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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Mar 1984, p. 12

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PAGE 12 -PLAINDEALER- FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 19*4 72 Real Estate For Sale 73 Condos. 78 Wanted To Rent SILVER LAKE Cary Sub'd., 3 twdrm. raised ranch, family room w/flreplace, lVa baths, fenced yard. New deck, c/alr. Must see. 5 yrs. old. Call for appt. 312/639 W3. SUPER TERMS by owner. Bl- level, 3 or 4 bdrms., T/a baths, finished fam. rm., & larje rm. add., w/fenced yard, assum. mort. or poss. contract sale, 10.5% w/f3,9Q0 down, $54,900, 312/544-2583 or S15/495-9127. $1000 DOWN No closing costs McHenry. 2 bdrm., ranch. $310 P&l, 12VJ% fixed, 30 yrs., $30,000 Lasko Realty, 312/428 2223 ARE YOU INTERESTED in selling? Baird Warner, St. Charles, Is interested in expan­ ding our Spring invent rural properties. Please call us for a FRtE market appraisal Barbara Weller, Baird Warner, St. Charles. 312/377 1S55 $4000 DOWN No Closing Costs Woodstock. 9 rm. raised ranch. 5 bdrms., 3 baths., 2 car garage. Located on over 1 acre $844. P&l, 12Vj% fixed, 30 yrs. $83,000. Lasko Realty, 312/428 2^3 WOODSTOCK, English Tudor, new. 3 Ig. bdrms., 2 baths, 2 car gar., fireplace. Owner moving. $65,000.815/338-0163 CARPENTERSVILLE, 3 bdrm., new bath, fam. room, 2 car gar., move in cond., By Owner, 312/428-3765 CARY- BRICADOOW, trl level on V» acre, 3-4 bdrms., IVj baths, aft. gar., C/A, extras, walk to everything, $79,500. 312/639 5248. CRYSTAL LAKE, for sale or rent. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home w/frplce. In bsmt., com­ pletely redecorated. No credit check or doting costs needed for purchase, lmmed. occu. Call 815/455-5591. CRYSTAL LAKE, Coventry Section, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, plus large family room w/fireplace. Move In cond. $73,500. 815/459 2329 CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner. 2 bdrm. ranch, city sewer & water, $39,700. Call 815/455- 4629. WONDE-RLAKE. Newly remodeled cozy home, 1 block from Lake on 2 lots. New heat, Septic, carpeting and more. Ap­ pliances Included. $38,000. Days, 312/671-3550, Eves. 312/736-1005. •Y OWNER, McHenry, 10 lots, 25 X 100, plus 3 bedrm. home. Moving, Must Sell. $40,000 ALL. 815/385-8691. 433 PLEASANT can be yours! Adjustable financing is possi ble with owner help. 815/338- 2358 or 338 1523. RY, ai tion. 7 yr. old brick & cedar, 2 story. 4 bdrm., 3 baths, fam. rm., frplce., bsmt., att. gar., & fenced in yard, $74,500, 815/385- 3891. • ALGONQUIN FOX RIVERFRONT By owner. All amenities incl. heated pool, satellite TV & more. $179,000.312/658-7018. CRYSTAL LAKE Shenandoah Estates. Builders spec. 4 bdrm., 3Va bath, cedar siding, oak trim. Nice setting. $124,500. 815/459-0260. WISCONSIN Vacation Home, 2 bedrm, for sale, $20,000. 815/653-7388 after 5pm. WOOOSTOCK, 6 room house, 3 bdrms., full dry basement, nicely decorated, fenced yard. 24 x 30 gar., good location, Nor­ th wood School area., $60,900. For information, phone: 815/338-4585 after 5 p.m. Con tract possible. REPOSSESSED HOMES, all counties. $1000 down. 12Vj%/30 ||TV Sutton Realty. 312/625- MARENGO, two, 2 bdrm. houses, 3 to 18 acres, 100 ft. barn, silo, shed, 312/640-8810. , FREE Home Market Analysis. List with CHRIS. ERA RDG, 815/385-9394. WOODSTOCK, 2 yr. old 2 story duplex, 1-2 bdrm. and 1-3 bdrm, bath 8i '/j each. Nicely decorated & landscaped, 2 car attached garage. $110,000. Will divide, $55,000 each. For In­ formation, phone: 815/338-4585 , after 5 pm. 83 Stores, Offices. Industrial To Rent Be a part of thriving Old Volo Village with your own shop or shops. Large or small, you are welcome! 250 to 750 sq. ft. Ideal for antiques, arts & crafts, coins, books, nos­ talgia and the like in this uniqu* "plact" In "flint". 16 old time country acrts of Amoricanna. Join the Country Storo Mlorlot, offering the finest, authentic reproduction in designer custom country and traditional home furnishings. Iho ©Ht Shop with unique and nostalgic selections. Famous Namo Homo Furnishings Showrooms. The largest, nostalgic classic and antique auto marlcot placo under roof. Over 100 autos. Sportscar Storo coming, too. All Idoally located between Long Grove and Rich­ mond. For appointment call Marilyn or Bill Grams. 815-385-3896. Real EstaU 72 For Sale LUMBER 04 Tbo*»sa -Z&M&A Dreaming About A New Home... Or Vacation Retreat? • \ -- -- BREAKWATER Two Story Rustic STOP DREAMING & START BUILDING TODAY! 22 Homes To Fit Your Budget From *4,900°° to $12,000°° For The Shell Package SHELL PACKAGE INCLUDES: All the materials you need.from the M«u k pl.ite through thr roof shingles, including windows, doors. „ hiqh K Value exterior sL'athmg. to get your 84 Home under lock <ind key r ] I Ftr lu . color 40 page catileq moil S3 00 check or monty order lo I I /jftHomes Dtp) H 29 W 384 N Aurora Naperville III 60540 Lot Owned? 84 Lumber Nearest You?. Mame Phone No I I'IMII PINT | I I Address. I City I State. Zip WOODSTOCK- By Owner. Country Living In exc. city location! Lg. 3 bdrm. codar i brick tri-levol, 2Vj baths, Ig. (am. rm. & rear dock, 2V» car att. gar., Ig. landscaped yard. Transfarrad- Must Sail) Fan­ tastic Below Market Prlct- J list |7?,9001 Call 8I5/338-M49. McHENRY, w Owner. Great location near schools, town t churches. Alum, sided, full bsmt., IV* car garage, new fuel efficient furnace. Located across from park at 906 North Canter. $52,000. Call 815/385- 18 for appointment. • OUR CUSTOMERS Can't be Wrong 10 Yrs. Experience In Repos'! Cook, Lake, McHenry 8i others. (500 down, 12V»% Int., 30 yrs. No Hidden Costs Sutton Realty 312/625-0800 • CRYSTAL LAKE (Coventry) 2400 sq. ft., Homestead, recent­ ly upgraded, 4 bdrm., plus den, 2 baths, Ig. family room, 2 + car gar., cent, air, fenced yard, $79,900. Principals only, 815/455-2515. CARY, charming 1 bdrm. home on wooded lot. Liv. rm., 12 x 20, fam. rm., 15 x 15; din. rm., 9 x 11%; step saving kit., w/ cabinets galore, attached over­ sized heated gar., close to trains, rights to Fox River, $49,000,312/639-3596. MCHENRY 4 year old 3 bdrm. custom built home with wood burning stove. Heat bills av. $15/month! Cathedral ceilings In liv. rm., din. rm., kit. Breakfast bar, oak cabinets. Alum, sided: $52,500. 815/385- 1671. MCHENRY 3 bdrm., full bsmt., 2Vj car garage, 1 acre in town. Immediate occup. By owner. No brokers. 815/385-2388. LAKE IN THE HILLS, 4 bdrms., 2 baths, fam. rm. w/frplce., 2 car gar., Crystal Lake Schools. $8,000 to assume, 11%% interest, no closing cost. Call312/65I7>I0. ALGONQUIN By owner. Gaslight Terrace North. Newer 3 bdrm. all brick ranch. 2 baths, full bsmt., see thru fireplace, 1st floor laundry. Nicely decorated, on % acre lot. Asking $114,900. 312/658- 6769. JOHNSBURG This lovely ranch is {ust what the newlyweds ordered. 2 bdrm., 1% oath, enclosed sunporch, fireplace, 2 car garage: $63,900. Call Roye, Century 21 CARE 815/385-8821. HERE'S THE charm of yester­ day in secluded, wooded privacy. See this lovely remodeled 3 bdrm., 2 bath farm home today. 4 plus acres & 2 plus car oarage: $129,000. Call Roye, Century 21 CARE 815/385-8821. • McHENRY AREA, By Owner. Cute 2 bdrm. home, fam. rm., wood stove, washer/dryer, 1% car garage. $40,000. 815/344- 1889. MCHENRY New 2 (3) bdrm. ranch $495/mo., $1984 down, 9ft%, 815/385-0169 • CRYSTAL LAKE, By Owner. Low maint., warm & cozy, 2 bdrm., 2 baths, frplce., bsmt., 1% car gar., completely renovated, % block from lake, near schools, cathedral ceilings w/skvlight in liv rm., Ig. closets In master bdrm., many extras. Must Sell- Asking $59,900.815/459-5145. CRYSTAL LAKE, Edgebrook Country Club addition. New 4 bdrm., 2 story, 2V? baths, bsmt., 2 frplces., 9.9% guaranteed 5 yrs., 30 yr. ARM at 11.5%, $149,800. Call 312/823- 4330 or 312/825-6318. 86 Automobiles For Sale GENOA, 2 story older home remodeled, 4 bdrms., 1% baths, full bsmt., 1% car gar. w/large storage area on corner lot. $53,000,815/385-1048 after 6 pm. CARY, for sale by owner 2 bdrm. ranch w/famlly room, In town convenience. Call for ap- polntment, 312/639-6338. MCHENRY, low down pay­ ment, assumable, 2 bdrm, alluminum sided ranch, on lake, much new, $46,000, 815/344-0771. 73 Condos. CRYSTAL LAKE, Somerset- By Owner. First floor, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, new deluxe carpet, newly redecorated, all appliances, $41,500. (al 815/459-4615. • CRYSTAL LAKE, Colony Square. Prime location, w/ap- prox., 1800 sq. ft. living area. Tastefully decorated in earth tones, 2 bdrm., 2 bath up, w/open stair down to finished family, game, laundry 8i storage room, move In condi­ tion. C/A, kit. appl. incl. $62,900. Call 815/459-0492. CRYSTAL LAKfc, colony Square, 2nd. floor facing Golf Course Rd., 2 bdrms., 1 bath, walk-in closet, liv. rm:, kit. w/all applia. & serving counter to din. rm., util. rm., patio, en­ try closet, neutral decor, C/A, $47,500.815/455-3484 or 459-0391. CRYSTAL LAKE Colony Square. Desirable ground floor ation. Approx. 1800 sq. ft. ig area. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, full bsmt., cent, air, stove, refrlg., dishwasher, disposal. Upgrad­ ed features. $59,900. 815/455- 4815. COCOA BEACH Florida, Spacious 2 Bedrm. 2 bath Con- do, ocean front. Beautiful place to live or good tax shelter. $97,500. Call: 815/338-3344 days or 815/338-3179 eves. Ask for Craig. COLONY SQUARE, twobdrm^, two baths, partially finished basement, appliances, newly decorated, $57,700, 815/455- 2913. By appointment. 74 Townhomes BRIGHT OAKS Cary, 3 bdrm., 1% baths, att. gar., central air, Irg. wood deck, approx. 1300 sq. ft., $59,500.312/639-7705. 75 Lots& Acreage BULL VALLEY, 3 8. 6 acre sites w/utlls., $29,500 8i up, exc. terms. 815/439-7768. WOOOSTOCK AREA 5 acres with orchard. By owner. 815/455-5918 LAKEWOOD Bonnie Lake Estates, adj. to Turnberry. to acre lots, with all util., 10% down&0% fin. 312/296-4114. CHOICE % ACRE lots In Crystal Lake Estates, some wooded. For sale or will build. Terms avail. 312/275-0733. LAKE CARROLL Lot with full lake view, $15,000 cash or con- tract. 815/443-2344 evenings. CHOICE 1 ACRE, In area of new homes. Exc. building Site. Call 815/338-0198. CRYSTAL LAKE, area, 2 bdrm. house or apt., $300-$400 mo. starting In April. 815/337- 0038 after 5:30. MARRIED COUPLE wants to rent 2 bdrm. home or apt. in Crystal Lake/Cary area, star- tlng April 1st, 81S/459-7677. RETIRED COUPLE needs clean, turn. apt. or home for month of May only. 312/428 8387. WANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 Bedrm. home In Bright Oaks for responsible family of four. Needed immediately. C#ll: 815/459-1642. COUPLE WANTS to rent, or option to buy, 2 bdrm. house. Sm. dog, 815/385 7405. 80 Apartments To Rent WONDER LAKE, wooded lot, 80' x 150', best offer, 815/728- 1965. 76 Mobile Homes CRYSTAL LAKE, Royal Oaks Mobile Home Comm. offers new homes on site completely turn., from $13,250. No pets. Adult Comm., 815/455-6600. HOUSE TRAILER 12 x 60 with extending living room, 8 x 10. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, stove & refrig. Fully carpeted. $5500./best of­ fer. 815/338-7516. Downtown McHenry 4 room apartment-utilities and garbage included. $325.00 per month. Referen­ ces. Phone: 385-1066 Days 385-4287 Evenings 83 Stores, Offices Industrial To Rent SKYLINE, 1982, 14 X 60, 2 bdrms., like new, nice lot, adult community, $16,000/firm. Call 815/455-2637. Business Space For Rent Green Street frontage. Approximately 450 sq. i ft. Approximate occupancy mid-March to April 1st. All utilties included in rent. Present alarm system to the Police Dept. also for sale. Aifton- ' ditioned, carpeted, thermo-pane window. CALL 385-6070 CHEAP STRIPPED TRUCK foe $4999??JI KING WHY NOT BUY A BEAUTIFUL NEW fir/ WITH A BALANCE OF AND 5622 CAB Nissan King Cab Shown with optional XE Package APR FINANCING YOUR MONTHLY PAYMENT *139 BALANCE TO BE FINANCED AFTER DOWN PAYMENT OF IIOOO CASH OR TRADE 48 MONTHS ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 8 8% TOP 769166 EXCLUDES TAX LICENCE I TITLE ADD FOR FREIGHT T 'WEAREDRIVENl DATSUN S a 1 0 S H o y s WEAREDRIVENl DATSUN S e r v i c e P a r t s H o u r s 136 NW Hwy(Rt . 14) BARRINGTON O o : : I O C ' C < R ' y v 312)381-7991 [ 1982 DATSUN i SENTRA, 4dr., Auto V P.S., A/C AM-FM Stereo *6178" Vain Priced! 1981 DATSUN MAXIMA 4 dr., Auto Power Roof LOADED $7975°° 1981 TOYOTA TERCELL 4dr„ 5 spd. AM-FM Stereo, Rear Def. *4475°° Extra Clean! 1981 HORIZON 4Dr. 4 spd., Rear Def. AM-FM., Sport Stripes *4175°° Great Family Car! PRE-0RIVEN VALUES 1982 DATSUN SENTRA 2 dr., 5 spd AM-FM Stereo Tape 1980 DATSUN 510 2 dr., 5 spd A/C AM-FM Stereo *5075°° Incredible Valee! '4075°° Extra Clean! Priced Right! L FREE 12 month 12,000 Mile Warranty on all Advertised used cars 1980 ARROW 2 dr., H.B.,5 A/C SunroofrAMFM $«75°° y Priced Sports Car! 1978 DATSUN B 210 H.B 5 spd A/C AM Radio 40,000 certified miles *3075°° M"st SmI 1979 DATSUN B 210, 4dr., 5 spd., A/C, AM-FM Cloth Interior *2975" Priced Te Sell! 1978 RENAULT LE CAR 2dr, 5 spd A/C AM-FM Stereo *1675°° Prjcedj^UL TRUCKLOADS OF NEW DATSUNS ARRIVING DAILY!

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