PAC.E 2- Pl,AiM)KAI,KK FRIDAY. JANUARY 13. 1984 News and Views IRS guide* for taxpayers Taxpayers interested in year- round tax tipg as well as in a thorough guide to filing season tax information can obtain a copy of the free IRS Publication 910. "Taxpayer's Guide to IRS Information." J R. Starkey. Internal Revenue Service district director for Northern Illinois, announced th&t this year's Publication 910 is now' available. Contained in Publication 910 are descriptions of IRS services available to help taxpayers prepare their tax returns or to receive assistance with their returns. The booklet explains how to resolve questions on bills, letters, and notices from th£" IRS. and assists taxpayers with questions „ concerning their accounts and the status of refunds they expect Of particular interest to taxpayers, Starkey noted, was that this year's guide will list the telephone numbers for both Tele-Tax, the recorded telephone tax information service, and fpr the IRS toll-free telephone lines, which enable a taxpayer to call and speak to an IRS employee for tax assistance. '* Other items of interest in the publication are explanations on collection of taxes, examination or returns, and how to file an amended return. Further, the guide describes many of the free publications that are most often requested by taxpayers and includes a handy order blank. Publication 910 is available tree from the IRS by calling 435- 1040 from Chicago, or 1-800-424- 1040 elsewhere in Illinois. Save proof of property tax payment Property owners who have paid property taxes during the 1983 calendar year should save proof of their payment In order to take advantage of a new state income tax deduction, state Rep. Dick Klemm i R-Crystal Laker has announced Illinois residents will find 'a new space on their 1983 income tax forms for deducting from their taxable incomes the property taxes they have paid. "In the past decade, inflation has driven up the value of homes. and accordingly, property taxes on those homes have skyrocketed." Klemm said. "Many people are being forced to sell property or to put off buying any because property taxes are too high " •r The new law allows property taxpayers to deduct the full amount of the property taxes they have paid, and will not affect the local tax base because it comes out of income taxes that are naid to the state. m,,.. .|]ij iSSSSi iSSCiS WIMIl It... • • • WHAT IS A CURRENCY EXCHANGE? OU.R MAIN BUSINESS 15 CASHING CHECKS: •PAYROLL • SOCIAL SECURITY • PENSION • INSURANCE • VA COMP. • PUBLIC AID •PERSONAL EIC WHAT TYPES OF LICENSE SERVICE DO WE OFFER? •LICENSE RENEWAL • I ITLE TRANSFERS •OIJI 'or SI A l t I ITLES • R V. PLATES •TRUCK & St Mi l RAILER LICENSE • FARM EOUIPMEN 1 PLA1ES • 1 RAILER PLATES •MOIORCYLE • BOAT 8. SNOWMOBILE REGIS I RAMON • LEASED 8, COMPANY CAR RENEWAL OTHER SERVICES WE PROVIDE • MONEY ORDERS • ROLLED COINS •TRAVELERS CHECKS • NOTARY PUBLIC • PHOIO COPIES • POSTAGE • RIA BUS P A S S 1 S • F U L L S E R V I C E I N C O M E F A X PREPARA I ION The breakup of the family lamented This is the story of a family -- a big family that split and is causing no end of trouble for the long line of nieces, nephews and cousins who are its progeny. It's reminiscent of the old fable. "Little Red Riding Hood", where the villain eats up the profits and Grandma as well. And it has a touch of the modern Soap Opera in the tearful stories of woe as the course of events touch the lives'of Betty and Bob. Our true story starts with three young people who pooled their money at Christmas to buy a telephone attachment for a Grandma with failing eyesight. The deal was consummated at an American Bell Centers a division of AT & T in Spring Hill Shopping Center, where a courteous salesman promised that if there was any reason the instrument was not satisfactory it could be retuf'ned within a month and the $70 refunded. Enter the villain the New Year 1984 - which changed a lot of things including the divestiture of the national telephone monopoly known affectionately as "Ma Bell". And that was just the beginning. Grandma had receivedN her new contrivance and decided it was not for her. The decision sent a grand daughter back tojhe shopping ]\/|usin' lVlanderin BY KAF mall phone center, but alas, the door was locked and the store closed. The very appearance of the interior from a look through the window gave evitlence of a hurried departure that was permanent. Next came phone calls - at least 10 of them - to an American Bell 800 number. Recordings told of busy operators and the suggestion to "try again". A call to another number referred her to the same 800 number where all operators were too busy to speak. At last she reached a man who repeated the "busy operators" routine but offered to try to help. West Dundee, he knew, had a phone center but realizing the long drive, suggested that the young Lady wait for the operator's call, which he promised would be no later than Jan. 15. As the pursuit continued, she learned that Hawthorn Mall had a store that formerly housed an Illinois Bell Center but the operator was uncertain whether it was still in operation. Finally, the 800 number reached another person who was not an operator but who had his routine message down pat. The operators were still busy. However, this source of in formation provided a lead. She could return the device to a hardware store in the Crystal Lake Plaza which housed a phone center. This was progress! A call to the neighboring city* hardware store brought the response, "Honey, all I know is that we can accept th'e phone device and give you credit - no cash". And the type of credit was to be the assessment of AT & T. When? No one knows, least of all not a young lacYy in McHenry who wonders whf*n and how she will recover her $70. As for Grandma, she's doing just fine with the phone Ma Bell provided for hef years ago. How is Ma Bell doing? Under a new alias she is still "reaching out to touch someone". And if Congress falls for any one of a number of proposals aimed at subsidising the cost of phone service, she may reach right into your pocket. Capitol Update: NUCLEAR WASTE PLAN SET A cautious long-term plan for disposal of Midwest nuclear wastes was signed into law by Governor Thompson, according to Dick Klemm (R-Crystal Lake). House Bill 210<i. which allows Illinois to join the Midwest Regional Waste Disposal Compact, includes several special provisions aimed at protecting the interests of Illinois in waste disposal decision-making. One such provision makes all states in the multi-state compact region liable for accidents or mismanagement at any low- level waste disposal site within the region. The new law also requires rotation of disposal sites and bans"land disposal of any liquid waste. Public Record Centers are also required under this legislation. Finally, the, law requires that the legislature of each state in the Compact region approve the Compact Com mission's management plan before it is put into effect. With the passage of this lav, Illinois joins Michigan, Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota as a member of the Midwest Com pact. Missouri and Ohio are expected to join in the near future. • A companion bill, House Bill 2234, requires the state Department of Nuclear Safety to regulate and manage the disposal of hazardous wastes in Illinois. The department will be required to register all nuclear waste generators and impose a Sl-per-cubic-foot waste fee on them. This legislation also sets up extensive regulations for the siting and transportation of radioactive wastes. L e g i s l a t i o n i n c r e a s i n g hazardous wastes fees was also signed into law recently. Under provisions of Senate Bill 134, hazardous waste disposal fees will increase from one cent to three cents per gallon. The bill further requires the Pollution Control Board to impose permit and inspection fees on waste disposal facilities. Various state guidelines Jor use of the Hazardous Waste ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. (> • Pledge P» <sbnol Servic> 8 Satisfaction LUMBER & BUILDING MATERIALS FEATURING COMPLETE LINES OF: •OLYMPIC STAIN 'LINCOLN WINDOWS •KEMPIR MILLCRFEK *GAF SHINGLES CABINETS •BUILDERS •ANDERSEN HARDWARE WINDOWS 'PREHNISHED •PRE HUNG * PANELING DOORS 'STANLEY •NORp SPINDLES GARAGE DOOR •ARMSTRONG OPENERS CEILING SYSTEMS f 'HONE OUR FRIENDl Y ADVISORS FOR HELPFUL HINTS WHFN YOU WAN! TO BUILD REPAIR OR RFMODEL YOUR HOME FREE Planning & Estimating Services. SS • Phone 385 - 1424 McHENRY NAUTILUS SUMMER.. HEALTH & FITNESS CLUB Let us help you look Fantastic this summer with a specialized Nautilus program. We will help you develop strength, tone endurance, flexibility and curves where you want them. Don't let ahother summer go by...Begin today, for tomorrow. CALL FOR A FREE INTRODUCTORY WORKOUT. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 344-2202 - 804 MILL ST. IN McHENRY RENT RINSEllVAC the professional do- i t -yoursel f carpet c leaning system First Hour of Rental FREE V $ I .00 per hour. . for every hour thereaftei (E xomple 2 hours. . . total charge SI plus to*.) f NO MINIMUM Special Rental Rate Good Monday thru Thursday RINSENVAC cleans the woy professionals do ot r ' tact ion i tho cos' *_ ^ V"i 8 SUN NO MINIMUM OVERNIGHT SPECIAL ! .8 00PM 9:00AM $10 00 4400 W RTE 120 W HENRY I I I HORNSBT Fund are also revised under the bill. The guideline revisions bring Illinois law into line with federal regulations: Finally, the new law creates a Hazardous Waste Advisory Council to study the hazardous waste disposal issues. In other action, the governor signed House Bill 2318 which reestablishes the Agent Orange Study Commission and the National Guard Study Com mission. The bill renames the commission and the law as the Vietnam Veterans Act and transfers responsibility for the organization from the Depart ment of Commerce and Com munity Affairs to the Depart ment of Veterans' Affairs. New property tax deferral Lieutenant Governor George H. Ryan reminded senior citizens of new legislation ef fective since Jan. I that will allow them to defer their property taxes. Ryan oversees ,the state's Senior Action Cen ters, which provide information- refer al and advocacy services to senior citizens and the han dicapped. "In essence, this is a loan program", Ryan explained. "Senior citizens are usually on a fixed inconrie. Through this new law, qualifying senior citizens will not 'nave to direct their limited finances toward payment of property taxes. They can defer these taxes in; definitely." Ryan further ex plained that payment for the deferred taxes plus interest will be the responsibility of the taxpayer's heirs.' Application must be made by March 1 to take advantage of the Senior Citizen Real Estate Tas Deferral Act, which applies to people who will be 65 years or older by June 1 of the year for which deferral is claimed. Application forms should be available from county collectors by^rm^; January.' "In order to qualify for the deferral, seniors' annual income may not exceed $10,000 and they must own and have resided in their property for the past three years,", said Ryan. Pi McHenry McHenry Herald USPS 335 200; ^ Establ ished 1875 SS^West Elm Street Phone 815 385 0170 McHenry I l l inois 60050 Publ ished Every Wednesday & Fr iday at McHenry I l l inois Second Class Postage PAID at McHenry I l l inois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY POSTMASTER Send address changes to McHenry Plomdealer 3812 W Elm St McHenry I l l inois 60050 Subscr ibers are requested to provide immediate not ice of change of address to the McHenry Ploindealer 3812 W Elm St McHenry I I I . 60050 A deduct ion of one month f rom the expirat ion of a subscr ipt ion wi l l be made where a change of address is provided through the Post Off ice department Thomas C. Miller-Publisher Adele Froehlich-Editor 3toarl) Sinning iirtofipapfr. Rf/ MEMBER NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $19.00 1 Year $27.00 In McHenry Outside McHenry . £.<junty County ARE YOU NEW IN THE McHENRY AREA? Do You Know Someone N^w? We Would Like to Extend a ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY AREA NEWCOMER!! Call Lorraine Monahan 385-5475 NO OBLIGATION IT'S fRf E 4 iirti micim tiCHHKwut mmt\ ROYAL WELCOME 'hno\A Your Ared-Ro\al Welcome Does It Best