3/it% 24 oz, each •nBw reg. 4.49 Ortho ready-to-use sprays. Kleen Up weed and grass killer, Weed-B-Gon weed killer, Rose and Flower insect killer and more. X ORTHO 5.99 Quart, reg. 7.99 Ortho Weed-B-Gon helps control plantain, , dandelions and more. #6155806. $2 mail-in rebate, final cost, 3.99 15.99 ^99 V/2 gallon sprayer with non corrosive polyethylene tank. 1 gallon operating capacity. Brass nozzle, wand. 48" hose #6203206. Reg. 1.99 pair 1/2 price. Garden gloves for men, women. Made of cotton and stretch vinyl blends. Lots of styles. One size fits all. 5QQ Each, • ww reg. 7.99 Garden tools. Your choice of hoe, rake with curved teeth or long handled shovel. Made of steel with ash wood handles. Tomato tower helps to grow healthy, productive plants and to prevent ground rot. Galvanized steel. #3488002. ALLPURPOSE POTTING SOIL 20 lb bag, • reg. 2.49 Hyponex potting soil. All purpose, #6892006. $1 mail-in rebate avail, when you buy 2 bags, final cost, .75 bag 7.99 Reg. 10.99 Reinforced vinyl hose. %"x50' flexible hose resists bursting up to 350 lbs psi. Easy to coil, store. #0504004. 50 LBS. 2.99 50 lb bag- White landscaping rock is a decorative ground cover for shrubs, plants, evergreens. Helps control weeds, more. #6126103. 19.99 Garden wheelbarrow 3 cu.ft. and 100 lb load capacity. Heavy duty seamless steel tray. Unassembled. #1106005.