••v- _ PAGE 9 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19M general yci ICI a i News Farm Bureau seminar on money management OPEN DIAL-A-RIDE SERVICE-As members of the McHenry Township Board look on, Jeffrey Ladd, in middle front, presents key for Dial-A-Ride buses to STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYIORO Supervisor Albert (Alby) Adams, right. At left is Rep. Dick Klemm, who was present as the buses officially had their start last Monday morning. Athletic program swells town relief fund 50 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of February 1, 1934). The splendid cooperation among the athletes and the sports fans of McHenry enabled the Charity Athletic Program to swell the fund of the McHenry Township Relief Fund to the extent of $65 or thereabouts. The gym was comfortably packed. Despite the handicap of the cold weather, about 250 people at tended the games. wice The basketball game between Schoewer's Amateurs and Joe's Aces wasn't all that it was ex pected to be as the Schoewer outfit, using the MAAC suits, was hot as can be, whereas Joe's team seemed to have stage fright or some similar disease. The McHenry Fire Depart ment was called to extinguish a fire in the roof of the grade school. Small damage resulted from the blaze. 40JYEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 3, 1944). Word comes to us of a recent broadcast given at Hammond General Hospital in California which should be of interest to many since it concerns a local boy stationed there. The broadcast was one of several given to acquaint the public with the many performances of the enlisted and officer personnel at the hospital and to give a brief resume of the functioning of the hospital convoys of sick and wounded ~ soldiers evacuated from overseas and brought there for immediate medical and surgical attention. Sgt. Daniel A. Justen, technician third grade, one of the enlisted men assigned to surgery, was one of those chosen to talk. "Dan" is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen of West McHenry. His talk, as it ap peared on a program concerning: the broadcast was well received. One of America's soldiers with the ground air crew is Charles Herdrich, Jr., son of the senior Charles Herdrichs of this city. He entered the service on March 30, 1942, and in this country served at LaVegas, Nev., Blythe, Calif., and the Ephrata Air Base in Washington. He is now serving somewhere in England. 25 YEARS ARO (Taken from the files of Feb. 5, 1959). McHenry is moving steadily toward providing additional water supply. Engineers presented a comprehensive report at the council meeting and were authorized to proceed with drilling of test holes. With only one source of sup ply, the City has long recognized the need for additional well and tower to provide pressure in areas now in dire need. At the annual meeting of District 6, Pure Milk Association, held at the Legion Home in McHenry, Charles Weingart of McHenry was named vice-president and Sebre Whiting, McHenry, secretary- treasuer. James Larkin, treasurer of the local 1959 March of Dimes, has announced a total of $1,400 collected to date. Since collections are not all complete, all volunteers and friends of the National Foundation are urged to turn in contributions this week. More than $1,250 was collected during the Mothers' March in spite of very inclement weather which hampered the work of the many who par ticipated in the house to house canvass. 10 YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Feb. 1, 1974). The McHenry County Board of Catholic Education and the Council of Administration of Marian Central Catholic High School, in a joint meeting, voted to merge the two bodies and restructure the board. The newly created County Board of Catholic Education will include in its membership the pastor and the parish council president of each of the 14 parishes in McHenry county. Robert C. Bartlett, dean of instruction at McHenry County College, informed the board of trustees that registration for the spring semester is slightly higher than last spring's enrollment. 7|TI| p "where fine food and drink are surrounded by ^ ** Ihe warm beauty and charm of nature" (Eountrg Squirt Hestaurant & Cnunge VALENTINE'S DAY Valentine's Day...a day that has traditionally been set aside ror lovers...this Valentine's day, show the one you love the experience of dining out...the Country Squire ex perience! Treat yourself and your lo.ved one. or family to the scenic grounds, the old mansion setting, and the fine food that has set The Country Squire far ahead from other area dining establishments. Experience good food, good wine, good times at The Country Squire! Your host*, Bill and Kris Govat 223-0121 Intersections Rout* 120 and 45, Crayslaka (Closed Monday) -sme--ire >̂ IIIMYI-IYII-HIM- II rf] niVinirniiii-riri || ifiirnrni.N...,..-. - I N GET IHE Strength is essential in any sport...the stronger athlete will win. Plus, it is proven that stronger muscles will make an athlete faster. Let strength training give you the edge to be a WINNER... IN ANY SPORT! CALL FOR A FREE INTRODUCTORY WORKOUT OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 344-2202 • 804 MILL ST. IN McHENRY EDGE... NAUTILUS HEALTH & FITNESS CENTER IN McHENRY The McHenry County Farm Bureau Women's committee is sponsoring an important and timely seminar Thursday, Feb. 9. All Farm Bureau men and women are urged to attend. There is no charge to attend. Pat Beard, chairman of the Farm Bureau Women's Com-' mittee, said the seminar is titled, "It's Your Money Make the Most of It." The program will be held at the Farm Bureau building, starting at 1 p.m. Special at tention in this money management seminar will focus on the use of trusts and retirement planning. Mrs. Beard said the seminars are designed to increasae awareness and understanding of better personal and business financing. For people ex perienced in these affairs, the course is a good refresher and reminder session, she suggested. Richard Morgan, an attorney, will talk about the practical side of establishing and using trusts. This presentation lessens the mystery about trusts, explains basic terms and through examples illustrates how most financial goals can be achieved with proper planning and the use of a trust. The second half of the program before the discussion period will focus on retirement planning. Various retirement plans will be discussed, such as Social Security, IRAs, Keoghs, HR-lOs, and employee pension plans. Mrs. Beard stressed the programs are trailored specifically for Farm Bureau members. There is no advance registration necessary to attend, but persons desiring further information are invited to call the Farm Bureau office, 338- 1520. CARS & TRUCKS WE'RE MOVING 1984 CHEVITTE THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL 1983 CITATION COUPE 2 dr. , rear defogger. a/c, sport mirrors, p.b , 2.5 l i ter luet in jec ted engine, outo, p.s . two tone point & more *6998 bra*0 HEW * 1 4 4 . 1 1 s91.42 PER MO. ONLY ONLY 1984 CAMARO 2 5 l i ter fuel in jected enqine recl in ing f ront bucket seats, fo ld down rear seot. modif ied Mc Pheorson strut suspension, p.s power f ront disc brakes, windo defogger & more *7985 5169.98 1984 CAVALIER 2 0 l i ter fuel in jected engine front wheel dr ive console power disc brakes rack and pini steer ing, recl in ing front buckets sty le steel wheels and rod , i r« JUST *6195 123.06 BRAND NEW ONLY PER MO. PER MO. ONLY mmm 1984 S-10 PICKUP WKHAVF- A RiLL LINE OF CONVERSION VANS FIVE YEAR FINANCING i ter 1-4 enginr fu l ly tyn cronued. 4 spd transmission hydrol ic c lutch, double won con struct ion $ ONLY AVA1I.ARI I PER MO IT; x JH PLENTY OF USED CARS & TRUCKS TOO! 1980 CHEVY CITATION 4 cyl am fm cassette, sunroof '2995 1981CHEVETTE 4 DR Hatchback econ 4 cyl 4 spd only 32,000 mi ^3488 1979IMPALA WAGON Auto, p.s p.b. air cond '4495 1981 CHEW CAMARO SPORT COUP! Buckets console, auto, p s. , p.b . , cassette def^^<^95 1981 DATSUN MAXIMA 810 WAGON Lqaded. 23,486 actual mi le* '8444 1911 BUICK CfNlURY 4 dr. econ V6 auto, p.s p.b. , *5988 1979 PONTIAC BOHNEVIUE loaded '4688 1982 BUICK SKYLARK 4 dr sedan, V6, auto d.s p.b . oir cond ^5495 1979 DODGE DIPLOMAT Auto, p.s. , p.b o c '3495 1982 CAPRICE 2 OR. COUPt loaded w every avai l opt ion tu tone. 38 000 mi ^8288 WE OFFER TOP TRADE IN ALLOWANCES! 1980 DATSUN PICKUP 4 cyl . 4 spd •> '2995 A COMPLETE LINE OE USED TRUCKS 1981 510 PICKUP 1980 DATSUN PICKUP 1981 GMC 1500 PICKUP 1980 JEEP CHFROKEE 1983 SUBURBAN ' . ION 1980 CHEVY LUV TRUCK 6995 *2995 *6995 6495 SAVE *4000 *4495 gafĵ afS 908 N. FRONT ST. (S. RT. 31) McHENRY 385-2100 MCHENRY HOURS: AA-TH 9-9, FRI 9-6, SAT 9-5 BACKLOT SPECIALS 1978 PONTIAC PHOENIX *1995 1975 FORD PICKUP *995 1971 C IO FLEETSIDE PICKUP '1995 1976 FORD PINTO '1295 1976 MERCURY MONARCH '595 1975 FORD GRANADA '1295 1977 FORD PINTO '1250 1978 FORD FAIRMONT '1995 1971 AMC JAVELIN '695