32 1984 Tax Preparation Guide •SPECIALISTS IN* -A-Team Uniforms • Athletic Footwear • Athletic Apparel • Custom Lettering Order your softball uniforms early and $AVEU AfMefes f- Motion lik 234 Main St. •aa«-fiQfi(UWnnri»tnrlc USE YOUR TAX REFUND TO SAVE MONEY A ENERGYI FIBERGLAS IN THE WINTER GAME SUPER SAVINGS NOW PLUS FREE OFFER --FREE ESTIMATES-- Install Owens-Corning Pink Fiberglas® Insulation FREE! OFFICIAL '84 OLYMPIC TRAINING SHOES SV CONVERSE WHEN YOU BUY 10 OR MORE ROLLS OF PINK FIBERGLAS INSULATION A '24 95 VALUE f~ OUR EXPERIENCE MAKES YOUR JOB EASIER Holl & Eckert LUMDER 2IMI I ludd Mini bloW v»*l <•1 I h i Squrtr i I \ our IN TOW \ I imilvr Kir,I Fraa Dallvary .US OIKS M.m iii r * Sal 7 .1: Otfer ends February 26. 1984 Saa participating daalar tor comptata datalla CRYSTAL LAKE IMPORTS (ofvjo^ FACTORY AUTHORIZED TOYOTA Ti AND VW OUTLET! © 1984 TOYOTA'S & VOLKSWAGENS READY FOR IMMEDIATE DDELIVERY <00 .̂ TOYOTA PICKUPS BLIZZARD PRICES NOW IN EFFECT TO HELP YOU " PLOW "THRU WINTER IN EASE! r $4995* "Excludes, Fright, Prep, License,Taxes 1984 RABBIT SPARMEISTER FRONT WHEEL DRIVE EPA CITY 47 BASE PRICE *6300 CRYSTAL LAKE IMPORTS 5417 No r thwes t Hwy . (RT 14 ) CRYSTAL LAKE IL 815-459-7100 • LEASING AVAILABLE • WE SERVICE IMPORTS OPEN 9 AM 9 PM Mon thru Thurs 9 am - 6 pm Fri 9 am 6 pm Sat To get refund, file a return Filing a tax return may be a good idea even if you are not required to do so, the Internal Revenue Service says. Many low-income workers like students, retirees, and part-time em ployees are entitled to receive a full refund of the Federal income taxes withheld during the year but they must file a return to get it. Check your W-2, Wages and Tax Statement, to see if any federal in come tax was withheld. If any was withheld and you have no tax liabil ity filing a return is the only way to recover the money. If you expect to have no tax liabil ity again in 1984 and your income will be below the amount required to file a return, you can avoid having to file a tax return, you can avoid hav ing to file a tax return to recover your tax withheld by giving your em ployer a new form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, claiming exemption from withhold ing only if you had no income tax lia bility in 1983 and you expect to have no income tax liability in 1984. Ho wever, if you are eligible for the Earned Income Credit, you must still file a tax return to receive your credit. You must file a return if your are: 1. single, under age 65, and have gross income of $3,300 or more, OR 2. single, 65 or older, and have gross income of $4,300 or more, OR 3. married, both under 65, filing jointly, and have gross income of $5,400 or more OR 4. married, one 65 or older, filing jointly, and have gross income of $6,400 or more OR 5. married, both 65, or older, filing jointly, and have gross income of $7,400 or more, OR 6. married filing a separate return, and have gross income of $1,000 or more, OR 7. a surviving spouse (qualifying wi dow (er) with dependent child), under 65 and have gross income of $4,400 or more,OR 8. a surviving spouse, 65 or older, and have gross income of $5,400 or more. In addition, you will have to file a re turn under certain other circum stances. For example, a retrun is required if you owe Social Security tax on, tips, received advanced earned in come credit payments, or have at least $400 in net earnings from self- employment. Also if you can be claimed as a dependent on your pa rents' return, and have taxable divi dends, interest or other unearned in come of $1,000 or more, you must file a return. Use labels, envelopes to avoid delays Many simple errors, that can cause weeks of delay in the processing of fedral income tax returns could be avoided if taxpayers used the labels and envelopes that accompany their tax packages, the Interal Revenue Service says. The peel-off label, which contains the tax payers name, address and Social Sercurity number is designed to expedite processing at IRS service centers and prevent common errors that can delay issuance of refund checks. A common misconception is that using the peel-off address label will trigger an audit. Actually, the coding on the label identifies the taxpayer and the kind of forms contained in his or her tax package. It does not in any way indicate that the return should hp audited. One of the common and yet most troublesome errors that can be averted by use of the label is the list ing of an incorrect or illegeble Social Security number. Such an error can take weeks or even months to cor rect, according to the IRS and is one of the major causes of delayed re fund checks. The IRS aadvises taxpayers to use the label, even if corrections are ne cessary. If such is the case--due to a change of address, for example--the correction should be made directly on the label. Errors can also be adverted if tax payers use the specail pre-addressed envelope which speeds sorting of tax returns during the annual deluge of mail that arrives at the ten IRS ser vice centers. PRP unsnarls tax problems Taxpayers who meet delays or red tape in solving their federal tax pro blems can get help from the Internal Revenue Service Problem Resolution Program (PRP) office, the IRS said. . Every IRS district has a PRP of fice to help taxpayers who have al ready had unsuccessful contacts with the IRS. People in the PRP of fice have the authority to cut through the red tape to handle pro blems promptly. The taxpayer deals with one person and is kept informed of the case's progress according to the IRS. The most common problems brought to the PRP office are com plaints about missing refunds, mixed up Social Security numbers incorrect billings by the IRS or mistakes by the taxnavers. Most calls and con tacts are handled successfully through normal channels. In 1982 for example PRP handled over 250,000 taxpayers complaints, according to the IRS a small percentage of the 47 million telephone calls and other contacts with taxpayers. Problem Resolution should not be used as s substitute for normal pro cedures, the IRS said, because al most all problems can be resolved before they reach PRP. PRP cannot be used to appeal the decicions of an audit, but the taxpayers with a per sistent tax problem will find PRP willing and able to help, the IRS stressed. Taxpayers can contact PRP by calling the IRS assistance number for Problem Resolutions.