-4 4 PAGE 16 - ̂ LAINDEALER- FRIDAY, JANUARY 13. 19S4 Real Estate 72 For Sale 72 Real Estate For Sale LAKE GENEVA Woodale. Lakeview, year round. Slip, furn. 4 bdrm., 2200 s<j ft. on small lot. 312/998 0154 or 312 498 3300. B v OWNE R Contractors' own 3 bdrm teda*- sided ranch. On one acre in area of tine homes. Walking distance ot Lake Elizabeth 2 tull ba , Ige coun try kitchen, living rm., family rm„ full bsmt., 2 car attach. *»- ?b 678 4467. .'.AH Y By X)wner. 3 bdrm. L shaped ranch. Jiv. rm., din. i tam rm., *2 ceramic tile batiis, frplc 2 car garage, full r-smt £ A fenced yard, many -as •""00. Call 312/639 i8U d*ter 4 pm. Wo'NDcR LAKE Rasied ari :v j :>drm., 2 bath Approx ..vto sq. ft Maintenance free. 2 v *tt gar Open spaces, few oeighbu , $71 900. 815/653 9 720. MUST SELL Wonder Lake cider home Approx 1750 sq. " 3 bdrm„ 2car^ar. 2 lots. By OAner Terms Consider con tract • Low interest $42,500. 8-5 6 53 9 720. ELGIN, East Side, newly remodeled 2 bdrm home, basement, gar . $47,500 or rent with option $450 a month 3)2/741 5675 MCHENRY, 2 bdrm ranch, iecK room (could be made into >d bdrm.) Ig. living roorrr/din- ug room comb laundry room Walk up fully insulated par Maiiy floored atic. Attached 2 ar fully insulated & dry walled Seated garage,, central air, patio, r 2 car* 2 story out building, 100 ft by 120 ft. double tot. Lake rights to McCullom t.ake VA, FHA, or conven oral financing avail., to .jaii'ied buyer $55,900 815/385- "82. McHENRY, 3 bdrm. home, a/c, full base., w/paneled rec. rm., aft. l car gar., in town. All appl., & all drapes included Closing to be in late Spring. $59,900 815/385-6905 WONDER^ LAKE, 2 bdrm. house, corner lot, completely decorated,, inc.; carpeting, storms, screens, stove, refrigerator, gas heat. Im mediate possession. $27,500 815/728-0291 W E H A V E V A / F H & foreclosure properties. Lowf\ terest rates. Very low d/wn payment. Call for more derails. Realty World Durbin §rovall, 815/459 3145 73 Condos. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 colonies, 2 bdrms, 2 baths,.all applia., A / C , f r p l c e . , g a r a g e , clubhouse, $59,500 Call 815/459 7019 CRYSTAL IAKE, Colony Sq., 2 bdrm., 1 bath, laundry room, walk in closet, kit appl. includ ed, air cond. $47,900 815/455 6361. ,. CRYSTAL LAKE Somerset 2 bdrm., 2 ba Newly remodeled Prime ground floor location. Low 40's 815/459-3778 or 455 4789 WOODSTOCK New Condo, close to everything. Lg., 2 bdrm ranch, garage, air, appl. $55,500. No Brokers 815 338 6451 N E W C O N D O c l o s e t o everything in Woodstock. Lrg. 2 bdrm , l story, central air, ap pli., gar No brokers $55,500. 815/338 6451. 72 Real Estate For Sale OOOOI 8 JUST OVER 200 ACRE DAIRY FARM. Aproximately 20 mi les f rom Rockford. Excel lent faci l i t ies and near ly new home. Avai lable \ for spr ing possession. 605 ACRE RANCH. Super neat cow cal f farm w auger and si lo, 5 spr ings in pasture area. Also has set up for rais ing feeder pigs. Excel lent 15 year old home. Only $1690 per acre S. Easton Realty Call Fran Swezey Eves. 815-765-2839 or Office 815-633-8648 scccoocoogcooocoooosoq«OOOO J 74 Townhomes CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Col onies, club hse priveleges 3 bdrm , 2': bath. $98,500. 815/459 0342 or 459 5520 75 Lots& Acreage WOODSTOCK, 2' 3 acres',' may be annexed and zoned B-4. Firm price with 5 year financ ing: $79,500 Discounts and lower rates available with larger down payments Firm price for all cash $67,500 312/321 1250 McHENRY, 2 large lots (over Vj.acre) in Kent Acres. $8,000 for both Mortimer, 815/385' 6990, McHenry County Realty N. WOODSTOCK Two 5 acre parcels. For more information, ca 11815/728 1472 after 6 pm McHENRY AREA, By Owner. 10 wooded lots w/ remodeled 3 bdrm. home $35,000 815 385 8691 76 Mobile Homes GENOA Forest View Manor Mobile Homes $5000 and up 815/784 2696. CRYSTAL LAKE. Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm offers new hpmes on site, down pay menfoof $2,800 with $170 mon thly pigments No pets Adult Comm., 815/455 6600 78 Wanted To Rent RELIABLE FAMILY w well behaved Schnauzer needs 3 bdrms., I1i bath 8. garage in C.L. South H.S Dist, approx. $500/mo. by March 1. Refs. avail 815/459 6361 or 459 1237. Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share FEMALE TO SHARE large Crystal Lake (Coventry) home with same. 815/459-4199 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for r e n t . I d e a l f o r . o l d e r gentel man.815/459 1085. WOMAN WITH 2 children, needs roommate to share house 815/3858853 or 385 8586 WOODSTOCK sleeping room for gentleman 815/338 0880 or 815/338 7442. ISLAND LAKE l.room, fur nished, util it ies incl. $'70 312/526 9416 ALGONQUIN, private en trance, separate kit: 8, bath, gar. extra, laundry priv., $260/mo + '< utils, 312 658 6977. Real Estate For Sale Rooms, Board Apartments 79 To Share PRIVATE ENTRANCE, sep kitchen, 8, bath. Garage extra. Laundry priv., $260/mo, plus '/4 utilities 312/658-6977 FEMALE ROOMMATE, to share 2 bdrm. apt. in Crystal Lake. $165 month 815/455-1857 between 4 & 7pm on Toes., & Thurs., anytime on Sun. McHENRY DEPOT HOTEL Rooms from $45/week. Cable TV kitchen, laundry. Call 815/385 9738 after 2 pm. 3939 W. Main, McHenry, IL. /Apartments To Rent McHENRY, 1 & 2 bdrm. apts., featuring security, luxury, privacy, Lg units, fully carpeted, applia., energy effi- b ceiht, laundry facilities, Jan.l occu. Call 815/38 5 3192 , 9 am & 5pm. HARVARD 2 bdrm deluxe 8. standard apt., wooded area, swimming pool, walking distance to northwest train 8, town, 815/943 4144. MCHENRY Lge. one bdrm Full kitchen, bath, gar All util. $70 weekly 815/385 4669. MCHENRY Area 1 8. 2 bdrm apts. Sec. dep 8, rets. No pets. 815/385 0292. ^ FOX RIVER GROVE 2 bdrm., heat 8. water included $365 312/742 2240 days, 312 381 5868 evenings ' SPACIOUS, 1 & 2 bdrm apart ments. Air cond.. appl 815/385 2181 daily 9 a m to 5 p.m., exc. Sun 8. Wed , ALGONQUIN Ig. 2 bdrm., with <5| den, 2nd floor, located across from convient food store "213 Washington St " $345 per month •> utils. "heat & ^ trie" ret, one month sec. deposit 312/639 2040 HARVARD. Ig nev* 2 bdrm apt, 1st floor of 2 flat country home, carpeted, util rm. & garden plot $350 mo 815/568 6611 CRYSTAL LAKE 1 bdrm effi c i e n c y , s t o v e , r e f r i g . , carpeting, $225 month, + utils. 168 Lake Shore Dr 815/459 0467 after 5 pm MARENGO, warm, 2 bdrm. apt, $285 mo., Inc., heat, stove, & refrig., carpet. 8. laundry. 420 Telegraph Rd. 815/459 0467, . after 5 pm ALGONQUIN charming, 2 bdrm on Maua^Jjt., heat air cord. induded'$395 - security. Avail. Feb 1, 312/658 4248 WOODSTOCK. 1 or 2 bdrm lower apt., bsmnt., detchd. garage, carpeting, appls., $325 mo dep 8. lease 815 943 31U after 4*p m„ Apartments 80. To Rent CARY-l BR apt basement, va cant. Nr. shopping. No pets. 312/639 2622 R I D G E F I E L D Garage. Appl. & •l5/4f 2 b d r m . heat ind. $400/mo. 815/459 6144 WOODSTOCK, Two, 2 bdrm., apt., avail. Feb 1. with heat, water', carpet, a/c, & laundry, $350 month, plus sec., 1 yr. lease 815/385 9067 WOODSTOCK 1 bdrm. apt., stove, refrig., dishwasher, disposal, wall to wall carpet. $295 + Util., sec dep. 815/338 7630. CRYSTAL LAKE, good loca tion, 2 bdrms., V'j bath, A/C, gar.; no pets. Avail. Feb. 1, sec. 8i lease, $350 + utils., 815/459 6564. ALGONQUIN, 2 bdrm., stove, Si refrig., carpet, all utilities paid, except elec No pets, $335, 815/459-4400, leave message A L G O Q N U I N 3 B R Townhouse, $530 per mth, carpeted, a/c, heat, water, gas incl. Imm. occup Arrowhead Apartments. 312/658 8463 MARENGO, 1 8.1 bdrm. apts., clean, heat furnished, no pets, $2358. $315 a mo 815/568 7548 NEW DELUXE 2 BR apt., all appl's, A/C, garage, downtown location, walk to school and shopping, * small pets only. 312/658 3467 WOODSTOCK Upper 2 bdrm apt Fully carpeted, all appl., heat 8i water- furn. No pets. Lease 8. sec dep req'd. $325/mo. 815/338 0596 "CRYSTAL LAKE 2 BR in town, avail, immed. $315/mth + util. Sec, dep. 815/455 5550 days. HEBRON Lower. 1 bdrm. Appl. & util. furnished. Clean, nice locale. No pets. 815/648-2031. 81 Homes To Rent CARY-(Root Springsl-t- BR log cabin style house, frplc, aft. gar., full basement, dean 8i quiet', $490 mth + utilities. 312/2995826 WOODSTOCK, 3 bdrm., 2 car gar., new deck, $390/mo., 815/338 1518 or 815/338 1838, ALGONQUIN, rent or rent w/option. 4 bdrms. 3 bath tril level, frplce, A/C, 2 car garage, dishwasher renge fridge , 1/3 acre. $650/mo first last & deposit. Call 312/658 8370. CRYSTAL LAKE, completely remodeled, 2 bdrms. ap pliances, bsmt, gar. 1/15 oc cupancy $450. 815/459-6434. WOODSTOCK, 2 bdrm., apt. to sublet. Avail. Feb 1 $285 plus util 815/338 8379. __ WOODSTOCK 2 bdrm apt , w.heat, water, a c & laundry: S35C 'mo - sec 815 385 9067 WOODSTOCK 1 bdrm. apt., hea? incl , $285 mo., call Ron, 815 338 2550 or 815 338 7789 after 5 pm GARY 1 bdrm apt. S2SOI mo. & ut i l . ' 312 639 0478 , WOODTOCK furnished apt, ideal tor single person $300 mo w utl. ind. 815/338 0880 or 815 338 ^442 McHENRY I bdrm , in town loca , Ig liv. rm. & kit., full at tic. $295 mo. 312. 438 5802 CRYSTAL LAKE, brand new 3 bdrm. ranch, avail Feb. 1, 2 baths, full bsmt. 1 car gar., no pets, $535/mo -i- sec. 815/459 3066, Patti, Essex Costello. Beautiful 4 bdrm., 2 ba , newly carpeted. Lovely tam. rm. Aft. gar. w/sub bsmt. 8, all appl No pets. $610/mo & sec 815/337- 0120 week days; 815/338 5225 eves. & week ends PRIVATE PIER CRYSTAL LAKE REDUCED On the Fox RlVer . is deeded wi fh easement p lus a 112 x 265 f t lo t which fhe house is s i tuated on. A l l br ick ranch has 4 bdrms 1 > baths 3 f i rep laces fu l l f in ished basement at tached 3 car garage Many bui l t ins and custom features are inc luded A must see SI 52 900 ' WONDER LAKE home Great ret i rement s tar ter i bdrm can be used as d in ing Ful l basement is par t ia l ly shed Wel l ar ranged f loor p lan iu ed to S51 OOO BRITANNY PARK JUST LISTED Convenient to the |un ior h igh school ra ised ranch has ruceiy inc lud ing two th is ra ised ranch has a lo t o f p izaz?y- f in ished upper leve bdrms and lower level par t ia l ly f in ished for fu ture expansion Generous s ize lo t some t rees and owner wi l l consider FHA VA of fe Ask ing S53 900 p lus specia l ext ra i tems 4 bdrms I baths 2 ror at tached garage f i iep lare fami ly room fu l l f in ished level . Askmg S72 900 I North inois Realty 3315 W. ELM ST. (RTES. 120and31) Real Estate For Sale McHENRY t^DCARPeT' 815-385-2340 R E A L T Y W O R L D MCHENRY 4 bdrm., 3 baths. Formal home on golf course: $700/mo. Mo. to mo or rent/op tion. For terms call Essex Costello815/38 5 7050. CARPENTERSVILLE bdrm., l'j bath, newly redecorated 2 car gar Near schools & shopping 312/985 3759aft 5p.m. CRYSTAL LAKE 4 bdrm, f? ba , 2 car gar., c/a, bsmt., Ige lot. Avail. 3/1. $800/mo. & sec. dep. 815 455 5907. Real Estate For Sale FORECLOSED HOMES McHENRY COUNTY Local lending inst i tut ions - V A. &vHUD. Many with interest rates as low as 10' ? ° o . 30 yrs. Most wi th no points & low dowrl payments. CALL SHAMROCK lTV „ 75 T'N'lancock Dr. W o n d e r L a k e I L 6 0 0 9 7 6 . 1 5 - 7 2 3 - 0 4 2 4 PLEASE EXCUSE THE MISPRINT IN THE JANUARY 6th PLAINDEALER. VA IS 12%% 81 Homes To Rent WOODSTOCK, 2 story home, 3 bedrooms, family room, & basement, $400/mo. plus security. Call after 4 pm, >15/338 3088 WONDE R LAKE, 2 or 3 bdrms. on fenced 2Vj lots, l'/» car gar., $400/mo + sec., 312/381-6656, ask for Tony Holbrook. MCHENRY, 2 bdrm. house, newly remodeled, appl. includ ed, frplce., $425 + utilities 8i sec. dep., avail. March 1. 312/497 4415 POMPANO BEACH, Florida. Furnished, 3 bdrm. water front, pool. Close to shopping, beach, golf. Wk., mo. or season. 815/385 3138 or 305/946-1383. DOWNTOWN Crystal Lake, 2/3 BR, 2nd fir., No Pets. $400 + Util. Sec. Dep. 312/658- 5846/6480. SCORPION SIDEDWINDER, '81, 440CC, liquid cool, Very fast, bought new thus Fall for $4,000. 1977 Kawasaki Drifter, 340 fan cool, gd. cond., runs great. Plus, 2 place Lelund Stutz Bearcat covered trailer w/flip-up top, must sell all for $4,000 or best offer, 312/658 8923, after 4:30. DOWNTOWN Crystal Lake. Charming 3 bdrm. 1st floor duplex. Bsmt., gar., Ige. lot. A must to see. $445/mo. 815/455- 0372. CARY, vacation right at home. A very unusual home in Cary,'*- most attractive river area across from golf course. 100 ft. of river frontage w/patios, seawall, boat hoist and beach house. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, finished bsmt., $800/mo. Century 21 Sketchbook, 312/639-6561. McHENRY- New 2 BR Ranch, $110 wk. (BY optionpqj&ible). Owner. 815/385-0169 Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent CRYSTAL LAKE, 1,200 to 5,000 sq. ft. ind. space, 3 phase elec , a/c, 815/459 9060. CRYSTAL LAKE, Office Suites from $100/mo. incl. utils. Exc. downtown loc., Frank J. Smith 4 Assoc., 815/455-1440. CRYSTAL LAKE Factory space 2000 sq. ft., suitable for small machine shop or tool room. Office space available also Country Models, 3305 S. Rt. 3lSirystal Lake. 815/459- 2314. V ̂ 101 CORPORATE CORNER Small Offices Available *815/459 7688* 3MO. FREE RENT! 15X15 Office-Near P.O. 81 Bank $150/Mo., Utils. Included 815/653-9653 or 728-0404 McHENRY Pizza Man Building- 400 Sq. Ft. on Rt. 120 & Crystal Lake, Blacktop. Large parking area. McHenry County Realty, Inc. 815/385-6990 RETAIL SHOP, high traffic area. Downtown Richmond, 640 sq. ft., $295 mo., call 815/678- 4151 OFFICE OR STORE 2 units, 900 sq. ft. each. $500 8i $640. Call for details. Realty World Dur bin Stovall, 815/459-3145. Automobiles 86 For Sale T-BIRD LANDAU '82 Fully loaded, am/fm stereo, all power. Asking $6800 . 815/7,28 0011. THUNDERBIRD cond., full power, $1500.815/344 2260. LAKEMOOR Ig. 3 bdrm. house: $425 + sec. & utilities. 815/344-1788 aft. 5 p.m. WOODSTOCK, 4 bdrms., 2'/j bath newer home, aft. 2 car gar., north side of town. Imm ed. occu., short or long term lease, $580/mo. Call 815/459- 2569 after 5 pm. CHOICE HOMES FOR RENT 3 bdrm. duplex.$425/mo. Realty World Durbin-Stovall Assoc., Inc. 815/459-3145. Pets. DE SAI WONDER LAKE •2 bdrm. home, com nished, $400/mo. No • 2 bdrm. home in quiet neighborhood, $375/mo. No pets. McHenry County Realty, Inc. •815/653 2061* CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 bdrms, good cond. 2 car garage, fenced yd., $575month + sec., no pets, avail. Feb 1. Call Baird Warner, 815/459-1855 ask for Bette. CRYSTAL LAKE 3 bdrm., 2 bath, family rm., 2 car gar. $600/mo. 815/459 3884. McHENRY AREA, 3 bdrms., avail. Feb. 1. $425/mo. + security deposit & references. 312/497 3426 (McHenry call direct)^ 82 Condos Townhomes To Rent BRAND NEW 2 BR, 2 bth, with microwave, fireplace & attach ed garage. Avail, end of Dec $595 mth 815/459 5906 after 6 P.M. CRYSTAL LAKE, 4 Colonies, 2 bdrms., 2 baths, 2nd floor. All applia., a/c, frplce., garage storage, clubhouse, $500 + security, no pets. Call 815/459 7019 CRYSTAL LAKE, Four Col "onies, spacious 2 bdrm. town home, l'/j baths, aft. gar., c/a 8 , c l u b h o u s e f a c i l i t i e s $550/mo., 815/455-0335. CRYSTAL LAKE Condo. : bdrm., 2 ba., all appl., c/a Avail. 3/1. $500/mo. 815/455 1673. Stores, Offices Industrial 83 To Rent WOODSTOCK, 2,000 sq. ft of retail space near Square, exc parking, 815/338 5611. CRYSTAL LAKE, ideal office for independent business per son. Rent includes all utilities & secretarial services,..8.15/459 8400 85 Misc. To Rent LARGE STORAGfi^area in ci t y , d r y , c l e a n , s e c u r e , unheated, 24 hour access, $150/mo. 815/385-3192. DOWNTOWN MCHENRY, large 1 car garage, dry & secure, good for au]p or misc. storage. $55/mo., l year lease. Call 815/385 3192. Automobiles 86 For Sale REPROCESSED AUTOS all makes 81 models'* Always a good selection. Not all models at all times. Buy just like tak ing over payments. From $48. month 8i up. Mechanically tested cars. No major body damage. For full details, you must ask for Mr. Barry. 3900. DE SALT your car now, com plete interior and exterior detailing, shanpooing, buffing, waxing, engine steam cleaning. Full service, Ziebart, 312/639- 5333 HONDA CIVIC, 1977, 4 spd., good cond., well maintained, $1500. 815/459 8349, anytime. PONT I AC BONNEVILLE, '81, 2 door, exc. cond., loaded, 21000 miles $6750 815/455-6374 FORD FIESTA,'78, 4 spd., air, sun roof, rear wiper defroster, 30 MPG, $1,700, 815/459-9226 after 6 pm. CHEVY MONZA, '76, 4 cyl., am/fm 8 tract stereo, new eng. 8< trans., exc. runner, some door rust, $1,000, 312/669 3029. PLYMOUTH SAT! ELITE, '71, mechanic's special, $200/best, 815,385-8015 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX '76, exc. cond, $2000 815/675-6371 CHEVY, '56, 2 door sedan, Bel air, 350 engine, 4 speed, $2500/best. Camero, '77, 350 engine, auto., $2500/best 312/697 7673 CHEVY BLAZER '76, for parts: $300 . 815/344-5030 aft. 6 p.m. FORD LTD II '77. 2 dr., wire wheel covers. $ 1,695/best 815/385-0140. OLDSMOBILE, '79 Cutlass, beige, sharp 8, sporty. 2 door, ps, pb, ac, V-6, 48,000 miles. New shocks, new breaks, JVC am/fm casset stereo, clean in terior, mint cond., asking $4900 815/338 5088 after 4 pm wkdys D O D G E C H A R G E R '73 parts for sale 815/385 7206 AMC SPORTABOUT Wagon '73, has rust, $250,312/658-7844 DODGE OMNI, '79, good cond new tires, asking $2,500. Must sell. Call 312/639 9093. FORD RANCHERO, '77 302 engine, 50,400 mi„ a/c, good condition. 815/338 7013 '74, exc. 87,000 mi. DATSUN, '75, good runner Chevy wagon, '72, super 815/344 1222 after 5 pm, ask for Ray or Bob . HONDA CIVIC, '79, hatchback, 4-spd., am/fm cassette, low miles, exc. cond., $2,800 Firm 312/639 5315. MECURY SEDAN '71, runs well: $256. 815/385 5460 even ings. '10 DATSUN,310 GS, Sunroof, 5 spd., front wheel drive, low mi„ gd. clean cond. 38 MPG, $3900/offer. 312/639 5232 aft. 6 p.m. ^ OLDS CUTLASS-LS '80, 4 dr sedan. Am/fm stereo, tilt wheel. Perfect Condition, low miles. Reasonable. 312/695-3375 or 695-0775. HORNET Sportabout wagon, '76, 6 cyl. auto., ps/pb, mag wheels, radials/ low miles, $1,795. Very clean, must see to appreciate, many options. Call 815/338-6386. • PLYMOUTH FURY, 1973, 11 pass, wagon, runs well, needs body work, $300 . 815/459-7895 aft. 6 p.m. C H E V Y I M P A L A S t a t i o n Wagon, '73, auto. It runs! $l50/offer. 815/455 3074 after 6 pm. PLYMOUTH GRAND Fury Wagon, '76, 9 pass., gd. cond., cruise, air, $1,400,815/338-0323. '63 CHEVY: $450. '72 Volvo: $800. '71 VW: $1300. '49 Dodge: $750,312/526-9416. C H E V Y S U B U R B A N , ' 7 3 , some rust, good runner, $900 815/459 8627 after 6 pm PLYMOUTH CHAMP '79, front wheel drive, 2 dr., 38 mpg, am/fm stereo, 4 sp. w/over- drive. R,ust proofed. Exc. cond. $2,650/best. 815/455-2547. CHEVETTE, '80, auto., A/C, am/fm radio, $2,950. Call 815/923-2246 or 459 2830. PACER '76 Great runner, started every day, fairly new equip. $695. 312/639-6837. PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, L.J., '77, southern car, good cond., all options, 815/943-7729 after 6 pm » CHEVY SUBURAN, '78, a/c, p/s, p/b, am/fm radio, auto., trailer hitch. Asking $2800 or best 312/426 5027 • 72 Real Estate For Sale M^NOW OFFERED FOR LEASE w 6 Country Boutique SHoppes ^ ^ Inviting Entrepreneurs in ANTIQUES, ARTS,.CRAFTS, NOSTALGIA & ICE CREAM PARLOUR to further enhance Museums-Yesteryear Vil lage, Country Store & Other Home Furnishings Showrooms OLD VOLO VILLAGE A unique place in t ime. 16 acres of country Americana. |The Country Store Galleries Home of one of the largest of fer mg only the f inest , authent ic reproduct ions in designer custom, country & t i adi t ional home furnishings. t Country Store Gift Shop wi th unique & nos ta l g i c select ions. nostalgic, classic & antique auto market-places under roof Over lOOautos. And, the new Sportcar Store, too. Famous Name Home Furnishings Showrooms. Furni ture, bedding & carpet ing for every decor Ideal ly located between Long Grove & Richmond For particulars phone 815 385 3896 'for appointment with WE GET RESULTS! $46 900 JANUARY PRICE THAW This 2 bedioom ianch NEEDS VOU^ TALENT Spacious l iv ing and d in ing room plus heated Flor ida room or fami ly- room, fu l l basement and at tached garage $94,500 DON T DREAM A DREAM! BUY ONE ON THE WATERFRONT and enjoy the lovely view from this 8 room ranch on a large treed lot. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, basement, wood deck, all appl., 2 car garage Owner will consider all reasonable offers. $71 000 THE THEMF IS ROOMINESS1 lu ry bedroom 2 j bath ra ised ranrh lo t in Johnsbutg and large fam j acre d in ing room Cal l today 1 1 Formal y loom $104,900 ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION PLAN NED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE 2400 sq. ft. brick cedar home on approx. 1 acre 4 bdrms. 3 baths, L shape living dining room cheerful kitchen, fireplace in spacious family room, central vacuum and intercom system all appl. See and compare. FOUR OFFICES: Crystal Lake Cary Woodstock Durbin-Stovall Assoc., Inc. 4213 W. Elm St. (Rte. 120) McHenry, IL RFALTY WORLD,- • (815)385-8060 •och oHice indepondent ly owm4 and op»fQtx< " This lovely, spacious raised ranch is located in McHenry in. an area of fine homes. Tennis courts and park are just across the street. Walk to church, train, bank or shopping center. There are four bedrooms, 2 baths, family room with bar and two car garage. Good value at $75,000 Call Annie Cuda at Century 21 Care Real Estate 344-1033 75 Lots& Acreage Automobiles 86 For Sale CONTINENTAL AfcW* IV >1 folly loaded, ryns JOOd hNltrUOC MERCURY ZEPHYR W*«o<Y '71, auto pv pb. *rr> tm st*«o. lo mll«s on rtfcvilt maintained & U 300 115/441 27*5 CHEVETTE '71. ur*9* *•«>' exc cond 53000 milts $2500 best US/3I5-40U PINTO, 74, rum oood. oood body, low miles. $450 H5^3t5 6806. ask for Chock FORD WAGON '77. auto » c. ps/pb. good cond $2,000- best Call <15/455 2131 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 71, $800. 815/728-0880 or 815/728 1500. AMC JAVELIN 51000 mi V-4. auto., p.s/p.b new tires & bat tery. Exc. mechanical cond. Gd. body $975/best. 312/526 6457. MUST SELL Lot for sale in beautiful Boat and Saddle sub division in McHenry. 165 x 161 x 158..61 acre, access to Fox River wirh pier rights. Room for horses and use of community private pool, Johnsburg school district. Make oifer. 459-0357/344-1568 Ask for Donna DODGE OMNI, '78, 5 door, 4 speed, $2500/best 815/344 5812 LeMANS, '71, aoto., ps/pb, am/fm cassette, reboilt engine, recently repainted, have all r e c e i p t s . $ 8 5 0 / b e s t . C a l l 815/338-0304. CAMARO, '74, red, 350, aoto., rons great, body roogh, $800/best. Tim 815/385 4090 DATSUN '76-B210 AM/FM, A/C, some rust & big miles but runs great! $1500.815/459 1642. BUICK ELECTRA 225 76, loaded, exc. cond., $2900 or of fer. 815 653 4876 aft 5p.m. TRANS AM, '79, 400 engine, all p o w e r , a c , m a n y e x t r a s $6800/best 815/344 4408 CHEVY SUBURAN '78, a/c, power steering, pb, am/fm radio, auto., trailer hitch, ask- ing $2800 or best 312/426 5027 RENAULT LECAR '78, good cond., front wheel drive, roof: $1300. 312/381 0026, 9 a1 to 5:30 p.m. ask for Deb. MERCEDES BENZ 250 S, '67, sun roof, like new. Best Offer. Call 815/728-0690 after 5 pm. FORD FIESTA'78. Vspd , new tires, gd. Cond. $1900 . 815/344 1999. CITATION '81. 4 cyl 28 mpg, clean. Exc. Cond. ps-pdb, ac, cruise, am/fm cassette, rear defogger. New battery, tune- up. 45000 mi. $4495/offer. 815/455-2704, eves/week ends. VOLKSWAGEN BUG, '73, 4 sp , It. blue w/black trim, good cond inside & out. runs good, no rust, $1,250. Call 312/639 1332. DODGE CHALLENGER '82 5 spd. Exc. Cond. 33000 mi. Still in warranty. $5800/best offer. 815/568-8175 after 4 or week ends. NOVA, '73, auto., 2 door, good tires, exc. runner. Best offer. Call 815/943-6539. TRANSFERED Must sell. 1979 Ford Vj ton 4X4, lockouts, a u t o . , p . s . , p . b . , a m / f m cassette w/Leer cap, $5800. 815/344 2421. BUICK PARK AVE /79, loaded Very good cond. $5900. Call: 815/455-5196 VW BUG '67. Runs. New brakes, new starter. Engine & b o d y n e e d s s o m e w o r k . $450/best. 815/455-4525. PONTIAC, '75,2 door, new blue paint, low miles, $1000 312/639 0425 MERCURY CAPRIS 82, p/s & p/b, cruise, am/fm cassette, air, tilt wheel, 24 mpg: $5995. 815/455 2566. HONDA '81, good runner, highway mi., $1200 stereo system, 5 spet.H sonroof, $7000 312/639 7465 JEEP, '76, CJ7. hard top, 6 cylinder, stick. New paint, $2000 312/639-0425 / mi TO '75 Exc. coqd. New flres, paint, moffler. $1200. 312/742-6954. PLYMOUTH VALARI station wagon, 318 eng., air, loggage rack : $2650. 312/428 3452. CHEVELLE/64,64,000 original miles, excellent running condi tion. $500.815/385 5257 BLAZER, '77,2wh.,dr., must sell .best offer 815/338 9353 87 Wanted To Buy • WANTED: DEADOR ALIVE Cars, frocks, vans 815/728 1887 Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES all makes, $225; trans., all types, $125; Installa t i o n S i d e l i v e r y a v a i l . Guaranteed. 815/344-5114. HEAVX DUTY ladder or util. rack for 8' bed pickup truck. $175.815/653 9964. TURBO CHARGER, w/Holley carb , $275. Two 13 in. snow tires, $20/both. Call 815/728- 1752. SNOWTIRES L78, size 15. Mounted on wheels. Firestone. Fit Ford van. $65/pr. 815/385 4409. ALL WEATHER TIRES (2), Atlas Conquest, P 185/80 R13. Unmoonted. Like new, 2215 miles. Call 815/459-0664 after 7 pm. _____ McHENRYAUTO UPHOLSTERY 1815 West Rt. 120 McHenry, Illinois More than 20 years experience in4aoto opholstery. Simolated convertible tops, vinyl tops and son roof repair. We also do boat, airplane seats & antiqoe cars. Qoality work goaranteed. Special price on convertible tops 815/344-2022 Trucks, Tractors 89 & Trailers • BRONCO RANGER XLT, '79, all options, winch, hitch, 400 eng., exc. cond., $6,000, 815/459- 1153. IH PICKUP, '68, V-8, good motor, body fair, $500/offer, after 5, 312/658 8796. CHEVROLET, '74, 3/< ton, ps, pb, 350 aoto, radio. 815/7$J> 1032, after 6 pm CHEVY SCOTTSDALE 3/4 ton pickup, '80, heavy duty 454 engine, trailing special, auto., ps/pb, dual tanks, sliding win dow, locking ditf., alum, cap, much more, 26,000 miles, like new. $5,500 815/344 3874. CHEVY '76, '/j ton & cap. P.s., p.b. Heavy duty susp. Gd. shape. $1600/best. 815/338-4140. J E E P C H E R O K E E , 1 9 7 5 , automatic, 4 wheel drive, new transmission, low miles on new e n g i n e , S l , 6 0 0 / o f f e r . C a l l 815/459 8832 FORD, '74, l ton, good cond. Snowmobile trailer, -2 place 815/385 0290. WET KITS, 2 complete kits w/oil, like new, $l,000/ea. firm. ( $ 3 0 0 , I n s t a l l a t i o n , w o r k guaranteed) One off 13 sp. Road Ranger, one off 10 sp. Mack, both air shift PTOs, one air shift pump, one manual pump, One 10 sp. Mack trans., brand new clutch, $900; Two front & rear Rear Carriers, 476 gear ratio, $900/ea„ installa •ion, $l00/ea. One 711 Mack engine, sold as is, $800, or strip for parts. Call 815/385 2224 or 312/526 2655. FORD F250 78 crewcab: $1800 '75 Dodge window van: $1500. 312.438 5101 CHEVY, '/j ton, '74, new engine, brakes, clutch, A1 mechanical cond., $900/best 815/653 4696, after 5:30 TOYOTA, '82, 4 by 4, SR5, air, ps, pb, crome pgk., Texas truck, $7800/best 312/658-6395, after 5 pm TOYOTA '/a ton pickup, '76. Long bed, auto., exc. cond. Reasonable offer 312/658-3931 FORD F 350, 1977 1 ton dump truck w/Western Snowplow, dual wheels, good cond., $6.000/best offer. Call 815/455 2155 DATSUN red pick up, 77. good cond , rebuilt $2000 or best