IWCJF 10-HLAINDKAl.ttlC I HIDAV JAMAIIV 13. 1M4 Social Welcome first baby of 1984 Daniel and Cynthia Collins. Spring Grove, are the proud parents of the first baby of 1^84 born at Northern Illinois Medical Center (Mellon ry Hospital). Dust in Warren Collins made his debut at 12:11 a.m Jan. 5. and was delivered in the bir thing room by Joseph Dickstein. Ml) The new year babv weighed 6 lbs. IP? 07. .and measured 19 inches long at birth. Ho w1* .i-loomed home by his brother Daniel, age four and a half. Dust in and his parents received many gifts from McHenry and Crystal Lake merchants; and the Auxiliary to Northern Illinois Medical Center presented the family with a laVctte including booties', bib, tee shirt, sleeper set, receiving blanket, training mug, and a babv rattle. Set February circle meeting The next meeting of Marcia Mary Ball Circle will be Tuesday. Feb. 7, at noon, in the I-irst United Methodist Church I'arlor Mar\ Rose and Lonah Wendlandt will be the hostesses The circle began the new year \\ it 11 a birthday party, complete with birthday cake, to com ntemonjte the birthdays of each and every member of the gioup 'Happy Birthd-ay'x was sung to the /January birthday girl, (iertiude Ariderson Then, the serenade was repeated with added gusto for all members for iheir 19H4 biithdays. secret Sister name-: were di tributed bv the e:rcle chairman to numbers who were not at the December General Meeting. Those who have not yet received a Secret Sister name are to contact the chairman. Mary Hose continued the study of "Women of the Bible." the subject this time being l.eah:" and a lively discussion followed the presentation. Mary is doing a terrific job and everyone is really enjoying the study. 'Thank You" notes were read from PISH and the Church Building Fund, for the circle's <-ont ributions. (inest s and newcomers are alwavs most welcome at Marcia Mary Ball Circle meetings. ^EDUCTION SALE INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE M A I N S T R E E T S H O E S H O P E THE S4 VINGS CONTINUE... * WOMEN S SPORT SHOES HAS-S, DFXIKR Ol.D MAIN! IROTTER ZODIAC 30-40% OFF * SELECTED STYLES OF WOMEN'S HAND BAGS 30% OFF • WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES 9 WEST. NAfURAUZf-R BASS. ZODIAC 30-50% OFF * MEN'S DRESS & CASUAL SHOES BASS FLORSHEIM DP XT FR HUSH PUPPY 30-40% OFF * ALL WOMEN'S DANIEL GREEN & FLEECE LINED BEDROOM SLIPPERS s fi L 30% OFF * WOMEN'S DRESS BOOTS ZODIAC BASS. OLD-MAINE TROTTERS. WES I. NATURALfZER 30% OFF t JKShoe SK'op 233 Ma r S Aoods to » 338 6030 V»oc fhurs 9 5 Fn 9 8 Saf 9 5 JIMMOI1300321AUOINIANI JWS N0U30d3^ Bonor-Ekeroth united in marriage The former Lois Bonor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russel Bonor of Belvidere, IL, and Larry Ekeroth, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ekeroth, Sr. of McHenry, were united marriage Christmas Eve, in tht home of the bridegroom's parents. SENIORS... Out to lunch In keeping with the new for mat for meals at the McHenry Walk-In Center, reservations for the week of Jan. 23 through Jan. 27 must be made by calling 385- 8260 by Tuesday, Jan. 17. The menu for that week is as follows: Jan . 23: Baked ham with orange sauce, sweet potatoes, blackeyed peas, taffy apple salad, cornbread, margarine, grapefruit sections, milk. Jan . 24: Jumbo frank on bun, catsup, mustard, country potatoes, chopped spinach, red BIRTHS Lawrence and Kathy Wegener, 5211 Winding Creek Dr., McHenry, became parents of their second child and first son Dec. 5. Adam James was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry, County, Woodstock and weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. He has a two-year-old sister Lisa. Maternal grandparents are Mrs. gelatin with pears, chocolate pudding, milk. Jan . 25: Meatballs and mostaccioli, squash, tossed salad, French dressing, white bread, margarine, birthday cake, milk. Jan . 26: Chicken cacciatore, whipped potatoes, carrot coins, creamy cole slaw, biscuit, margarine, fruit cocktail, milk. Jan . 27: Stuffed pepper with tomato sauce, sliced potatoes, broccoli cuts, cream of potato soup, crackers, wheat bread, margarine, fresh banana, milk. WEGENER Shirley Lieser of McHenry and the late Mr. Peter M. Lieser. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Wegener of Volo are the paternal grand parents. Great-grandparents are Mrs. Kathryn Huff and Mrs. Emma Lieser, both of McHenry; Mrs. Lillian Severs of Fox Lake and Mr. Henry Wegener of Volo. KALAS zrH'J 9. i ?/'t- Vf, 9 . 1 DON PEASLCY PHOTOGRAPHY Robert and Linda Kalas, 2408 S. Hyde Park Ave., McHenry, announce the birth of their first child on Dec. 14. Jodi Lyn was born at McHenry Hospital and weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. Maternal grandparents are Josephine and Joe and Kathy Gardner of Island Lake announce the birth of their third daughter on Dec. 15. Sarah Noelle arrived at Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington, weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz. She was eagerly awaited at home by Edward Janik of McHenry. Robert and Joan Kalas of Wheeling, IL are the paternal grandparents. Susan Kalas of Chicago is the infant's great- grandmother. GARDNER Joanna, age nine and Jessica, seven. Maternal grandparents are Ray and Eleene Cromlich of Ghampaign, IL. George and Rose Gardner of Indianapolis, IN are the paternal grand parents. CELEBRATE 70 YEARS - Staff members at Memorial Hospital mark the founding of the hospital at Woodstock with a seventieth anniversary cake. Arlene Crawford/ R.N./ Woodstock, (left) longest service employee (36 years) and Lorraine Kledzik, Woodstock, Manager of the Accounts Dept., an employee of 35 years, admire the cake. The Hospital was founded as Woodstock Hospital Jan. 9,1914 and was located on Clay street. The hospital moved to its present location on West South street Jan. 4, 1915. Community Calendar Sandra A. and Stephen J. Vazquez, 1217 W. May Ave., McHenry, became parents of twin girls Dec. 15, in McHenry Hospital. Valerie Ann weighed 4 lbs. 5 oz. and her sister Victoria Marie weighed 2 lbs. 14 oz. Matfifte and Robert A. Rendo, Sr. of McHenry are the maternal. JANUARY 14 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. Friendship Club Potluck Luncheon & Meeting--12:30 p.m.- VAZQUEZ Fellowship Hall-First United Methodist Church. McH. Area Toastmasters-Meeting, 9 a.m.- r.icH. West Campus- North Entrance-Guests Welcome-Info, call 385-9495. grandparents. Paternal grand parents are Phyllis and Richard Lucas of Lindenhurst, IL, and Sergio and Sandy Vazquez of Libertyville, IL. Great- grandparents include Ann Rendo, Florence Clark and John Clark. Eileen and Peter Schroeder of Barrington became parents of their first child on Dec. 18, and named him William Peter. The 6 lbs. 12 lk oz. baby boy entered the world at Good Shepherd Hospital, Barrington. The in- SCHROEDER fant's maternal grandmother is Mrs. William Gallagher of McHenry. Paternal grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. William Peter Schroeder of Evanston, IL. JANUARY 15-21 National Jaycee Week JANUARY 1^ T.H.E.O.S.-Meet at 5:30 p.m.--Dinnet4At Busy Bee Restaurant- TheritWFirst United Methodist Church for Fun and Fellowship. JANUARY 17 Retail Meeting of Restaurant. Chamber of Commerce-7:30 a.m.-Wag's JANUARY 18 . Family Serv. & Comm. Mental Health Center for McH. Co.-Bd. of Directors Meeting, 7 p.m.-4302-G W. Crystal Lake Rd., McH.-Open to public. POSPICHAL Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pospiqhal, Jr., 2310 Edgewood Ln., McHenry, announce the birth of their second child and first son on Dec. 18. Jonathan Alan was born in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County, Woodstock and weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. He has a sister Jaime, age two and a half. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. James Kinder of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pospichal, Sr. of Round Lake Park, IL are the paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. John Lang of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pospichal of Butternut, WI, are the children's great- grandparents. STUDIO ONE VIDEO inc rm CIRCLE BUILDING • 3106 MJ. ROUTE 120 McHENRV, ILLINOIS 60050 • 385-0252 A I F i i i i i i ii i i rrrr STORE HOURS li flays per week noun 9 00 closed Tuesday 1 Year Video Club $25.00 I Movie Rental Strom $2.00 "VIDEO VALUE COUPON FREE Ho•l, Rental • With Purchase of Club Membership • . January 31, j • • " • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • r m JANUARY 19 United Methodist Women-General Meeting, Noon-Potluck Lun cheon-Fellowship Hall-First United Methodist Church-Hostess, Priscilla Circle. JANUARY 19-21 t McH. Dollar Days Sale-Citywide. JANUARY 21 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Practice Shoot, 1 p.m.- Public Welcome. JANUARY 22 McH. Sportsmen's Club-Weingart Rd.-Meat Shoot, 10 a.m.- Games-Public Welcome. Polish Legion of American Veterans-Post 188 and Chapter- Monthly Meeting, 2 p.m-Liberty Club-1304 Park St., McH. JANUARY 23 McH. Senior Citizens Club-Regular Meeting, 7 p.m.-East Campus. McH. Area Toastmasters-Meeting. 8 p.m.-McH. West Campus. fchc longhorn £teak faoust Rouire 120 2 V? Miles East of McHenry „ 385-9869 DUE TO PRIVATE PARTY, WE WILL NOT BE OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR DINING ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 21 WE WILL ALSO BE CLOSED FOR HOUSEKEEPING SUN. , JAN. 29 THRU THURS. , FEB. 23 THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION • SYS SAVE YOUR SEPTIC Come Wash with Us! Millstream Coin Wash 1304 N. FRONTST.-MclIF.NRY WASH 75' DRY 10' FREE CABLE T. V. COFFEE & TEA PRIME RETAIL LOCATIOI JOIN JEWEL/OSCO & WAGS McHENRY SHOPPING CENTER (RTE 120 & INDUSTRIAL DRIVE) 3 CHOICE SPACES LEFT! CALL (312) 420-8512 ful l commission paid LAS VEGAS FROM 229 95 INCLUDES AIR FARE & HOTEL HAWAII PACKAGES FROM s499" I CHAIN 0 LAKES TRAVEL 3405 W. ELM McHfcNKY 385- /500 D e p e n d a b l e T r a v e l S i n r e 1 9 6 1