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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1983, p. 10

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\ PAGE It - PLAINDEALBR - WKDN1 In Memories*. HftMayi, Anniversaries. Situation [Wwitad, Wonted to Rwrt, Wanted to Buy, and I Garage Solo* MUST bo paid In advance. The Halndaolar it no! responsible for orrors in clamHIod ads aftor tho flrat Insertion. Chock your ad aftor the Hr*t Insertion and caH our attention to any mistake*.̂ I OFFICE HOUBS:M6NOAV-FRIOAY 0:30om to StOOpm SATURDAY 9 to It NOON 3:30 WSO. KM FW. fAKR 4:00 WCO. FOR FKI. PAW PIKHtt:115-3* 5-0170 BIC FX AMANA Side Side Refrigerator; 36" yjSbMUI»m FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1981 Yamaha MX 100: 1980 MV an- Pi COUCH & LOVESEAT. _____ mp black naugahyde. excellent I .BKD1ENTK condi t ion S123.00:; Ex- THOMAS ORGAN. 2 keyboards wi th rhy thm section, excellent condition JUST REDUCED Fror $20,000 to $14,500 5 acre Giant Oaks Estates. Ho Nt at N SCREEN SHADES for re Windows, tnany sizes. 7-24-7-31 c F(K)SBALL TABLE $225.00 7-24-7-31<< AUTOS 5 HORSE POWER Clutch driven. Shoe brakes. Shocks FORI) 1977. ; i ton Super Cab Camper Special, power beige-brown pattern, vinyl placemats $2.00. Call after 5pm after 5pm. Cash only, all pricestfirm. 7- wi th Magic Genie , dou lbe keyboard. 3 years old. First M SAU RfAL tSTATt ACRE High and Or; *s MSMKSS SMOKES PROFESSIONAL Painters, Interior, Ex te r io r . F ree estimates. Call 815-815- 338-4205. 7-27-7-29C SHORTY'S KS, Detailing, professionally done. Call for an appointment. 815-385-6215. 7-27-7-29C LAWNMOWER REPAIR, Giant Oaks Engine Clinic. Pick-up and delivery, 48 hour service. 815-728-1482.. 7- 27-8-5c PAINTING PLUS, All t ypes pa in t ing , papering, carpentry. Free estimates. In­ sured. Best price around. Bill, 815-385- 2843. 7-13tfc mm mm WILL CLEAN OUT basements, garages, attics, also lawn work. Light hauling- and window cleaning, etc. 24 hour answering service. 815-385-6511. 7-27-7-29C ALBRECHT Con­ struction, specialists in remodeling, repair and custom built homes. Free estimates. 815-653- 6451. Vs 7-ltfc REMODELING SPECIALISTS, "30 years." Basements, porches, room ad­ ditions, garages, con­ crete repairs, rooting, siding. Prompt service. O.E.A. Construction, 815-344-1632, 815-385- 6566,815-344-0748. 7-13-7- 29c ALLAN'S BLACKTOP EARLY MRiSMOAl .srst.rT. fa 6H<H I MIIWIMIII tdy Op Driveways Over 1000 Sq. Ft •Parking Lots*New Orrvfes •long lanes*Paiching •Resurlaoing*Sealcoanng 24 Hour Service All Work Guarantood Free Estimates IIS4SMMI Call Now 6 Save FOUR SEASONS TREE EXPERTS SPRING Best time for tree care Now offering 15% Off trimming and removals Free estimates Fully Insured 815-385-0318 WHARTON B Serving yoor area- 28 rears experience. We are now taking orders. Deal direct witfi owner & save!! ACKTOP PAVING. INC. COMMERCIAL*RESIDENTIAL biv IO Dr l ' '•J pfaho Coating - Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATES GtAYSUKE 312-223-5(34 LIBERTYVILIE 312-367-0676 PIONEER BLACKTOP PAVING R e s i d e n t i a l - C o m m e r c i a l - I n d u s t r i a l B i q s a v i n g s o n R e s i d e n t i a l w o r k P r o v o n b y t h o u s a n d s o f s a t i s f i e d c u s t o m e r s SPRING DISCOUNT • M a c h i n e l a i d ' N e w D r i v e s • R e s u r f a c i n g ' P a r k i n g L o t s • S e a l C o a t i n g A l i w o r k g u a r a n t e e d F r e e E s t i m a t e s 312-546-5600 __ G r a y s l a k e THINK GREEN Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance Stop, Think, Call and Compare Prices Complete Lawn Maintenance. Weed and Feed Fertilizing. Thatching, Sod, Black Dirt. Sand Gravel. Decorative Stone, I ree and Shrub Planting • Installed or Delivered Oak Firewood $45. dropped off 815-385-6103 Landscapes by Garv Weiss PLANS*PLANTS*PLANTING ; •SEED*SOD*GRADING PATIOS AND RETAINER WALLS INSURED. GUARANTEED WORK Free Estimator 815-728-1668 T & A HOME IMPROVEMENT 815-385-8259 New Gorogei. Room Additions. Dormers, Alum. S/Windows, S/Doors. Seomless Gutters, Siding. Re-Placement Windows. Soffitt Fascia Any Type Roofing. All Types of Remodeling Inside ond Outside. Will Also Duild Complete New Buildings, • Wood Decks ond Patios T Co. Fully Insured , * 6 »TF R.W. CONCRETE, Expert work, free estimates. Commercial, residential. Driveways, patios, walls, sidewalks and floors. 815-728-1307. 7-ltfC TYPEWRITER REPAIR Manual and Electric. Free pick-up and delivery. Keener & Son, 815-728-0872. 7-ltfc WILL DO GARAGE and basement cleaning, lawn work and light hauling, also other odd jobs. 815-653-6896, 815- 728-1833. 7-ltfC SEWING MACHINE and Vacuum Cleaner Repair and parts in home service. Keener & Son, 815-728-0672. 7-ltfc WINDOW WASHING! 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc MARIA'S ALTERATIONS. Good work, low price. Open Monday-Friday, 8am- 6pm, Saturday 9-3pm. 815-385-3269. 4821 W. Crystal Lake Road, McHenry. 7-ltfc YARD CARE. Spring c lean-up . Mowing , Weeding, Hedges, etc. Ken, 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc LICENSED HOR­ SESHOEING, 13 years experience. 815-385-2847. 7-ltfc BASEMENTS A AT­ TICS. Cleaned and hauled. Free estimates. 815-455-5536. 7-ltfc Fix Free estimates,;- pain­ ting, plumbing, elec­ trical, remodeling, etc. 815-344-2413, 815-344- 4267. 7-ltfc PAINTING, PAT­ CHING, light repairs. Quality work and materials. Reasonable. David or Ken, 815-455- 5536. 7-ltfc BOW-WOW BOUTIQUE Profess iona l Dog Grooming. All breeds. Ca l l 815-385-2018 fo r appointment. 7-ltfc PLUMBING, New work , r emode l ing , repairs, water heaters, sump pumps, water softeners. Licensed, insured. Call Tom. 815- 653-9725. 7-ltfc R.T.& R. PAINTING CO. Commercial & Residential. Interior & Exterior. Low prices. Insured . F ree estimates. Ron 815-728- 0176. 7-ltfc JENSEN WOOD Restoration. Accurate and careful restoration of Antiques, furniture and kitchen cabinets. Also chair re-glueing. 815-385-4024 Gary Jensen. 7-ltfc WASHER & DRYER Service, all makes, 30 years experience, parts and labor guaranteed. Reasonable. 815-385- 1653. 7-20-8-12c MITCH & SONS SIDING CO. Alufliinviii*$te«l*Vfflyl Soffit*Fascia •Trim Windows •Seamless Gutters 815-385-4628 MATNISON SEPTIC SERVICE New Septic Installations, and Repairs Sock ho* Work Quo»tions about your soptic systems? Civa us a call Light Hauling. Orivowoy Grovel, Top Soil. Sand 8 Fill' ' S1S-3444M0 HARTFIELD WELDING, Repairs, production, fabrication. All types of welding at reasonable prices. Stainless and aluminum our specialty. 815-943- 7-13tfc MHO Of THANHS "THANKS TO ST. Jude for protection while in travel." E.M. 7-27 CIUEAUMY GIVE AWAY: LAST 5 years "Arabian Horse. World" magazines. 815- 385-4329. 7-27-7-29C HOME & OFFICE Clean ing Pos i t ions Wanted . Exce l l en t rates. References are available. Interested? Call 815-728-1559 after 3pm. 7-8-7-29C DRIVEWAY AND PARKING Lot sealing for less than it would cost to do it yourself. 312-658-2390. 7-ltfc HANDYMAN, CAR­ PENTRY, Remodeling, roofing and siding, painting, fences, tree removal. Complete services. No job too small. 815-344-2384. 7- ltfc CARPET CLEANING Special. Any living room steamed cleaned and sanitized, $39.95. Bauman Carpe t Cleaners, 815-943-4793. 7-ltfc ELECTRICAL PROBLEMS? Com­ mercial, Industrial, Residential, Farm. For quick, reliable service, ca l l E lec t r i ca l Unlimited. Licensed and Insured. 815-728- 1614. 7-ltfc LOCAL MOVING and Hauling. Reasonable rates. 815-385-9386. 7- ltfc Repair. Electric door openers. All work guaranteed. 815-385- 2662. 7-ltfc CONGMTUUTIONS FRANK MIKE, J*. 1 § C'l Hr W JT I wish to express my thanks to Frank Kline's attorney, Michael McNerney and the people on the jury that proved my son's innocence. God Bless You All. Hm Mm Foeily 7/27 LOSt LOST, MAN'S Wallet, Petersen Parte, Sunday 7-24-83. Reward! 815- 385-1979. 7-27 PETS FOB S*1i PART MALAMUTK, part Labrador, 6 months old, very playful, loves children, outside dog. 815*344-2620. 7-27-7-29C f - COCKER SPANIEL Puppies , A .K.C. Registered. Males: Buff, Blonde and Red. Beautiful pups. 815-344- 1587. 7-27-7-29C MOTOftCVClES HOMES FREE: KITTENS to good homes. 815-653- 7-27 NOTICE THE FOREVER Living Products certification meeting has changed locations. They are now held at Liberty Hall, 1304 Park Street in McHenry every Monday evening at 7:30pm. For further details contact Ted Payne (District Manager), 815-653-2111. 7-27-8-19C MALE DOBERMAN, red and rust, with » i, free to good e only. 815-344-4836. 7-27-7-29C YOUNG BEACH LAB, • mixed, beautiful male, well behaved, trained, housebroken, great with kids.815r344-5212. 7-27 FETS fOR SAU YOUNG RABBITS (or sale, 12.00 each. 815-653- 9586. 7-27-7-29C ONE FEMALE GOAT and Kid, will separate. ,815-385-1486. 7-27-7-29C SADDLE, 15V Western, burgundy brown with white buckstitch and silver, matching breast collar, bridle and reins. Never Used! Asking $450.00. 815-455-1736. 7-27-7-29C Mmmt EASTWk TRN BUT, ff DESMD UULY GRAM •LAKE OUTMOR MM ARENA HEWVkM'MMRAKRA 4AKE FOALING STALL AVAIAILE •MOOR ARENA AYAlAMi BY THE HON ismnssm MiLgann 6/1TF1 WANTED WANTED: LIONEL Trains, old toys, antique novelties. After 5:30pm, 815-675-6379. 7-20tfc 1978 KAWASAKI 650, 4 cylinder,' 4 stroke, custom paint, sissy bar, 5,900 miles. Asking $1,400,815-385-3901. 7-27- 7-29C ' 1 9 7 2 H A R L E Y Davidson, l,200cc, rigid frame, springer front end, custom paint. Excellent runner, some extra parts, $2,600, may cons ide r t r ade fo r Blazer or truck. Call 414-736-4383. 7-27-7-29C 1973 KAWASAKI, 3 cylinder, $200.00 or best offer. Needs some work. 815-385-4597. 7-27-7-29C 1978 XL HONDA, ex­ cellent condition, $450.00 or best offer. 815-385- 4494. 7-27-7-29C KAWASAKI KX 80, 1981, like new, girl ridden, $650.00. 815-344- 2620. 7-27-7-29C 1976 HONDA SUPER Spor t , windsh ie ld , luggage rack, backrest, adult driven, one owner, $1,250, best offer. 815- 344-0945. 7-27 1976 Z-50 HONDA, $50.00 as is; 1982 YZ-100, good condition, $675.00; 1983 CR-125 Honda, excellent condition, $1,100 or best offer. 815-344-1973. 7-27- 7-29c 125 YAMAHA MOTO- CROSS with blown engine. Good body and tires, $100.00. *15-344- 0972. 7-27-7-29c ----•---- 1981 KAWASAKI 440 LTD, low miles, $1,000 or will consider trade for car. 815-344-4913. 7- 22-7-29C 1979 KAWASAKI 650 SR, 4 cylinder, like new condition, with pa'dded back rest, new battery, just tuned, under 5,000 miles, $1,600 or trade for boat. 815-344-4041. 7-20- 7-29C BOATS It MOTORS 16 FT. SWITZER Holiday with motor, trailer, many - ac­ cessories. Must see to appreciate, $1,400. 815- 385-9448. 7-27-7-29C 1971 MERCER, 15 ft. Ski Boat, 1978, 70 hp., good condition, $2,800. 815- 3388507,815-344-4439. 7- 27-7-29C 1 9 6 5 S W I T Z E R SHOOTING Star, 100 hp. rebuilt Mercury out­ board motor, excellent condition. Fast! Will consider trade. 815-385- 0825. 7-ltfc MTICE MTICE RISING STAR Individual * Group Personal Pulfipllul 1 CI as«%«4 VVarkshopo for A warty and chdngi»vin any area of your life." Registration now for classes begin­ ning first week of August. For information call: NOTICE Matji* 312-639-5247 Stsphmi* 015-305-4310 7/27 .50' COWOFlSH •• •• • CLASSIFIED SPECIAL .50' DISCOUNT On Prepaid Line Ads Run Wednesday-Friday Plaindealer/Citizen Package Deadline: Monday before 3:90 PM 15 word* or lest for only $4.60, Reg. price $5.10-.34" each additional word REACMM 42.0M HMMS M Ml--RV CMMTT The McHenry Piaindealer 3012 W. Elm Street, McHenry, llllnoit Q00S0 g^ J v A S T rii RED & BLACK 5 IV RASPBERRIES Rod Cur ran ft Now Available Heider's Berry Farm 2 miles east of Woodstock, JL on Rt. 120 then 1/2 mile north on Queen Anne Rd ENTRANCE OPEN DAILY 7:30 a m.-3 p.m. WED: 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Fpr Info Call 815/338-0287] Baby Photo Contest Voting-1 * A Veto No Limit During Business Hours DISCOURAGED over Hea l th Insurance Costs? Let us help you develop a plan you can afford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815- 338-3328. 7-27-7-29C Amount Enclosed. NAME Wednesday. July 27..... Fashion Shoi liildren SI •tional Bi of McHenry Thursday, July 2*8.. Smith's Children sRop Friday, July 29 1st National Bank .Insert for, _Wks. ADDRESS. CITY. PHONE. "must present coupon I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: The following policy guidelines will be followed hen­ ceforth by City personnel engaged in brush c/nd tree limb pickup operations, H being understood, nowever, that clear emergency situations may arise which will justify a departure from these guidelines: 1. Brush and tree limbs shall not exceed four inches in diameter nor five feet in length and sholl be neatly placed, in acA cessible locations of qompaCt piles at curbsid* or two feet from the edge of the pavertient where there are no curbs by 7:00 a.m. on the first Monday of the month. * 2. Brush and limb pickup wil) commence on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 a.m. and once our crews have canvased any given street in the City, there Will be no call-backs to any location previously passed until the first Mondayof the following month. 3% In the event that the first Monday of any given month falls on a holiday, brush pickup will commence on Tuesday. , PASSED Saturday, |uly 30 Chamber of Commerce 9-4 P.M. Sunday, July 31 Pearl Street Park 11:00-3:00 p.m. •> Winter toeeoKed 4 p.m. Pearl Street Mi Proceeds to benefit Library, Fish, New Hospital, Dept. Parks & Recreation, and Rescue Squad , 7/37 JIMMY MAYS and his Family wish {o-ex­ tend their appreciation and many "Thanks" to everyone for their many prayers, car­ ds, & gifts after his accident and during his recovery. A very special "Thanks" to all the nurses and Doctors at St. Joseph Hospital, the lifeguard who helped torn, McHenry Area Rescue Squad, McHenry Hospital, all our relatives, neighbors, friends and the McHenry Jr. Youth League and all the parents. Our prayers were answered and at this time he is recovering quite well. It's so very nice to see him happy and smiling. Your prayers and kindness are very much appreciated. FOX VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL now accepting fall enrollments. Mutt enroll by August 15. ' Call First Baptist Church 815-385-0083 7/27-0/12 7/27-8/10e l/V-7'2* -- ¥-m 7/37 NOTICE Child Cor* UNUCENSOE FACILITIES CANT BE ADVERTISED According to th# Child Cor* Act of 1969, it is o misdemeanor to care lor 4 or more other person's children in your home unless that hom« is licensed by the Sate of Illinois. It is also illegal to odver- tise for such services in an unlicensed home. These licenses are issued free to homes meeting minin>um standards for the safety, health ond well-being of the child. For, information and licensing contoct: ILLINOIS DEFAKTMENT OF CHILDREN t FAMILY SERVICES ' Lake Villa Field pffice P.O. Box 269 •; 215 N. Milwaukee Ave Lake Villa. Itl! 60046 312-356-1011 J

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