PAGE II -PLAINDEALER -WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 5.1W3 * 9 y 9 2 n i / I KIM PEEPER RICHARD DSCHIDA JULIE ANDERSON SCOTT TVAROH PATTI MC KAY NORMAN ROKOSZ MICHELLE PATTERSON JEFF JAYKO SARAH KNIGHT JERRY HARKER CINDI AXELL JEFF PRESTON ecotning Juliei • rians to attend a four-year college to further her education and also play in intra-mural sports. Scott Tvaroh ~~ y Tvaroh, When Johnsburg High School enters its annual round of Homecoming activities mis weekend, six couples will be among the Candidates vying for the position of Homecoming King and Queen. Among those hoping to reign over this year's festivities are. beginning with the couple at the left, Kim Pieper and Richard Dschkla. Kim is the daughter of Chaitene and Thomas Pieper, 1206 W. May Ave. Her hobbies include calligraphy, reading, sports and aerobics; and she enjoys meeting new people. She is a 4-year member of the Pom Pon Squad, this year as Co-Captain; International Club; National Honor Society; Quill and Scroll Club; played volleyball two years and basketball one year: was business manager of the school newspaper last year; danced in the Spring musical; and is in the top 10 percent of the class. She plans to attend the University of Illinois or Northern Illinois and major in Psychology. Richard, the son of Elizabeth and Martin Dschida, 4003 Spring Grove Rd., enjoyes snow and water skiing, tennis, swimming and golf. His school activities include basketball, tennis, track and f is the son of Janice and Terry Tvaroh, 1501 W. Terrace Ave. His hobbies are weightlifting, acting, water skiing, any sportslike activity and boating. He has been Active in football, basketball, baseball, Jets, drama, National Honor Society and CARES. His future plans are to go on to college and major in engineering. Couple No. 3 are Patti McKay, McKay, 515 Rand Dr. and Norman ] Rokosz. Patti likes swimming, water lude Pom Pons, of Mary Ann and Robert n of Carol to go to college at Marquette University for a degree. In the seconcf picture, Julie Anderson, the daughter of Lois and Herbert Anderson, 1906 Grandview Dr., lists her hobbies as cross country skiing, riding her unicycle, running and collecting unicorns. She played volleyball four years varsity co captain this year; Softball three years; belongs to the Quill and Scroll Club; National Honor Society: International Club; Jeep Club; is the varsity basketball statistician; yearbook sports editor; and Skyhawk mascot. son or carol and Richard and dancing; and her school activities include Pom Pons, Student Council and Powder Puff Soccer. She intends to study Business at a school in Illinois. Norman's hobbies are water and snow skiing, running and weightlifting; and he loves the outdoors. He is a member of the National Honor Society; Drama Club; was a foreign exchange student; and participates in football, basketball, wrestling, track and cross country. His future plans are to attend Annapolis, MD and Next are Michelle Dopke, 3111N. River Park Dr. Jayko, 704 W. Small St. Michelle enjoys drawing, painting, jazzercize dancing and eating. She is a member of the Pom Pon Squad; Student Council; National Honor Society; was the Junior Class President, District Officer; played basketball one year; and danced in the Spring musical. She plans on attending the University of Illinois and major in Marketing, with an Advertising minor. Jeff lists his hobbies as music, golf and the outdoors. He is active in football, as captain this year; basketball; and baseball. His future plans include attending college. Couple No. 5 are Sarah Knight and Jerry Harker. Sarah, the daughter of Janice and Brian Knight, 4519 Ringwood Road, lists her hobbies as canoeing, horseback riding and biking; and her school activities are volleyball and track. She would like to pursue a career as a Wildlife Conservationist at Southern Illinois University, or attend McHenry County College for two years and then transfer to the University of Maine. Jerry resides at 1401 Sunnyside Beach Drive and he is the son of Josephine Peeples and Gerald Harker. His hobbies are snowmobiling; water and snow skiing; and weightlifting. His school activities are listed as football - captain; track; and Quill and Scroll Club. He would like to attend college in the future. Couple No. 6 are Cindi Axell, daughter of Shirley and Richard Axell, 305 W. John St.; and Jeff Preston, son of Joan and Jim Preston, 4301 Ringwood Road. In the summer, Cindi likes to tan, and go boating and swimming. In the winter, she enjoys dancing and snow But her most favorite hobby is probably shopping. She was in volleyball and tennis; participates in the Powder Puff Soccer; and likes to attend the boys football and basketball games. She plans to finish high school with good grades and then go on to college. Jeffs hobbies are snow skiing, golf, swimming, boating and basketball. He is active in basketball, football and baseball; belongs to the Quill and Scroll Club; is presently Editor-in-Chief of the school newspaper; and was Sports Editor of the school paper last year.\His Parent group relocates meeting Hold rummage sale Betty Oberg, Program and Education Director of Parents Without Partners, has announced that PWP changed its meeting site for general meetings. Beginning in October, PWP will hold its bimonthly general meetings at the Senior ̂ Citizen's Center in Crystal Lake, located at 133 Illinois Street. Ms. Oberg stressed that single parents of all ages are welcome to participate in PWP activities ana meetings. One does not have » 4© be a senior citizen to belong to PWP or to attend meetings. The Senior Citizen Center is being used for meetings because of its convenience, central location in McHenry County, and availability of the center for PWP's meeting schedule. PWP meets the first and third Fridays of each month for general meetings and educational programs. This is an international non-profit educational organization devoted to the interests and welfare of single parents and their children. To be eligible for membership a person must be a interest, irage parent of one or more li children and single by reason death, divorce, separation or unmarried. Regardless of the ages of their children, they are qualified ~ for membership whether or not they have custody. For more information about the group or the new meeting location, call Gladys at 815-568-7543 or Ginny, 459-5262. PWP has three special events this week that may be of A super gigantic sale will'> be "held: r, Oct. 6, Friday, Oct. 7 and Saturday, Oct. 8, at 75 Golfview Lane in Car- pentersville. from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Over 30 people nave donated items for this sale so there should be something for everyone. The PWP General Meeting for Friday, Oct. 7, is entitled, "Citizens Against Crime". This is a national safety organization dealing in the prevention of crime. Where crimes occur most frequently, how to avoid them ana how one can protect himself with several alternatives will be shared by Alice Bryan of Rockford, a member of the national organization. Newcomers to PWP will have an orientation and information session at 8:15 p.m. with a brief business meeting at 8:30. Mrs. Bryan's presentation will begin immediately after the business meeting. Members and newcomers are urged to arrive early for a special time of fellowship and conversation and to insure a prompt meeting schedule. The Zion Ladies Aid women are making final preparations for their Fall Rummage Sale so that they will be ready to open the doors at 4206 W. Elm Street, McHenry, at 9 a.m. The sale will be held tomorrow, Thursday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m, and Friday, Oct. 7, from 9 a.m, to 3 pm. . 'Friday will be a special bargain day, featuring a small for a bag full of Sai pm., , Oct. 8, from 8 to 10 will sponsor its second annual boat trip. This two-hour boat ride on tne Fox River leaves from Potawatomie Park in St. Charles promptly at 8 p.m. A chicken dinner will be served on board with a sing-a long and dancing under the stars. Contact Char at 312-426- 3925 for information and tickets. All PWP Chapter members, friends and alumni are invited to this special occasion. Friendship Club hears county chairman The Friendship Club of the First United Methodist Church began its Fall season with a potluck luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in < the Fellowship Hall of the church, with an attendance of 35. Clinton Claypool, Chairman of the McHenry County Board presented an interesting and informative talk on the history, goals, problems, projects, traffic conditions, need for roads and road repairs, and the funding for everything. A question followed. and answer period Meditations were given by Vivian Bassett and several announcements were made. The next meeting of the group will be Saturday, Oct. 8, beginning with a potluck luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Esther Sims will be responsible for the program ana the hosts and hostesses will be Bertha and Elmer Stance, Ethel Bailey, Grace and Aaolph Borchers and Alice Holmgren. The meat committee will include Vivian Bassett, Ruth and Harold Collins, Daisy and Harold Wildhagen, Lonan and Elver Wendlandt, Miriam Marticke, Margaret Foute and Marjorie Ricker. Those of the congregation who do not belong to this club and are 50 years old or older are invited ana urged to participate in the good times enjoyed by members. All are welcome to come. UMW at district Instead of the regular general meeting of the United Methodist Women of the First United Methodist Church of McHenry scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 20, the group will attend the district meeting in Libertyville Saturday, Oct. 15. The ladies will meet at the church and pool cars for the trip. Reservations are to be made promptly with Veretta Gerstad or Robbi , Hurckes. The September meeting featured a tea, and all business was dispensed with. An interesting and inspiring program was given by Lynn Wallin, entitled "From Broadway to God's Wav". This enjoyable musical ended with the hymn, "How Great Thou Art". Among the announcements made about upcoming events, members were reminded of the Annual Fall Bazaar and Christmas Sale Saturday, Oct. 22, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will include a bake sale, living plants, and a luncheon. 3£B west elm mi 4506 W. Elm.(Rte.120) Mchenry GRAND OPINING 25' FOR 3 WEEKS OF GRAND OPENING I DOUBLE LOAD WASH •Featuring 18 Lb. capacity washers by Wascomat Inc. •Fully Attended *Open 7 Days 7 Am-10 Pm • ALSO FEATURING 30 S SO LI. WASHERS S OUR OWN WATER SUPPLY I r I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th SATURDAY, OCTOBER Sth YPac&if* I/intuited "PontmUU Twdvc - Dduxe WjNeU One • 8x10 Portrait Two - 5x7 Portrait! '14 " Hmm: Hut* trjktlMLtetML HORNSBY'S MARKET PLACE CENTER McNENRY k 1 f*vvabW future attend college, majoring ST AW FMOTOS/WArNf GAUOBD STAFF fMOTO-WAVNI GAY'.OtO C of C recognizes volunteers Committee members Keith Leathers, Chairman Sue Low, and Bud Lytle prepare for the Oct. 15 Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet Dinner Dance. This annual event of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the recognition of the elements which make the Chamber such an effective organization: its vital volunteers. Following the dinner and program of the evening, dancing will continue until midnight. The McHenry Country Club is the location of this special event for all members of tne Chamber and their guests, which is entitled, "Share and Care". GOOD SATURDAY EVENING SEATS STILL AVAILABLE will present 1 I WOODSTOCK OPERA HOUSE October 7, 8, 9 / 13, 14, 15, 16 / 20, 21, 22 Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays 8:15 pm / Sundays 6:15 pm Box Office (815) 338-5300 />). . Visa /MasterCard accepted/Group discounts Tickets: $6-$7 AM ticket orders, by mail or by telephone, must be accompanied by payment in the form ol chc< * money order or Vba/MaatcfCard. Credit card order* will be charged wita a Si .00 •ervkt fee &