Movie Week PAOt* SUNDAY (NBC) SUNDAY NIQHT MOVIE "CAVE-IN" (1983) Dennis Cole, Ray Mllland, Leslie Nielsen. Drama about tour party who are trapped while exploring caverns in a national park. (ABC) 8UNDAY NIQHT MOVIE "TELEFOM" (1977) Charles Bronson, Lee Remick, Tyne Daly. A Russian KGB agent on assignment in America teams with a dou ble agent. Their mission: To prevent a psychotic Stalinist from completing a deadly series of phone calls aimed at sabotaging U.S. installations all over the land. MONDAY (NBC) MONDAY NIQHT MOVIE "SOMEONE'S KILLING THE WORLD'S GREATEST MODELS" (1979) John Rubinstein, Jessica Walter. A one-time leading fashion designer plans a gala to launch her comeback, but it turns into a terrifying ordeal as a mysterious killer stalks her isolated mountain retreat, bringing death to some of the beautiful models she has invited there. WEDNESDAY (CBS) WEDNESDAY NIQHT MOVIE FRIDAY (ABC) FRIDAY NIQHT MOVIE "FATSODom DeLuise. Obese individuals try their best to keep the pounds off. SATURDAY. JUNE It IB Co-Id Q9 New Way Oourmet CD MOVKi If Yw Cowld Sao What I Hear* CD <39 IwUMaliaaawt This Waak © (2$) Pot-Am TV Journal QD Star Trok €D ® Nancy Harmon'* Lava Raffia Jackson's Wo*M of €9 ® Bast of Sha Na Na ® World Championship WratMnf © Off Trade Sotting 5:30 PM O O (23) QD c»$ Q) Snaak Previews Co-hosts Naal Gabier and Jeffrey Lyons take a look at what's happening at the movies. IB Sports Proho © Mamarias with Lowronco Walk QD Crisis Counselor ID MOVIE: 'Ohl Gad' IB Haa Haw (39) €D (39 solid oaid CE) MOVIE: 'Daathtrap' ® MOVIE: 'Storm lay' A boy grows up in the ruggad Australian wilderness. Grey Rowe, David Gulpi- lil, Peter Cummins. @0 (23) Yagasiav-American QD Entertainment This Waak © CHIPs Patrol 81 SSI Shop. Up ONtCNows ID TMs Old Houso IB *Ysyr Ms t̂ Wsmsii IB Thraa's Company IE) Waak and AtMata €B (8) Ovtdoor Spsrtsmen €0 3® Danco Favor © in Search of.... 6H)0PM Q®Nows ' o O Kya on Chi CO fa O (23) Ail in tha Family Q Fairest of Thorn All ' IB ESPN SpartsCawtor 6:30 PM O Charmkins e Al McOuira on Sports O American Sports Cavalcade O Insifht O (23) WKRP in Cincinnati O At Tha Movios ID Wild 3D Sl(19)i IB Sports Look CD Rofis PhHbin Show ® (2D To to Announcod Eleanor Parker is featured as a fashion designer whose comeback is marred by some spooky goings-on in "Someone's Killing the World's Greatest Models," airing Monday,%une 20 on "NBC Monday Night at the Movies." ©1M3 Computog FEET FIRST Qood health starts with foot health: oFeet often show the first signs of other body disfunctions. •Healthy feet are important to your total well-being. Because your awareness today can prevent problems tomorrow, DR MARTIN MARKS is offering you •A FREE FOOT OWNER S MANUAL when you come in for •A FREE FOOT EVALUATION Please Call For Appt. This fro*, color-illustrated 16-page Foot Owner's Manual explains proper foot care and simple preventive treatment. It shows how to protect your geet from unnecessary wear and tear. If you have foot problems, it will explain how to get back on a firm footing through self-care and . pediatric assistance. Dr. Martin Marks Madicol and Surgical Troatmont of tha Foot ond Ankla 1311 N. Groan in McHonry and 37 McHonry Avo. in Crystal,Lako SI (33> Lohoyos on Family Ufa I MBUA BJ|«ALJ|I|I USUI "̂S|wt l̂ e^VS OQaVvOII* " V 9VR FfleTI SI IIWIIIIVSI » oo< MfnuA' 385-5669