24 Help Wanted RN'S 4 Certified Aides needed for private doty nursing & staff relief. Full and part time, all shifts. 312/892 1111. - WAITRESS OR waiter, even ings. Experience necessary. Apply in person. Woodstock Inn, Route 47. IMMEDIATE Full Time open ings for Machine Operators Good pay/company benefits Staple Centers Harvard 815/943 7446. LAUNDRESS fulltime posi \ tion on evening shiffuood star (/ting salary & full benefit package. Apply at Woodstock Residence, 309 Mc Henry Ave , Woodstock ^ WANTED Reliable Journeyman Drvwall Taper. Some travel. Top wages. 312/428 1618. MAJOR APPLIANCE Techni cian, 5 yrs. exp„ Woodstock area, send resume w/salary re ?uirements to Box A F F, Shaw ree Press Newspapers, P 0 Box 250. Crystal Lake, II60014. NURSING ASSISTANT, part time, 7 am to 3:30 pm and 3 pm to H pm. Sunset Manor, 920 North Seminary Ave., Woodstock; IL. 31 Wanted To Buy WANTED: two sturdy bartquet size folding tables. Reasonable 815/943 5039 CABBAGE PATCH DOLL for disappointed Granddaughter, 815/459 5900, Ext 2457, days 815/678 4362after 5:30pm. WANTED: RS 232 Interface for the TI 99/4A Computer 815/653-9325 Misc. 32 Merchandise CLEANING Specialists. Call ServiceMaster, for all your £ cleaning needs. Carpet, Fur niture, Floor (Tile, Wood, Slate), and wall cleaning. Free Estimates, 815/455-3776 HAIRDRESSER w/some following for small shop, 815/455 0438 ask for Pat. - LAUNDROMAT /Drycleaning attendant. Responsible, mature individual 4 8 30 pm, Mon Fri. Southgate Fabric Care Center 810 N. Front St., McHenry TAX PREPARER, must be ex periencedortax school trained Top hourly wage 8, bonus. Call 815/455 1410. COMPUTER SALESMAN, ex perienced full time position in growing new retail store Abili ty to deal with outside business required. Good growth op portunity. Call Dave at 815/455 2233. DENTAL ASSISTANT Full time chair side assistant need ed Interested parties, call 815/344-0453 for interview. FULL & PART TIME Applica tions now being taken for a new Convenient Food Mart opening soon near downtown Crystal Lake. Call 815/459 4790 for in lerview EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 15 flexible hours per week, depending upon time. For complete in formation call. 312/658 7402 COOK HOUSEKEEPER, 15 to 20 hrs. a week at St. Marys Rec tory. Call Father John Cahill at 815/338 3377 if interested. Ref are required ORDER DEPT CLERK Paint company in Cary looking for in dividual with accurate typing skills, pleasant phone voice, ap titude for numbers, ability to communicate with other people 8i neat in appearance Please contact Lorna^t General Paint & Chemical Co , 312/639 5383 for appointment 31 Wante ToB ed H.C STAMP & COIN CO We Buy & Sell 10 Crystal Lake Plaza • - •WSMS9-3940* _ BUY, SELL o^trade guns, old shells and related items 815/3384731 78 RPM Wurlitzer Juke boxes, old slot machines plus any related parts or items, cash 312/464 5661 SHORTOFCASH? Spend too much for Christmas? TRADE IN those unwanted Class Rings, broken or unused Jewelry, Coins or Sterling Flatware. What better way to get rid of those unused Gold or Silver Pieces and get CASH NOW! FAMILY COINS & INVESTMENTS 366 Virginia St (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 815/455-6190 Misc. 32 Merchandise REC ROOM FURNITURE, Nyghalide sofa bed 8i chair, pool table, 815/338-2477. WALLOON BOUQUETS for an occasions. Standard groupings or make up your own. We deliver in costume or you can save and do it yourself. Fan tasy Festival Costurr\e/Magrc Centre, 432 VirginiaSf., Crystal Lake. 815/455-4910. MC/Visa. HOT POINT, refrigerator freezer, almond, no frost, side by side, 23.5 cu: ft., ice maker/water server. Top of line. S800/best 815/455 2490 after 6 pm 11NEN OUTLET open Satur days only, 10 am-5 pm, 10004 Main St. Hebron, II. Why Pay More for flannel sheets, down pillows, comforters 8, towels? TRI-CHEM crafts & gifts. New 1984 catalogs and supplies available Register for instruc tion classes each Tuesday 8 in structors needed. 815/544 6600 FIREWOOD DRY OAK DELIVERED* STACKED CALL 815/568 7792 SPECIAL SALE 50% Off Suggested Retail on all Rockers &. Recliners in stock. Weiler's Furn. Factory Outlet, 4612 W Rt. 176, Crystal Lake. 815/4593363. WASHER & DRYER, heavy duty, all cycles 8. settings; REFRIGERATOR, all like new in excellent cond. 312/695 3375 or 695 0775 APPLIANCES Refrigerators, washers 8. dryers, electric gas ranges Clean & like new at reasonable prices? All recondi tioned and guaranteed Wahl Used Appliances, 1209 Court St., McHenry, 815/385 1872 DOWNHILL SKIS Fisher Superglass 205CM w/step in bindings, Scott poles, Munari Boots Excellent cond.,. $150. 815/459 8721. SEASONED FIREWOOD white oak pallett wood, full pick up load delivered & stacked, $50 815/385 9609 HEARING AID Sales & Repair Service. All makes, free loaners, batteries at wholesale, 30 day trial plan, HOUSE CALLS. Wednesday only, 10 am 5 pm, McHenry Hearing Aid Center, 3937 West Main, McHenry, IL 815/^85 7661. EUNICE'S EGGERY (All Items Made From Real Eggs) Decoupaged Eggs, Music Boxes, Jewelry, Gifts. Open weekdays. Call first for eves & weekends, 815/455 4856, 164 North Mtfin, Crystal Lake VILLAGE RESALE SHOP (Owned & Operated by Sherman Hospital Auxiliary Crystal Lake Branch) 65 Woodstock St. (Across from Depot) Crystal Lake, IL Hours: Mon Sat., 10-5 815/4593401 (All Donations Tax Deductible) Misc. 32 Merchandise L A R G E B E A T L E COLLECTION, includes records & toys, promo picture discs, many groups, also 500 cpllector comics. 815/344-5897 DRY OAK FIREWOOD $55 Per Face Cord 81.5/544-2411 or 547 8362 MATCHING SOFA Loveseat 8. chair. Like new $600. H.D. Snowmobile, $150. Doberman pups, $150.815/344 3776. PIN BALL Machine, old style Gottlieb'cover girl model). $50, 815/459-7744. ~ AM/FM Stereo MW model 300, turntable 2 speakers and 8 track $300/offer. 312/428 2282 aft.,5. PAGE 15-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY,.JANUARY 13, 1984 BUSHELS OF BOOTS! For men 8, women! Name Brands infirst quality footwear at No- Name Prices! You'll find them at The Spare Pair, 53 Brink Street in Downtown Crystal Lake, IL. THE LINEN OUTLET/ Bargain Basement positively the LOWEST PRICES in McHenry County! Why Pay More? Sheet sets, comforters, pillows, blankets, & towels at below retail, mattress sets at close out prices. The Linen Outlet, 10004 Main St. (Hebron Mall). 10 am 5 pm, Saturdays only. MICROWAVE, GE, 3 mo. old, $300, collectible china, 7 pc. place setting, service for 12 -t- many extra pieces, $300, Magnavox Stereo, resembles chest of drawers, $300, burnt orange lounge chair, $50, Black Persian Lamb stroller w/mink trim, size 12, $400, Call 815/459 3735. REPLACE your old furnace with a new energy efficient natural gas fired furnace by Heil! Harold Johnson Heating & Air Conditioning, 815/459 0078 LARGE SELECTION of recon d i tioned refrigerators washers, dryers, ranges, freezers and TV's with warrai* ty Thompson's Appliance, 815-338 5611 GAS HEATER & parts, 70,000's BTU, $75; 2 E78 14 used snow tires on 5 lug Mercury rims, $25 312/639 3521 after 4. FULL,S-IZE ping pong table. •Sotltf"5* plywood top with stur dy legs & frame Needs refinishing, $35 815 459 2835 RIDGID 300 pipe vise on stand, 318 oiler 65 R ratchet ' j-1'4 ratchet set $600 815/653 3276 CONVERSATION PIT 10 pc never used, still boxed 100% antron nylon, oak construction Cost $2,399 Sell $850. Can deliver "717 741-5229 SAVE ON Your heating bill. Wood burning stoves & fireplace inserts Majestic, Russo, & Applachian models. Pine Tree Specialties, 815/653 6589 Mon thru Fri. 5 pm to 9 pm Sat 8 am to 9 pm CLOSEOUT • IN STOCK BEDSPREADS All ready made $25 each All.custom made $50 each •CHRISTMAS 8. JUVENILE i Cutouts & Baby Quilt Tops 50% OFF OLD GRIST MILL 39 E Main Carpentersville 312 426 6455 SOLID OAK desk by Pulaski - swivel chair, like new; Dark p ne hall tree Honey pine yjuth bedroom set, chest of crawers. desk w hutch top S15,459 6585 FRIGIDAIRE side by side . $150. Sears cont clean double oven range, $350. Avail. 1 14815 6484250 WASHER 8. GAS DRYER Maytag, l^rge capacity. Heat sensor in dryer $200 ea or $350 both.815/385 554# CRAFTSMAN SNOWBLOWER new 5 horsepower, used twice: $400 815/728 0824. ECONOMY,' PRIDE Paintinp- has a very special offer l/r you! See January 17 Shop/ter Stopper Pag£~"for details. Economy Rride Painting, 815/459 1688 or\59 2686 TERRIFIC BARGAINS New ceramic tile for floor, 50 sq. ft., tan color, reg. $250, now $75 Call Elaine at Sherman Plumb ing & Heating, 815 459 6060 RCA Cabinet TV 25" perfect cond. 815/338 3453 COUCH 8i LOVE SEAT mat ching Sofa bed, recliner, 5 drawer dresser, patio umbrella table. Truck tires, 4,. 15", fair condition. Murray riding lawn mower, 8 hp Honda 350, '71, some work needed All reasonable. 815/344 2020. • NEC GREEN monitor, can be used with Commodore, Atari or Apple., $110 NEC Dot Matrix 100CPS parallel printer, $425. After 6 pm, 815/344 2020 TERRIFIC BARGAINS New ceramic tile for floor, 50 sq, ft., tan color, re ;g. $250, now $75. Call Elaine at Sherman Plumb ing & Heating, 815/459-6060 ATTENTION Oil Furnace owners! Cut heat bills up to 50% with an INTERburner system Mention this ad and save an additional 10% off our already low price of $475. Call Elaine at Sherman Plumbing & Heating, 815/459 6060 (Expires 1/31 84). HONDA ODYSSEY, 81, very low hrs., exc cond., $1250 815/344 2078 COCKTAIL RING, 11 emeralds & 12 diamonds set in gold Ap praised. $2,800, must sell, $1,500 Call 815 653 9413 or 653 6451 after 5 pm. GULBRANSEN. upright piano, good cond $375 Lee fiberglass, egg stereo chair like new, $400. 815/344 5897 • FREE TALKING Balloon with every regular order placed. Of fer good 01/10/84-01/17/84 We UPS balloons! Bloomin' Balloons. 815/459 RAVE. METAL DESK 8, chair (Ig. of fice desk) both in good cond., 312/639 9082 afrer 5 pm ' Misc. 32 Merchandise BULK NUTS Dry Roasted Peanuts, $139 lb (Limit 2). Banana Chips, $1.49/lfr. (Limit 2). (Coupon ex pires 1/16/84), Some Other Nuts, Crystal Lake Plaza, 815/455 NUTS. FURNITURE, couch 8. love seat, floral with bird print. Velvet, exc. cond. $700 815 653 6436 ' BULK NUTS Dry Roasted Peanuts, $i 39/lb. (Limit 2). Banana Chips, $1,49/lb. (Limit 2). (Coupon ex pires 1/16/84), Some Other Nuts, Crystal Lake Plaza, 815/455-NUTS. TIRES, (4), HR 75 15 $60 Snowtires (2) H-78-15 on rims $60,815/4593571 LAMBS, spring born for the freezer: $50 each. Call 815 338 8146. • 36 Bicycles^ Sports Equip. REMINGTON 1100 Trap Shotgun with custom stock, complete with case 8i ammuni tion, like new, $300. Call 312/497 3339. BMX BIKE, SE Quad angle, SE handle bars, seat post 8i Ian ding gears forks, extra set skyway 8, tuff wheels, pro neck pads & 201A compey brake calipers $175 FISHER 205 downhill skis, w/boots, pples & bindings. Must sell. Shawn at 815/385- 4388 170 MM Rossignol Skis Salomon 222 bindings. 10) 2 Nordica boots, poles J125. 815/338 3593 DOWNHILL .SKIS 160, boots, Nordica, men's 9' J, poles, ski 'tote, $l35/all or best offer, 815/338 3585. •? BABY CARRIAGE English Best offer 815/337 0813 EARLY AMERICAN small handmade desk, never used, $75, Early American stereo cabinet, $25, never used sit up bench, paid $65, asking $35, Hardrock maple twin bed, com plete, exc. cond., $75, 815/459 21Q3after8:30p.m. UPRIGHT FREEZER JC Pen ney's besf. 19.2 cu ft. 5 yrs old. $200 or best Dinette table, $20 or best . 815/344 5293. FIREWOOD, U Age It, mixed soft wood, delivered & dumped, $35 a face cord. Cash on delivery. 312/658-5081 even. ROCKER/ RECLINER, by Burris, traditional, green fabric, $40. Call 815M55-0819 TORO SNOWTHROWER, S200, recoil 8. electric start, used 1 season, $200. Toro, lawn trac •or, 770, like new. Must see to appreciate $300 815/344-1737 NORDICA DOWN H11L ski boots, size 8, $30, 8. bindings $20, 312/428 2751 after 3:30 pm BEDROOM SET dresser, chest of drawers 8. night stand, exc cond.; 2 sets (4 ea.) wo#den kit. chairs Call 815/459 7^31 after 4 pm. CHILD CARE my home Mon day thru Friday, 815/344 2078. HAPPY GRAMS Singing Telegrams Malfi/Female Bel ly Dancers. Call 312/888 3060 P R E O W N E D Re'rig , freezers, washers, dryers, ^stoves, parts Guaranteed Trade-ins CTK.-947 Villa Elgin. 02/931 7575, until 10 pm _ EX E R C I S E M A C H I N E Solotlex type resistance. $275/firm, 12 Sears radial arm saw, $275; 8 DeWalt radial saw, $80.815/653 9720 MINOLTA SYSTEM mint cond. XE 7 black, 24 mm, 50 mm micro, 85 mm F/l 7 35 270 mm, 80 200 mm, many filters & more. $750. May separate 815/455 4525. FREE men 8, women s clothing to needy family. Some items almost new 815/385 1949 APPLE COMPUTERS, winter sale, only $450. Fantastic prices on hardware and software Pin cor Electronics: 312 896 0015 RADIO-CONTROLLED PLANES, (2), ready to fly. w/radios, will separate 815/7281752. FISHER RECEIVER (30 watts), 2 speakers, turntable like new $450, 815/728-0606 KITCHEN SET. $50 Living room set, 9 pes , like new, $200. 815/459 3217 COPIERS, new 8, used, from $95 and up Valley Office Machines, 815 455 3050 HARDWOOD Good tor stoves, fireplaces, wood furnaces. No logs. $25.00 Pick-up trucks, You load it. $10.00 Car trunks Semi load-delivered *300.00 TIMES: ' Sal. 8-3 Sun. 8 Noon 815-344-5754 McHenry i SLIDE PROJECTOR w/screen, hardly used $l00/both. Standing lamps 40 yrs. old, not brass S35 ea 815/344 3860 TOOL BOX Knaack 100 Cross box, Jumbo, w/trav & dividers. Like new. $300/b«t 815 455 5342, eves. FOUR ROLLS insulation, R--19 unfaced, $10/ro,ll 815. 385 3436 37 Lawn & Garden Equipment SNAPPER Riding Mower w/30 snowbilower, electric start, 8 hp, $990,815/455 2273. 38 Boats 15"j FT., TRI HULL. Sport scraft bow rider, 70 horse power Evinrude, with Trailer, '75, $3000'best 815/385 4090 44 Pets& Equipment PYTHON SNAKE 10 ft., best Offer. 815/455 2368 ask for Jeannine PARROT CAGE with stand. 20" square. $30/best offer. 312/658-4180 anytime. FREE, to a good home, with loving people, male Shihtzu, 6 yrs old, has papers & housebroken. Moved to apt. 815/385-4184 N.K.C. REG. Bluetick Coonhound puppies. $65 312/749-4726 47 Horses & Equipment WANTED someone to share board on 3/4 Arabian Gelding, 815/337-0897. HORSES BOARDED Box stalls, balanced diet, good care, pasture, and foaling stall avail. Sunny Acres, 8701 N Rt. 14, Harvard, IL.(across from t h e t r u c k s c a l e . ) 815/943-6564 49 Livestock 39 Musical Instruments • PIANOTUNING& REPAIR- Fisher Piano Service All Work Guaranteed •312/658-6193* BABY FURNITURE white Jenny Lind dressing table, $25, all wood chest of drawers $25, play pen with pad, S30, high chair $3; new walker, $15; stroller $18, 815/344 0949 after 4:30 Fri., Sat., any time Sun., Mon & Tues. GRAND PIANO, 5 2", Vose 8. Sons, gd cond., $900/best, 815/3380323 PIANO, Spinet, $200 or best otter 815-337 0042 FROST FREE, , G E gold, refrigerator, ice maker 16 6 cu. ft., $175 815/459 5858 BEDROOM SETS 2) girls, eight piece, blue/wh &, yellow, $400 each, 815/338-6254 SOFA, 3 cushion floral, S500. Blue Queen Anne chair, $125; two months old. Hand made Cabbage Patch Kids to order, $30 each. Call 815/338 4059 SUPER BOWL TICKETS Best Offer *' 815/568 8944 eves PIANO-ORGAN 8, Guitar Sale in progress. Bell Morford Piano 8, Organ Company. 72 Fountain Square Plaza, Elgin IL. 312/741 0780 PRIME BEEF SALE Cattle $1.25 lb. Side $1.29 lb. Hinds $1.49 lb. FREE DELIVERY BARRINGTON MEATS 312/382 5360 Ask for Jerry FOR SALE, 5 Jersey heifers VAC & AI bred. Springing 312/669 3226 Machinery & 53 Equipment AIR COMPRESSOR, large In gersol Rand, w/owner's manual; runs 2 sm. or 1 Ig. air hammer, $1,000. Call 815/653 9413 or 653-6451 after 5 pm. SATOH 650G tractor w/down pressure loader mower 8, plow $4250 complete. 312/438 5101 '76 1070 CASE Cab, air, duals, w e i g h t s . E x c . c o n d $12,000/best offer. 312/669 3631 66 Business Opportunity Real Estate 72 For Sale CRYSTAL KE by owner, 4 bdrm., 2 bu fri level on 'a plus acre lot, bsmnt., central air, fireplace & beamed ceiling in family room, hardwood floors, enclosed patio, fenced yard, beautiful trees, 2 car gar., most rooms expensively paneled, immaculate inside 8, out: $81,500. By appointment only, 815/459-1350. CRYSTAL LAKE AREA by owner, 3 bdrm., ranch, Ig. lot, ceramic kit., Ig. patio, htd gar., Ig. wood storage barn, l blk. to sch park, much more. No agents. $56,500 815/455 2356 MCHENRY $48,000 2 bdrm., w/appl., bsmnt., gar. 6 month option possible. Call Essex Costello, 815/385 7050 HUNTLEY-Lge 3 BR im maculately maintained custom built home in good location Liv. rm., formal dining rm.. country kitch24 x 34 enter tainment rm. w/wet bar, 2 car gar. on 3/4 acre well land scaped lot. Asking $143,900 C&R Sales 312/669 3273 CRYSTAL LAKE, Two story, charming, Victorian hpuftT conviently located Tnree bedrooms, 2 baths, formal din ing room, den, hardwood floors, varnished doors, open wood stairway, leaded glass windows. $85,000 815/459 8508 nights, or 312/888 1820 days By Owner WOODSTOCK stately 2 story in great lod. Walk to schools & shopping. 4 to 5 large bdrms . full bsmnt., Ig. lot, owner anx ious: $57,000. Call ERA Byrnes Bros., 815/459 5400 MCHENRY, area, cute. 2 bdrm., home, fam. rm., wood stove, washer/dryer, $42000 815/344 1889 OFFICE BUILDING Algonquin Two story walk up with view of Fox River and woods Wood decks. 22 parking stalls. 12 acre, rolling slopes Quality tenants. Good return Profes sionally landscaped $150,000 Financing Avail. 312/658 8484 JOHNSBURG By Owner, 3 BR Ranch, fireplace, 8'-J% int. $59,800., 4 BR Victorian2200 sq ft 8% int. $79,960 815/344 1632 or 815/385 6566. Real Estate 72 For Sale SALES MANAGER Growing realty firm seeks result oriented motivator, willing to recryit, train and develop peo pie Realty background desirable but no' a must. Good compensation Call Mr. Kaplan at 312/639 2000 __ McHENRY 2 bdrm. home, some appl , 918 Wilshire Dr., By Owner 815,385 0290 days 385 5920 even HAMPSHIRE immaculate, tri level, 7 yr. old, brick/alum. 3 bdrm , 2 bath BY Owner (save) 312/683 2209 CARY B 1 Zoning in this Coun try English residence, plush shop or Gallery on 1/2 acre lot. Approx 4,000 sq ft. of living and work space in prestige location Owner moving out of state and wants offers! Asking $177,500 C8i R Sales 312/669 3273 ZONED B.1,190 ft frontage on Rt 31, Crystal Lake Two of fices .plus 2 apts Large basement good parking Presently leased $145,900. Call ERA Byrnes_815/459 5400_ REDUCED to $27 000 Owners extremely anxious Contract sale with $5,000 down 11%. in terest Near river 2 car garage Additional 1 car garage Large lot Call ERA Byrnes 815'459 5400 CARY by owner, 2 BR house, alum siding, 2 car garage, close to shopping 8, train. $49,500 312/639 4093 WONDER LAKE 6 rm. home on Ige high lot overlooking lake 2 car gar By owner $59,900 815 653 6677 or 312/452 6157 McHENRY lo lo dn. pymnt New 2 (3) BR Ranch $49,987. Contract 815 385-0169 Owner • OPEN HOUSE CRYSTAL LAKE Estate sale 3 bdrm ranch 349 Hickory Sun. Jan 15, l-5pm $53,700 312/469 2272 Misc. 32 Merchandise 44 Pets £ Equipment )FA BED love seat chair 8, Ktee table $150. 8;5 455 6917. WHY PAY MORE? Tvflin size mattress sets $89, Fi/ll size mattress sets, $109; ueen size mattress set, $189, 5unk Beds complete with mat 'tresses $189 Lenny Fine Furniture 312/742 7801 SNOW BLOWER Atlas, 5 spd 5 hp. 2 yrs. old, retail - $650, will sell $325 Call 312/426 5330 or 815 4593178 (after 5). \ 33 Garage Sales MOVING BASEMENTsale corner of Lilylake Rd. 81 Stueben Lilymoor Jan 10th until sold Ig. 8. sm. items 815/385 5549 35 Antiques 20,000 SQ. FT. warehouse of an tiques at the most reasonable prices' in the area! John Ken neth Funderburg 8, Sons, Anti quarians, wholesale 8. Retail. 2111 Newburg Rd., Belvidere, IL.815/5478186 FERRETS 1 albino, female, spayed; l male. Both for $40, incl. cage 815/728 1683 after 5 30 FREE HUSKY ,j£^erian to g o o d h 0 m e ' \ F a m a l e , silver, grey 815'/344 5010 aft. 6 p.m. DOBE PUPPIES, AKC cham pion blood line, reds 8. blk., ready 2/14/84 $300 815/344 1345 TOY POODLE Pups, AKC, (1) male choc brn (l)blk, raised with children, $175 & up, 312/658 9265' COCKERSPAN IELS Reg AKC 815/337 0813 TERRIER, wire hair. AKC, female, 8 mos old, friendly, playful, 815 338 5648 MOVING Dog must go. l yr old male shepherd, trained. Exc papers. Breeded for temper ment Loves kids. $50 815/385 5549 FREE CAT male, approx 1 yr. old Neutered 8. declawed, •"real friencly 312/669-3964 TOY POODLE, AKC, black, 5 months. $100. After 6 pm, 815 459 9379. ENGLISH POINTER. 4 yrs. old, free to gd. home, loving, spayed, shots, needs room to run 815 338 2344 NEW ROUTE BUSINESS You do no selling...we secure all locations. Just replace sold stock, maintain equipment, and collect profits. Name brand products insure steady, high profits. Minimum invest "ient $12,500. financing mailable Call Mr. Canon i l7 927 5300 Wanted To 69 Buy FLYER TRAINS, Lionel & American Flyer, old toys and baseball cards. 815/675 6379 aft. 5:30 p.m. 71 Open House WAREHOUSE • 72 OPEN HOUSE CRYSTAL LAKE Estate sale 3 bdrm. ranch 349 Hickory Sun. Jan. 15, 15 pm $53,700 312/4692272 Real Estate For Sale IRISH S'ETTER pups, ch bloodline, shots, hips & eyes quarenteed,312 639 3317 G O L D E N R E T R I E V E R PUPPIES A K.C., $150 815 385 5145 after 5 pm CENTURY 21 Farmtown Realtors Homes Farms Vacant 312/669 3777 or 815 568 7119 TOM WILDE REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. $1000 down. 12' a%/30 rs Sutton Realty 312/625 WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? Call Mortimer, 815/385 6990 McHenry County Realty. SALE -100's of Cabinets to Choose From MEDALLION Cabinets AND ^ 1 Kitchen Compact Cabinets Slightly damaged kitchen and vanity cabinets at great savings. Large assortment of cultured marble vanity tops at astounding low prices. A wide choice of colors on all remnant counter tops at special prices. For free estimates bring in your room dimensions. Cash & Carry All Sales Final Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Top Form Co.v • INC. 7616 Hancock Dr. Wonder Lake 815-728-0203 / ill HO / MiHf -s I * DIAL-A-SERVICE •Hom*e Maintenance •Secretarial • I a i loring •Landscaping •PI owing •Firewood •Much more f A Listing of Business Services offered in McHenry County and the surrounding area. COURIER SERVICE CONNIE'S COURIER SERVICE FAST S£/m For Prompt Pick Up and Delivery at Reasonable Rates Discount Avail. Serving McHenry, Lake, Cook, Kane& DuPage Counties Prompt safe delivery o< •All your delivery needs •Packaged Goods •Business Documents^ •Printed Matter Bonded & Insured Days Nites 7 days 815/344-1497 DECORATING EXCEL Decorating & Paperhanging A 1 W n r k .fiuar-a<rt» p r i " P R E E E S T I M A T E S •815- 385 0-922* GARAGE DOOR OPENERS AUTOMATIC GARAGE DOOR OPENERS! KARLOLSSON CONTRACTOR Ringwood IL 815/653 6934 GARAGE DOORS Garage Door Sales, Ser vice & Repair Electric door openers 25 years ex perience A guaranteed 815/385-2662 HANDYMAN SENIOR CITIZENS Handyman Special Low Rates Free Est imates Call 815 385 3934 Jim Klapfierich INSULATION HAVE YOUR INSULATION CHECKED Blown in or Baft Insulation FREE ESTIMATES 8]£A653-6822 INSULATION. ENTERPRISES WondePslj^e'l L PAINTING REMODELING I n t e r i o r paper,ng Q u a r r y R.T.&R. PAINTING CO. Commercial &, Residential Interior & E xtenor Low prices Insured • Free estimates Ron 815/728-0176 ( / RKK ^•DECORATING Commercial & Residential Custom serviceat1 compeMive prices' paint ing 8. wal l Ti l ing ceramic. _ mosaic Guaranteed Work Quickly & Pro'essionaly Done A^k For Roger 115/455 0190 PLUMBING GUNDERSON PLUMBING Septic Sewer Water Remodeling and All Repairs Power Rodding Commercial and Residential Emergency Service 815/653-7806 QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Senior Cit izen sOiscount REMODELING. •Kitchen •Bath r •Window & Door Replacement WE BUILD •Garages •Decks •Room Additions •Construction ot New Heroes NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL 1 1 WE AIM TOPLEASE 815/385 4937 312359 4339 or Answering Service Ext. *Q' TELE- C0MMUNICATI0N E , B E . Telecommunications Specialists in Residential Telephone installation, reloca tion, prewiring of new homes or additions Professional Experienced Insured 815/338-6019 Owner Robert Kramer The Alternative To Your Present System WATER CONDITIONING Introductory Offer RENTA QUALITY WATER SOFTENER For S3 00 per month for the f irst 3 months Free Instal lat ion Call Collect 815/338 3344 f Quality Water Conditioning WOOD RESTORATION JENSEN WOOD RESTORATION Accurate and careful restora Uon ot antiques, furniture 3nd kitchen cabinets Also chair regluemg 815/385-4024 WRECKER SERVICE CLIP & SAVE! 20% OFF ALL SERVICES W T* $ Ad TowmQ'W ncK ng»Tu"e LP E -^ergency Star* ng Trucks & Cars ' SNOWPLOW'NG y • FreeTOwng | * For Junk Cars' DENNY'SWRECKER SERVICE Complete 24 Hour,. Road & Wrecker Service Call 815/385 2224 Or 312/526 2655 O'ter £ ip 'es f eb 3 i98« To Place Your . Dial • A * Service Ad Call 815-344-4800 V. T