$300°° REBATE ON lOOO'e SSfS1E 8ALE 0M MEW * U8ED TRUCKS CONVERSION AN S AT BIG SAVINGS! 110.9% A.P.R. ON 1000-PHOENIX-6000 SPECIAL!!! • t Otic B.-CtuwAMFM Sterao-A/C-Ctoth l«t.Camp« Sp«ialSI»r|>H!! . . . . . S P E C I A L ! ! ! J"™ .S.« 8-TiltCruise-A/C-RaNy WMi-AMFttWoodirtMdMl to. Timling Nice!!! SALE ON 83's!!!!! CLEARANCE SALE!!!!!! One 1000's One 2000 WON 011 r j 6000" OIH> TRANS AM Throe BONN WGN 0 M« . - B O N N E V I L L E Two GRAND PRIXS hour GMC TRUCKS 2 4x4's THIS WEEK'S GREAT BUYS ON USED CARS!! ! WAGONS If M UMaaa Wpk-P.S. I Olic B.-A/C- LUOOMI Enfl" Woodgratn-30^00 MlTxtra Clean!III Only ttftSJO '79 Bmm. «|r. P.S. A Diftc B.-P.W. A Locks-Cruise-AM-F M Stereo-Rear DefoggerA/ C-Velour Int . -Mlchel ln Tlres-32,777 Mi. •Nkt l l l l l OTHERS '•* 4^Br..p,S. A Disc B.-A/C-Reir Defoooar-Rally Wheels-Front Wheel Drive-Like New!!!! II C-AMFM-Rear Cm-. P.S^Tt>lsc B.-A/ Defogger-Rally Wheels-Front Wheel Drlve-Sherpl!!l "" 'SI ISSO 4 Dr. P S. f t Ol tc B. A.T.- A/C-Rear Defogger-A Cut* Little Red Car*! 111 W BMM. 4 Br. P.S. A Disc B.-A/C-AM-FM Stereo-Crulse-WIre Wheels-Velour Int.-23,000 Ml.-Showroom New I 111 •SI -efcevetfto 4 Dr.-"4 Cyl."-A,T.-AM-FM Cassette-Rear Detogger-Real Economy 1111 'SI Seaa. 4 Br. 'P.S. <> Disc B.-60/40 Seat-Cruise-AM-FM Stereo-A/C-Vlnyl Top-Rally ORMSBY MOTORS IBB |M N. RMn St, Crystal Lake (SIS) 4884888 'SI UMMM 4 Dr.-P.S. A Disc B.-A/C-Rear To,"Brown WHh B*19* 'SI Ore# PHi-P S. A Disc B.-Tllt-AM-FM i S l i 0 D * * W ' - 6 Q I 4 0 S e a t - A / C - W i r e Whoola-Cloth Int.- Landau Top-Extra Nice 1111 £S LeMeee Cpe.-P.S. A Disc B.-A/C-Rear PjHoggar-LandM» Top-31,734 Ml.-Dk. Blue with Cloth Int.-Sharp!!!! 'f!!L#Mk,r- MB p S. A B.-A.T.-Tilt-Rear Defogger-20,000 Ml.-Showroom New! I! I 7* **«h-P.S. A Disc B.-P.W. A r*&*?i SVt TI,t Crolse-AM-FM 8 Track-A/ CVinylTop-Leether Int.-JTone Blue-Sharp! |! | 71 J-?" **• ®*"*-P-S. A Disc ,P.W. A Locks-SO/SO P. Seat-Ti I t -Cruise-AM-FM Sterw-Rear Defogger-A/C-Wire Wheels-Landau Top-Silver Cloth Int. Loaded ft Sharp! I! | 79 BMM. Br. 4 Br.-P.S. ft Disc. B.-P.W. A locks-60/40 P. Seat-Ti I t -Cruise-AM-FM .!T2'?!!r 4?*fo99Gr-A/C-Wlre Wheels-Gold with Matching Valour Int . -Loaded ft Sharp 11!! * 77 Bodge Menace 4 Br.-P.S. A B.-A I C-AM FM-Spiit Seots-Vlnyi Top-53,000 Cert. MI.-ExtraSharp!11! Our classified sales people will be glad to help you with your classified ad! f j N CLASSIFIEDS - • Get Results! / " • SHAW/FREE PRESS CLASSIFIED 815/4SS-4S00 Automobiles * For Sale CHEVROLET Weean, 71, aetew pa, p£. Ume real, maim am fm'mvmnm. OATfUMMft U tool Mo* oR.4»M. TOYOTA 7*. Pkk-up, Vk tan, CHARGER 71,HI hoMy > bar rel user exheue* 4 Meets. m My Mr. MM er .8U/M5-4SM. PONTIAC FIREBIRD For- mula. 7L HMO. miles, air, ,fNt,4Md.S4JM8M/4SS- m T-T nvm-mt -T«H, 8&4M, OATfUN m *1. good and,M wet, »MA 8tM». 312/MM7M. CAMAROLTW75. Swire**. nMmt. nvm^rn ripM." ~ masa"" -• VW QASMCR Wagon, m wn real, ceM« tanry at X mpg. MHMlWms. CHEVROLET 9 pet«eweer Megan, 77, pur, A/C, cru&e. am/ton, ptaa nwch mere. Oeed cend., dean. Sl,2t9/beet tWObtm. MUSTANG HATCHBACK, 71. fe i ateree, V-«, c lean. SMM^kael. IU/4SS-MM attar a pm. LTD IT A. WA0.75- A/C, new trem, new flm gd. cend. itmre/as-ym MO B6T, 74 Ztabart, Ama M- haeet, exc. cend., 77 MERCURY Manardt-4 dr. Ml V4, air, P/S, P/8, vinyl tap. Ex. Medtankalcend. Fine ImM( er eN jn^̂ paaa car. ̂ ^ak- ta| SBM. SIMM-MTV. MM CAMARO LT V4, auto., a/cpa/Mk pewar windows, tut, ae^nn tape, rally wtieols, SMS. Brekar.ln^MMSM. 1*41 CHARGER V- l , eetentetlc, MM. Broker. m/MMMI. . BUICK SKYLARK, 'M 4 door Lmtdw 4 cyl., pb/ps, am/fm A/C crwtao. now tires, .•1V49MTM. CHEVY MONZA t-t-t 77. MS VI4 ipd.. sun root, naw tires, new brakaa. Very dapendebta, runs groet, oxcallant cand. In- sMa t out. Days. I1S/4M-MM. erevaa.SiS/4MMM. *. MONZA 7»- 41JM miles, runs «aod.$i7es/boat. I1S/4M404S OLOS DELTA Reyale Conver ttata, 74 ps/pb, powar win dows, a/c exc. oond.,mwat see, . I1V4SM472 71 MERCEDES Bent MS S. ExcoHant condition. IIS^M- 19 CAMARO RS ps/pb, a/c am/fm coat, CS ."W 312/4M- 74 FORD TORINO Squire Ste. »3 sootar, A/C, runs gc 312/4M-MM. •n SUBURU DL Hatchback. Ex.cand.MJMmi.S4M. , . 317/MHPI TP CAMARO Zft pt/ob, a/c 4N reor eMt IMM Ctaon, no reot.ns/MieM4. PRIVATE PARTY two HOTs Chewattas. AM, auto, trans. 4 drM I w/alr, I Wo air, dork |L|44 LOIM* AOTTM wiMi vwr IWR «RC cend. I ws soil L we keap. SWMM8M altarS. Automobiles M For Sale 90 Vans CHIVY (HQfffAj M, SUM mRoa, 4-spd, cruloe. om/fm coosette. exc cmL. tum. 8M/4W-1MS WINDOW VAN Fer«, 74. VI slick, pJb., storoo om/fm, CS, reer ood/dtootte. IMM. vtunbvn. 4LOJ. CONVERT 19. FlerMe car new top, S4.2M. IU/4M- MM. VAN CONVERSION, Porttoi Ruellty workmenship et reeaonoMo pilcoe J. a D. Auto Body, M N. Main ft. to Downtown Crystal Lake. 81S/48M410. HONDA ACCORD Tfc 3 4r. lift-' heck. Fr . st i . 4rom/fm, aMow radtols, rag. gee. IMM H2/4MM48. VAN CONVERSION, Porttoi Ruellty workmenship et reeaonoMo pilcoe J. a D. Auto Body, M N. Main ft. to Downtown Crystal Lake. 81S/48M410. FIREBIRD '78-Ex. centf. savor, P/VB/W, vetour in terior. New hrefceo, Melio' wheels. S5,Ml/best otter. tttfNit HIT __ Motorcycles & •1 Snowmobiles CHEVY BLAZER 75-4X, new brokos, new bMtRry, now OR* houot oyotom, F/l/B. A/C OK. naming con*. lieM/boot oftor. to/mem. NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. . j Route 64 - 5 miles East of Sycamore 815/995-5251 TRANS AM. 79, sNvsr, looded; nice 71 Ceugor XR-7, brown. CaH Tom DOOM of Centin Co* KM Fori, IIS/MMON. NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. . j Route 64 - 5 miles East of Sycamore 815/995-5251 F Wanted To 87 Buv NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. . j Route 64 - 5 miles East of Sycamore 815/995-5251 CADILLAC OR LINCOLN, HM er 1M1, aoad condition, WHinilill. 312/495-3375 or MS- 8771 NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. . j Route 64 - 5 miles East of Sycamore 815/995-5251 •WANTED* Junk Cars A Late Model Mocks. 7-Day A Week Pick-Up 81S/49MMS11 em-4 pm. NEW & USED HONDAS B0B-J0 CYCLE CO. . j Route 64 - 5 miles East of Sycamore 815/995-5251 •WANTED* Junk Cars A Late Model Mocks. 7-Day A Week Pick-Up 81S/49MMS11 em-4 pm. 74 HONDA CB 49D DOHC. Ex cwWonl condition S57S/oftor. 312/4M-3472. WANTED TO BUY |unk S repelraMe outoa. 7 doy pickup, 3U/MM197. 74 HONDA CB 49D DOHC. Ex cwWonl condition S57S/oftor. 312/4M-3472. AutoParts & 88 Accessories MM CHEVY an automatic; wn VOLVO, 4 cylindar. Call II Mtap >1S/4JS-74a>. 71 OLDS CUTLASS trent naae bumpers. 4 misc 12/65MSM. MEYERS SNOW Plow- ox- ceilent condition w/lights. SUM. •15/4S5-M47 S. Trucks, Tractors & Trailers CHEVY SUBURBAN, WN, 2 seat, ps/pb, auto., very clean. I1,7M. CaN SU/3MM11. CHEVY 5 yard dump, IM7. New rebuilt a cyl. engine 4 beW. Very good cand. current solely sticker, M4M. 312/434 CHEVY LUV 77. extro Mara, many extras, must soe. S21M. •1V4R-1M2. FORO FWO, 74 VI stick, duel tanks, CBredto Mr cand. Ask- tag M7S. HS/4SS-3MI. FORD TRUCK mi. MM. •1S/49Mfli CAR-TRAILER, tandem axel, winch, SI,US/best otter. Call •U/4SS-23M after 1pm. OATSUN PICKUP. '47. engine rebuilt, good cend., MM, t1S/4M-M27aftar • pm. Automobiles 86 For Sale PORDRM, 74 cab 4 ches*. tane-wtwsi "'baee, ^mms ̂ 3m no rust, MM, 312^11 HONDA SM, 74 Vettor fairing, FT RFC • !• «' * " *J vfwij cnam, conTinomei Tiros* exc. cond., 11JM mi. IMM. 312/44S-SS70. FREE SCHWINN 5 spd. witti eerckoss of If72 Kawaski Ml. MM.312/43M4I2. HARLEY DAVIDSON tow rtdar, 7f. 3JM miles, exc cand. I4,3M. 115/455-2547. HONDA Ml, 74. Kawasaki Ml, 71 Best offer tor both. 312/4M HONDA 7M With windjammer taking, now tiros 4 choin. Good cond. MM. or best offer. ns/smtu. BMWRM/4 74 Vettor Faking w/towers 4 bogs. llJM/bosf, 312/4545254 after 5. YAMAHA Ml 75. Good com* Man. under 30 IU/49M0S3. Recreational 92 Vehicles FORD TRUCK Camper, 74 vary clean to 4 out, no rust. Complete sett contained. Bath. rofrig., stove. 4 now tiros, I4.S41M.312/Mf-53M. W SLIDE-IN Camper tor pick- op. Mly equipped, self contain- flrm. 312/4545774. STARCRAFT Pqpnup, sleeps 4 . 312/4 w gas. ! 437-5415 tor I1.2M or CAR HAULING TroNor, MM or booloftar. 115/455-3190 _ DOOGE PICK-UP 74 MM. CaM 312/44S-MM Automobiles For Sale • WANT TO SELL YOUR MOTOR HOME? I wont to sell sm.4ftod. size 5 i OF CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS FINAL CLEARANCE SALE! ALL REMAINING 1983 MODELS AT DEALER COST. OPINI, CHARGERS, ARIES Kf SHELBYS, VANS AND TRUCKS. 1984 MODELS ARE ARRIVING DAILY, READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY INCLUDES 5 YEAR-50,000 MILE WARRANTY WE FEATURE THE FINEST USED CARS IN NORTHERN ILLINOIS. FULLY RECONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT & SAFETY PLUS 100 GUARANTEE! 82 CHALLENGERS-SPEED Bucket Mats I Console, lir, AM/FM Stereo casMtte, Power Steering and Brakes 6995 81 OLDS, DELTA ROY ALE 4 dr., auto, power steering, brakes,windows, door locks, air, tilt wheel, & cruise, AM/FM stereo *7495 79MERCZEPHER 6 cyl, auto, P.S. & P.B., 4 door, two-tone paint, low mitas ts> *2995 82 PLY RELIANT 4 dr. custom, auto, PS ft B, air, AM/FM . redr window I '6795 *5295 zx 5 apaad, 6LP Package, Air, T-Top, wire wheels, AM/FM stereo cassette „ *10,995 '3895 81 DODGE ARES K 4 dr„ auto, power steering ind brakes, AM/FM, low miles, front wh. drive *4995 81 OMNI-'024' 4 ̂ Md, bucket seats,, front wheel driee, reer .radial tws, AM/F* stereo '3495 80 CAPRICE CLASSIC 2 dr., v-6, auto, air, power steering ft hltaffVffflffrf?- -- 80 DODGE ASPEN WAGON 6 cyl., auto, power steering ft Brakes, luggage reck, rear window defogger, AM/FM 79 SPORTSMAN ROYAL SE B250,360 V-S, auto, power steering ft brakM, tilt wheel ft cruiM, air, AM/FM cassette • ̂ 78 CHEVY NOVA 4 dr., small V-8, auto, PS, PS. air. AM/FM stereo 78DATSUN310 2 dr„ 4 spaed, air, front wheel drive, MI/FM sterep . ; *1995 78 BUICK SKYLARK 2 dr„ smaN V-8. auto, PS ft B, AM/FM Stereo cassette, low miles *2695 Cookbook prices up but paperbacks can be found under $10 JEANNE LESEM >1 Family Editor CW YORK (UPI) -- Hardcover cookbooks priced at $10 or less have virtually vanished from stores and" even some large-format paperbacks are approaching the endangered species list. For example, HP Books of Tucson, Ariz., "Scandinavian Beatrice STARCRAFT Pop-up camper, stows, rofrig., furnoco, sink, SlOSpS4. S4MI1S/4M-2147. MALLARD TRAILER '71. I, J|U -- A_I J GK ITN r nmj WIT CUNTAINW. DCST oftor. I1S/4M-M84 homos on consignment. H you wlsb to cooperate contact uirry Hogon al 312/437-3M1. Automobiles For Sale has a $12.95 price tag on its new1 Cooking," by Finnish-American OJakangas. "The Great East Coast Seafood Book," by Yvonne Young Tarr, a 1962 Vintage original, is also $12.95, and "The Calfornia Seafood Cookbook," by Isaac Cronln, Jay Harlow and Paul Johnson (Arts Books) Is $10.95. On Sept. 30, both volume* of "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" will be published in paperback at prices understandably higher than the hardcovers when they were first Issued in 1961 and 1970. Both are still In print at $20 each. The large format paperbacks will be $12.95 per book or $25.95 for the boxed set (Knopf). Volume 1 originally was $10, and Volume 2,$12.50. THE OJAKANGAS BOOK contains 200 recipes for such things as Scandinavia'S celebrated pastries, cookies and cakes, groan ing smorgasbords and farmhouse brunches, arranged in 22 menus. Like all HP books, it contains mardcover and a good buy at either price for people who prefer simple fish and seafood dishes. Basic information on each species makes substitutions easy locally or regionally. , The Tarr book contains more man 400 recipes, compared with about 150 in the California book. They tend to be more complex and regional. Substitution suggestions are rarely offered. The "Mastering" books are well-established classics by, respectively, Louisette Bertholle, Simca Beck, Julia Child and Child-Beck. Other recently published, affordable paper backs include: --"Fast Italian Meals," by Emaiee Chap man (101 Productions, $7.95). Two-serving recipes that are easily halved, simple yet sophisticated, with realistic portion sizes for the weight-conscious. Even $8 per pound fish or seafood becomes affordable when half a pound makes two servings. Most recipes can be prepared and cooked in 30 minutes or less if your kitchen is organized so you don't have to hunt for Ingredients and utensils. -"THE CLAM LOVER'S Cookbook," by William G. Flagg (North River Press, distributed by Dodd, Mead, $6.95). Simple recipes, usually for four to six servings and easily divisible to serve 2. Directions are in cluded for substituting canned clams for fresh. --"California Cooking," by Mable and Gar Hoffman (HP Books, $7.95) upholds the Golden State's reputation for trendiness, with such things as a buffet pasta bar, a pasta and pizza chapter and zucchini lasagne. It has many beautiful, instructive color photos with the more than 200 recipes. --"The Great Chicago-Style Pizza Cookbook," by Pasquale Bruno Jr. (Contem porary Books, $6.95). Anyone with the time and patience to make pizza from scratch will find unusual recipes and excellent step-by-step directions and photos. Chicago-style pizza, in cidentally, is 2 inches thick. One advantage of making your own is the control you have over salt and fat content. • -"Cookies for Kids," edited by Jill Burmeister (Better Homes K Gardens, $4.95). The amusing shapes and names should delight young bakers, although few of the recipes reflect an effort to reduce sweetener content. However, a good number do contain healthful Ingredients such as whole grains and dried fruit. --"SOUP BOWL WEST," by Marge Mitchell and Joan Sedgwick (Random House, $8.95). The restaurateur-authors of "Bakery Lane Soup Bowl Cookbook" have moved from Mid- dlebury, Vt., to Jerome, Ariz., with predic table influence on their cooking. Many of their soups, salads, sandwiches, breads and desserts have taken on the spicy flavors of the Far West. Recipes include Unholy Guacamole, Chino Valley Bean Soup and several chilies. --"Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking" (Bar ron's, $7.95) originally was published by the British Broadcasting Corp. to accompany the author's Indian Cookery series aired last fall on BBC2. It would make an excellent introduc tion to Indian fare for beginners, and also should be enjoyed by fans of Jaffrey's Knopf cookbooks. --"Jennie Low's Szechuan Cookbook" (Presidio Press, $7.95). A good basic book of recipes, well-written directions and black-and- white illustrations of techniques. An extensive glossary has names in both English and Chinese characters for people with access to oriental markets where little Englislris spoken # or understood. While processed ingredients * and even some fresh ones are increasingly available in metropolitan area supermarkets, the absence of a mail order list makes this book impractical for people in small towns and rural areas. Variety lists top grossing movies '2995 '3495 77 GMC WINDOW VAN 11706 auto, PS ft PB, air, 8 passenger, low mites A |*f«# 73 CHEVY PICKUP TRUCK H90C TATO, PS A PB, iir, food ctadition 11 F \< J I R /1 Wivmmmi $ NEW YORK (UPI) -- The 20 top grossing films, based on Varie ty's weekly survey of 1,800 to 2,200 screens. 1. Risky Business 2. Easy Money S.CuJo 4. National Lam poon's Vacation 5. Return of the Jedi 6. Trading Places 7. Mr. Mom 8. Metalstorm 9. Yor » 10. Staying Alive 11. Flashdance 412. Zelig 13. War Games 14. Curse of the Pink Panther - 15. The Man Who Wasn't There * 16. Krull 17. Jaws 3-D 1 8 . T h e S t a r Chamber 19. The Golden Seal 20. Octopussy (815) 459-8000 CORNER OF RT. 14 AND RT. 176 HOURS: MON THURS. 9-9 . FRI . 9 -6 SAT. 9-6 . SUN. 11-6 School's open Drive carefully \