Studies as air traffic controller SECTION 2 - PAGE 7 - PLA1NPEALER - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1984 Rhonda Ackerman has been in basic training in Orlando, Fla., for eight weeks and is now at tending school in Memphis, Tenn., where &e Is learning to be an air traffic controller. Rhonda attended Ringwood RHONDA ACKERMAN School and Johnsburg Elementary Junior and High Schools. She attended high school for four years when the family lived in Thorndale, Texas, and was a member of the National Honor Society for two years. Her sister, Resae, joined the Navy 10 years ago and was an areographer. Their parents are Charles and Beverly Ackerman, formerly of Ringwood. Her grandparents are Clayton and Virginia Bruce of Ringwood. Friends may write to Rhonda as follows: AR Rhonda Ackerman, 340524987 USN, BEQ-S-427 NATTC, MAS, Memphis, Millington, Tenn., 38054. Dial-A-Ride working Township residents started early this week to take advantage of the offer of free rides in connection with Dial-A-Ride service. Persons residing in the township who are 65 years old or older, and the handicapped, arc urged to visit the township office on Rt. 31 north, and obtain a card which permits them to ride for half fare on all RTA tran sportation. Buq^s run on a reserve basis. Persons wishing rides must call the special township RTA phone number, 385-5671, 24 hours in advance of their planned trip. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4 P m- TODD GOLDMAN LANDSCAPING * CARKNTRT Landscaping SES9SS9959SS • Totol Plant Dasign Work • R.R. Tie and I Lcwn Cor* Service •Tractor and tfobcat Work Carpentry • Specializing In Deck Design n Wood Fencing «• Custom Fv>l.» ^ui ding:; ^Complete Go.og * (Concrete On Up) • Viinyle R -.O'ing • Tola! Remot eling • Concrete Work - Patio and Sidewalk lu wow459-54401 INSURED FREE ESTIMATES LOOKING FORWARD TO SERVING YOU WELCOME WA60N HAS USEFUL GIFTS m HElPFii INFORMATION FOR YOU... Mi FREE JUST ENGAGcD? NEW PARENT? mm My visit's a frierrily way to get an swers to where *o find questions about our to\*n and available goods and services. Local stores are anxious to help too and have gifts for you when you visit them. 344-3966 • 3S5-7980 • 385-5072 End your complaints. Insure with Country Companies. The insurance company with rr.ore auto claim centers than any other in Illinois. To settle all claims in a spirit that has earned us one of the lowest complaint records in the state. cmis mwi R«*. 45*-1324 OH. 33S-MQC DAVW "JAKE" •ACKNAVS McHENRY, IL M. 3»NHirl4441N \OUI C9U our Country Compr mes Agents. # STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD A Co. 1 rescue worker cuts the bahery cables of a car involved in a collision on Route 31 Friday night. The cables are cut as a safety precaution. NTRY COMPANIES. hwrwrr and hwUmeii Swvkm jy V 30% OFF Carters Layette! Lqye|ie Wearables. Reg,j 2.75-9 50. From gowns, kimono's, sacques, booties ferry1 jambkins to sacque sets! In white, yellow, pink and azure. All washable and flcfine retardant. Bedding. Reg.2.50-13.00. Hooded towels, fitted sheets, blankets, towels and washcloths. Solid and print sheets. Infant Underwear. Reg. 2/3.50-2/4.75. Training pants in prints, and solids. Snap uhdershirts in jiffon. 3 months to 4 years. .* 25% OFF Coordinated Bedding Reg 7.00-58.00. Pillows, quilts, infant seat covers, bumpers and sneets. 25% OFF Stuffed Animals! Eden & Dankin Stuffed Animals. Reg. 4.00-20.00. Some musical. Your favorites; dogs, cats, elephants, including Snoopy and Garfield. 30% OFF Girls Underwear & Hosiery Panties, undershirts, camisoles, socks and knee-highs. ' Carters, Bonnie Doon and Buster Brown1 Socks. Reg. 1.55-3.50. Panties. Reg. 2/4.35-3/5.50. Band ieg or elastic leg. Hip huggers. Print panties. Camisoles and Undershirts. Reg. 2/4.35-2/4.65. Sleeveless. Sizes 4-14 Infants 8c Children. Crystal Lake and St. Charles only. |TI WO welcome your American i>r CI iuiye. Vise one4 Vaste-Card' & £