military authorization bill for fiscal 1964 (S 675) PAGE 2 - PI. MNDEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBERSjg ̂ News and Views Ron CaU: MILITARY AUTHORIZATION BILL OKAYED Wonder of Mother Nature tASfittOTON-BBt'i how ana inwitos of recorded on major raD can votes Scat. IS-21. HOUSE MILITARY-By a vote of 266 About this time everyone feeling 1 Mother Nature starts leaves . to turn color, greatest artist never quite captured on canvas the exqtrisiteness of .maples and oaks blending yellow, orange and scarlet the way nature has managed to do. One of the stones most of us recall with the fondest memories is that of Jack Frost Moms, grandmas and grandpas have been telling their offspring for hundreds of years how the magic artistry of this fall painter colored the leaves around us. Some of us, as rat,;* -- a, I, *r . .i *_ - as - -cniktren, even tried to visualise Jack and the painting usin' &, anderin KAF BY all a fallacy, of < even the most vivii less interesting really happens, are green because a complex material tyll, which produces food for the tree. Airing the growing season this material is produced continually and in fair greater abundance than the tree's n«y rate.-For this reason the .green color covers up other in the leaves summer. So great is the amount Unfortunately, many naturalists this season say that win or witnout tne artistry of Jack Frost, or Mother Nature, leaves wont toe «ptetikeir unal brilliance That's another story that hai ite basi* in the wtttber vftlilllMffllr Of uk u3Jh r- lUs is bad news for those Of us who wait impatiently each October for the color change. We wiD have to be satisfied with memories of two super fall color years that Editorial Saying 'no' to Junior Dr. Berry Braze&on has replaced Dr. 1 foremost American babv doctor, author and from Waco. Texas, ana now teaches at HarvanL Dr. Rrazelton stresses not permissiveness tnf common mtuition. He encourages parents to use their own j to deal with problems arising hi . Senators voting no iavored a tougher congressional re^onse to the denting of Ftimt 007. J ; : From Illinois, Alan Dixon, D, voted yes Charles Percy, R, voted ^COAL--By a vote of OS for and SS against, th? Senate adoptedIan amendment to suspend for at least several months the Interior Department's tearing of federal coal reserves, which are Icoatad in the West The moratorium, wtrich would last until 90 days slier ft new commission on federal coal leasing completes its work, was attached to an Interior Department appropriations bfll (HE 3363) later sent to conference with the House. tons of coal at bargain basement prices/' . Opponent James McChire, R-Idaho, add "there ere those w*hiny this country who are out toget Jim Watt" Senators voting yes favored the moratorium on the leasing of U.8. coal reserves. From Illinois, Dixon voted yes. Percy voted yes. REVENUE SHARING-The Senate rejected, 10 for and 64 agstat, an amendment to spend an extra $450 million annually in revenue to some 4QJOOO local governments. _ - . •refused to match a higher spending level approved earlier by the House. Instead, it spproved "sharing*' $4.6 union in U.S. tax receipts with local governments for each of the oast three the vote occurred during debate on HR 2710, later sent to conference with the House. Sponsor Daniel Moynihan, D-N.Y., said the real-dollar value of revenue sharing payments has declined by 40 percent since 192t. Opponent John Heinz, R-Pa., said the sise of the natkwsl debt suggests "mavbe we should share deficits" instead of revenue. Senators voting yes wanted to qpend more on the revenue sharing program. From Illinois, Dixon voted no. Percy voted no. • the sorginally VietNow head talks of political fragging Cliff Ward -Free Press News Service In the terminology of soldiers also believes mothers should spend the first vear at least with their babies, if possible. H not possible, he often advises mothers not to wean their babies just because they're returning to work. He realises many mothers today must work. ~. In short, Dr. Braxelton believes in a return to old common sense values . It's remarkable how often society is sidetracked on some new theory, which sounds exotic but which, in the end, proves to fly in the of fwnmon sense. Thane's no substitute far it Today we have some remaining human wreckage among a certain age group which grew up under the permissive theory that one shouldn't say "no" to junior. In many I junior then grew into a spoiled monster. Id life, it's necessary to i there are many "no's" and discipline, and laws, which must be meant ation grenade. fragment _ Today? "fragged" oelfrom & fcey Vietnam veterans fed are getting a political the learn there obeyed. That's Editorial of Jack Wojweda, head of McHenry 's VietNow, an ition of veterans of the conflict. Wojweda spent time in at a meeting of 14-state i studying the effects Orange, the dimrin- dofnlburf used extensively in Vietnam to deprive Communist forces of cover. Agent Orange has been caned a carcinogen. Doctors and speakers at the meeting pointed to a number of abnormalities present in those exposed to the chemical, but stayed from saying the defoliant is a causative agent, Wojweda said. "Out of all the dknrin made, one-third of it was used in Vietnam," said W was stationed in die Hue area in 1970-71 who and That amount was used at a dilution rate much stronger than ever used in the U.S. as a pesticide, he noted. Wojweda said he thought he once sprayed the chemical off the back of a truck. "Just nutting two feet on the soil of Vietnam" meant exposure to Agent Orange, he Wojweda, 36, and his group are alao displeased about the Illinois Commission to Agent Orange and how it tended. The 19-member commission is* made up of four state senators, four represent stives and five citizens. It's to change. Unemployment insurance suffers Television addiction ... Television addiction Js a grow country. Millions of Americans, six or seven hours a day. - - Those who watch it casually, perhaps while other chores, may not be greatly affected, somewhat like one uses background music. But fa MM concern among many in this indicate, watch television for or is very to a screen flashes pictures and hurried words, so many minute, figured in seconds. It's verv huzb-oressure. Watching frenzied activity for hours daily can work on ofee's nerves, it can affect children's personalities-sot considering content, which also is sometimes a poor influence. \ . More and more parents, and others, are therefore television viewing to selective programs at a selected time of day. With major cable systems and satellite reception, there are now so many channels and programs available, one can sit transfixed to the tube hours on &k1 every day of the year. TV addiction, like other excessive habits, is becoming a The Illinois unemployment insurance system, after apparently operating under sound fiscal conditions for many years, has fallen victim to the hard economic times, Comptroller Roland W. Burris has reported. - During the past decade, the payroll tax levied on employers has not generated sufficient revenues to finance benefit payments, Burris said. The end result for the state has been massive borrowing from the federal government to support the state system, and Burris noted that recently enacted legislation will provide only partial help for the system. . The comptroller's regular monthly fiscal report is an in- depth study of the Illinois unemployment insurance system, burdened with its heaviest financial load in fiscal 1983. While some areas of economy are beginning to v some signs of recovery, the Illinois economic picture reports it has yet to reduce the Illinois unemployment rate git levels or lead to an increase in the number of newly-created Illinois jobs. sr, The regular report on the state's fiscal condition reflects continued strain as Illinois enters the new fiscal year with David Weissbaum, is paid from the commission's budget of (60,000. The State of Connecticut's commission on Agent Orange has a research budget alone of 6106,000, Wojweda said. "The man getting pirid isn't even a Vietnam vet/r he said. The McHenry County VietNow chanter has drafted a letter to send to state representatives, senators, Governor Thompson and media, complaining shout "politics as usual" on the and iWmwmiiS«>g I blue ribbon panel to study ~the state organization, which was formed in 1981. "Politics got us into it, politics shouldn't ruin the rest of our lives," Wojweda said. below double-digit mc new nscai year won « « • spending that still outpaces KllhllP revenues and a balance A UUllv Pulse supported by borrowing the private sector from Dr. Marks completes laser course Dr. Martin Marks, who variety of foot ailments can practices in McHenry, has successfully be treated with the successfully completed a post- laser. Some of these conditions graduate course in laser are fungus nails, ingrown nnfl* surgery. worts, porokeratosis, pigmented In Podiatry a considerable nevi, tumor masses, and neuromas. SERVICE LINE: A LISTING OF NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS COMPILED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE TO McHENRY McHENRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 385-4300 FAMILY SERVICE & MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 4302 G West Crystal lake Rd McHenry. II60050 813-385-6400 TURNING POINT-DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STRESS UNE McHenry County 24 hours a day. 7 days a week Parents Anonymous meetings CM Tuesday C«li 815-338-8080 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 202-7*5-8660 Hours 7 30 a m to 5 30 p m week days tEver had a problem mvohmg (he federal government and not known where to cafl? And then been given the runarouni or referrals by persons who meant well bur tMn't know how to help7 Ten specaksts a*afeUe at this center I NATIONAL RUN-AWAY SWITCHBOARD lillinois Phone: 000-972-6004 (For confidential conversations on proWemj deakng with run-away children I - __ MOVING HOTLINE Phone 800-424-9213 'Compterts about interstate moving by companies, buses or trans Spon sored by Interstate Commerce commssw* I STATE CHAMBER GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS HOTUNE 217-522-5514 BIRTHRIGHT Pregnant' Need Help? Counseling Servce 385-2999 24 hour Answertrg Servce ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES 24-Hwt Cfeld Abuse Hotfne TOLL FREE: 800-252-2878 CONSUISR PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 800-638-2666 iOperates fee naionai ion Answers flqures about or reponng on the safety of products from kacfien appliances to chiton's toys I NATIONAL SOLAR HEATING AND COOLING INFORMATION CENTER 800-523-2929 Pfi 00* 1607. RfldmOe. Md. 2085C (Dispenses riammioo on solar systems for heating and coohng to anyone from architects lo ftome owners toofcng for a sun powered hot-water systemJ YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU FOR McHENRY COUNTY 4719 W.tlm St. Mdfenry Phone: 344-3240 24 hows Crsts Intervention and Confidential Counseling tor yovrti 9-4 tarniMs - „ . . . -NATIONAL HIGHWAY TRAFFIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION . : PboM 800-424-9393 (Answers questions about automoWe safety defects or whether a par tcdor model has over been recalled Valuable for (hose mterested n buymj o used car.l «- MENTAL HEALTH I-800-892J 2-8900 itm Corner l*o fer IWfenry Co 74 m»r Emergen ̂ number a»s praiessaoftoTsiotf mt answer your (H Sponsoring agency McHenry Coon ty Cooprkenswe Mental Heottt Serve* System NATJCTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ASSOCIATION Post Offqe 8o* 17400 WasfWtgton.DC 20041 Phot* (703) 471-0404 *VVAri* ' ' . j* - - . . r* , ' CONSUMER PROTECTION DIVISION 312-793-3580 OKOQO. II ILLINOIS STATE CHAMBER HOTUNE * Phooe: 217-522-5514 Answer to quest ens on government regulations McHENRY COUNTY CETA OUTREACH CENTER 6 6 6 R u s s o l C t . W I I 6 0 0 9 8 Phone M>l*) 338-7100 Job Tromg Offend . McHENRY COUNTY ASSOCIATION FOR THE RETARDED Robert G Lambourn. Executive Director ~ Phooe: 344-1230 ALCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS <815)455-3311 McHENRY COUNTY SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL 800-892-3272 ' -• Monday through Friday. 8:30 Im to 4 JO p m PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES. INC. 800-942-3940 Free legal representation m awl coses to low rtame persons, Landte'd tenant dtspotes demeste violence » improper denwt of benefits such as Soc<at Security. PutH< Aid. Food Stamps General Assistance & Unem OSCr̂ eni Insurance : *• SUPPORT GROUP FOR MEN WHO BATTER Meets ewr> Thursdar ( 7 p m 4 For information call 3388080 COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS Mcttenry County Chapter "For bereOrtd parentst C«n 385-5732 " • -*SN A-?. FIESTA COMMENT "Gentlemen:; • "My congratulations to all those who contributed to a super Fiesta Dsy parade. However, some of the sights were less than spectacular. "Swim suits are not, in mv opinion, street wear. Lake Geneva has a city ordinance against it. Perhaps McHenry should too. "Gloria Otth" Pi aindealer McHanry Horold (USPS 335-200) Estobliohwd 1875 3812 WHt Elm Strwwt i Phonw 815 385^170 McHenry, Illinois 60090 Published Ev«ry Wodnosdoy g Friday at McHanry. Illinois Sacond Class Postog* PAIO at McHonry. Illinois V by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY „ POSTMASTM Send oddrass chongos to McHenry Plaindeoler o 3«2W EIm St.. McHenry. lllinoH 60050 Subscribers ore requested to provide immediate notice of chonge of address to the McHenry Plaindeoler, 3812 W. Elm St.. McHenry. III. 80050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be mode wher*a change of oddress is provided through the Post Office deportment. Thomo* C. Miliar-Publisher Ad«U Fro»hllch-Sditor Staarb ©inntna t̂lMpaper MCMftER NATION At NKWSPAPtR ASSOCIATION I Ye In McHenry County SUSSCMPTlONRATfS . 514.50 I Yew Outside McHenry County 814.88