J - I'LAINDEALKR - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4. 1984 aeneral (5) News •p (5) M WW . r Looking ahead and back as new Year starts Crime of the week This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on a burglary to a gasoline station in .Crystal Lake. Sometime during the early morning hours Of Saturday, Dec. 17. the Berkshire Marathon Station located at Virginia Road and Berkshire Drive in Crystal I^ake was broken into.- The owner of the station discovered the burglary about 7 o'clock Saturday morning. rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation that leads v to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders. If you have any information on this burglary to the Berkshire Marathon gas station in Crystal Lakev or information on any other crimes, call Crime Stoppers at 815-459-4800. Remember that all Crir Stoppers callers rerm anonymous - you never have to give your name. rime fiain Off and wingin' for another year. Wonder what '84 will bring? Good thing we don't know. Kelly Dehn came across the dave to show us her new cab bage doll that Santa Claus brought. ^ Her father, John, said he heard about someone stealing one of those dolls and holding it for ransom. So I Heir 459-4800 Tracfcs in the snow indicated that two people had burglarized the. station. The suspects took about SI25 in cash and 56 cartons of cigarettes; they took only two brands - Camels and Marlboros. Police investigators believe that the suspects probably took the cigarettes intending to sell them. Crime Stoppers pays cash Crime Stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers who provide in formation. Callers are in structed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result of confidential in formation given. If there are arrests, the Crime Stoppers board of directors then meets to determine an ap propriate reward. A secret meeting is arranged to make the cash reward payments. * Anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers do not have to appear in court. Earl Walsh pi McHenry »381 2 West Elm Street McHenry Herald (USPS 335-200) Established 1875 ' I y Phone 815-385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday ft Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSJMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plaindealef 3812 W Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 60050 , Subscribers \e regtfeTTed to provide immediate notice of change of address to the McHenry Pffcurfdealer 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, III. 60050. A deduction of one month from the expiration of a subscription will be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Office department. Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele. Froehlich-Editor Stoarb ©inning ihtospaper MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 Yeor SUBSCRIPTION RATES $19.00 1 Year S27.00 In McHenry County Outside McHenry County I spent some time in a medical center last week where they had the most modern equipment imaginable. Some of the time seemed like Chinese torture, but they see right through every bit of you. No pain. Melvin Walsh (self-styled favorite cousin) phonetl to tell of a sign on a closed restaurant in Lake Geneva which read: MERRY CHRISTMAS PIZZA ON EARTH Sometimes I get puzzled. We help so many countries and get so little appreciation. One country wants a couple of billion dollars without a pay back agreement! ^ „ Billions are spent to put men on the moon so we stay ahead of Russia. / --And, we have hungry people in our country. / I don't think the hunger problem is as serious as people with no heat in their homes. Political hot air does nothing to keep those poor people warm. The conversation went like this: Lady: "I don't think you ever referred to a man as being too big for his britches. I have a man in mind" Me: "Me thinks I must have used the term. Don't tell me the name of the man.'*- Lady: "Aren't you in terested?" Me: "Sure. But, let's start the New Year on a friendly basis. -~ mmm mtw* * * ' mwwwu and, how come it is always a% man who is- too big for his britches?" Lady: "Because men are always in the public eye-and men are conceited." Me: "Men are in the public eye, but gals are in men's eyes." Lady: "You are getting off the subject. What was I saying?" Me: "I can't remember." (To myself. Quit while you have a chance. Never try to get the last word with a lady.) My listeners never heard of the old time term used to describe a person who was deaf. He was "bothered". Now is the time to clean out 6he old cards in your wallet. Christmas spending probably cleaned out the cash section. Now we know that time is moving along. A letter from the Johnsburg Oldtimers Club tells that the now famous "Hit and Run" baseball banquet will be held Monday, Jan. 23. Reserved tickets are now available, but to guarantee your reservation you have to get your money on the line before Jan. 12. ~-X This event is always a highlight of the year. Vince Lloyd, who must know his way to Johnsburg by this time, will be the M.C. as ususal. Other baseball personalities will be ready to speak after the knife and fork time. We look forward to this banquet each year. It is a fun time A while back, Mercedes Hoffman *Was thoughtful in sending me the following poem on modern day grandmother. I wrote and received per mission to print it. Senior Citizens, Inc., advised that it was submitted by the well known Anonymous. 1 Here it is: GRANDMOTHER 1980's STYLE The old rocking chair is empty today For Grandma is no longer in it. She is off in her car to the office or club And buzzes 11 around every minute. No one shoves Grandma back on the shelf; She is versatile, forceful, dynamic. That is not a pie in the oven, my dear; Her baking today is ceramic. You won't see her trundling off early to bed From her place in .the old . chimney nook; Her typewriter clickety-clacks through th» night Ptor Grandma is writing a book. Grandma ne'er takes a back ward glance To slow her steady advancing. She won't tend the babies for you anymore For Grandma has taken up dancing. She is not content with crumbs of old thoughts, With meager and second-hand knowledge. Don't bring your mending for Grandma to do For Grandma has gone back to, college. • Registration under way for winter 'Y'xqlasses The winter registration of classes and activities at the Lake Region YMCA begins the week of Jan. 16, and registration is now under way. The YMCA offers a wide variety of programs for the whole family including: ballet, gymnastics, water discovery class for pre-schoolers, kiddie kollege - a gym, swim and ac tivity program for pre schoolers, swim instruction for all ages, youth and adult karate, racquetball instruction and leagues, dance aerobics and a wide variety of adult fitnes; classes for all interests an abilities, senior citizens exercise and swim, individual fitness evaluation, diet free, the Y's way to a healthy back, master's swim team, weight training, yoga, water exercise, and lap swimming. A full listing of activities, times, fees and membership details is avilalable by calling 459-4455. SHOP 0SC0 FOR GREAT NEW YEAR'S Prices effective Thursday, Janurary 5 •hru Saturday, January 7. Prices effective while quantities last. OSCO'S TELEVISION SPECIALS Emerson® 13" Color TV Microwave microwave (unctions Temperatute cooking Entry Recall, and Temperature Probe UL listed No. ER710M 100% solid state with quick start power system. 75 ohm cable ready connector, separ ate UHF/VHF tuners and ear phone. No. EC.131. 0sco Sale Price 199 00 Panasonic® 12" Portable Black & White TV A 100% solid state set with woodgrain cabinet has picture and sound within 5 seconds atrer TV set is turned on Comes with separate UHF VHF tuners, auio matic gain control and telescoping swivel antenna. Usesliiily \1 watts No TR1241T Osco Sale Puce 64 88 Emerson® 5" Black & White TV/Radio Tune inti IV >;r AM FM PSB WB radio stttliuns Ull1- . ohm LlHF VHF connection with switch, and car nubile adapter Use^battenes mot •irl i 0' AC cord No VR'iii • Osco Sale P'ice ing Compact icrowave Oven Compact.microwave with II;b3 cubic foot.capacit.y lias ample room for must meals and '.an be easily stmed fimhimis I (i minute timei hij 'j ,n>aYiV:" shut oil and d' .-i'iMi ,mk Nit RE !i 1r) $ 1 JIOOO SAVE! Panasonic Compact Stereo System Genie Trac-Drive Garage Door Opener Unitech AM/FM Clock Radio Telephone •Wake tu music (AM or FMl or "chirp" alarm and snooze button •Battery back up for clock and alarm •LED clock display •Telephone features: Mute key, a last number^dial •"Handsffee" speaker phone TCR No. 2003W Osco Sale Price llnisonic® ickoy Mouse Telophono Mickey's arrnjtolds t piece electronic phone Includes niuie feature, last number redjaLand Touch pulse diJsy compaijjw wi{ti rotary or tone lines, replaceable message pad No 6050 Osco Sale Price Uniden® Extend-a-Phone TM 3 Convenient Locations: •McHenry j?2? Elm 385 7744 • •Crystal Lake 230.Vi rg in ia 4551040 •Woodstock 410 Eastwood 338 6760 I Cure •ST ST A d ' AM1. " .'tinge feature proter • % ;0ur..pr. Tour.ri dealing and •av. hQ;»i n' ! r JI>S nifirpi rodium n- • i ' •• -5*.nil, Uve • • • • • ; • \ V<nr; Osco Sale Price 96 00 taie HAWAII $49900 6 DAYS & 5 NIGHTS INCLUDING ROUND TRIP AIR FARE ADVENTURES UNLIMITED TRAVEL • 344-4100 4720 W ELM • McHENRY (NEXT TO BOB S COLORS) wt Happenings at - • m We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities! • NO RAINCHECKS HOUSE 1984 DINNER THEATRE Jan., Feb. and March Performances Weekends of Jan. 6, 13 and 20 "PERF ICI SETUP" TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR: WEEKENDS OF FEB. 10»h, 17th ft 24th "NOT TURKEY AT MIDNIGHT" WEEKENDS OF MAR. 9th, 16th ft 23rd "CHAMPACNE COMPLEX" DINNER/THEATRE PACKAGE: FRI. ft SUN. *14.50, SAT. *17.50 . DINNER: 6:30 PM Fri. ft Sat., 1:30 PM Son. SHOWTIMES: 8:30 PM Fri. ft Sat., 3:30 PM Son. SEASON TICKETS AVAILABLE $40.50 for Friday ft Sunday, $49.50 for Saturday MON.- THURS. Evening Specials Friday Fish Fry 53 OPEN FOR LUNCHES MON.-FRI. 11 AM TO 2 PM Banquet Halls Available PARTIES FROM 25 TO 750 •WeddingsJShowers •Bridal Rehearsals •Fashion Shows*Proms*Reunions*Retirements, etc COMING JANUARY 29TH 17-PIICI BIC BAND FEATURING 40's Music and Dinner Buffet NOON-4PM s9.95 ForRosorvations or information. Call (315)678-2671 V> Mil* North of Rt. 173 on U.S. 12, Richmond McHenry County Restaurant Association L Vt Mil* fit Yd \ .