SECTION 2 - PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1. 1984 C of C director in management study Vehicle Sticker Sale--Dick Bowe, left, vice-president of the Johnsburg Rescue Squad/ sells first vehicle sticker to Rich Zalke. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment and for the personal needs of the squad. Frances Olsen, executive director of the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, recently completed a week's Institute for Organization Management at the University of Oklahoma. Over 300 volun tary organization executives from all over the country par ticipated in this professional development program. •The Winter Institute is one of seven annual, one-week sessions sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States at leading universities throughout the country. During the five-day session, participants spent 27 classroom hours in the Institute course of study, which is designed to assist voluntary organization executives improve the knowledge and skills necessary to enhance the effectiveness of their organization. The Institute curriculum includes coursework in management, philosophy, interpersonal processes, goveitoment, law and organization structure , as well as in more contemporary issues such as economic and en vironmental concerns. Each participant may attend pro gressive levels of the program, throughout his-her professional career. University professors chosen to serve as faculty are distinguished authorities in their fields. Other courses are led by top level Chamber of Commerce and Association executives. This combination makes the Institute faculty unique in its depth and range of knowledge and ex perience. general News Income tax forms at library o With income tax time in full swing, the McHenry Public Library on Green and Main streets may be the place to go. Librarian June Stuart has arranged a tableful of income tax forms for distribution to the public. Several informational booklets may also be checked out on a library card or read in the library. In addition, the library now has a book with state income tax forms from every state in the union which may be photocopied at the library at a nominal charge. . ' . W . Beside the standard federal 1040's, there are Estimated Tax forms and Credit for Child and Dependent Care Expenses forms. These are only a few of the 20 forms available while supplies last. Still other forms maybe photocopied from a book supplied to the library. Booklets offered on loan in clude "Your Federal Income Tax", "Tax Guide for Small Business," "Tax Information for Direct Sellers" and "Em ployers Tax Guide." Further information is available by calling the library at 385-0036 or stopping by. DISCOUNT DRUG WARM-UP TO THESE UQUOR SAVINGS MEISTER BRAU 6PACK® 12OZ. CANS REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE SEAGRAM'S SEVEN CROWN |g 80 Proof • Liter A Fine Blend REVCO'S LOW, LOW PRICE LOMDON SQUARE GIN 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter REVCO'S LOW, Distilled London Dry LOW PRICE $639 E & J BRANDY 80 Proof • Liter REVCO'S LOW, T |ExW^.h . l£ #Bs! v- [' # I CELLA LAMBRUSCO 9% Alcohol • 750 ML REVCO'S LOW, Imported from Italy LOW PRICE HANNAH & HOGG CANADIAN 80 Proof • 1.75 Liter Imported from REVCO'S LOW, Canada LOW PRICE McHenry • 4400 W. Elm • 385-1125 $299 natCa la in 25% OFF ALL TERRY ROBES AND COVER-UPS. Here's a sampling. Luxurious cotton/polyester coordinates. Reg. Sal* Strapless romper.. . $15 11.25 Boatneck cover-up $20 15.00 Mini robe $21 15.75 Big shirt with pocket pocket $22 16.50 2-pc. short set $23 17^25 Dress length robe .. $28 21.00 Full length robe.... $35 26.25 Mrires to #»ffert Wed thru Tues * eb i 7 i tems available quantit ies last Copyr ight 1S84 by Revco D S Inc K Marcia Bailey Exclaims: "I LOST 121 LBS. AND 121 INCHES WITH THE NUTRI/SYSTEM PROGRAM" •No diet pills, no injections •Medically supervised •No starvation or food decisions •Mistake proof food plan, no nt< •tori/sjstoa (•**•*: Mini Mb fctri/SyttM preine ito lost «ti|kt picklj, iftM ip to i ftmi i toy Ackim Mr |Ml IJ til MI spcifM «r m,» atotiml dorps tor MrifSp toe unices mil m to. constant calorie-counting CALL TODAY FOR A FREE, NMBUttTKM CONSULTATION PAY FOR HALF CUP TO 30 POUNDS) Present this coupon at ttw Crystal Lake NutrilSystem Weight Loss Medical Center end save' > otf your program Hurry, it's valid tor new customers only through February J, 1H4 College Hill Professional Bldg. 4911 S. Rt. 31, Suite B Crystal Lake815/459-9050-9AMto7PM i® iVij nutri system , JSL Wtjht lo-- medical ctnUwl IBP I L -- -- •J-5S7-- mmSSrimm -- -- ml si ML y * m - w T. :"n I 25% 0 all our swimwear for women The biggest savings this side of sea or shore are yours for the basking! Don't go near the water unless you're wearing the bandeau. Or a French-tied bikini that has a lot showing for it. Boylegs, two-piece styles and lots more. In water-loving fabrics for juniors, misses and women's larger sizes DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER FOR THE JCPENNEY GET-A-WAY SWEEPSTAKES! . MKa jClere">V'«aU"e,ni3»' W">„re pw* .'SSgsss?̂ 8,0 ~ vvarT«>tt ArtverVcan 0̂«is AirV\t>es "---= " v \ 11 u ,,;V 1 ,s V * vS\ U\ Jj k ' JCPenney Sale oricM effective thru Saturdav. Februarv 11 th. •/ J C Pannay Company inc IHI Sale prices effective thru Saturday, February 11 th. Brickyard, Ford City, Fox Valley Center, Gary Village, Qolf Mill, Joliet Mall, Lakehurat, Lincoln Mall, Marquette Mall, cXj North Riverside Park. Orland Square, Southlake Mall, Spring Hill MaiUWinaton Plaza, Woodfield, Vorktown .V t'