IVU.i; 14-pi.AiN DEALER -WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. I9H4 general* HP j ' Iwl w4l{ News State awards Lions, Rotary for contributions to parks }• ; The McHenry Lion and Rotary £lubs have received Community Service Awards from the Illinois forks & Recreation Association jlpRA). These awards are j-ejbognition for their outstanding intributions to the Parks .and creation agency in the ;Henry community. [the IPRA is comprised of irk districts, municipal parks nd recreation agencies, forest preserve districts, conservation districts, and other leisure service agencies.in the State of Illinois. These awards are given on an annual basis in several different categories to individuals and organizations in recognition of their support of the Parks and Recreation 1 movement in the various communities. few city-sponsored classes open I^DULT jazz iFor a great work-out and fun ;at*the same time, join this adult jazz exercise class that starts this month. The instructor's • years of ballet training has aided her in the study of exer cise for out bodies. I This evening class begin Thursday, Jan. 5, at 8 and will be ; held at Parkland Junior High | School :• It's not just aerobics, it's { "body therapy". I PRENATAL CALSS \ Feel good and look good by j joining the new prenatal ? exercise class. This doctor's approved j pnpgram will turn nine aching ; ninths into nine fun months of j exercising. • Each session will run for six • weeks. Beginning Jan. 10, the afternoon class will be held at { McHenry Public Library from : 2:30-3:30 on Tuesday and i Thursday. The evening class be held at Parkland Junior I ihgh School from 7-8 on Monday | and Wednesday beginning Jan. 1 9. • Registration is now being • tSfcen at City Hall. baLlet II Let children explore the world of ballet. Boys and Girls with 2 to 3 years previous ballet training will enjoy this Ballet II clas& It will emphasize the elementary foundations of ballet technique coordinating step combinations with total body movements. This 20-week class that begins Saturday, Jan. 7 will be held at Parkland Junior High School from 9:30 to 10:30 a.nj*-^ BALLET I Ballerinas of ages 6 to 15 are urged to sign up for the winter ballet I course beginning this month. The Park Department has scheduled it for the following days: Jan. 9, Monday, 3:45-4:45; Jan. 7, Saturday, 10:30-11:30 and 11:30-12:30. --This 20-week program will be held at Parkland Junior High. It will provide a new and rewar ding experience for the early grade beginner with basic autonomy of ballet technique. For further information on this, ^all the Department of Parks %nd Recreation at 344- 3300. ' 1 r 2-SPEED WASHER PERMANENT PRESS DRYER CAN SAVE WATER/ENERGY 3 WATER LEVELS A0JUST WATER LEVEL TO THREE __ WASH RINSE tEMPERATURE I EC' ION" PERMANENT PRESS CYCLE SMOOTH PORCELAIN ENAMEL FINISH 0RUM WASHER Model WWA7050B • 3 cycles including permanent press • Two ^ash/spm speeds -- regular and gentle • Three wash/rinse temper ature combinations • Soak cycle ONLY j DRYER Model DDE5300B • Four cycles • Rust-resistant porcelain enamel-finished drum • Up to 130 minute timed cycle ONLY 469 White Omy 95 W.T. 369 White Only, 95 W.T. I c;i;.WK KRINCi Ci(X)l)THINC;S TOI.IF.ll. Serving McHenry Arqa For Over 50 Years CAREY APPLIANCE * ' 1241 N. GREEN ST. 385-5500 McHENRY, IL. Lions members Ron Bierman and Ray Loh accept awards from McHenry City Park Director Pete STAFF PHOTO WAYNE GAYIORD AAerkel as Rotarian Robert Swartzloff and Mayor Joseph Stanek applaud. Wieland milk factory discontinues business FIFTY YEARS AGO' (Taken from the files of Jan. 4 1934) The Wieland factory at Spring Grove has discontinue J business, after being operated by Arthur May for the past twenty-seven years.. The mill- which has been handled th^re will be" hauled to Richmohd, Genoa City and part of it will be trucked to Chicago. The Orchard Beach golf club was sold by Master in Chancery Henry L. Cowlin of Crystal Lake .chairman in a foreclosure proceedings at Woodstock. The property was sold' to Stephen H. Freund, former owner, for $20,000, the price of the mortgage and in terest. , Ralph G. Carlson, Walter M. Smith, Delphin P, Freund, William Martin Green and Thomas Diedrich; from Ringwood, William T. Luce, Norval G. Jarrett and Orville H. Tronsen. In the year's review, the annual .stockholders meeting of the West McHenry State iBank was held on Jan. 12 with- the same board of directors being elected and the following of ficers: William Carroll, of board; Gerald C.J, wice Littfe Miss Eleanor Pries, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. William Pries of Waukegan, had the misfortune to break her leg when she fell while skating. The injury is a fracture between the knee and the foot. She was taken to Victory Memorial Hospital. FORTY YEARS AGO * (Taken from the files of Jan. 8, 1944) The first January call was released, calling five men from McHenry and three from Ringwood. From McHenry, Carey, president; Reihansperger, vice-president; Robert Weber, cashier,* and Lillian Larson, assistant cashier" * £)n Jan. 15 a terrific blizzard struck our city, continuing for several days and followed by temperatures of 15 to 25 degrees below zero and a wind which piled drifts six: to 10 feet high. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO ^(Taken from the files of Jan. 8, 1959) ' With a start of the new year, thoughts naturally turn to spring elections. One of the supervisors whose term expires is Math Sch- mitt of McHenry, who an nounced this week he will not seek reelection. The an nouncement by Mr. Schmitt of his retirement means the end of terms of office extending over the past 20 years, during which time he has given a service to residents of this township which has made many demands on his judgment and the knowledge gained through the experience of the many years he served. LeRoy Smith, who has been an ^active assistant supervisor for some time, announced that he will seek the office of regular supervisor made vacant by the resignation of Mr. Schmitt. His term as assistant supervisor ends this spring as does that of Carl Hallstrom of Wonder Lake, who plans to run for reelection for the office he has held. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. 2, 1974) Discussion of snow as a problem took up most of the time at the City Council meeting. Complaints had been received regarding the failure of business people to remove snow from their sidewalks. Mentioned specifically were sidewalks in front of the fire station, Elm Street bridge over Boone Creek and in front of the Admiral Corporation, as well as walks in front of various gas stations. Robert L. Seaman, of Naperville, has reportedly filed a $1 million damage suit against Worldwide Fireworks cor poration and Acme Specialty Corp., Doth listed at 4004 W. McCullom Lake road. Seaman was one of those hurt in the fireworks explosion which oc curred at the Worldwide plants last June. \ A nationally known figure in the field of health will be the featured speaker for public and parochial school personnel of McHenry County to be held at Woodstock Community High School. John M. Kooistra is spearheading a conference on smoking-education and health for all educators in the county. Open new wildlife series For Your Information V A Dear friends. Nearly half of 300 widdws responding to a U. of Arizona inquiry reported paranormal' experiences in which they sense "the presence of the deceased spouse". Of them, 65% Had the experience 2 to 5 times. "Such women fear ridicule", explaines Leo Bald win, WPS coordinator, "but experts agree such experiences ore normal, and those having them shouldn't think there's anything wrong with them". • * Respectfully, PETER M.JISTEN & SON FUNERAL HOME McHENRY. ILLINOIS 385 0063 The first of three wildlife films in this season's series will ex plore the Chiricahua Mount Range in southeastern Ari? in Robert Funs' film v Iteland", at 2 p.m/Sanjlay, 8, at the Woodstock House. Series tickets available at the Opera House ticket office. For information all (815) 338-5300. These programs are usually sold out. The Chiricahuas hold more varied wildlife, vegetation, artd climate than any other area of comparable sjze on this con tinent. There, from valley floor to mountain summit, are all the climatic life zones one would meet on a journey from Mexico to Hudson Bay. Robert Fultz, creator of the film, joined the staff ofjt the National Park Service after attaining a degree in biological science. During his service as cheif naturalist at the* Chiricahua National Monument, he became interested in photography and produced the film "Island in the Sky" which received an award from the Park Service. Future films in the series will be "Okavango" on Jan. 29, which will show "Africa's last Eden"; and finally, on March 25, the film "Saguaro Country" which will depict how life in the Sonoran Desert must adapt These ftlms series are sponsored by the McHenry County Defenders, the En vironmental Education Com mittee for the McHenry County Conservation District, and the McHenry County Audubon Society., End your complaints. Insure with Country Companies. The insurance company with more claims centers than any other in Illinois. To settle all claims in a spirit that has earned us one of the lowest complaint records in the state. PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL 4302 W. Crystal Lake Rd., Suite C Whispering Point • McHenry, IL (815) 344-3640 or (312) 658-3696 SERVICE NEWS KLEIN Electrolysis is the one medical ly approved method of permanent hair removal. In 1875, Dr. Charles E. Michel, M.D., removed an ingrown eyelash, developing the only safe and permanent form of hair removal. FREE MINI TREATMENT International Guild oi Professional Electrologists man 2iufc CHRIS "KIP" BYRNES Res. 459-1324 OH. 338-2000 DAVID "JAKE" BACKHAUSl McHENRY, IL Ph. 338-2000 M- 344-3290 Your Country Companies Agents. COUNTOV COMPANIES. (nsiir.tfxp .»nrl lr»v**stiT»n< Sw vires KRYSTAL KLEAR CLEANING "WHERE NO JOB IS 100 BIG OR TOO SMALL 'A MZl OFFERING: QIIAUIY HOUSE CLEANING • Floors Stripped • Window* Washed • Office Cleaning _ - • Carpet Cleaning • Homes Sanitized Hift Certificates Available for Baby Showers, Birthdays & Anniversaries FULLY INSURED & BONDED 815-385-1877 REDUCED HOUSEKEEPING RATES FOR SR. CITIZENS Ov*r 15 Years Of Satisfied Customers Adam T. Klein, son of Richard T. Barbara M. Klein of 4403 Ringwood Road, Wonder Lake, has completed basic training at Fort Dix, N.J. During the training, students received instruction in drill and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, tactics, military courtesy, military justice, first aid, and Army history and traditions. He is a 1983 graduate of Johnsburg High School. * - EWALD Susan E. Ewald, daughter of William H. and Nancy E. Ewald of 3108 Judy Lane, McHenry, has been promoted in the U.S. Air Force to the rank of airman first class. Ewald is an inventory management specialist at Lindsey Air Station, West Germany, with the 7100th Air Base Group. She is a 1979 graduate of McHenry High School. HEARING AID SALES & REPAIRS ALL MAKES! FREE LOANERS! 30 DAY TRIAL RENTAL PLAN SERVICE CENTER HOURS WEDNESDAYS 10 TO 5 McHENRY HEARING AID CENTER 3937 Wt^MAIN, McHENRY (815)385-7661 WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS! 675 & 13 BATTERIES $900 Robert Stensland, owner. 25 yrs. experience.