PAGf 12 DAYTIME Si Lassie 60 Jim Mktr 6:45 AM fit 6D N«W> 7:00 AM O @D cas Today O ID €9 oe«d O BOM Show flD ESM SportsContor CD Studio Soo 93)® 9®se»er IBI Regis Phllbin Show 7:30 AM ID QD ©) 700 Clufc © Woleoma to Pooh Center €D <29 €9 Varied ©butty's APOHO't strode By Lillian Bono *¥*¥¥*** tVook otJur* 19-Jun»25 ABIES (March 21-April 20) Be weary of tho8e who are not interest ed in your welfare. Look into family mattera where real estate is highlighted. Pursue realistic Interests only. IAUBUS 4# (April 21-May 21) A secret love affair may come your way with lots of behind-the-scenes activities. Avoid verbal war fare with someone who has been important to you up to now. QEMim O (May 22-June 21) Finances could take a sudden turn for the better. Improved conditions will continue for the rest of the week. M/* CANCER HK (June 22-Juiy 23) Friendly gatherings help to spark a new romance. This is a decision-making time, so try to be serious about your future. LEQ » <ef (July 24-Aug. 23) Transportation could become a major issue. Play it safe. XJBOQ _ M (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) Financial transactions are made to your advantage in a property situation that involves members of a group or organization. Your increa8ed prestige brings new favors. LIBRA , ; sto (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) Keep in touch with those in high places. They will want to contact you for a well-paying poaition that is about to open up in an area you are familiar with. - SCQRPIQ cflg (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Pursue your ideals while earning a living at something down-to-earth. It's important that you be cif thinking. m more concrete in your way SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Guard belongings for you could lose something of value. Be more selective about those allowed in your home surroundings. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) New relationships could bring you that zest of life that you have been yearning for but didn't think would materialize so soon. Break with a past that haa brought grief. AQUARHI8 fh (Jan. 21-Feb. 19) Organize your home Hfe but make sure you have enough money to do so. Contact those who have enough cash to pay their bills on time. E1&CE8 ;, . S (Feb. 20-March 20) Domestic tranquility will return once youtteve given up a second job or put your foot down at work. Spend time with loved ones and explore their needs .more fully. . €9 (39 Woody Woodcock or €9 I Lovo Lucy 8K)0 AM o NoshviHo Now © ®) 20 Minute Workout ID SI <39 Varied (33) GD 99 Mr. Rogers' Nelghhortiood -> ID Colllepe Children's hoynii ID Crtils Con us# lor €9 You and Mo. KM @) PHntstones £9 (3D < €D Movie © Straight Talk 8:15 AM €9 (29 Stock Market 8:30AM O (29 Rah Newhert ! Now! Animal World ID Mr. Regan' Nsighhoihoed (33) tSU 99 Uotlik Company ® ®' ®1"" 03 It Figures ©Cdfc. €9 CNN 2 10:15AM SB (81 Market €D <39 Voriod Programs 10:30 AM ® Child's Play €D(39MUPD 9:00 AM On.ii SI ID SI Pacta of Ufa Q AM. Chkage O (23) Now $25,000 Pyramid ID Uotlik Company (0)61(39 Six-Oun Heroes ID iSM SportsContor 111 Sosamo Stroot (33) €D 99 Polka Dot I © ID Now Way Oowmol €D(39 Dkk Van Dyko That OM ̂ Vaa Aakad Par H CD €B €D (39 Variad ID (39 Richard Hogde 0D MSN Praf ramming ® (29 Stock Markot 6D Young and tha Rottiats €9 Lett In Space €9 AN My Children €9 99 Andy Griffith €9 tamper Room 9:30 AM G ID Sale af the Contufy @1 Fandango Q Edge of Night O (29 Child's Play 93) €D (39 Instructional rnififnum# Your Complete Parti & tam^pm Accessories Headquarters i**" ---fcw. - HTMUUILIC MIES • IUCMK SMN 385-0778 MK1W. flOUTt ISO - McMSMtV JUST IMT or na roi NVSM