Reach for Tomorrow...and Bevond Is it possible to reach "beyorul tomonou The leadershif> of Northern Illinois Medical Center and its corporate affiliate, McHenry Healthcare Foundation, believe it is not only possible, but essential to the hospital's ongoing quest to deliver quality health care in con junction with the rapid advances in medical technology. The steady [youth experienced by the hospital matched the' over whelming population grinnh of northern Illinois in thi,' past twenty-five years. Almost from its first day of existence, MiHifin Hos pital recognized an urgent need to keep pace arul to be ready f(n growth and change. Because a health care trrganization must always be forward-looking, we called our capital fund drive to benefit the runt Medical CLTIUr "Reach for Tomorrow." In Phase 1 of this effort, we shared the long- range goals and objectives of Northern Illinois Medical Center with you. We told you about the hospital's history, and stressed its solid commitment to serving the needs of the many communities in its patient service area. And we raised $1.2 million of our $1.6 million goal. Eien in difficult economic times, enough people realized the lasting value and importance of ensuring the' hospital's growth, and helped make "Reach for Tomorrcm " successful in its ojienmg phase. Since that time, however, plans for the regional medical center have expanded even further. Instead of opening with the origiruil plan of 1Ho beds, we will open with 195 beds. The additumal fifteen beds comprise the only comprehensive physical rehabilitation unit in Kane, Lake, and McHenry counties. A full-body CT scanner also will be ready to serve the medical imaging needs of our patient service area. Costs in health care are escalating daily, both to the provider as well as to the patient. In the' List ten years, the two main reasons for these rising costs are general inflation, and the astonishing advances in medical technology. Man\ of the' diagnostic and treatment procedures considered staruJard in a progressive health care facility to day did not even exist five years ago! In a serious effort to amsmc mono; to obtain needed equipment at the best prices, and to eliminate any unnecessary expenses, the neu regional medical center will be completed and occupied three months ahead of schedule! This alone' is a major cost reduction, but it is not enough to establish neu services and to underwrite the purchase of state-of-the-art equi/yment that can cost hundreds of thouseinds of dollars'. So, we need your help to make Phase II of "Reach for To morrcm" as successful as Phase I. Mae Stinesprin^, Chairperson of the McHenry Healthcare Foundation hoard of directors, discusses plans tor Phase II with Paul Laudick, vice-president of corporate development tor Northern Illinois Medical Center. Mr. Laudick is director of tin "Reach for Tomorrow" capital fund drive. Phase II will reach into Cnsuil luike, Fox luike, Algtmqum, McHenrv, Richmond, and the towns iind ullages that make up the surr/runding areas. \XV uunt to share Phase II with each of you, because your health aire future is pan of the hospital's heritage as a leader in medicine, wellness, and tinertjeno' care for the people of th region. Rcaehing goals, reusing mono, prtn iding ceiring, c/rmpassumatc. skilled care in a cost-effective manner: these are not eas\ tasks, Intt they are uorth\ of our most imtsumding efforts. It uas the renruirkeibL Abigail A Jams, wife of President lohn AeLirns, who said, "These in the times in uhich a genius uould uish to Inc. It is not 01 the still calm of life . . . that threat cluillenges are formed . . . (heat necessitu call out great virtues." When the ?kii Northern Illinois Medical Center opens in June tin year, ue will heivc met a great challenge together in Phase II. W'e ay that you cail out your greatest 1 irtues, arul Iwomc part of a medical center ele'elicatcd to the touil health and well-being of you and the people you line. There is no more lasting gift to be giten. Thank noU for \our consieLrati<m anel /or airing. Nora C. O'Malley, FACHA Paul F. Laudick Mae M. Stinespriny President Vice-president tor Chairperson (Corporate Development Board ot Directors, ,7 McHenrv Healthcare Found.1 I