SATURDAY, APRIL 2« QD USA Football: Washing ton at Tampa Bay Q1 MOVII: 'Major Barbara' A wealthy girt joint the Salvation Army. Wendy Hillor, Rex Horn- ion, Robert Moriey. 1941. © €D © Austin aty Limit* (D Private Lives Public 0D May Playboy Video Magaxlne 60 Mousterpioce Thaator © (2$ Rock of Ages @9 la Hayes an Family Life 8:00 PM OQ@© MOVII: Tom Ham' After a le- gendory career as a rodeo star and cavalry scout, a cowboy is accused of murder by the very people he tried to protect. Steve McQueen, Linda Evans. 0 CD €D People Are Funny Q Church Stroot Station O (E) SD Lava Boat Vicki befriends a girl who must deal with her father, a newlywed tries to hide hit wife from his flirta tious boss and a man thinks one of the crew has stolen away his fioncee. (R) (60 min.) [Closed Captioned] 33) © O Dr. Who Spocial CD Regis Philbln's Health Stylo* GD MOVK: -Block Stallion Returns' / © MOVII: Tho Sacrets of the Pirate's Inn' An oid Irish sea captain and three neighbor hood kids search for the legen dary treasure of pirate Jean Lafitte. Ed Begiey, Poul Fix,. Charles Aidmon. 1974. €D 3® Lowell Lundstrom 8:30PM 8 0 8) Mama's Family Vint is thrilled when Mama forces Noomr to confess that she is pregnant. (R) © Country Clips © MOVII: Girls' (D MOVII: 'Welcome to LA.' CD (55) €0 © Major at Now York Yankees CD FooHe Talo Thoatra © Now York Nightlife © On Stage Amorica © S3) Week In Rovtaw © Double Feature: Davit's Eye © MOVII: Tho McMastars' A black Union soldier returns to the Southwest and meets prejud ice every here. Burl Ives, Brock Peters, David Carradine. 1970. © MOVII: 'A Tola of Two Cities' Charles Dickens' classic about the French Revolution and two men who bear remarkable resemblances to each other. Ron- old Colman, Elizabeth Alien, Edna May Oliver. 1935 7:30 PM O CD €D Jennifer Slopt Here Joey's grandfather enjoys his visit until he finds himself talking to Jenni fer and realizes he has died. O Journay to Adventure © MOVHi 'And Now for Dlf- © (29 Way of Deliverance CD <39 Herald Of Truth 9:00 PM O CD © Yallow Rosa After DiHard is shot, Coryell sets out on a one- man revenge mission while Chance, Roy and Quisto track the suspects to a bitter neighbor. (60 mm.) Q Stars of the Grand OTOpry O CD 69 Fantasy Island A little girl trios to find out how her parents died and a one-time entertainer tries to make peace with the partners he abandoned. (R) (60 min.) [Closed Cap tioned] ONows CD Alfred Hitchcock CD Nature of Things CD Not Nocossarily Tho News CD MOVII: 'Chooch and Chang Still Sraokin" @0 @ Poter Popoff Ml tntortalnmont This Weak 09 @3 Gary Greanwald €D Unknown War 9:15 PM 69 Double Feature: Donal and Sally 9:30 PM O Irnast Tubb Show CD Inside Story 'The Press Baron Who Would Be King, Pat} 1.' Tonight's program examines the influence of Rupert Murdoch has hod on journalism. © © 3® Grace Bumbry and Shirley Verotte in Concert at Convent Garden CD Countdown to '84 CD Human Sexuality CD Culture Club in Concert W Tho Sun © (2® W.V. Grant 81 (39 Paul Yonggi Cho 1 0 : 0 0 P M Q O O O S ® 6 D 6 D f i D News o Bobby Bare and Friends o Twilight Zone CD SportsContor CD Imago Union CD Night Flight CD Weekend Athlete CD AHce CDS® Hour of Powar CD Bizarro © MOVII: 'In Love' © MOVII: 'Kidnapped' In order to steal his inheritance, a boy's uncle hos him kidnapped and sold into slavery. James Mo- cArthur, Peter Finch, Peter < O'Tooie. I960. © (2$ Jack Van Impo v Presents Taxi What a Fellowship Star Search town War 10:30 PM Q MOVII: •Cage Without a Kay' Trapped in a web of circumstonce and coincidence, o teen-ager finds herself living a nightmare. Susan Dey, Michael Brandon, Jonelle Aden. (Due to mature subject matter, parental discretion is od- vised). 1975 O CD © Saturday Night Live O ABC News O (23) MOVII: To Be Announced O Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous CD Kup's Show © MOVII: 'Ballad of Cable Hogue' A fable of a loner in search of the good life who finds it in a remote part of the Old West. Jason Robards, Stella Stevens, David Worner, Strother Martin, Slim Pickens. 1970 PACC7 CD Cable Health Worid Report CD MOVII: Ixposed' CD MOVII: 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid' CD MOVII: -Nana' © (29 World Tomorrow © MOVII: The Rounders' Ben and Howdy, two itinerant bronc-busters, sign up with a skin flint to break a string of horses. Glenn Ford, Henry Fonda. 1965 © Barotta © MOVII: ^Kansas City A Bofio's strolSllie > By Lillian Bono Mfea* ot Aprl 29-May 5 ARIES (March 21-April 20) Achieving a harmonious state of affairs between loved ones may prove difficult because of a strange rivalry Potential business ventures should be thor oughly investigated. IAUBU8 (April 21-May 21) Convincing a friend that you know what is best in a delicate situation could be difficult because of contradictory advice from someone else. Associates will open previously blocked career avenues. ft (May 22-June 21) Repress an urge to indulge yourself because of living conditions that leave your nerves on pins and needles Team up with an associate who compliments you CANCER HE (June 22-July 23) A chance encounter with an acquain tance might lead to the business opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly before the interest disappears. Your travel experience may prove beneficial L£fl & (July 24-Aug. 23) Someone from the past suddenly wreaks havoc with your present plans and relationships. Keep strict records of all financial transactions. XIBOfi d* (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) Refrain from choosing sides in a dispute between close friends or you'll land in the middle. A charm ing acquaintance could sweep you off your feet and into an exotic adventure. UBBA ^5 (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) Visitors from out of town make it difficult for you to engage in social events that don't include them SCORPIO (Oet. 24-Nov. 22) Inquisitive business associates could spread unfavorable gossip about your personal affairs. Put an end to this situation before it starts. aAQITTABMia #3 (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Hiding your true feelings from someone you are strongly attracted to is not advisable. Watch your spending and be sure to keep banking statements updated CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Confronting an acquaintance you ddn'i trust before you have evidence could prove embarrijsatrig Wait until you have proof AQUARIUS 0k (Jan. 21-feto. IB) Disregard advice given to you about your love life from a know-it-all acquaintance Financial restric tions could prevent you from taking a trip PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) Proceed with caution in both personal and professional relationships A new hobby may evolve into a sideline business with help from a loved one c t̂sasCompiMg