Police tickets-- Hie City of McHenry Police Department has issued the following citations. Jacqueline Sue Raycraft, 3401 Ringwood Road, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. Keith T. Schaeffer, 8908 Shady Lane, Wonder Lake, speeding, 46.mph in a 30 zone. Brian S. Thompson, 3112 Skyway, no valid registration. Joan Marie Gagne, 1912 Meadow, no February 4 through February 10 Olga Knows ' 1994 Petyr KtiUifn SvndUtiir ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Preview financial picture. Ari, but first kindly remove rose-colored spectacles. Decide whether you 're going to make money or spend it - there isn't time enough to do both. Moon enters your sign (Feb. 2) and high cycle begins. Your audience widens. TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Cycle high. Saturn in opposing Scorp since August 1983 has altered your outlook toward marriage, partnership. You have experienced difficulties, disappointments. This placement remains until the end of 1985. During next t*v year period you need time to recharge batteries and spend some time alone. Move slowly in matters dealing with opposite sex. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): As long as Uranus remains in opposing Sqj (until 1988) there is element of recklessness toward your dealings with members of opposite sex. You are very independent no w and may act on the spur of the moment, when caution would be best. Literary, artistic pursuits favore<l during this period. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Look over your shoulder at past progress rather than at past mistakes. No need to be so tough on yourself. Just because you aren 7 an excellent dancer doesn't mean you have to leave the ball. Keep steppin'. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Saturn In your house of home, security until the end of 1983 indicates some difficulty and too much clinging to the past. You feel insecure and this makes you try. twice as hard to achieve. In the last shuffle, you come out ahead if you guard health, avoid excessive worry and emotionalism. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Cycle low. With Uranus in your house of home, security (until 1988) you may experience change in residence and many ups and downs on the home front. The key word for this period is "unsettled." Hang on! LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Cycle low. Saturn in your house of money since August 1983 emphasizes anxiety over financial future. This placement lasts until the end of 1983. You must learn value lesson: Peace comes not from without but from within. Material goods are n*t the Alpha and Omega of life. Sermon over. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Cycle low. Saturn remains in your birth sign until the end of 1985. You now desire more power than you already have. You often feel unloved and unlucky but personal insecurity prods you toward greater achievements. Once again, Scorp survives. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 Dec. 21): Jupiter, your ruler, is now in your area of financial earning and will remain, there until the end of 1984. This is fortunate time for banking, travel, sales. Others find you easy to deal with and your optimism knows no bounds. But don't blow your bundle - save it for a slushy day. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Let's conceatnuon. "lucky" Jupiter passing through your birth sign dAs'yikr. The key word Is "cheerful." This kta perM/*hen you are more logical, poised, forceftit, helpful, happy and humorous. But as your popularity increases, so dogs your might. Watch it! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Jupiter Is passing through a very sensitive part of your chart this year, Aquarius, but you are very resourceful when backed into a cornet or up against a wall. This year is favorable for poetry, acting, social work, research and romance. But don 7 act in haste. PISCES (Feb. I9-Mar. 20): Cycle high. Your glyph, that of the two fishes tied together and swimming in opposite directions, symbolizes the duality of your nature. There is some internal struggle this week but by last day your fish are both swimming in the same direction. valid driver's license. Michael L. Mai, 606 Waters Edge, disobeyed a stop sign. June Kosior, 2606 Baldwin, speeding, 45 mph in a 30 zone. Kenneth P. Kirk, 417 N. Front, failure to reduce speed to avoid an accident. Marlene Gurske, 814 Southside, no valid ' registration. Kathleen D. Schramm, 3407 Skyway, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. William R. Loeding, 1215 Ridge Road, no valid registration. Joe Mike Misiak, 6119 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, improper parking. Raymond A. Brandt, Jr., 4300 Shore Drive, following too closely. Philip J. Hellyer, 2713 Beachview, speeding, 48 mph in a 35 zone. Lenora R. McLedd, 5521 Sherman, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. Ethel Mary Chatham, 2602 Barreville Road, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. James A. Umbarger, Jr., 914 Laguna, failure to yield the right-of-way. Linda A. Lundelius, 34668 Nokomis, violation of child restraint law. Luther W. Dodd, 5107 East Lane, driving in the wrong lane and driving under the influence. Melvin J. Kaiser, 8506 Dorr Road, Wonder Lake, violation of child restraint law. Joseph Ed Mueller, 4418 Clearview, disobeyed a stop sign and violation of restriction. Delores J. Hoover, 117 Emerald, no valid registration. Rocky B. Palmer, 4506 N. Spring Grove Road, no valid safety test. Beatrice B. Newkirk, 810 Green St., disobeyed a stop sign. Brett R. Wojtkiewicz, 3706 Garfield, disobeyed a stop sign. , Ralph G. Ipcinski, 2425 W. Riverside Drive, no valid registration. Georgia A. McCrossin, 4709 Home Ave., disobeyed a stop sign. George W. Haegler, 2425 Alton, disobeyed a stop sign. Joseph A. Garifi, 1506 Millstream, ex pired reigstration. Guadelupe Banuelos, 2620 Michael, Wonder Lake, expired driver's license and unsafe equipment. Lester L. Bonner, 917 N. River Road, speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone. Julie Ann Noah, 1912 Orleans, improper Inna usage. Theresa J. Quist, 605 N. Hill Road, no valid, registration. Zahida Y. Virani, 4111-B Lillian St., driving too fast for conditions. t , Betty Ann F. Minor, 3714 Ellen, speeding, 56 mph in a 35 zope. Kenneth E. Radic, Jr., 205 Canterbury, reckless driving. Theresa A. Greenwood, 2805 Russett Road, no valid registration. Jose M. Esparza, 2620 Michael, Wonder Lake, disobeyed a traffic control device. Patricia Taylor Smith, 4708 N. Fox Lane, speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone. Kathy A. Vogt, 1510 N. North Ave., speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. - Thomas J. Selof, 803 Florence, speeding, 38 mph in a 25 zone. M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E M C C C A T A L O G O U T L E T S T O R E MERCHANDISE CLEARANCE CENTER 301 W. Virginia St. (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake--815-455-0333 USE CASH, VISA, M.C. or OUR PURCHASING CARD HOURS: Sun. 10-3 Mon., Tues., Sat. 9-5 Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9-8 --WHILE QUANTITIES LAST-- Have vou visited our store in Wauconda? SALE DATES FEB. 1 - FEB 7 OUR FIRST ANNUAL GROUNDHOG SALE 'DIGGIN DEEP FOR BETTER BARGAINS" MENS IN DEEP FOR BETTER B VOMENS? BOY&I GIRLS --COUPON i 70% OFF | ANY ONE | LADIES or CHILDS j COAT _AL L_ S_/^S_RNAL | OUR REG. PRICE ENERGY SAVERS 50% OFF OUR REG. PRICE WMV PAY IK1IH7 ^--SPECIAL SELECTION- STONEWARE SET PIECES 60% OFF OUR REQ. PRICE STEP STOOLS 50% OFF OUR REO. PRICE CUTTY SARK BAR LIGHT *6.25 Reg. *12.50 ALL STUFFED ANIMALS 50% OFF OUR REG. PRICE ALL CLOCKS 50% OFF OUR REG. PRICE SECTION 2 - PAGE 5 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. KEMttJAftV I. 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