V Win 2 r i AINDKAI.KIt - FRIDAY, DKtKMBKR 2.1983 News and Views gV Johnsburg library support resurfaces A look at entertainment 11 Long ago we became tired of so-called entertainment that insisted on transmitting to us someone else's views on a particular subject. We are well aware of the editor's role in doing just that. It's part of the newspaper publishing business and we know when we read it that this is a viewpoint. •;*. That's the way it should be, and each of us, who reads it is - free to decide whether or not we agree But we have always thought of entertainment in the words of Webster: "something diverting or engaging". M usin' &, anderin BY KAF Historians tell us that much of what we see of history on television is not really pure history. It becomes tainted with the color of those who want to sell a product, sometimes with the aim of presenting a par ticular opinion. And so, for those who want real history, it may be better be found in a library book. And we have found the misery endured by any one soap opera character to be4»mething that wrings the heartstrings. There is nothing in them that even slightly resembles the en t e r t a i n m e n t d e f i n i t i o n , ! "diversion and fun" found in our ' thesaurus. No comment is needed on violence. It's there in abun dance, and while it may be diversion, can hardly be regarded as fun.- As for movies, message films long ago prompted us to resort to even bad TV, where a flick of the switch could get us somewhere else or nowhere at all. After many years when we felt in the unique position of being alone in our judgment of en tertainment, it appears the public is coming around to our point of view. In a recent study of big money, message movies, each accompanied by hype that would attract the biggest skeptic, it was found that something is going wrong The boxoffice money boxes are not being filled; people are not standing in line. Maybe people are becoming tired of being invaded by little men from other plants - by being eaten by over-size denizens of the deep - and by being scared out of their pajamas that morning will find them without a world to live in. There are a lot of problems in the world, and the fellow who turns his back on them is a fool. But there comes a time in every life when entertainment is in order. When it is, take yourself to the next theatre that shows "A Christmas Story". We didn't know they made that kind of movie any more. They may tell you to bring the kids, and of course, do that. But first of all, if you are over 40, take yourself. There is charm and humor from the first scene to the last, and in this year of 1983 you can't beat that! "Editor: . "Because of the close popular vote and enthusiasm of library supporters, State Library has continued funding to permit the Johnsburg Library to continue library service to the area. "State Library and Northern Illinois Library System ap proved funding because they realize the benefits of the library, to the community. It supplements the school libraries. With 180-200 students in any given grade the school libraries do not have sufficient resources. "The library provides research material for college students. It provides services other than books: audio materials ona variety of sub jects movies- on request Large print books are on the shelf with others available on request. Do you need copies of reports? Copies can be made for a nominal fee. Federal tax forms are available after Jan. 1, •84. "The pre-school story hour has been very popular with residents. P ublic ulse "Material not available at the Johnsburg Library can be requested from the Northern Illinois Library System. There is daily delivery of available material from NILS at Rockford to Johnsburg. The proposed boundaries have been revised to exclude Precinct 15, which opposed the library 108-58 for. "Petitions have been cir culated requesting a referen dum vote in March, '84 for the new boundaries. "All residents of the John- sburg School District may continue to use the services of the library. Upon approval of the referendum and library supported by local taxes, residents of Precinct 15 may purchase an out-of-district card. The fee will be set by the library board. "Voter registeration service is provided by Randy Bellinger, librarian at the Johnsburg District Library, daily 11-5 and Monday-Thursday evenings to 9. Saturday, 9-3, call 344-0077 to check if Randy is working that weekend. "The maximum library will be the same as previous referendum 1.6 mils. On a home with a market value of ap proximately $55,000 the library tax would be approximately $25.00 per year. Those with questions in regard to the tax rate or an estimate of tax, contact the library or the township accessor, Library tax is deductable on an itemized federal tax return. "For the library tax one has at resource many excellent books on a variety of subjects. Would you like to learn a new hobby or read about remodeling or decorating? When planning * trip read about the area, maybe learn a new language. Many books are available on Christ mas decorating, baking, gift and crafts. "The library can open new horizons. Best sellers are available. "Elsie Munson "President. "Friends of the Library" Skyhawk boosters target of mistakes "Dear Editor: > "Thanks, you've done it again. Tonight is the meeting of the Johnsburg Skyhawk Booster Club and once again there is no announcement to let our organization members know. "As all school organizations, we are struggling to keep our club going and need the help of members of the community. I could accept the fact of our article not going in if we tried to get newspaper space often but we only ask five or six times a year. "Four of the last five an nouncements we have brought to the newsroom have not made the paper. I realize this last week was a holiday week but our article was in your office by 8:45 a.m. last Monday. "Hie only article that has been put in recently has been the notice to our coaches and we paid $28 to have this inserted in thepaper. . "We have had numerous excuses from your staff about why our articles are not published from: It was set on the new typesetter and no one noticed it' to I don't know who received the article' to 'If you give your articles directly to me, I will take care of them.' 'I realy feel this letter should be published to let our members know that the articles have been sent in, are on time, and that we have no control other than begging fpr them to appear. We do not mail our articles but hand carry them to your office and give them to your staff. "I am sure that the parents of our 700 students feel that if we wanted them at our meetings, we would put it consistently in the papers. We only have four meetings a year. I have tried to no avail to get our articles in and do not think that I should take the brunt of their comments when they really do not know the facts as to why our articles are not published. "I cannot make an excuse to them when I also do not know why we are being boycotted by your paper. Please print my Letter to the Editor to clear toy name and make the Johnsburg community aware that we need and want their support. "Mrs. Diane Kofler "Secretary "Johnsburg Skyhawk "Booster Club" (Editor's note: We've heard of mistakes happening to the same person more than once, but this is too much. The apologies of the news room to the Johnsburg Skyhawk Booster Club. We are properly red faced.) Otter 'Happy Holidays' Brochure What should you look for when • you buy a Christmas tree? What 1 are your responsibilities if you ' have a holiday party and serve ; alcohol to guests? What should ; you consider when you plan | holiday gift ideas? The National Safety Council has available a brochure which ' answers these questions and provides safety tips on other holiday safety items. These • include information on winter travel safety, fire prevention, a n d p o i s o n p r e v e n t i o n . T h e . An Editorial Things to consider in buying toys Millions of parents are now in the planning or buying stage for Christmas toys. In recent years the quality of toys sold to the public has improved. But much junk still floods the market - and sits under Christmas ' trees every year A word to the wise is thus in order now. Take a close look at all toys. If they appear fragile or flimsily constructed, opt for something else. One can be sure children will give most toys some abuse. Too often in recent years the delight of Christmas morning for millions of children has become empty by Christmas evening. b r o c h u r e s , ' ' H a p p y Holidays...Ways to Keep Them Safe", also takes a look at important events in past Decembers. For a free single copy of tfce brochure, send a self-addressed, stamped, business size envelope to the Public Relations Department, National Safety Council, 444 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111., 60611. Q u a n t i t y p u r c h a s e s a r e available. Conservation clearing house set up It's the time of year for lower temperatures and higher heating costs, but don't despair. The Department of Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) has energy conservation in formation available to^help fSu save money on your next utility "Winter heating bills can be significantly reduced if a home is made energy-efficient," said Michael Wite, ENR director. "For example, one relatively inexpensive and easy home improvement is the installation of a clock termostat. It will pay for itself in one year and save up to and possibly more than $150 in heating costs." An example of a major con servation measure is the in stallation of attiflrfosiAatidil ins home where previously there was none. "Installing 10 toJfe inches of attic insulation can save from $300 to $500 in annual heating costs depending on the size of the house," said Witte. "So you can see, energy, im provements really can have a positive effect on heating costs." This information and a broad spectrum of other energy-saving tips are included in More for Your Money...Home Energy Savings and Low Cost, No Cost, two free publications-, both traAatite<fr*l»4he BNR Energy Information Clearingiouae. The Clearinghouse was established to aid Illinois con sumers in their energy con servation efforts. ENR also operates a toll-free hotline staffed with experts that offer money-saving advice and recommend ENR publications tailored to consumers's specific needs. ; in The toil-free hotline number is (800) 252-8955. Or if you prafcer to write, the address is ENR E n e r g y I n f o r m a t i o n Clearinghouse, 325 W. Adams, Springfield, 111., 62706. An Editorial Opening our hearts at Christmas Once a year we turn the clock forward an hour and then again we turn it back an hour but time is still the same. Once a year, at Christmastime, we turn the page of time back 2000 years. The impact of that event that shook the world would do the same, today, were its people receptive. There is a need for food, shelter, love and understanding from birth until death, today, the same as 2000 years ago. Especially at this season, let's have our hearts open to help others to have.their basic needs fulfilled, and let these thoughtful feelings last all year through. County resources in book FRIDAY NIGHT FISH FRY ALL YOU CAN EAT FEATURING LAKE PERCH. SMELT or SCROD SOUP & SALAD BAR FAMILY SPECIAL (Fri. Only) OCEAN PERCH, COLESLAW. FRENCH FRIES ALL YOU CAN EAT $3** OR ORDFR FROM OUR EXCELLENT REGULAR MENU SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EVENINGS! I ENJOY OUR SPECIALS LIVE WHOLE $u*5 MAINE LOBSTER TRY OUR SUNDAY BRUNCH AVAILABLE EVERY DAY THAT WE ARE OPEN ALL YOU CAN EAT- FROM 10 AM - 2 PM • SUPERB PRIME RIB • ROAST DUCK TATURING MADE TO ORDER OMELETS, tREPES BELGIAN vVAFFLES FRESH FRUITS PIUS MANY O1 HFR FINF PLUS MANY OTHER ICIOUS ENTREES! CHAPEL HILL COUNTRY CLUB Details Available At. . ACE ACE/hardware 7 3729 W. ELM STREET (RTE. 120) McHENRY, ILL. 385-3660 2500 N. CHAPEL HILL RD McHENRY 815-385-0333 The McHenry County Department of Planning has recently completed a new publication entitled, "Inventory of Natural Resources, Cultural Features, Open Space & Recreation in McHenry County." ,-- This inventory was un dertaken to supply a more complete and detailed data base for future updates of the Year 2000 Comprehensive Land Use mTFr* Plan. The inventory includes geology, hydrology, natural areas, cultural history, in stitutional features, and public and private open space and recreational areas in McHenry County. Persons interested in ob taining copies of this publication may purchase them from the McHenry County Department of Planning, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock, IL 60098. SCENTIQUE GIFT PACKS You select the perfumes & colognes of your choice! AT NO EXTRA COST PERFUME CO. OF McHENRY Now you can buy perfumes & colognes at prices you can afford. For gift giving and yourself, BONUS DEALS! FREEGIFTSl The more you buy... the more FREE GIFTS FOR YOU. WE MANUFACTURE AND SELL REPRODUCTIONS OF THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS PERFUMES AT A FRACTION OF THE COST OF ORIGINALS. SAVE UP TO 75% AND MORE! Come visit our showroom for a FREE application...over 50 fragrances to choose from. Plus we have Colognes for men I While at our showroom have a cup of coffee and donut on us. tREE BONUS OFFER with any *25 purchase receive FREE one of the following Vioz. genuine perfumes: •Bol A Versailles »Joy •Holion •Palou 1000 Plus other bonus speciols IUI* Wllee . •tliMO ttfCUfUCA-m |f KMtKMfWuM "• s3* COMPAMT 1W V m • -CMKW hUc My 1' UMUtd UH Hell Ilk uu WE SPECIALIZE IN: •Perfume • Colognes • Both Oils •Moisturizing Cream • Body Splfilsh Next to the new Northern Illinois Medical Center & Nelson Electronics South of Bull Valley Road on Rte. 31 OPEN WEEKDAYS 9 to 6pm PLUS NOW OPEN SATURDAYS 10 to 4pm UNTIL CHRISTMAS! SCENTIQUE PERFUME CO. 607 S. RTE. 31 McHENRY (815) 385-: