SECTION 2 . PAGE 4 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. APRIL »• 1»84 general News Bad dust storm makes driving hazardous FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 26, 1934) McHenry was in the path . . # McHenry was in the path at Consider art pieces for Mother s Dayto r . . .j years which swept out of the and Father's Day office on the lower level of the - . - college's Main Hall Building. Mother's „ are fast approaching. Take care of the perennial problem of what to choose at the annual McHenry County College Student Art Sale to be held from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 25 in the hallway outside the counseling A variety of art mediums will be represented in the works the students are selling. Browsers may choose from oils, acrylics, drawings, watercolors, photographs and pottery. The Rick Saucedo Show "Voted the Best Rock & Roll Show in the Country" by Rolling Stone - northwest. The tiny dust par ticles, practically invisible in themselves, dimmed the sun, making the atmosphere appear hazy and gave the sky a reddish tinge. Motorists driving from the west said they were forced to drive with their lights during the dav. The city council, at its annual meeting, hired John Wirtr, chief of police, at a monthly salary of $110; M.M. Niesen, superin tendent of water works .and sewers, $50 per month; W.C. Feltz, caretaker of streets, alleys and sewers, $100 per month; Ed Mischke, night police, $01 per month; William Bidder, fire marshal, $100 per year; James Perkins, assistant fire marshal, $50 per year, and three firetruck drivers, $200 per year. imUIMilUK . rillMHIt . IWH "AS SEEN ON" Dick Clark Phil Donahue Show A.M. Chicago ABC. 20/20 "AS FEATURED IN" New York Pott La* Vega* Sun National --Enquirer Billboard Magazine People Magailne STAR OF BROADWAYS "ELVIS THE LEGEND LIVES ON* PLUS • * • PLUS * • • PLUS FEATURING The Amazing Keith Grant One of the mo«t energetic and crowd motivating entertainers in the nation They'll have you dancln' the night away as sure aa Sock N Roll ia here to stay - with music o! the 50's and 60's and NOW APPEARING Friday, April 27th 2 NIGHTS ONLY Saturday, April 28th UM I N A W A S C I 17 50 »Is* 1 * 2 COMPLETE SHOWS FOflt THE PRICE OF ONE "Early Ctvto" and "Ehrta In Laa Vagaa" SHOW STARTS AT •: 10 P.M. SEVEN ACRES ANTIQUE VILLAGE SSia S. UNION • UNION. ILLINOIS FOi inn cm <tl» 112 2214 COME IAAIY AN0 TMf AOVASTAU Of OUt HAPPY HOUff FROM 7 MM 4} SA<> 230 VIRGINIA Aft. IT. 14 • CRYSTAL LAKE ̂DESJ ̂ (BETWEEN JEWEL IZAYRE) CALL 815-455-5140 Appointments preferred. But Not Necessary SEMI ANNUAL PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL $10°° OFF AU PERMS REG. *35" t UP HOURS: IKS-TIMS. MM:H WED-FII.MWJI SAT. 8:00-5:00 GREAT STYLES FOR DOTH MEH AND W0MEH! HOOD APRIL 3rd thru 28th It was decided to start raising the curbs and gutters throughout the tity at once and that those on relief and having trouble in paying water bills should be the first taken on. A quick shootin banker, a swarm of vigilantes and a barrage of lead garden tools sent three bandits tracking after an attempt to rob the bank at Round Lake. Two men entered the bank and asked E.C. Weber, bank president, for a job. Then MKfrfonly one announced: "This is a stick-up.M "The hell it is." said Weber and reached for his gun. Two bullets from the sentry at the door hit the bullet-proof gia« surrounding his cage as he reached for the opening and V* s wice fired back three times. The robbers fled. A bullet hit one robber as he ran for refuge towards a lumber yard and his progress was stopped as he was hit over the head with a rake by a citizen working in his garage. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 27, 1944) A few changes have been made in the food rationing program during the past week. Fats and cooking oils have been removed from the list of rationed foods for the present. This does not affect the rationing of butter and margerine. Word is received from John S. Meyers, Jr. in the service. He reports that he is in New Guinea, and has been spending some leisure moments trading with the natives. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 28, 1956) Harry Davis of Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, social welfare public relations executive, has been appointed to the newly created position of pihUf relations director of the Illinois Hospital association, Chicago. Memorial Hospital in Woodstock and McHenry Hospital are member in stitutions of the association. Only a week remains before voters in the McHenry Fire Protection district go to the polls to express themselves on the proposed River Valley Park district and also to elect five park board commissioners. Much time has been spent and study made by those most in terested in the formation of a park district in McHenry. They feel that with the increasing population and the fact that desirable land is becoming less easy to obtain, action should be taken at this time to establish a district, even though a detailed park program may not be for thcoming for some time in the future. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of April 19, 1974) At the April educational meeting of the District 15 school board members received rough drafts of the Bilingual Bicultural program which should be inaugurated soon. A copy has been sent to the office of Bilingual Bicultural education in Mount Prospect for study and changes. The first two phases of the program have been ac cepted, including organization and funding for materials. The district now must await an evaluation of the grant proposal which administrators hope will be sufficient for two instructors and (me aide. HOMEOWNERS of CRYSTAL LAKE MAYFAIR CARPETS Because of your overwhelming response to our Pre-Grand Opening Sale, cel ebrating our brand new Crystal Lake store, we are pleased to ex!end the super- saver sale two more weeks. R Egg hunt at Lambs An Easter egg hunt featuring prizes for children, will highlight The Lambs' annual Easter weekend festivities, April 21 and 22. The Easter egg hunt will be held Saturday, April 21 at 3 p.m. at The Lambs, Junction 1-94 and Route 176 in Libertyville. There Is no charge to enter the contest, which features more than 2,000 eggs each with a surprise inside. Three separate races will be held for children of different age groups through age 11. April 21 through April 27 PROFESSIONAL SALES & SERVICE Sales people with the ex pertise to answer all your carpet questions and needs. That's just a part ot Maytairs total carpet service Professional work manship at all levels. HUGE SELECTION AND SAVINGS Maytairs carpeting show room features the largest selection of brand name carpets made of the finest premium fibers available in the industry today. Buy ing power is our competi tive edge to save you money. OUR PRE-GRAND OPENING SUPER SALE CONTINUES... Sav W M $ per sq. yd. (ON ALL ULTRON WEAR DATED PREMIUM QUALITY CARPET) WEAR-DATED CARPET Olga Knows I9H4 Patw Millinan Syndicate Monsanto REMNANTS 50° UP TO OFF •ALL STYLES»ALL SIZES 'ALL COLORS THOUSANDS OF YARDS TO CHOOSE FROM Come in today and save IS$ on the largest selec tion of brand name car pets and fibers in the Northwest suburbs And we ' ll add to your savings with our own MAYFAIR CHECK wr&r. BH V ' j f i f I Static Control Soil and Stain Durability and Rttlstsnct to Pulling k. v * Iff**1** \ HH m . . . • m IT 0f$tt.*0* PER CUSTOM* ADDING AND LABOR AVAILABL • •: Serving The Morthwest Suburbs For Over 40 Years IN CRYSTAL LAKE 321 VIRGINIA STREET (N.W. HWY, ROUTE 14) Mon, Wed, Thurs W:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. Tun, Frl 104, Sat 9-5, Sun 12-5 CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY (815)455-4070 A NEW CHOICE! "H 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH WITH YOUR COOP CREDIT IN PALATINE 11ME. NORTHWEST HWY (Route53at Route 14) Moo thru Fri. f:00A.M.-»:00P.M. Sat. 9AM-5PM, Sun 12:00-5:00 CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY (312) 358-3500 ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Disappointment drains, duty demands, desire deceives. During most of Easter Week you find yourself walking on eggshells. Turn deaf ear to one who wants you to "sign on the dotted line. " As week ends Moon enters Aries and high cycle begins. TA URUS (Apr. 20-May 20): If you remove thinking cap just to don Easter bonnet, you turn parade into charade. You, of all people, know how to wear two hats at the same time. As travel plans are highlighted, optimism builds. Get ready to move in new direction. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Advice for the week: hide golden egg, lay low in weeds, keep eyes peeled. Local weasel will snatch prize if given opportunity. You know from past experience that many a goose has been cooked by a casual gander. Be wary. CANCER (June 21-July 22): As Easter dawns, attitude brightens and load lightens. Hop out of shell into arms of honeybunny. Say what's on your mind, in your heart. This is week to put pressure on one who is in position of influence. Money matters can improve. Winsome week ends with a wiggle. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Cycle low. You may be expected to pull bunny out of Easter bonnet, Leo, so keep trick up your sleeve. Mars in your house of home, security until September spotlights strength, discipline. But don 7 build fence that is more expensive than that which is fenced in. You will understand. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Easter egg hunt leads you into tall grass. Watch your step and your mouth. Wisecrack to wrong person could mean financial loss. Then, Virgo, the yokes on you. Again. J..IBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You have tried to ignore *rumors (both good and bad) and now you are glad you didn 7 act on them. The picture clears this week and you see through glass clearly. Low cycle begins as Easter Week ends, but you 're not the one with egg on face. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): One who thinks you're full of jelly belly beans challenges your knowledge, imagination, authority, integrity. You measure up on every count and this cookie winds up eating words. Revenge--how sweet it is. Or is it? SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Security, career satisfaction occupy time, energy, imagination. Major confrontation is due. Dan't crawl out on limb, Saj, without considering possible consequences. "Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. "As Easter Week ends, make hay. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cycle high. During Easter Week, you find yourself hopping down the moneybunny trail. Wise Caps (are there any other kind?) do not put all eggs in one basket. But then, even the wise play the fool occasionally. /4s weekends, high cycle begins with emotions in check and cash in account. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Cycle high as Easter dawns. Chance, choice highlighted. You want to say "yes" but memory tells you "no." Pay attention to memory. Week ends on note of promise. PISCES (Feb. I9-Mar. 20): Cycle high. Chocolate decadence highlighted as week begins. Easter eggs and energetic Fish roll in the hay. Are stolen sweets best? Olga knows but she's not telling. Wacky week ends with a wink.