IsAGE • - PLA1NDEALER - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, IKS me to the gocart races, store to "work with him with my homework, He And he loves me a real while I stay home with is also a great High lot. My dad boxs with my mom to rim things School football- coach me all the time. I love and help my mom with and he let's me be the my dad a real lot. her work. And that's the ballboy. My Dad is just Brad Schwarz reason why I think my the greatest. 5022Westwood Dad's the greatest Jacob Schlender Age 7 TediEvitkovic 4703 Shore Dr. 2611 Lauderdale Ct. AgelO % , AgelO My Dad's the greatest My Dad's the greatest mooe^^twecando because he's my dad. My Dad's the greatest ^^^tSSikteis He likes to go outside he kjJwfJ* Softest because he with me and my brother there when I need him. fet's me play with all of to play soccer and He realy never says no av. «* his net Mfermttypestf sports. foranything. He never ,hop. i uke uke the rite We all love him very yells at you at first but th^>j)egt much because he works when you do it again-he TimmyDolloff very hard to keep up our just tells it is H09Hayden household and make us wrong.Most of all I am -e6 topy. My tod takes my an adopted chl kl yd he My Dad's the greatest older brother to Ms treats me 'airly* I nol bec/uee be is Just my «mnot 10 still have the My dad loves me wrolds greatest pad. cans foe me and isin't very strict. He practices JS07 Kosciuszkee with me and a »v i .. Ag®1* whole bunch of other I My fates' stuff. Thata why I think he mdtes lota ̂the of money. He buys me PeterWegner MM A • ̂ I-mphtaRI My Dad's the greatest because He loves me. He goes out and buys us donuts. Jody Work 3807 Weingart Age 6 Summertime elegance for dad STYLE (FATHER'S DAY SPECIAL PRICE JUNE 15 THRU JUNE 22) "WE'LL HELP YOU . ACHIEVE A STYLIZED LOOK ' ^W\ THAT'LL WORK . 4 FOR YOU! i g S; J - :h CALLUS!" THE LOOK AND FEEL OF LINEN makes (he Campus* Le Tigre "Trwin" sports jacket ia a soft, natural color a must for summer. The dramatic backdrop is the the Mohammed Aly Mosque ia Cairo, Egypt. Father still knows best My Dad's the greatest because he coaches my little league Baseball team, He helps me dean around the house. He made me a fort that I could play in. My dad is also the greatest because he play's catch with me. My Dad is also a wiz so he can help me 1313 W. OLD BAY ROAD Pistakee Bay, McHenry "Where the Top Area k Restaurants Buy Their Meat." * V John's father's Pay Spactall NIKE T-SHIRT FOR DAD I OFFER GOOD WITH ANY SHOES PURCHASED FOR DAD j/Ugm NOW THRU JUNE 18th CALL (815) 385-8300 HRS: H-f 9 «3 pw 9 mr-1 pa