAMAHA RT 360, mint runner, $500.00 or best. Ask for Rick or Bob, 815-653-6146. 6-8-6- 10c BOATS * MOTORS LOST INTEREST! 18' Larsen Runabout, rebuilt Ford ,,302", 1 season old, 1978 Shoreline trailer. Strong runner,, $2,950. 815-455- 5588. 6-8-6-lOc G.W. INVADER Boat and trailer, $1,500. 815- 344-3380. 6-8-6-lOc SEARS, 12 FT. "V" bottom aluminum row boat, $250.00; Sears game fisher outboard motor, 7Vz Hp., used 1 season, like new, $400.00; Wards Seaking, 3M- Hp., $100.00. 815-385- 4073. 6-8-6-lOc 15 FT. SILVERLINE Boat, with 75 hp. Johnson motor and trailer. Like new, $4,500. 815-344-3250 ask for Jerry between 9am- 5pm. ,<0 6-3-6-10c AUTOS 25 FT. CHRIS CRAFT Wood Cabin Cruiser, 200 Hp. Chevy engine on tjandem axle; flatbed . frailer, full cdrivas, 1978 SUZUKI DIRT | ihany exfrfts, $3,200. 815- Bike, $350.00. 815-344- 385-5289. 6-8-6-lOc 3380. 6-8-6-lOc : 1969 GMC PICK-UP,. Shortbed, side stejp, with tow bumper, 6 stick. Runs excellent, current safety sticker. Ouch, 1 right rear fender^ Good reliable transportation! $650.00. Days only 815- 344-4010. 6-8-6-lOd 1976 CAPRI GHIA, V-6, 4 speed, low miles, am- fm 8 track. Must see! $1,500,815-344-2958. 6-8- 6-10c 1977 PONTIAC VEN TURA. Sharp! Hat chback, a.c., 8 cylinder, great gas mileage, $l,70p. 815-385-2890. 6-8- 6-10c -- 1975 CHEVY IMP ALA, 4 door sedan, hard-top, radio, air conditioning, automat ic tran smission, good tran sportation, $750.00. 815- 385-4625. 6-8-6-lOc 1982 DODGE COLT Custom, 4 door, 15,000 miles* 4 speed, excellent condition, 33 mpg, am- fm, $5,500.815-344-4522. 6-8-6-lOc 1981 TOYOTA TERCEL Hatchback in excellent condition, 5 speed, am- fm cassette, 41,000 miles, $4,500. 815-385- 7915. 6-8-6-lOc 1978 FORD F250, 4 wheel drive, % ton truck "' with plow, 42,000 miles, no rust, excellent condition, $5,200 or best offer. 815-344-1993. 6-8-6- 10c 1970 PONTIAC LeMANS Sport Coi^vertibJ power . .Exce l lent ct)hditi6h!! ftS-^8161, 815-385-0625. 6-8-6-lOc 197 0 TOYOTA!] CORONA, good mpg., good transportaton, » $175.00 or best. 815-344- 0773. 6-8-6-lOc NOTICE 1974 YAMAHA TX500A, excellent condition, like new, low miles, $650.00. 815-344-3411. 6-8-6-lOc , i , , 1972 HONDA 750 Custom Bike, priced to sell, $1,200. Call 815-385-3115 aftter 5:30pm. 6-8-6-lOc AUTOS BUYING LIFE INSURANCE! Don't Buy or Change Any Life Insurance Without Contacting He! PATRICK JAMES LETIZIA Financial Planner Since 1968 815-728*0404 "Tiir UNLKFENIED FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to the Child Care Act of 1969. it is a misdemeanor to care for 4. or more other person's children in your home unless that home is licensed by the State of 'Illinois, It is also illegal to adver tise for such services in ian unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minimum standards for the safety, health and well being of the child. For information and Licen sing contact: ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN ft FAMILY SERVICES Lake Villa Field Office P.O. Box 269 215 North Milwaukee Ave Lake Villa, III. 60046 1 312-356-ipi 1 , NOTICE CONGRATULATIONS Kay and J im Bacigalupo on your new couch "Job Well Done". Your good friends, The Peters. 6-8 FOX VALLEY DAY Care, 509 Front Street. Now enrolling, excellent facilities and care. Drop-ins are welpome. 815-385-0083. 6-8-6-lOc VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL, First Baptist Church, June 20-24. Bus No.l-Hilltop area; Bus No.2-Lakeland Park and Foxridge. Telephone 815-385-0083. Plan now for your1 children to attend. 6-8-6-lOc 1979 CORVETTE, Stored every winter, white with red interior, all options, low miles, immaculate condition, $11,500,815-344-1748. 6-8- 6-lOc TOO MANY CARS! 1976 Plymouth Duster, ex cellent condition, under 53,000 miles, 4 speed manual, 4 new tires, $1,100 or best offer. 815- 653-4876 after 5pm. 6-8- 6-lOc 1976 BUICK ESTATE Wagon, full power, air conditioning. Excellent condition! Must see! 815-385-8161, 815-885- 0825. ' 6-8-6-lOc 1974 BUICK ESTATE Wagon, good tires. New exhaust, timing chain and tune-up. Good condition, $800.00. Call after 5pm, 815-385-4808. 5-27-6-24C 1969 FORD RAN- CHERO, 6 cylinder automatic, $300.00 or best offer. 815-385-7846. 6-3-6-lOc AUCTION CLASSIFIED SPECIAL .50' DISCOUNT On Prepaid Lin* Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer/Citizen Package Deadline: Monday before 3:30 PM 15 words or less for only $4.40. Reg. price S5.10-.34' each additional word REACMM 4tr0M MRUS M McMMY CMHTT The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 W. Elm Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 I I I I t I I I I Amount Enclosed Insert for Wks. ADDRESS CITY I I I I PHONE ESTATE ft NEW FURNITURE AUCTION LOCATION: 409 N. Front St., McHenry, II. Wieser Liquidators Building (•/< of a mile South of the interftection of Rte. 31 and 120, just North of Warsaw Inn) SAIVRiAY, JVME 11,19S3 1:00 PM SHARP (Rain dot*, Sunday, Juna 12,1983) ANTIQUES: Extra long-tall mission headboard double bed; Pre-Civil war oak dresser w/mirror & marble top; oak buffet w/glass doors-completely refinished; old jugs; washbollerr Radio-Flyer red wagon; small old wood Chicago workchest; wash bowl & pitcher set; cedar chest; 2 old school desks; Knick-Knacks & shelves, etc. •. s • HOUSEHOLD GOODS & MISC. Wards upright freezer; Maytag automatic washer & dryer; 19" Sanyo color TV; 19" Zenith TV; Toro snowblower; hospital bed; dining room table w/6 chairs; For mica Top kitchen table w/4 barrel-back chairs; double bed; dresser; large. & small chest of drawers; occasional chairs; end tables; nite table; valet stand; lamps; rollaway bed; typewriter table; humidifier; lawn cart; 12' alum. Jon boat w/oars; pots ft pans; small appliances ft items too numerous to mention. BRAND NEW FURINTURE: One-2 pc. Colonial House oak frame Early America living room suite (sofa ft matching chair); One-2 pc. Dark Brown contem- potary living room suite (sofa ft matching chair. °ok frame); One-Queen size sleeper sofa; 7- Oakframe Easy Boy Wall Hugger Recliners (colors available: tan beige, rust, light blue ft olive green). New furniture subject to availability at the time of sale-For absolute confirmation please call Saturday morning 9:00to Noon, 385-4890). TERMS: CASH-AII items sold at this Public Auction, are on a AS Is-Wherf as basis, with no guarantee or warranty implied or issued. AUCTIONEERS: Wieser Enterprises-815-38S-4890 (NOTE:Estate items are from the Estate of Edna Phillips and have been moved to the above location for ease of sale.) 6/uc -U4- 1975 FORD GRANADA, 2 door, very clean, . automatic, air, more; > Like new radial $1,495 « or offer; Son's car: 1970 .' Buick LeSabre, 2 door, very clean, fully equipped, $695.00 or offer. Call evenings, all day Friday, 815-344- 2620. 6-8-640C . -- -- -- -- 1 1 - 1981 CHEVY PICK-UP, like new, excellent condition, low miles; $5,400,815-344-3411. 6-8- 6-lOc 1970 OLDS CUTLASS Convertible, strong engine and' tran smission, body needs work, $250.00 or best offer. 815-385-1156. 6-8-6- 10c 1970 PONTIAC GTO, 400, automatic, power windows, Judge Spoiler and emblems. Excellent condition, $3,000. 815- 344-4864. 6^6-10c 1977 GRAND PRIX, am- fm 8 track, p.s., p.b., air, new tires, excellent condition, digital clock, $3,150,815-728-0024. 6-8- 640c 1 1 1982 CHEVETTE, 4 speed, 7 months old, 10,000 actual mileage. Cost $5,900, will sell for $4,000 firm. Perfect condition, 35 mpg. 815- 385-7280,815-385-6733. 6-, 8-6-10C llanWprrii1 6-8-6-lOc 1974 MERfcURY Montego, 302, $900.00 or best offer. 815-344-0774. 6-8-6-lOc 1972 DUSTER, NEEDS work, $200.00 or best offer; 1970Torino, needs work, $125.00 or best offer. Call 815-344-4194r 6-8-6-lOc 1974 FORD LTD, very clean, runs great, $650.00 firm. 815-385-7453 after 4pm. 6-8-6-lOc 1978 PLYMOUTH FURY Salon, $2,800; 1975 Toyota Corolla, $700.00; Both low miles. After 6pm, 815-385-0062. < 6-3-640C 1977 MONTE CARLO, automatic, bucket seats, am-frti cassette, real nice, $2,200.815-728-., 0504. 6-3-6-lOc 1971 CHEVY STATION Wagon, low miles. A bargain for $900.00 but will consider best offer., 815-338-2306. 6-3-6-lOc 1975 FUEL INJECTED VW Bug, 79,000 miles, good condition, $1,600. 815-728-1190. 6-34-10C 1979 FORD FAIR MONT, 2 door, stick; shift, excelfcrfV ' con-. dition, mechanical. 4786, / fc3rW0c 1974 OLDS ' door, 69,000 mechanical condilion.! $800.00.815-728-0770/ 6-3- •; 6-10c '. ' U ' • 1 1974 FORD PICJK-UP, | p.s., am-fm cassette, i good condijtion, 815-385-2418. 6-3-6-lOc -^1 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING Res i centicil-Commercial -Industrial Biq sO <1 r jO f i Pf> - . . ( i tn • iu I work Proven by thousand ' , o f sa t i s f i ed cus tomers . SPRING DISCOUNT •Much ine la id 'New Dr ives • t f es i • f oc ing "Pork ing lo ts •Sea l Coa t ing A l ! v /o ik guoron 'ee t i F ree Es t imates 312-546-5600 £3? Grayslake, III. my"-™ a n d TRUCKS in any condition 815 338 0270 Free Towinq