SECTION 2 - PAGE 1 - PI.AINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14, 1984 Frequency of fatal traffic accidents rises at night Statistics indicate that fatal traffic accidents occur three times more frequently at night then during the day. According to the National Safety Council, the most per sistent problem of night driving is overdriving headlights. You should be able to stop within the distance you can see ahead with your tights. When you look down the road, however, don't look only as far as your headlights shine brightly on the pavement. Look farther ahead into the area faintly illuminated. This may allow you to pick up the faint glow of a distant headlight or other movement that will alert you to a possible hazard. Slow when meeting another vehicle or when nearing a curve, and increase following distance at night. Dim your headlights when an oncoming vehicle is 500 feet away, and when you are 300 feet (the length of a football field) from a vehicle you are following. Stay alert and avoid drowsiness ' by stopping frequently for fresh air and coffee. You can lower your windows while driving, but if you finds yourself falling asleep, get off the road. Never stop on the road at night. In an emergency, such as a flat tire, pull as far off the road as possible. Carry an illuminated or reflective device, such as a flare or^ reflecting triangle, to warn approaching traffic. One warning device should be at least 300 feet behind and another near the stopped vehicle. CONSERVATION The next regular meeting of the board of trustees of the McHenry County Conservation District will be held in the district office at 6512 Harts Road, Ringwood, at 7 p.m. March 15. News Regner attends road meeting Police tickets' "It was time well spent", said John Regner, McHenry Township road commissioner, of the two days he recently spent at the ..University of Illinois Campus at Urbana-Champaign. The occasion was the seventieth annual Transportation and Highway Engineering Con- ference. sponsored jointly by the University, the Illinois Department of Transportation, and other Illinois public service associations. As secretary of the McHenry County Road Commissioners Association, Regner said he would help to pass on knowledge gained to other county road commissioners. The City of McHenry Police Department has issued the following citations. Michael P. Lewis, 7125 Barnard Mill Road , Wonder Lake, speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. Russe l l M. Win te r , 4710 Wi l l i am S t . , speeding, 41 mph in a 25 zone. Dennis E. Norton, Jr., 5210 West St.,. speeding, 39 mph in a 25 zone. Constance E. Nelson, 5310 Malibu Court, speeding, 58 mph in a 35 zone. Emil J. Zmudka, n, 5203 Home Ave., speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone. Kr i s t ina M. Bohen , 5320 Highland, speeding, 45 mph in a 30 zone. Paul C. Smith, 3605 Stubby, no va l id d r ive r ' s license. Gregory Neubauer, 3020 W. Victoria, speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone. Patrick Joseph Speciale, 3805 Main St., speeding, 46 mph in a 30 zone. Robert F. Zmich, 4503 P ra i r i e , speeding, 39 ntflh in 6 25 zone. James W. Fouts, 4500 Pa rkway , driving with a suspended license. Wi l l i am S . Walke r , 3021 Crescent, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone and open liquor. Edward P . Kennedy, 3106 Crescen t , open liquor in a motor vehicle. Thomas P. Bock- man, 5118 Home Ave., disobeyed a t r a f f i c con t ro l device. Nancy L. Klein, 5002 Hampshire, speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. M a r y K a y LiChard, 7716 Bever ly Way , Spr ing Grove , speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. L u a n n M . Rudo lph , 2209 Johnsburg Road, disobeyed a stop sign. Brian J. Conant, 4408 Poplar Leaf, disobeyed a traffic control device. Patrick C. Hiller, 2102 R ive r s ide Drive, driving too fast for conditions. Roy W. Giles, 508 Wate r s Edge , failure to yield the right-of-way. E i l e e n A . Paulsen, 3010 Linco ln Road , improper l ane usage. Roseanna M. Strojny, 2000 Oak, failure to yield the right-of-way. Pamela E. Bach, 809 R ingwood , speeding, 40 mph in a 25 zone. AlysonA. Hanson, 905 P lymouth , speeding, 50 mph in a 35 zone. Maria A. Heiser, 3613 James St., speeding, 43 mph in a 30 zone. 4 CO 1 o§!*i« ' mo l t s* sun E 2 S 2 *50* f&Z I kj? r a i l i 1 2 w ** = S • a- • V fN S i f •u i - • »-- I O yj Qg O !:> w < it w» o \ UL S