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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Jul 1983, p. 2

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I'iMJK 2 - PLALNDEALER - WEDNESDAY. JULY*f. 1» *r S V £ til MR. AND MRS. MARK CUMMINS FRAILEY l^EWLYWEDS SUMMER IN PENNSYLVANIA - Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cummins Frailey will make their home in Waconia, Minn., this Fall following a summer in Pennsylvania. The former Lori Beth Robertson was given in marriage by her father who also performed the nuptial ceremony on June II in the Christian and Missionary Alliance church, McHenry. She is the daughter of $e Rev. Gerald and Mrs. Alits Robertson, McHenry and the groom is the son of Robert and Bertha Frailey of Mineral Point, Pa. The bride will be a senior at St. Paul Bible college in Minnesota and intends to teach music. The groom will be a junior at the college, majoring in the Bible and Theology with plans to enter the rpinistry. Former Miss McHenry Weds Thomas Ludwig - A former Miss McHenry, Linda Lee $onk, and Thomas William Ludwig were united in Holy Matrimony at the $t. Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic church, Crystal Lake, on July 23. ;! The bride is the daughter of Phyllis and Fred Matthesius and the groom is the son of Jeanne and Kenneth Lud­ wig, all of McHenry. '« Musical selections were sung by fcick Bender as Father Joseph F. Kulak conducted the nuptials. •* £ rhineatone tiara set off the bride's ftree-tierttf veil which wii studded with imported crystal beads. The tjara was a keepsake from the 1978 drowning of the -bride as Miss IflcHenry. She wore a white satin off the shoulder gown with a cathedral length train, inset with lace medallion^. "Something borrowed" was her sister's pearls and an heirloom handkerchief from her mother-in-law served as "something djd." She wore white satin, mid-heel pumps •Jennifer Bonk and Carolyn Smith Of McHenry, Pam Kolzow-of Downers Qrove, Gina Catalano of DesPlaines and Arlene Bettin of DeKalb served as ruaid-of-honor and bridesmaids. They wore long, off the shoulder, soft taf­ feta hyacinth-hued gowns with Hatching shoes. •The groom was served bv Roger LJidwig of Brookings, S.D., Ken Ludwig of McHenry, Terry Rielly of ISjarengo, Jack Alden of Mt. Prospect and John McQuade of Aurora. Ushers were -John Batke of Westmont, Terry Clarke of Glen Ellyn and Bill $elaniphy of Kansas City, Mo. Their bfack tuxedos and vests com­ plemented the groom's black tails with a cummerbund and a pleated shirt with a black bow tie. * • •The bride's mother chose a long, njauve qiana silk dress trimmed with rhinestones under the bodice. The groom's mother wore a long, periwinkle blue qiana gown with a chiffon v-neck bodice. A unity candle arrangement graced the altar of the church and white and lavender bows decorated the pews. A reception for 260 guests at the John Evans Inn in Crystal Lake followed the wedding. The couple traveled to Jamaica following the festivities for a two-week honeymoon. They will make their new home in Wheaton, 111. Mrs. Bonk is an apparel manager for the Mundelein K-Mart, and the groom is employed as a Physical Education teacher and coach in Plainfield, 111. She is a 1978 graduate of McHenry high school and earned a B.S. degree in Fashion Merchandising from Northern Illinois university in 1982. Her husband is a 1976 graduate of McHenry high school and holds a B.A. degree in Physical Education from Elmhurst college earned in 1980. Slate Women's Aglow Luncheon Agl -Mc Women's Aglow Lake-McHenry Fellowship of Crystal Lake-McHenry will host a luncheon Thursday, Aug. 4, at 10:30 a.m. at John Evans Inn, Crystal Lake. Guest speaker will be Shirley Over­ ton, current president of the DeKalb Women's Aglow chapter. Ms. Overton has received much inner healing of childhood memories and insecurities coming from a broken home since her commitment to Jesus Christ. She ministers the truth in song and in word that Jesus is Lord always, in times of darkness as well as in times of ease. The deadline for reservations is Sunday, July 31. Call Mrs. Dale (Lois) Koss 385-0814. Area Couple Married In Garden Cereniony July 23 ;> A pastel theme marked the 4 p.m. wedding of Vicki Kuglin of McHenry and Jaime Charles Mantel at the home of the groom in Spring Grove July 23. The Rev. B.J. Jones joined in COMMUNITY CALENDAR JULY 22-31 Fiesta Days-30 fun-packed events in 10 fun-filled days--"McHenry: Seasons Four!" theme. JULY 29 McHenry Area Gamers' Society - 6 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community center. JULY 30 McHenry Sportsmen's Club-- Weingart road-9:30 a.m. Practice and registered shoot - 216 yard targets - Trophies awarded. JULY 31 NAIM-Annual Diocesan Picnic- Rutland Forest Preserve, Elgin- Large Pavilion-noon-bring dish to pass and table service. McHenry Sportsmen's Club - 200 handicap, 17-27 targets - 25 pair double targets - Trophies awarded. AUGUST 1 McHenry Senior Citizen's-- Executive Board Meeting-McHenry Public Library-Cancelled. AUGUST 5 Pioneer Center Fish Boil - Pearl Street Park - 5 to 8:30 p.m. Public Invited - Tickets at Chamber of Commerce or ^Pioneer Center - Call 344-1230. AUGUST 6 McHenry Sportsmen's Practice Shoots - Weingart p.m. Club -- Road -1 AUGUST 7 NAIM-St. Margaret Chapter- Dinner & Play-2 p.m.-Shady Lane, Marengo-play, "Happy Birthday". AUGUST 8 McHenry Senior Citizen's club- meeting, 1 p.m.-East campus. AUGUST 11 McHenry Co. Genealogical Soc.- monthly meeting, 7:30 p.m.- Grace Lutheran church Fellowship Hall- Washington St. (Rt. 120) & Tryon St., Woodstock-"Use of Quarterlies and Newsletters in Research".,. j Roles of the Rbad Course, 9:30 to 12 marriage the daughter of Robert and Jo-Ann Kuglin, McHenry, and the son of Edith Mantel of Spring Grove. The outdoor ceremony took place in the garden with the Chain-O-Lakes State Park as background. Special music, Synergy "Flight of Falcons and Eagles" and Vangellis' "Heaven and Hell" sounded through the trees. The bride exchanged vows in a white gown with Queen Anne's lace neckline, flowered lace applique and satin trim. A short train completed the ensemble. She carried a bridal bouquet of white carnations, white bridal roses and rubrum lilies. The matron of honor,. Elaine Ericson Frazier of Lusby, Md., wore a purple pastel, low cut dress with spaghetti straps and an overlay cape effect. Bridesmaids Beth and Lisa Kuglin, McHenry, Lana Boreen, Grayslake, Carole Hardie, San An­ tonio, Texas, and Kerry Ragan, Ot- tumwa,' Iowa wore similar pastel gowns of peach, mint, blue, yellow, and pink respectively. They carried nosegays of pastel, mixed flowers with silk ribbons to match their gowns. The best man was Larry Stanek of Spring Grove. Groomsmen were Robert Krause and Dave Redmann of Richmond, and Fred Frazier, of Lusby, Md. All were attired in white tails. Hie groomsmen's carnation boutonnieres matched the attendant's dresses. The mother of the bride chose a floor length silver dress with a cape, accessorized by a silver silk flower and purse. The groom's mother wore a turquoise street-length dress. The bridegroom and the bride's father chose silver tails for their at­ tire. A reception for 200 guests followed the wedding. The bridal couple spent their honeymoon at Lake Del ton near Wisconsin Dells, Wis. The couple will make their home in DeKalb where the bride is a photographer and the groom is a student. The new Mrs. Mantel graduated from the School of Communication Arts becoming a Certified Photographer and Mr. Mantel attends Northern Illinois University where he is majoring in Physics. DAVID M. GREEN AND SHELLY VON BRUENCHENHEIN ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Von Brnenchenheln of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Shelly, to David M. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob F. Green of Ellery, DL The couple to planning an Aug. 20 wedding at the Stratford Parte Bible chapel in Champaign, HL The bride-to-be to a 1979 graduate of Johnsburg high school and a 1983 graduate of the University of Illinois in Champaign with a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation Program management The prospective groom to a 1975 graduate of Edwards County Senior Mgh school and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois in 1979. Grilled Fish Tasty Treat McHenry American Legion Auxiliary UNIT 491 If your outdoor barbecuing stops at steaks and burgers, it's time to catch up on tiie good eating of grilled fish and shellfish. Experts suggest salmon, swordfish, mackerel, shark, halibut,. sablefish and bluefish. They're high in natural oil content...keeps them moist while grilling. Shrimp and scallops are shellfish favorites. Sportsmen love the flavor of fresh caught sweetwater fish like bass, trout or pike. Whole fish, fish steaks and shellfish may be broiled on any barbecue grill. Or try water smoking whole fish for a real hickory flavor. For fillets, use a long handled hinged grill basket. It makes turning easier. Oil the grid and basket so the fish won't stick and baste frequently during grilling. Shellfish should be skewered for best results. To poach fillets or shellfish wrap in heavy-duty aluminum foil with white wine or lemon juice. Skin-on fillets are best - they're less likely to fall apart when taken off the grill. Don't overcook seafood. Grill over hot charcoal 10 minutes per inch of thickness, turning once halfway through grilling time. It's done when flesh is opaque and flakes easily with a fork. Mrs. Maria Guettler, president of McHenry Unit 491, held the last meeting pt her l£62-83 administration. 'A Monday,1 July W, at the Legion post Noon - City Hall. For further details '^eme. After the usual opening call Jim Jansen, 385-7475. AUGUST 13 McHenry Area Toastmasters Club- 9 a.m.-McHenry Country Club- Guests Welcome. McHenry Sportsmen's Club - Practice Shoots - 1 p.m. Weingart Road. AUGUST 14 St. Patrick's Parish Picnic- Petersen Park, Area A-12 p.m. to 6 p.m.-games, music, prizes, refresh­ ments-Fun for All. McHenry Sportsmen's Club - Meet Shoot and Games - 11 a.m. AUGUST 17 McHenry Senior Citizen's club- annual boat ride-Lake Geneva, Wis.- bus pickup, 10:30 a.m. at Market Place-bus, boat ride, lunch on boat- reservations at once-Ruth Fradell, 385-6586. AUGUST 18 Rules of the Road Course, 10 a.m. to 12 Noon - City Hall - For further details call Jim Jansen, 385-7475. AUGUST 20 McHenry Sportsmen's Club -- Practice Shoots - Weingart Road - l p.m. Help Us Get Ready For Our 9th Year In Business INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE!! LOWEST PRICES EVER!! REDUCTIONS TO 80% FURNITURE, HOUSES, ACCESSORIES, ETC. No Special Orders or lay-aways • No Exchanges • No Refunds HRS: TUES. THRU FRI. 10 AM-3PM • SATURDAY 10 AM-5PM Robin's Roost miniatures and (tollhouses 131 CENTER STREET GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS 60030 6 Phone: (312) 223-4455 ceremony, reports were given by unit1 chairmen. A letter was read from Sarah Prust by Marge Datz, unit Girls' State chairman, telling us of her experience at Illini Girls' State, held at Mac- Murray college, Jacksonville, as a delegate from McHenry East campus, and sponsored by • McHenry unit auxiliary. Midge Scharf, Americanism chairman, announced she presented a flag to McHenry Fire station District 2. President Guettler gave a report of the Department convention. McHenry ' unit was credited $668 to Veterans Craft Exchange; $341 to Elgin Mental Health center and $1,992 to North Chicago V.A. hospital. Birthday greetings were extended to Delia Freund, Jane Grothman, Ruth Mrachek and guest, Dorothy Bennett. President Guettler announced in­ stallation of Legion, auxiliary and World War I Barracks officers will be held Aug. 7 at 3 p.m. Potluck dinner will follow installation. Members and guests are invited. Maria Guettler and Ruth Mrachek were winners of special prizes. At­ tendance prize was awarded to Lois Crouch. Lois Crouch was refreshment chairman for this meeting. There will be no meeting in August. The next meeting will be held Sept. 19. Everybody loves peanut butter, the king of the lunch box. Recent data indicates that four out of five American cupboards hold a jar of peanut butter and we consume more than 250,000 tons of the smooth spread each year. spurgeons McHenry Marke t P lace 385-4100 Pre-Season Family Winter Coat Sale Save 22-25% On Our En t i re S tock O f Win te r Coa ts For Me; i -Lad ies Boys G i r l s NOW THRU AUGUST 14 th U S E O U R F R E f I A Y A W A Y P i A N F BIRTHS \ . • i-i vi A 7 lb., oz. SOD, Stephen Christopher, was born to Michael and Loraine Schmitt at Memorial Hospital for McHenry county in Woodstock on June 19, Father's Day. The new baby arrived home at 1 0 3 C a n t e r b u r y , McHenry, where his brother, Matthew, age 22 mos., welcomed him. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wieser of McHenry and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sch­ mitt, McHenry. Great- grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sch­ mitt of McHenry and Mrs. Anna Radzin of Chicago. Greg and Karen Cypher of McHenry announce the birth of a daughter, Julie Krystal, born July 9 at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington. The 7 lb., 15Vi oz., little girl has one sister, Jamie, age 2>/fe years. Maternal grandparents are Don and Lorraine Norton, Crystal Lake, and paternal grandparents are Lucien and Lorraine Cypher, Wauconda. A boy, Thomas An­ drew, 7 lbs., 14 oz., was born July 11 to Jack and Pat Baker, Wonder Lake. He made his debut at Good Shepherd hospital, Barrington. Other children are Scott, age five and Christopher, age three. The maternal grand­ mother is Mrs. Alice Burke of Barrington. And the paternal, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Baker, Kansas City, Kansas. Steven and Pamela Schaffter of McHenry became the parents of a baby girl, Jessica Lynn on July 14 at Good Shepherd hospital. She weighed 8 lbs., on arrival. The maternal, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Randell Skelton, McHenry. Paternal grandparents are Larry Schaffter and K a r e l S c h a f f t e r , Algonquin. Michelle Lynn is the name chosen by David and Anna Baker of McHenry for their firstborn daughter who arrived , at , Good Shepherd hospital July 14. She weighed 6 lbs.,. 5Vfe oz. • Maternal grandparents are John and Adeline Yurks, Park Ridge. Paternal g r a n d p a r e n t s a r e James and Joyce Baker, Glenview. Hot Dogs-All American Hot dogs are such a summertime favorite that Americans con­ sume more than five billion franks between Memorial Day and Labor Day. According to a sur­ vey, hot dogs are the number one food served a t A m e r i c a ' s amusement parks. During the baseball season the number of hot dogs sold at ball parks averages ap­ proximately 80 per cent of the attendance. (On isolated occasions, hot dog sales have out­ numbered the gate.) Over 100,000 hot dogs will be consumed on a single summer weekend at New York's Coney Island. More hot dogs -- over two million annually -- are sold at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport than any other single location in the world. About Your Wedding Write-Up In order to serve McHenry area brides, the Plain- • dtaltr mailt wadding form* to all whoso engagemen­ ts havo boon announced in tho popor and carry a definite data. Wo ask that these complotod form* bo returned three day* before the wedding. Tho story containing all the information given on the form will appear only during the week following the wedding, except in the case of out-of-state weddings, whore on additional week Is allowed. Forms received the .second week offer the wedding will be printed with, the omission of a description of the attire worn. Photographs will bo printed ony time lator, or will be included with the wedding-information if they accom­ pany the story at the prescribed deadline. If your engagement announcement has not been published, of if the date of the wedding was not known at the time, please coll our office and request that a marriage form be sent. Space proems experienced by a nondaily newspaper, and desire to print up-to-date news, makelhis policy necessary. Similar The biggest trouble with success these days is that the recipe is just about the same as that for a nervous breakdown. -Pilot, Norfolk. . WE ARE LEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE EXPANSION OF FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL A GRATEFUL FOR YOUR SUPPORT A PATRONAGE THROUGHOUT THE YEARS FRAN'S HIDDEN CURL 1212N. GREEN ST. (Ofc.8) JftcHENRV • 344-1019 SAME LOCATION...NEW LOOK AMERICAN LEMON POST 491 NOW AVAILABLE FOR: • WEDDINGS • DINNERS • FUNERALS HOME COOKING BY LTMA FEMKR AN AUXILIARY MEMBER 3S5-0M7/344-0424

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