YOUR SAVING STORE WITH MORE PRICES EFFECTIVE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. WE RESERVE THE RtOHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Texize® No-Pest Home Insect Control 1 67 -I ̂ J ounces Home insect control kills ants and roaches. Texize® No-Pest Flea & Tick Killer or Garden Insect Spray 1.84 22 ounces YOUR ~~ CHOICE Flea and tick killer, keeps killing for weeks or gar den insect spray. ea. Texize® No-Pest Strip Insecticide 2.14 2.8 ounces Kids flies, mosquitoes, gnats and other small flying insects indoors. 'nun Texize® Professional Strength Ant & Roach Killer 4.96 64 ounces Contains the maximum amount of residual in secticide allowed by law in a consumer product. STOP THE INVADERS! KILL NUISANCE PESTS! SAVE MONEY NOW! ill SI S3 Ortho® Tomato Vog. Insect Killer A. Use on broad range of vegetables. Fast knock down. Kills white flies, aphids, etc. No. 01650. Ortho® Tomato Vegetable Dust B. A multi-purpose dust to control many insects and diseases on tomatoes, melons, and certain other vegetables. Ortho® Liquid Sevln C. Controls Japanese beetle, gypsy moth larvae, bag wor ms -- plus many other insects. No. 01800. 10 oz. Our Reg. 4.47 Ortho® Sevln Garden Dust D. General purpose insecticide. Use on veg., tomatoes, strawberries, etc. Kills fleas and ticks on dogs and cats. No. 02422 RA-PID-GRO Plant Food E. Ra-Pid Gro Plant Pood for foliage or root feeding. Ortho® Spray-ette 4 Sprayer F. New modem design with breakage resistant plastic jar. "Swing In -- Swing Out" permanent deflector feature to spray up, down, sideways. No. 08320. iwuTue. •WHbM. PRICES EFFECTIVE NOW •WOOOSTOCK^Roj1 ̂ enter •McHENRY 34 and 47 •YORKVJLLE-R âveriy St. •MORR'S 459 Kennedy Dr.,, hmksby; YOUR SW»̂ \°»RvS,T-Hst?awH Ortho® Malathlon SO Insect Spray 8 oz. G. Controls wide range of insects on fruit trees, vegetables, ornamentals, rosea and flowers. No. 01640. QUALITY SAVING Spendmw'to*801 •h*v£2!Ua-Sio*-"*""* 3.74 24 oz. Our Reg. 4.67 3.56 Our Reg. 4.47 4.97 Our Reg. 6.37 2.64 Our Reg. 3.27 2.73 Our Reg. 3.42 5.47 Our Reg. 6.87 3.42 Our Reg. 4.27 HDAYS10T0 6 1 Pound Our Reg. 3.27 1 pound Our Reg. 3.42 On-Off Valve Our Reg. 6.87 6/24 Page 2 27265