• i t « » • M c H E N R Y AV fe , («15)344-3150 isSufv" . .. !Q."0/ UUKWWIIY NNKIMK cou>evi/!on, (312)546-0011 (015)330-9393 INSIDE DOUBLE VISION PAGE 3 jm mmm mmm mm BAilQT cJ OTsign are marks of and used with permission of Piayb Playboy and the Ram •! Meat) Assign art- marks ul and user) * i tn perm.ssron ol Playboy Enie>[.r ises mc 19B4 RPSC Help us award the Golden Rabbit The Playboy Channel puts sizzle into your Spring this .month, as our most exciting' stars and movies corn- |.*.>te ioi t ho-Golden Rabbit Awaids. Throuahout Apul. w> > li 1 >«.' sh> >wmq '.ill tlit • t> >p-iatod Playboy Mi-vuk>i iy83. and tlit -n <l/.hng yi >u t ) be th< • r.i' i' »o. l i n n • i n t < a l l t h e < xoitornoiit uid ea:--t your vote for the best of Playboy's best in three categories--Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Movie. Your ballot must reach us by May 7 to be counted. And don't target to tune in to the Playbgy Channel on May 11th, when we'll announce the winners! BEST PUY10V CHAKNIL ACT08 BIS"! (NMMf!. * CTW What? Y< >u don't have the- Playboy Channel yet? Call your local cable operator today.