PAGE 4 - P1JMNDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JUNE IS. 1M3 EARL WALSH" So I Hear It is always a I call on Leo time for me when . We cover a lot of ground pertaining to McHenry history and humorous events that occurred along the way. It was about time I returned some old books covering people and events of yesteryear. Just before returning the books I caught sight of some history of Barreville. Hie building still stands that was built by Thomas Combs as a store. In 1854 there was a Post Office in Silverlake Prairie. Ten years later, the Po6t Office was moved to the Barreville store. It doesn't seem too long ago when thev also designated the store location as a polling place. History tells us a mill was built in the unincorporated village in 1857. After changing ownership several times, the mill was remodelled in 1884 by Louis Munch who advertised "patent flour". Those business places in Barreville are gone but some attractive homes have been built Had a call from a lady who is trying to gather some history about Lily Lake. Just remembered the lengthy report in the Plaindealer Centennial issue. With that information and more from the Village of Lily Lake offices, the lady should be in business. One of "Earl's Girls" Sharon Klontz, sends a note with sports clippings which Bryan thought I would enj enjoy. The McHenry Plaindealer (USPS 335-100) I UTS 3012 W.»1 Elm StrMt Pfcon* 115-3*5 0170 McHmty Mmoi* MOM Published twy W*IIII .»<M » frtrfey at McHmy. Sxond Clou Potto*# PAIO HtHwicy Mhkms by McHCMtV PUtllSHMC COMPANY POSTMASTER Swrf (Mrni chonfl« to McHanry PioindooWf 3011W. Elm St . McHeaay. Illinois MOM Subscriber* or* r.qn«»t«d to pro«<<i« immodiot* notko o» cbon«o of a* drots to Tb« McHoorf PtoindooWr 3011W. Elm St. McHomy. III. MOM A dodiKtion o» on* month from tho oapirotion oI . »ub»<ription will b« marii whoro o chang. of oddftn it provided through the Pott OHice deportment. Thomas C. Miller-Publish«r Ad*l« Fro«hlich-Edi»or fltoart Winning Uttospaptr MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I Yeor 116.50 in McHenry County 1 Yeor $24.00 Outside McHenry County When the Olympics were revived in 1896, the tug-of-war was listed on the official program right alongside the better known events. He thought right. The Denver Post ran a stay about future White Sox stars now playing with the Denver Bears. You might Mill this hidden talents. Sleepers m the bushes. Oh, yea. Bryan says it is fun backing a 1st place White Sox team. Frank Flaga sent a Pistakee Yacht Club year book to us with the "Kindly Dentist" acting as delivery boy. Frank is Secretary and Chairman of the year book. The book is informative, spiced with humorous pictures and snappy headings. I read it from cover to cover and will go through it again. It was like running the gantlet as we moved from Bimbo s front door to the river front room in the evening after the Cubs won their sixth straight game It was John Rogers and Junior Bimbo who started the chant to let me know about their Cub supermen. I didn't see Judge and Fran Herrmann until we were past, but Pat brought us a note written on a place mat. The note was headed: D DAY + 1. Mv note went back giving my name and Irish Prairie address. Back came a note from: Frank Herrmann Big Foot Prairie Chemung Township Harvard, Illinois. Must take a tour out that-a-way and see if we can find Big Foot Nobody has more fun than people! After all the monkeybusiness, on the way out we met one of my favorite girls, Lucille Geraty. That made my Xs her son-in-law, John assisted her to their table, I best to get into the act The best laugh in a long time came when I opened the mail and found a dipping of that now famous picture of me standing beside Bus No. 50. Above the clipping, we read: Dear W. C.Fields- , Would you buy a used school buss from this man? Everybody I showed it to got a good laugh--and I showed it to everybody I met. It wasn't signed, but was on a John E. Loose letterhead. That was enough. This was a surprise party that was kept secret for several weeks. The big surprise came in presenting Pastor Graef and his wife with tickets that will take them mi a 10-day trip to the Holy Land. (It was jokingly noted the tickets were round trip.) i We were honored to be invited to join Pastor Graef and his family on this special occasion. • like Mikie in the cerealads -- we liked it , SUNNYSIDE AREA Alvina and I are a little bit to have SSES?« oftheZion Sunday. more than included in a Pastor Herman Church on The popular Pastor was celebrating his 25tn anniversary of his Ordination. The Pastor's wife, Irene, and family were a happy group as a packed house in the American Legion Hall gathered to feast and enjoy a great program. Harold Walter, . committee chairman, arranged to have us sit with Harold Nelson, his wife and mother. That was thoughtful. Welcome New Correspondent Hi, my name is Dianna Lee Barroso and "Sunny" is my nickname. I reside with my husband Peter and our three children in the Village of Sunnyside. Our sons Pete and Dan are enrolled at Eastern Illinois university and our daughter Gabriel "Gabby" attends Johnsburg high. I hope this column will be in formative, lighthearted and of in terest to the residents of Sunnyside. WELCOME We welcome Mattie Backs, who has - returned here for a visit with the Cook family. All of us are happy to see Matt. BEST WISHES Our wishes for a speedy recovery go to Frank Adams, whohada horseback riding accident. Hope you win Out over the horse next time Frank. Mayor Bill Mitchell also suffered injuries this past week and we hope he is on the moid. MEETING village scheduled lor Tuesday June 21, at 8 » p.m. in the village hall, located at 1515 - Channel Beach drive. All residents ' are welcome. The next village meeting is< Hold Pfayer, Spirituality Workshop At Area, Church V SALE All Lamp Frames and Ceramics. Buy One At The Regular Price and Get The Second Comparably Priced Item For Only 1' MACRAME SUPPLIES 90 YARDS OF LUSTERLINE....S3.99 Open Weekends Only-Frl. A Set. 1# a.m.-J p.m.; Son. Noon to 4 Village Pottery (?J2 & Crafts H*bron-11 U iMMWVeMiHT SPECIAL S <>%« Save *10 Attic Aire- 14" Roof mount Fan Sav* up to on air conditioning bills' You can install it yourself . . . it's easy with household tools' Features large 25-inch diameter dome. 1.170 cu. It. air/min. at 03 s.p.. tough CYCOLAC' housing lor durability. Stock No RV-26 41.87 Our Reg. 51.96 r Georgia Pacific Terrace Paneling Rag. 8.76 7.67 Georgia Pacific Vista Paneling Reg. 7.46 6.51 Paneling flows graceful ly from room to room ad ding a touch of country charm to your home. Redecorate your home this spring and summer with the ease of panel ing. IMPROVE THE LOOK OF YOUR HOME WITH OUR FINE SPECIALS! Barclay Mastic Reg. 10.37 ct> Trowel Reg. 1.76 Caulk Gun Finishing Nails Wall Cork Self-Sticking 1 2 " x 1 2 " Tiles Barclay Wallcoverings Your Choice 2.96 8.87 "*s, Stanley 16 oz. Hammer 6 Sq. Ft 3 .97 ss Stone Express your own creativity tnd personality in your home wHh a beautiful new wall that is attractive. different and •tenant 4.57 yoi# Pric«« 16th ™£siin., ->«"•19, 1##3- W. licVWW' XL Sund»V 10* SAFETY HINTS BYSECRETARY OF STATE JIM EDGAR Motor vehicle ac cidents are more likely to be caused by careless drivers this time of year than by bad weather conditions. Drive defensively and know how to recognize hazards in time to avoid an accident. Here are th ree t ips f rom the Na t iona l Safe ty Council's Defensive Driving course: 1. To avoid head-on collisions: Drive to the right, reduce speed, and go off the pavement, if necessary, to avoid an oncoming car in your lane. Never veer to the left, except as a last resort. 2. To enter an ex pressway safely: Match your speed to that of through traffic and blend right in. Stay with the pace of the majority of cars. Stop only in an emergency aixtnever back up. 3. To protect against chain-reaction crashes: Stay well behind other vehicles. Use your turn signals when you pass or change lanes and read signs. Also, when you leave an ex pressway, slow down to the posted ramp speed, if a tailgater is a problem, don't get angry. Slow down to encourage the tailgater to pass you. Rear end collisions are the most frequent type of accident on expressways. If you have any questions about the Secretary of State's office, please feel free to use our toll-free telephone number (800- 252-8960). A copy of the Rules of the Road will be sent to you upon request. Write to Jim Edgar, Secretary of State, Springfield, 111. 62756. On Thursday, June 16, from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m., Dr. Eric J. Snyder of Faith Presbyterian church will be leading a workshop on "Prayer and Spirituality". During this workshop he will be presenting models for effective prayer; he will be looking at the history of Christian spirituality and the ways in which Christians throughout the centuries have discerned the will of God; he will give experiential examples of methods of prayer that different groups of Christians have found helpful. He will also be relating these methods of prayer to issues Of stress, priorities and finding meaning in life. Recent magazine articles indicate that two thirds of office visits to family doctors are prompted by stress-related symptoms. Leaders of industry have become alarmed at the huge cost of such symptoms in ab senteeism. The Presbyterian church leaders locally feel a most important ; resource for the Christian in dealing ; with stress is an effective spiritual - life. Visitors are encouraged to attend < this seminar. Babysitting services! will be provided. ' ! . Reservations may be made by; calling Fa i th Presby te r ian church a t ; 385-5388. There is no cost for the ( workshop, but participants are ! asked to bring a dish to pass for four to , six people for a communal lunch. ' Faith church is located at the in- tersection of Lincoln and Chapel Hill < roads across from the drive-in movie ' theater. Services are at 8:30 a.m. and ; 10:45 a.m. throughout the summer. In addition, adult Sunday school will be , held at 9:30 a.m. and Sunday school y for ages 2-5 will be held at 10:45 a.m. I Breathing Club Meets The American Lung association of DuPage and McHenry counties in cooperation with McHenry hospital will be holding the last "PAL" (Problems Affecting Lungs) club meeting for the Spring sessions on Tuesday, June 28 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at McHenry hospital in the cafeteria. We have a very informative program on Allergies with Gary R. Oberg, M.D., allergist practicing in McHenry^ as our guest speaker. N Dr. Oberg will explain allergies to "PAL" members and discuss how they affect a person with respiratory problems. He wilf also answer specific questions that anyone might have in relation to their lung disorder. Parks & Recreation The Department of Parks & Recreation is holding a Kids Campout at Petersen park Thursday, June 16, In case of rain, they will campout Thursday, June 30, instead. Campers agges 9 to 15 are invited to spend, a night under the stars. Participants must supply their own tents and sleeping bags. They will have an evening snack while they sit around the campfire. They should make sure to sign up for this campout at city nal' Wednesday, June 15. ill by The purpose of these meetings is to better inform people about respiratory illnesses and bow they can help themselves to breathe easier. Anyone interested in allergies and respiratory problems is welcome to attend, it will be beneficial to all. This program is free-of-charge and sponsored by the American Lung association of DuPage and McHenry counties. For more information contact your Lfcif association in Woodstock at 815- 338-6675 or in Glen Ellyn at 312-469- 2400. Paddling Time On Riverfront A chance to line up a canoe and do some early morning paddling on quiet water is offered by McHenry County Conservation district Friday, June 17. Startingat6:30a.m. from the Hickory Grove riverfront, the group will paddle downstream about Mi miles and then into the backwater bay surrounded by MCCD's Lyons prairie and marsh. / This quality wetland has produced many wildlife sightings on previous trips, and leaders Tom McCarthy and Rob Shook of the MCCD staff are hoping this trip will be the same. Participants should either bring their own canoe and life jackets, or to rent one. The rental canoes-will be at the Riverfront for the people who have called to reserve them. The word bride, experts say, is derived from an ancient Teutonic word meaning "to cook." No pre-registration with the district,, is required, but further information or ! directions to the site is available at 815 L 338-1405 or 815 678-4431. Wake up to Hormel makes Little Siz-. zlers" skinless pork sausages with lean, corn-fed pork and lively spices. They're tender, plump and juicy -- and lively ' enough to put sizzle into your breakfast or any meal. Just taste them, and you'll know we named "em right! country! f «»*t © Crystal Point Mall Plaza WALT'S - Wheaton FAMILY PRIDE FOODS B1/, ..lutul _ _ . PIC ft SAVE Warehouse Foods PIC S SAVE Warahouaa Food* Schaumburg Lombard WALT'S v- St Charles PIC ft SAVE Warehouse Foods Arlington Heights