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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Apr 1984, p. 13

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"L- PAGE13 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1984 q ftittyttumfe RMcHenry. • lfllssif ̂ Advertisers, please check your ad the FIRST insertion date. In the event of an error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of an error, notify the Classified Department at once. Call Classified Display Ads: 815-385-017a Private Party A Commercial Line Ads: 815-344- 4^00. Richmond 678-2581 Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Payment in advance must be made for theee ads: •Babysitting •Buatneaa Opportunities •Business Sates • Moving Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms, Apte. to Share • Situations Wanted •Sublease, Re-rent, etc. •Wsnted to Buy •Wsntod to Rent: DEADLINES: RICHMOND 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 - Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel •Saturday Extra ^Crystal Lake Morning Herald •Cardunal Free Press Morning Herald *Elgin Herald •Richmond Gazette *Marengo Beacon/Republican News 'Huntley Beacon/Republican News *Sycomore News •Cary-Grove Clarion *Barrington Banner *McHenry Plaindeoler •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland News "Hampshire Register •Harvord Herald ^Shopper Service *McHenry Citizen Tri- County Shopper DIRECTORY Announcements Cemeteries ft Lots 02 Card of Thanks 03 Notices 05 Car Pools .. 10 Lost & Found 11 Personals / 12 Instruction -... 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care:.' 19 Nursery Schools. 20 i Situations Wanted 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wanted. 24 READERS DISPLAY MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON FRI. PLAINDEALER WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Household 23 Help Wanted BABYSITTER Needed, M c H e n r y S h o r e s a r e a . Monday-Thursday after school for 5 SI year olds, till 4:Jtem, to become full time 10:30em- 4:30pm In summer. Cell after 4:30pm, 115/344-5404. HOUSEKEEPER needed- i. Room a board In for It. houaekeaplna. routslde fob OK. Call 22. Flex, hrs., 312/639-3011. 24 Help Wanted Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise 32 Garoge Sales 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments. 39 Cameras 40 Aviation .41 Pets B Equipment 44 Horses £ Equipment * ... 47 Farm & Dairy/T. 48 Livestock 49 Machinery & Equipment 53 Business Opportunity 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy 69 Business Property 70 Open House 71 Real Estate 72 Condominiums for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sale 74 Lots & Acreage 75 Mobile Homes 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board, House Apartments to Share v. 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums & Townhomes to Rent 82 Stores, Office & Industrial to Rent 83 Farms, Farmland to Rent. 84 Miscellaneous to Rent. 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts & Accessories 88 Trucks, Tractors & Trailers 89 Vans. 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicles 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries & Lots 5 Notices CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK & UNION CEMETERY Choice kits available as low as $275, Including perpetual care. Catholic section. Terms. 115/459-0547 Notices PLASTERING Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell 815/338-1668 KANE COUNTY GUN SHOW Sunday April 29 8AMto3PM Legally buy, sell, trade firearms & related items. Kane County Fair Grounds Rt. 30 & Randall Rd. St. Charles, IL "FREE" PREGNANCY TESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 SINGLES In their 50's, lef s get together at Veterans acres main parking lot. Sun. after Easter, 11 am. Its time we • THE ADVANTAGE IS COMING!! We have 100's of members who want to date you! Call McHENRY COUNTY COMPUTER DATING SERVICE 8 1 5 / 3 3 8 - 2 2 9 0 And we're growing everyday' Notices U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T Women's Group, needs Exhlb- tors for Crafts & Collectible Show, October 26 & 27,1904. In- fo. 015/459-0246 or 015/385-8000. MARENGO'S WOMENS CLUB needs Art & Craft Exhibitors to participate in the Wh Annual Arts & Crafts Fair, Sunday, Oc­ tober 14th at the /Marengo High School. Call: 015/5M-W95 or 015/540-4227 or write Kim Pol I now, 040 Oak Manor Dr., Marengo, IL <0152. 11 Lost & Found LOST SHEPHERD Mix, elder ly, looks very young, small, wearing a red bandanna & DuPage Co. rabies tag. Vicinity of McHenry & Wonder Lake. Call days 015/330-4914 or eves. 015/330-4920. LOST Friday afternoon, female black lab mix. 20 Inches tall. No tags, no collar, answers to name Coco. Any Info. 015/459- 2008. FOUND CAT, male, grey/blue, litter trained, vie. of Lakewood, 4/9,815/459-5975. DOG LOST, female Boston Ter­ rier, April 21, North end of Wheeler St., Woodstock. asaaut*0 LOST CAT female, 0 month old, o r a n g e & w h i t e , Carpentersvllle area. Six toes on front paw. 312/420-5416. 12 Personals • THE ADVANTAGE IS COMING!! PREGNANT? NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9 pm. <> Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 015/385-2999 FAMILY PROBLEMS? Call the free & confidential stress line day or night. 015/330-0000. Trtyfy Caring Services, INc. offers: HOME CARE FOR ELDERLY or HANDICAPPED 4 hrt. to 24 hrt. - 7 day» o week Meal Pm paration Also available: Shopping Nursing Care I .ight Housekeeping Registered Nurses Laundry l<ic. Practical Nurses Personal Care Home Care Assistants 24 Hr. Answering ServicesBIS 5A8 5488 Private duly •" *»"***• Km W/. 100 W W.»hir»«lon S«.. Licensed l Bonded Emptoymefll Afeotr NOTICE The City of McHenry is undertaking a fire hydrant flushing operation throughout the City for two weeks begin­ ning Tuesday, May 1, 1984. Flushing will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of those two weeks. / The flushing of hydrants is being done to clean the City's water distribution system. The following schedule will be followed: On May 1, 2, and 3, hydrants will be flushed on the East side of the railroad tracks to the Fox River. On May 8,9, and 10, flushing will take place on the West side of the railroad tracks to the City limits. During periods of hydrant flushing, the water within the watermains can become discolored a red color due to the materials being removed from the watermains. WHile this discoloration does not effect human consumption, a possibility exists that the red water can stain clothes being laundered during periods of fire hydrant flushing. Your cooperation and patience during this period is requested and will be ap­ preciated. 12 Personals 12 Personals • SCULPTURED NAILS <25.00 by Professional Nail Artist.Call Joyce for app't. 312/651-2019 TIRED OF People looking at you 1 beef and thinking, 'There's the fill"? Lose 10 to 29 lbs. In Guaranteed. Call Linda, 312/497-0057, Herbalife. ML9 120.00 RMS »25.0fct SPECIAL SCULPTURED NAILS Tues. thru Sat. $20 Warm fc Gentle PE Reg. $30.00 NOW 025 AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6545 PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 PRECIOUS: Always on my mind & In my rock "n roll h+yt. 13 Instruction CHILDRENS BOOK Review Seminars given by Marcella K. Lynott, Ed. 0., Educational Consultant. For information call 015/344-3345. 19 Child Care LICENSED child daycare. In my Lakeland Park McHenry h o m e . 0 1 5 / 3 4 4 - 3 0 9 5 . L i e . 1037031-01. LOVING YOUNG Granny will -"Hare for children. Any age, In­ fants welcome, days & even., In my "Crystal Lake home, _ 015/45^494. • Piano, Organ & Accordion lessons A few openings on Spring schedule. 23 yrs. teaching ex- First lesson FREE With his ad 815/385-4070 121 Situations Wanted FORMING ART classes in my home, for the young, 0 yrs. 4 up. Lake In The Hills. 312/650- 4604. MASTI (North' ITER OF Music Degree (Nbrthwestem Univ.), 20 yrs. exp.- Voice, piano, organ lessons. Your home or mine. 015/650-3995. • CHILD CARE, experienced, in Crystal Lake home, ages 2 5. TLC, 015/459-3179. LICENSED babysitter has one o p e n i n g f o r t o d d l e r . MMdowdale school dist., ex- Se r l e n c e d , r e l i a b l e . 12/426/9591. WILL DO babysitting Hampshire home. Call 3009,T.L.C. in my 312/603- 21 Situations Wanted GRAND PRE Contracting. Spr- i n g c l e a n - u p , w e e k l y maintenance. Complete lawn service 8. design. 015/455-5536. P A I N T I N G , P a t c h i n g , wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor refinishlna. Quality work & material. Reasonable. David, 015/455-5536. Ken, • GARDENS Rototilled. Now scheduling for spring planting. Best Equipment-Best Service. Reasonable price. 015/330-6044. BRICK BLOCK & stone work. Masonry repairs, Chimneys & fireplaces. Call 312/991-4452. WINDOW WASHING 015/455-5536 QUALITY CARPET Cleanlno at prices you can afford. 015/459-7194 after 5 pm. ADS Custom Woodworking Handcrafted Solid Wood Cabinetry Inter., Exter. remodeling 015-720-1600 • SPRUCE UP for Spring! 15% off any labor contracted by May 14. Interior Painting- Now Is The Time! Free consulta­ t i o n s , e x c e l l e n t l o c a l references. Economy Pride Painting, 015/459-1600 days or 459-2606 eves. PAINTING & papering, fully i n s u r e d , D o n J o h n s o n , Woodstock, 015/330-4050. 050OFF Custom Deck if booked before 5/25/04 Harry Viezen Construction. All types of General Remodeling & Home Repairs. Developer of the prestigious Val-Mar Estates in McHenry. 015/305-2047. • HOUSE PAINTING, interior, & exterior, reasonable rates. 015/455-3559. £ Notices WAKE UP YOGI! It's Spring! Time to stop hibernating and get out to YOGI BEAR'S MINI GOLF NOW OPEN EVERYDA V (weather permitting) Please Call For Hours: * 815/338-7990 1914 South Route 47, Woodstock, 111. 815/385-6823 Rte. 31, North of McHenry McHenry, III. 12 Personals HAPPY 40th ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD (Bill & Dorothy Hay) WE 10VE YOU 1JUDY, KAREN, All 21 Situations Wanted Seamstress. Experienced 25 years 312/650-5106 WILL STEAM clean carpets. Living room $20, Additional rooms. $10 ea., 5 yrs. exp, 015/943-4793 LAWN CARE Wonder Lake, Woodstock, McHenry, Bull Valley areas. 4 experienced teens. 015/640-2321 or 653-4716. W H I T E G L O V E , e x p e r t housecleaning, we do windows, homes, offices, stores, clean up before 8i after party, etc., 015/459-0742. CARPENTRY & PAINTING Estimates 015/305-3533 Household 23 Help Wanted RESPONSIBLE person in Cary area to come in to my home to babysit 19 mo. old boy, and do light housework. 2 days per wk., $40.00/wk. 312/639-6011, leave name & no. RELIABLE Housekeeper, 4 m o r n i n g s p e r w e e k . References. 015/455-3720. MOTHER'S HELPER Be a mother's helper for 2 darl­ ing girls, 5 yr. 0i 1 yr. old. Your own room. If Interested, send resume to: S. Wolf, 3233 N. Arl­ ington Hts. Rd., Suite 204, Arl­ ington Hts, IL. 60004. BABYSITTER needed In my home, must have own transpor­ tation, ref.. 015/330-6479. MATURE LADY for babysit ting, days, 2 boys, 4 & 6. References. Call after 4:30pm, 015/455-4376. STUDENT WANTED for yard work and odd jobs. 4 to 6 hrs. per wk. $4 hr. Lake area. 015/459-0332 after 6 p.m. SEEKING reliable person to care for my 3'A yr. old daughter, in my Crystal Lake home. Please call after 5 pm. 015/455-2603. RESPONSIBLE ADULT to care 2 children, 9 yrs. & 6 mo., my Crystal Lake home, 5 days/ wk. Good wages. Call 015/455- 1017. LIGHT HOUSE work, 1 or 2 days per week, will consider high school student, McHenry area. 015/305-3717. PERSON to deliver Chicago Tribune 7 days per week, 2 to 3 hours per day, early morning hours In the Cary area. Must have reliable vehicle. 312/430- 3600 before Noon. R E S U M E S P r o f e s s i o n a l l y prepared. VIsa/MC Welcome. Norton & Associates. 312/421- 9255. MAJOR APPLIANCE Techni­ cian, 5 yrs. exp., Woodstock area, send resume w/salary re­ quirements to Box A F F, Sinaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 250, Crystal Lake, II60014. AVON NEEDS Rrepreseh- tatlves, earn up to 50%, free training, For info call, 015/344- 2951. LIFEGUARDS C e r t i f i c a t i o n i n p o o f maintenance/operation a must. Available to work from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Contact 015/459-9107. EDUCATIONAL SALES Enter manager development pro- ram. 15 to 20 hrs. per wk. $100 bonus. Call R. Anderson, 312/504-9665. LIGHT ASSEMBLY Full time position, 7 a.m. to 3 : 3 0 p . m . A p p l y f r o m 1 p . m . t o 4 p.m. only. ALPHA PLASTICS MFG. Tonyan Industrial Park 3905 W.Albany McHenry, IL. ART Artistic, sharp homemaker for exciting career as sales consul­ tant in interior design. Flexible hours, full or part time, will train. 312/430-2796, Ansil Art. TRUCK DRIVER, Class D License. Send resume or letter toC/O Dally Sentinel, P. O. Box 7 0 9 - A P 1 0 , W o o d s t o o c k , I L . 60090. OFFICE/CLERK, part time, good typing 8i math aptitude. Send resume or letter to C/O Dally Sentinel, P. O. Box 709- AP13, Woodstock, IL 60090. COOK Full-time. Hours: 10 am - 6:30 pm. Apply Sunset Manor, 9 2 0 N . S e m i n a r y A v e . , Woodstock. LANDSCAPE PERSONNEL Must have basic knowledge of maintenance & construction procedures. Minimum 1-2 yrs. experience. Call 312/639-1025. DENTAL ASSISTANT Cer­ tified with chairside ex­ perience. Part time AAonday afternoons & Wednesday morn­ ings. Call 015/455-3300. HAVE YOU been top producer in direct consumer sales? We have an outstanding opportun- ty selling pre-arrangement pro­ grams. Commission. Serving McHenry County since 1939. Call Ron Nehls. 015/330-1320. SALES TRAINEE Male/Female You are right. Sales people do make a very good in­ come. If you have ever thought about entering the sales profession and were afraid - let us train you to overcome your fears. •We guarantee solid growth with an 11 year old company •Continuous sales training & company assistance •Advancement opportuni­ ty jnto management •The finest career op­ portunity you may find •Income potential of S12,000*25,000 the first year Call 312/658-2400 18 Auctions McHenry Lions CIvb Annual Auction Sunday, April 29,1984 Starting at 12 Noon Located at Kristof's Circus 2 Miles north of McHenflr&*iJ?t. 31 Remington 243 rifle with scope, E^enrude SO H.P. outboard motor, 5 piece sectional with end table (excellent shape), electric dryer (2 yrs. old), Trail 70 mini bike, lawn mowers, submersible sump pump (new) cribs, dressers, tables, couch, 2 electric organs, large metal drafting table, books, gas range, refrigerator, cigarette machine, various con­ struction material, lamps, bowling bags^new), pop machine, old boat lift (works), vise, remote controls for TV's, sewing machine, many new items from Jewelry store. •Many items too numerous to mention •CASH OR GOOD CHECK •Not responsible for accidents •LUNCH AVAILABLE AUCTIONEER: Bob Brennan AUCTION Snb), April 29,11 m Round oak tbl., set 4 chairs, walnut parlor tbls. oak swivel desk chairs, pine & oak rockers, 1940's baby stroller, humidor, wing-back chairs, 2 pc. mahogany bdrm. set, cherry vanity dresser, draperies, poker tbl. wicker cedar chest, oak pedestal, oak baby cradle crib, camel back trunks, oak tavern tbl./2 leaves, linens, crochet work, collectible & depres sion dish & glassware, Avon plates, primatives, old toys, Occupied Japan, yard turn., dinette set, couches, hide-a bed, crank hoist, 11 hp Snapper rid­ ing mower/vac., jogger tramps., bar/stool fishing equip., turn tbls./speakers, guitar, records, bikes, '73 Ford Torino, '69 Chevy Nova Dyke Rath Auction Center 3mi.W. of Elgin on Rte. 20 * Terms: Cash, Master or Visa 312/6954)388 24 Help Wanted WAITRESS OR WAITER, part time, experience preferred. Apply in person, Wea. thru Sun. after, S pm, ask for Carole. Silver Nugget, Frontage Rd. N- Rts. 31*14, CrystalLake. DAY CARE STAFF- Summer program. Harvard/Woodstock area. Director, Teachers, aides, cook, bus driver. Mutt meet state licensing regs. Bil­ ingual Spanish an asset. Send resume l letter of application to M. Morrison, 424 S/Nlnth St., DeKalb, IL.JOIIS. EOE. BOOKKEEPING CAREER OPPORTUNITY Responsible person needed for growing multi-million dollar company, with at least 3 years bookkeeping experience. Must be capable of assuming full maintenance of general ledger and subsidiary records. Above average company benefit pro- am. Our employees know of Is ad. Send resume to: Box AIF SHAW Free Press Newspapers 7803 Pyott Rd. Crystal Lake, IL. 60014 24 Help Wanted G WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON? NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef­ fort, and Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited In­ come potentlal...wlthout a large financial investment, .von today: 81V439-5757. large CallA' H A I R S T Y L I S T W a n t e d . Barber stylist, or cosmotologist for progressive McHenry Salon. Apply in person at From the Neck Up, 13M N.Park St. CASH BONUS. Young men with a high school diploma can get a $5,000 bonus for enlisting in the Marine Corps. Find out more, call 815/459-2836. HAIRSTYLISTS For extremely busy Mian In excellent mall location. You can aim 50% on your following PLUS $135 par week! Other benefits provided also. • For mora information, stop In and fill out an ap­ plication today or call our new manager, LINDA 312/426-6355. SYSTEMS 7 Spring Hill Mall RN's. LPN's, NA's for new home nursing agency registry. Call Susan, Northern Illinois Nursing Service I15/72S-1040. OUTSIDE SALES, selling radio comercials, commission only. Must have own transportation.. We will train. Send resume] Attn: Jim, I.R.P., P. O. Box 1321, Elgin, IU0U1. GREENHOUSE HELPERS ? Preparing, pulling and planting • p l a n t s f o r d e l i v e r y . A p p l y i n > p e r s o n , F i o w e r w o o d - R t . 1 4 h 176, Crystal Lake. STUDENTS, part time even­ ings, full time summer, shipp­ ing and handling, Barrington area. Apply In Person, Protector Enterprises, 22292 N. Pepper Rd., Barrington, IL. 60010 or. call 312/312-5135. D E L I V E R Y H E L P , newspaper, 7 days a week^^^ Must be IS, early morning, hours, reliable Insured vehicle needed. Apply S10B Norths Front Street, McHenry, IL. SALES CAREER OPPT'Y ' Color Formulated cosmetic' company Is looking for highly motivated men ft women In-' terested in a profitable career.* Excellent earning potential. Complete Training. Call: 312/495-5930 or 312/289-5413. WAITRESSES, Bartenders ft Cooks. Apply In person, Mon. thru Frl., 2 to 4 pm, Phllly's Sport Bar ft Grille, 5016 Nor- t h w e s t H w y . . C r y s t a l L a k e , I L . , PERSON FOR janitorial ft carpet cleaning, S15/4594433. 24 Help Wanted HELP WANTED Public Works Employee The City of McHenry is requesting applications for a general laborer openings in its Public Works Department Applicant requirements include: 11 high school diploma, 21 Class "C" license desirable with a good drivers record, 31 be familiar with concrete and asphalt repair and construc­ tion, 41 mechanical ability/aptitude desirable, 51 familiarity with earth handling equipment desirable, 61 be available for emergency water, sewer and snow removal activities. Good benefits. City residency required. Make application or send resume to Qtttce at Mayor, 1U1 N. Green Street, McHenry, IL, 60050. Closing date for applications is 1 May, 1984. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Due to rapid growth Fox Valley Systems Inc. has career opportu­ nities in the following positions. ACCOUNTING (Person with Experience in Cost Accounting) INSIDE SALES (Handle Incoming Calls, Typing Required) SECRETARIES (Project Responsibility and CRT Training) Applications will be taken with a brief interview at our new headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is impossible for you to apply during regular working hours please call: Mrs. Nielson at 312/639-5658 WORLDWIDE MARKING FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC FULL TIME POSITIONS MAIL ROOM (Sorting & Preparing Brochures To Be Mailed) SHIPPING 6 (Labeling, Staging, & Forklitt Operation) CLERICAL (Typing, Special Projects & Computer Order Entry) HEAVY EQUIPMENT (Experience in Drag line, Year Round Work) Applications to be taken with a brief interview at our new headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is impossible for you to apply during regular working hours please call: Mrs. Nettles at 312/639-5658. WORLDWIOC MARKING FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC /

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