FM«>.|̂ lNPI |̂̂ .WP>NESPAYt OCTOBER i.|«Q general Present hard facts of drinking and driving Audubon workshop slated on winter bird feeding The McHenry County Chapter of the Iumois Audubon Society will present a workshop on t, I , 1 f. „ ,tlm il mmsm nro ieeamg and the problems that accompany it. Aan Carroll and Daiieae Fiske *will boat the workshop, Tueeday. Oct 11, at 7:10 p.m. in the new office of the McHenry County Defenders The office Is located in Central School Building in Crystal Lake on Paddock Street, near its intersection with McHenry Avenue. The workshop will be an informal i together members menas th and to the many problems encountered in the winter ieeamg of birds, ft wffl follow the plan of the one o f f e r e d i n last fan and' is open to the public. Some of the topics that wffl be covered include types of feeders, different mixtures available for . feeding, problem visitors such as squirrels and raccoons, and how to attract shyer winter visitors. F o r m o r e information on this popular autumn get- together, c can Ann Carroll at (815)-338- by Ken Wysocky When Robert Anastas talks about dr inking and driving, he doeant mince words. He tafts cold, hard, no- nonsense facts about the rhiiiw problem that kills one high school- aged person every hour. "A person in your age group will die from a drinking and driving accident as I'm speaking/' Anastas told about 200 high school students in the Crysta l Lake Central High School auditorium recently. ••You're burying your own." Anastas , the d i rec tor and founder of Students Against Driving Drunk (8 ADD), made Central a campaign to organize local SADD chapters to combat Duoea uxrukt to f rom SADD, appearing on radio and television rt>ows to discuss the concept1 of the -Promoting [rank dialogue between something for their end their parents through the SADD eoitrnct, a written Anastas cited convincing and S A D D w a s established in lttl by Anasta, the former director rf health education for the Wayland Public School System;" Wayland.Maas.The original SADD program consisted of thrke major --A series of lesaon plans to present nets dr inking and driving, permitting mgn 8CD001 bmucxkb to make informed IfOm KUCXCllU tr"" parents pledge to each other should they find themselves in a situation where they have to drive after dftiuDng. Anasti school course sophomores on dr inking and driving. Perceiving the problem as a students to help each other, through peer preesure, to face up to the of with or drugs. Anaslas said more than 6,000 Ugh schuois and three million Students have Joined the SADD program. "I get the same response every time face up to the I speak," Anastas teenagers and a eye potential dangers of tow the gathering, young adults lose promotes mixing driving with "Students feel mSnveseach year abuse an obligated to do statistics of the Mueaome carnage dr inking and d r i v i n g h a s produced in America. About 250,000 Americans have toft their lives in alcohol-related auto crashes during the last decade- an avenge of ®,000 traffic fatalities each year. About 700,000 are injured each year by I Jl M I AajI If H\r7nvfl iffO drivers,and 1,000 teenagers and adults lose incidents. Forty thousand more are injured. Anastas , who formed SADD after watching two students in his district needlessly die from drunk d r i v i n g c a r accidents, said it took him 22 years to realise what the two major problems contributing to the drunken driving problem were. A lack of driflSngr elated VUfS FOR NOW! EVERYTHING! SALE ENDS SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 m % Don & Lu's is the trass largest children's shop featuring over 150 quality name brands. This complete department store for children's wear offers the convenience of one-stop shopping saving you time, money and allowing you to find exactly what you need. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF EVERYTHING! 1/3 OFF EVERYTHING OUTERWEAR ENTIRE WINTER STOCK! COATS! JACKETS! BIBS! SNOW SUITS! •loiipom roe • O t O K O S K •warrs s t a s •n«ILTSX • rac ie ic mAIL • WIAVaaa TAMIl IN ALL SIZSSI I N F A N T & T O D D L E R , G I R L S 4 6 X , 7 1 4 , P R E T E F . N , B O Y S 4 7, 8 20 ON SALE! "OFF • ALL BLOUSES! KNIT TOPS! SWEATERS! • SWEATSHIRTS A JOGGING SUITS! • ALL SNOTS! SLACKS AND JEANS! • SKIRTS A DRESSES ALL ITEMS! ALL BRANDS! ALL SIZES! . Girls 4-6x, 7-14, Preteen Boys 4-7, 8-20 & Husky SUCK SETS AND OVERALL SETS! SUITS! SPORTSCOATS! OVERALLS! CRAWLERS! PAJAMAS! ROBES AND GOWNS! "VI * HOD EVERYTHING! Known for their classic styling and knock out color commblnations. We have sweaters, knit tops, slacks, jackets, socks, blouses and skirts. 0SHK0SH EVERYTHING! ?>.» The neat look kids love in casual wear at moderate prices. We have knit shirts, slacks, leans, jackets, overalls and terry sleepers. * 20" OFF! 20* OFF! HEALTHTEX EVERYTHING! LEE JEANS! Quality and styling at reasonable prices make this one of mom's favorite brands. We have a full assortment in all sizes. Adult styling for kids. Lee fits America! We have them all...Lee Rider straight leg, Lon don Riders, striped denim and striped cor duroy in a rainbow of colors. 20%OFF! 20'OFF! BULLFROG EVERYTHING LEVI EVERYTHING! Famous for the best styling and colors In children's fleece coordinates and warm up suits..They're warm, easy care and they go everywhere. We've got tons in all sizes. M'om DON ALU'S The look and quality America knows and trusts. We have denim and corduroy jeans. Flannel , slacks, shirts, blouses and much more. 10" OH! CMLMENS SHOP 23 N. WILLIAMS ST. 459-4661 DOWNTOWN CRYSTAL LAKE and parents and peer pressure creates a vicious cycle, Anastas said, a cycle that alcohol ifcuee and toads to the slaughter of the nation's young EVERY Jeans • Slacks • Sweaters •Knit Tops • Blouses • Dancewear •LEE1EANS •OSHKOSH •BOD •OCEAN PACIFIC OUR ENTIRE STOCK WINTER •••••outerwear S3 N. WILLIAMS ST. 1/3 OFF >DANSKIN| •CARUSHKA >D can you out of that cycle," he said. "You, as teenagers, have a problem, and the solution lies with you. It's your ballgame." Most parents lose track of their c h i l d r e n a f t e r eighth grade, as well as with what kind of friends their children associate with, Anastas said. And most parents know when their c h i l d r e n a r e d a b b l i n g w i t h aknhol or drugs, but the lack of communication only serves to make p a r e n t s a n d children afraid to a p p r o a c h t h e subject. "Most parents know, but they won't admit it. There's some kind of blockage there," Anastas said. "The deception goes on, and the same scenario is played out constantly." That is where the S A D D c o n t r a c t comes in, Anastas HOURS BOTH STORES: Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30, Thura. 'til S problems exist and make sure that a driving while drunk situation never exists for the parents or the students. "If you've had a few drinks at a party and you can't drive home, the irents will be to bring you home safely and thank God you had the guts to pick up a phone and call," Anastas said. Most times, peer p r e s s u r e w i l l prevent a child from calling home from a party to say they or whoever drove to the party is too drunk to drive home. The result is y o u n g p e o p l e constantly challenging death, Anastas said. "You have no right to challenge d e a t h , • ' ̂ . h e emphasized. "Don't challenge death- react to reality. You police your own. You make it so it isn't cool to drink and drive." The contract p r o m i s e s t h a t parents will not c re a t-e- a confrontation if called, but that a discussion will ensue the following morning about what happened. SADD does work, Anastas emphasized. He pointed out that during the last Christmas vacation, for the first time in 40 years, there were no teenage deaths on Long Island, N.Y., due to drunk driving accidents. "When I started this thing, three »le sitting next me said I was crazy," Anastas said. "But I'm not, because I believe in your power. If you lock in this school, this community ana your parents to this ram, I will defy i to claim you.'