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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1984, p. 13

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X <13 PAGE 13 - PLAINDE ALEE - WEDNESDAY, MAY 2, 1984 SnamdealerA tft* (finite m lassified Hicbttwnb » Office Hrs. M-F 8:30 o.m. • 5:00 p.m. Advertisers, please check your od the FIRST insertion date. In the event of on error or ommission, the paper will be responsible for ONLY the first incorrect insertion. The newspaper shall be liable for only the portion of the ad which is in error. In case of on qtrror, notify the Classified Deportment ot once. Call Classified Display Ads: 81M85 0170. Private Party g Commercial Line Ads: 815 344- 4800. Richmond 678-2581 Payment In advance must be made for theae ada: •Babysitting • Buainess Opportunities • Business Sate# * ***** Sales • Out of Shaw Free Press Circulation Area • Political • Rooms, Apta. to Share • Situations Wanted -Sublease, Re-rent, etc. 'Waited to Buy • Waited to Rent: 3 LINES, 5 DAYS *8.80 Shaw Free Press PRIVATE PARTY LINE ADS Newspaper Group •Woodstock Daily Sentinel *Soturdoy Extra •Crystal Lake Morning Herald •Cardunal Free Press "Morning Herald "Elgin Herald .•Richmond Gazette "Marengo Beacon Republican News *Huntley Beacon Republican News •Sycamore News •Cory-Grove Clarion *Borrington Banner 'McHenry Plaindealer •Genoa-Kingston-Kirkland ( News •Hampshire Register •Harvard Herald "Shopper Service "McHenry Citizen Tri-« County Shopper V . ' f DIRECTORY Announcements DEADLINES: READERS DISPLAY RICHMOND WED. PLAINDEALER FRI. PLAINDEALER MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON MON. 5 P.M. MON. 12 NOON WED. 5 P.M. WED. 12 NOON Cemeteries & Lots. Card of Thanks Notices.. y. .05 ) Car Pools '•.•••V Lost & Found p Personals. A2 Instruction 13 Auctions 18 Help Wanted Child Care 19 Nursery Schools 20 Situations Wanted. 21 Employment Agencies 22 Household Help Wanted 23 Help Wonted. 24 Merchandise Wanted to Buy 31 Miscellaneous Merchandise. ..... 32 Gproge Sales... v 33 Merchandise Under $50 34 Antiques 35 Bicycles & Sports Equipment 36 Lawn & Garden Equipment........ 37 Boats 38 Musical Instruments 39 Cameras.. 40 Aviation .. . ;N*41 Pets ft Equipment Horses ft Equiprpeot 47 Farm ft Dairy.'. 48 Livestock ^ 49 Machinery ft Equipment 53 Business Opportunity. 66 Real Estate Sales Wanted to Buy ?... 69 Business Property 70 Open House.... .• 71 Real Estate 72 Condominium^ for Sale 73 Townhomes for Sole 74 Lots ft Acreage 75 Mobile Homes. 76 Farms for Sale 77 Real Estate Rentals * Wanted to Rent 78 Rooms, Board. House Apartments to Share 79 Apartments to Rent 80 Homes to Rent 81 Condominiums S Townhomes to Rent Q2 Stores. Office & Industrial to Rent. . ... , 83 Farms. Farmland to Rent 84 Miscellaneous to Rent 85 Automotive Autos for Sale 86 Wanted to Buy 87 Auto Parts ft Accessories 88 Trucks. Tractors & Trailers 89 ,i Vans --7 90 Motorcycles & Snowmobiles 91 Recreation Vehicle^ 92 815/344-4800 CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Cemeteries &Lots CRYSTAL LAKE MEMORIAL PARK* UNION CEMETERY Choice lots available as low as 1275, Including perptfual car*. Catholic taction. Tarms. eiS/4J»-0547 POUR CEMETERY LOTS In Manorial Park. Original prlca, $425 per grave, reasonable of- far, •lS/4ft-M& or 499-5221. Notices PLASTERJNG Restoration Or New Vernon T. Kopsell »1S/33»-16a "FREE" PREGNANCYTESTING IMMEDIATE RESULTS • 24 HOUR HOT LINE 312/934-9233 SHARP PAINTING CO. Have Excellent References Insured. Ask for Frank 115/331-4120 SALE-SALE-SALE Andersen WINDOWS UNUNITED 815-943-3321 312297 5690 ASK FOR STEVE 11 Lost & Found LOST CAT female 8 month old. o r a n g e S f r ' h I t e . Carpentersville area. Six toes on front paw. 312/42»-54l6. LOST DOG, white Samoyed, name Noah, vie. of BuHPft Rt. 176. Reward. 115/455-5274 or 115/455-0745. FOUND PUPPIES Two, April at, t pm, corner of McConnell Rd. & Lllv Pond Rd./ Woodstock. Approx. 4 mos. Female German Shepherd ft Male Golden Lab. Both with collars. I15/33M760 or 330-5227. LOST SHEPHERD Mix, elder­ ly female, looks very young, small, wearing a red bandanna ft DuPage Co. rabies tag. Vicinity of Mc Henry ft Wonder Lake. Call days 115/330-4914, 312/439-2*00 or eves, 015/330- <920. 2 BROKEN-HEARTED Kids looking for their lost Shepherd puppy. Black w/whlte chest, blue collar, named Tonya. Lost Sunday, around Hazard ft Wilson, C'Vllle. 312/420-7241. REWARD. " REWARD of 025 for return of large white cement Bear lawn ornament. No questions asked, 015/305-3 ~ ant. Not 12 Personals TIRED OF People looking at you and thinking, 'There's the Beef!!!"? Lose 10 to 29 lbs. in one month. Guaranteed. Call Linda, 312/197-0657, Herballfo. 5 Notices 12 Personals 19 Child Care DISCOURAGED OVER Health Insurance costs? Let us help vou develop a plan you can af­ ford. Permanent or temporary. Sunderlage Insurance Agitin> PREGNANT? ^ NEEDHELP? CALL BIRTHRIGHT Office open 9-1 lam. And from 7-9pm. Mon. thru Thurs. 24 hour answering service 015/305-2999 CHILD-CARE, experlen /my Crystal Lake home, to5,TLC, 015/459-3179. PREGNANT? Need Help? Call: Birthright 312/695-7950 • No \PORCELAIN SCULPTURED NAILS Done by Licensed Cosmetologist sracial Dolisn necessary, no lifting, filled only every4weeks. $35 00 Par Set TUESDAY ONLY With This Ad (Regularly $45.00) Call Today For Appol ' •312/639-4590* MARY KAY Cosmetics. Selling everything, 40% Off. 312/426-0967 SPECIAL SCULPTURED NAILS Tues. thru Sat. $20.00 Feel So Lively PERMS Reg. $35.00 NOW $20.00 AMERICAN GIRL BEAUTY SALON 312/426-6565 THANKS SAINT JUDE for always helping R.G. COACH HAIRDRESSERS SPRING SPECIAL $6.00 HAIRCUTS for new Customers only NOW thru MAY 12th 115 W.Washington St. Algonquin, IL. 312/650-5770 • SCULPTURED NAILS $25.00 by Professional Nail it. Call Joyce for app't. 312/650-2019 Artist. MANYTHANKSTO St. Jude for favors received. Michael ft Ruth. HEALTHY welcome HOURS Public KltchenTo welcome. KltchenToyt Cookery. Elgin ft Dundee. 1st ft 3rd weekends. Demonstrations, decaffeinated coffee, potted herbs ft gift Ideas. 312/742-0550. 13 Instruction EXPERIENCED, L.D. teacher will tutor reading and math; l st-6th grade; diagnostic testing available. 115/455-5029. TUTOR/COUNSELOR Grades 1 Through 0 15/455-1546 ^Call 015/455-15 18 Auctions COIN AUCTION Richmond Legion. Sunday, May 6th. 300 lots; 1006-1900. No Checks. Hello-Hello-Hello Algonquin's Open Air Market Every Saturday t Sunday ' Dawn to Dusk Rt. 62 Next to Siibara •Video Recorders*Jewelry*Toys •6lassware*Stereos*T.V's Much Much More!t Some New Some Used!- - (Nt» items k|M ImU tecton •e»erties) All at Unbelievble Prices!! Dealers Wanted Plane 312/658-4100 CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. (tlS)S6t-6ISI licensed f Itctricol Contractor Serving « OMI * BUSINESS • INDUSTRY Coll Bob RlHer Morengo, III 60 I 52 • LICENSED babysitter has one opening for toddler. a rK f>fi| AW •"•wowwif scnooi am.# perlenced, reliable, 312/426/9991. WILL DO babysitting In my Hampshire home. Call 312/603- 3009,Tlx. EXPERIENCED Day Care in my McHenry-Johnsburg area home, Monday-Friday, 015/344- 2070. E N G L I S H GOVERNESS Nanny, certified CCCW ft NNEB, both In USA ft Great Brltlan, openings available for children of all ages In my Woodstock home, 015/337-0450. WILL DO babysitting, my Woodstock home. Nice large yard. 015/330-0079, anytime. 21 Situations Wanted • GARDENS Rototilled. Now scheduling for spring planting. Best Equipment-Best Service. ReosonaMe price. 015/330-6044. ROTOTILLING, 20 X 20 established garden, $22. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 015/670-4647. ADS Custom Woodworking Handcrafted Solid Wood Cabinetry Inter* Extar. remodeling •15-720-1600 $50OFF Custom Deck If booked before 5/25/04 Harry Vlezen Construction. All types of General Remodeling ft Home Repairs. Developer of the prestigious Val-Mar Estates In McHeni cHenry. 015/305-2047. 21 Situations Wanted • HOUSE PAINTING, Interior, ft exterior, reasonable rates. 015/455-3559. Seamstress, Experienced 25 years 312/650-5106 CARPENTRY ft PAINTING Estimates 015/305-3533 TYPING, bookkeeping, resumes, Diane's Business Ser vice, Crystal Lake, 015/455- 6665. QUALITY CARPET Cleaning at prices you can afford. 115/459-7194 after 5 pm. RESPONSIBLE 17 yr. old, will do yardwork., ret. available. Please call, 015/455-6621. ANDERSON UPHOLSTERY Quality work, reasonable prices, free estimates, pick-up and delivery. Phone 015/750- 7111. WILL DO Cleaning ft laundry, every other Monday or every other Thursday/Trw am- 2:45 Very good references, eves. Crystal pm. Very g 312/639-3991, EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD with 7 experlnce looking for to mow. Have own equip- and transportation. Call 015/330-1915. 'M 65, have Chauffeur License, looking for part time employment doing Delivery, Filling station, etc. 015/459-0761 or 459-0977. WINDOW WASHING 015/455-5536 GRAND PRE Contracting. Spr­ ing clean-up, weekly maintenance. Complete lawn service ft design. 015/455-5536. PAINTING. Patching, wallpapering, light repairs, hardwood floor reflnlshing. Quality work ft material. Reasonable. David, Ken, 015/455-5536. 18 . Auctions AUCTION SALE IfFKE MONKS OFFICE FWHTWE SIMP EQUIPMENT FOR THE ACCOUNT OF: R.L. STEPHENSON HOLIDAY INN ELGIN ILLINOIS 345 W. Rive^Rd. Tuesday, May 8,1984 • 10:00 A.M. Fin l:3> >.1 HW e» Mi Pwrtiw ¥ Mr. I Hmw OFFICE MACHINES: IBM Selectric. Remington. Royal. Olympia and others. Many Electronic and Self Correcting Machines. Port able Electric Typewriters. Hand. Digital and Desk Top Calculi tors. Plain Paper and Electronic Copiers. OFFICE FURNITURE: New and Used Desks. Executive. Secrets rial, and Conference Chairs. Two and Four Drawer Files (letter and legal). Lamps. Chairs Mats. Folding Tables, and Clocks SHOP EQUIPMENT: Drillpresses. Engine Driven Pumps. Wrench Sets, Shop Vacuums, and more. ELECTRONIC CASH REGISTERS: Grand Total and Mult Total Re gisters including TCA. Towa, B & E. MANY ITEMS IN CARTON WITH MFGR. GUARANTEE ALL USED EQUIPMENT SOU) AS IS. MOST ITEMS SOLO PIECE BY PIECE. SOME TRADE LOTS TO BE OFFERED. TERMS: 2S«Ce* 0s?33t BALANCE Cafe cr Certified Cfcecli 24 Help Wanted 24^ieig ENTRY LEVEL MANAGEMENT . FULLTIME •- v- J •« part oi l amaH management team In al phaaaa of a growing manufacturing company. Aaalgnmanta In perchaalng, kiaUt ealaa. atfvartlalng, product doalgn, trade ahewa, etc.?Me oicltlng opportunity la tor ao- maoiio who Hyf nM-cowfManco. wlahoa to contribute whMo Warning ft growing, and la aoeklng a challonglng verted career. New efMco/menufactwrlng" tacHttloa pro­ vide an aacoNent working atmoapKoro. QuoMflcatlona: Alort -,-ite Wonttty preWoma an6 lytic al aptttedo wi bo attitude, ft 11-13,000. with potential offer eoKitlena. Technical'ana- Good public relations APPLY W PERSON OR CALL Con B WE 7900 S. Rt. 31, (i mi. S. of Rt. 14 Gary, Illinois 60013 21 Situations Wanted 24 Help Wanted HOUSE CLEANING Reasonable 015/305-0090 305-0410 WILL DO CUSTOM wood carv­ ing for your home. Have finish­ ed work for viewing. 312/639- 3693. EXPERT ROOFING and siding. All types of roofing. In­ surance work. Free estimates. Written guarantee. 015/305- 6064. REGISTERED Pharmacist seeks part time work. Call 015/330 2092 COLLEGE STUDENT, ex fenced & reliable, seeks care jobs in Sycamore erea. Has own equip. Call 015/095-9772 after 4 pm. perier lawn Household 23 Help Wanted GOVERNESS, live-In to |oln our active family In Richmond area. Assist Father w/2 children, 10 l 15. Must be mature, responsible w/good personality. Person may be employed as long as schedule fits in. Monthly allowance & all expenses. Refs. required. 015/675-6200. RESPONSIBLE person inCary area to come in to my home to babysit 19 mo. old boy, and do light housework. 2 days pdr Wk., 040.00/wk. 312/639-6011, leave name & no. STUDENT WANTED for yard work and odd |obe, 4 to 6 hrs. per wk. $4 hr. Lake area. 115/459-0332 after 6 p.m. SEEKING reliable person to care for my 3Vj yr. old daughter, In my Crystal Lake home. Please call after 5 pm. 015/455-2603 LIGHT HOtlSE work, 1 or 2 days per,week, will consider high school student, McHenry area. 015/305-3717. BABYSITTER Needed, McHenry Shores area, Monday-Tnursday after school for 5 0i 0 year olds, till 4:30pm„ to become full time 10:30am- 4:30pm in summer. Call after 4:30pm, 015/344-5404. HOUSEKEEPER needed Cary area. Room Si board in exch. for It. housekeeping. Flex, hrs.; outside job OK. Call 312/639-3001. SITTER NEEDED, Mon., Wed., Fr|„ 0:30 am- 4:30 pm for girls ages 3 & 5, walking distance to Briargate School. 312/639-0704. MATURE PERSON for occa­ sional baby sitting for 2 yr. old boy. Calt: 015/305-2076. RESPONSIBLE Cleaninc per sqn needed, Thurs. or Fri. in Dundee home. 312/426-6601 after 5 p.m. *, . RESPONSIBLE Babysitter J nights ln»ny 015/330-0047. ADULT full-time home. Refs. req'd STUDENT WANTED for yard work. 2-4 hrs. per wk., $4- $ $ / h r . , H a z a r d R d . , Carpentersville, 312/426-4005 after6pm. /MATURE & loving women, to babysit part-time for 15 month old girl, in my Crystal Lake home. Occasional overnights, dim transportation & ret. 015/455-2363. CHILD CARE full moth old, ret., call 015/330-4060. time, 20 •f^5:30, SITTER, part time for 3 yr. old girl. McHenry Shores area some eves. & weekends, 015/344-5903. RELIABLE Babysitter Crystal Lake, for 2 sons, 5 mos. & 2Va years, part time inc. oc casional Sat., ret. req. 015/455- 6700. RICHMOND babysitter wanted, 3 to 5 days per week for 3yr. oidii Infant. 015/^-4616 24 Help Wanted SALES REPS needed for ground Motivated lm 015/459-4005. opportunity. SSS Individuals call LANDSCAPE SUPERVISOR With ability to communicate and work with others. Knowledge of equipment operation, construction pro­ cedures and plant material must. Minimum 3 yrs. exper. Salary based on abilities. 312/639-1025. WAITRESS Part Time, for week-ends. lOor over. Will train. Bonnie Dundee Golf Club 3120426-5511 PART-TIME Bookkeeper, flex ibie hours. Send resumes to B o x A P 9 , M c H e n r y Plaindeater, 3012 W. Elm St., McHenry, 11.60050. ENERGETIC aggressive, self-starter interested in future in sales with unlimited in^ come potential No f»x^. perience necessary Apply in person TIDY CARPETS & FLOOR COVERIN&S 1039 Lake Avenue, Woodstock 24 Help Wanted RESUMES Professionally -rorl Wlae/lir lUalrnma preparec visc/mt WICCXTW. Norton & Associates. 312/420- 9255 AVON NEEDS Rreprasen- tat Ives, earn up to 50V free training, For Info call, 015/344- 2951. OPENING SHOP Richmond, need artists, crafts people. Please call Cherrle • Days, 414/279-6764. Cathy - Nights, 414/077-3015. * EXTRA EARNINGS need 3 people who have 10 • 15 flexible noun per week, depending upon time .-For complete In­ formation cell. 312/650-7402. DENTAL ASSISTANT Cer­ tified with chairside ex­ perience. Part time Monday afternoons 6, Wednesday morn- Ings. Call 015/455-3300. WHAT'S NEW FROM AVON?, NOW, EARN LIKE NEVER BEFORE. Your time and ef­ fort, and Avon's world famous products, give you unlimited in­ come potentlal...wlthout a" large financial investment. Call Avon today: 015/459-5757. . »CASH BONUS. Young men with a high school diploma can get a $5,000 bonus tor enlisting in the Marine Corps. Find out more, call 815/459-2836. NORTHWEST SECURITY Ser­ vice needi full & part time security guards for weekends & holidays. Please apply at the Security Desk, 201 Jandus Rd., Cary CREATIVE PERSONS wanted for positions open In inovative styling salon. Makeup tlst/skincare specialist. B a r b e r / S t y l i s t Cosmetologist. Send resume B o x A P , 6 , M c H e n r y Plaindealer/ 3012 W. Elm St. McHenry. I/. 60050. BEAUTICI with followh polntment,plS or par Call for f305-7140. an ap- PART-THME Evenings &/or weekends. Marlowe's Ace Hardware, Hampshire. 312/603-2021. SALES REPS NEEDED, Ground level opportunity for money 015/653-; opportunity for motivated individuals. 5363. 24 Help Wanted COMPILERS-MICRQFILMERS •' "No Experience Necessary ' We Will Train • 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mon. thru Fri. We have several openings in our micro­ filming department. Call Personnel Department Or Apply In Person 312-639-0443 CENTRAL STATES MICROFILMING INC. 302 Cary Point Drive Cary.IL EARN EXTRA INCOME Conduct sales follow up on samplod leads and earn the best in commission. Work alone or along with other adults contacting consumers about Chicagoland's No. 1 Publication Experience helpful, however we will train you to earn top dollars. Candidates must have vehicle and be willing to work 2 to 3 evenings per week and Saturdays. Individuals still needed for 1 or 2 areas in McHenry County. For more information, call: MR. DRAKE at 312/351-4082 Noon to 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday LIGHT & HEAVY COIL WINDERS ^(Experience Preferred) PART TIME EVENINGS * / , ALGONQUIN PLANT SPMtolQPM Monday thru Friday APPLY AT CRYSTAL LAKE PLANT 9AMto4PM x power conversion products inc '\»c 1>QS' St-et' t C tx_:« J8C cysta af»- f.hor«ee1! J1-->.1.1. v. 335t CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Due to rapid growth Fox Valley Systems - Inc. has career opportu­ nities in the following positions. ACCOUNTING (Person with Experienced Cost Accounting) INSIDE SALES (Handle Incoming Calft, Typing Required) SECRETARIES (Project Responsibility and CRT Training) Applications will be taken with a I"" brief interview at our new headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is impossible for you to apply during regular working hours please call: Mrs. Nielson at 312/639-5658 WOMIDWIOC MARKING ~ .r*. FOX VALLEV SYSTEMS INC 24 Help Wanted 24 Help Wanted BUILD A FUTURE M TYPESETTING If you re looking for a dependable career and are an accurate con scientious typist we have just the position for y.Qu Complete training is given while you work Excellent working conditions & benefits •Hospitalization •Profit Sharing & Bonus •Excellent Vacation Schedule . First shift Second shift BL3CK D0T Call Delores 815/459-8520 EXPERIENCED Secretary, preferably with Insurance background, but will train, full Jime, office in new building. Call for an interview, 312/639- PHONE MACHINE Operator In Wonder Lake area. 115/771-0404,115/653 9653. LEGAL SECRETARY, ex perlenced, full time, for small law firm in Crystal Lake. Send resume to Box AIT, Shaw Free Press Newspapers, P. O. Box 2S0, Crystal Lake, IL 60014. •IMMEDIATE OPENINGS* Fast Growing Company Needs Ambitious People -COMPANY TRAINING •RAPID ADVANCEMENT . - STUDENTS WELCOME CAN EARN. PART TIME 17 30 Per Hr. FULLTIME 1360 Per Wk. Mr. Celfa 3H/449-19X TELEPHONE SALES or delivery, day & evening shifts. 115/344-5190. DIRECTOR OF NURSING An interest In Geriatric Nurs­ ing a must. Experience and a Bachelor's Degree preferred. Apply in person:. SUNSET MANOR 930 N. Seminary Woodstock, IL. RECEPTIONIST wented for Dental office, 20-25 hours per week, must be energetic and a g o o d c o m m u n i c a t o r , Medical/Dental experience preferred. Please reply to Box AP 10, McHenry Plaindealer, 3112 W. Elm St. McHenry, II. 60050. ASSEMBLY Fabrication, etc. Full Time Male Or Female JEMWUSTRIES 2SW005 Industrial Barrington, IL (Near Rte. 14 & Pepper Rd.) i" • PRESSER, experience prefer­ red, but will train If you plan to stay a while. 312/6954708. COILWINDERS AND ASSEMBLERS Coll-winding and electro" mechanical assembly plant needs full time workers for the Night Shift: 4:30-1:00 We will train Apply in Person: COILS, INC. 11716 Algonquin Road Huntley, Illinois 312/669-5115 Ideal for Women E.O.E.m/f A G G R E S S I V E , H i g h l y motivated, self-starter to con­ tact local service business & professional people to explain why "Barter Is Smarter". Call: Randy Farr, 312/931-9009 A.M. PROOF-READER And typesetter for night shift. Call 115/455-3830 LEGAL SECRETARY General practice law firm located In Fox River Grove Is seeking an experienced secretary (2 years minimum) with excellent typing 8, gram­ mar skills. 312/639-1800. 24 Help Wanted DRAFTSMAN SHEET METAL EXPERIENCED We are a leading manufacturer of indust­ rial ovens offering an excellent opp6rtun ity to a qualified draftsman. The selected applicant must have a mini­ mum of 5 years Sheet Metal Drafting ex­ perience & demonstrate neatness & ac­ curacy in their work. This is a permanent position with4 starting salary and benefits. Please call for an appointment. D.V. Grieve 312/546-8225 THE GRIEVE CORP. ROUND LAKE, IL. Drafter Plant Layout Immediate opening for an experienced plant layout drafter who also has some machine design background. Project will run for four to ten wBeks. Good wages and fringes. Call now for an appointment. * v Manpower Technical Service 815-385-6600 or 312-623-6880 Help Wanted _ CARPENTERS Experiefced carpenters to work on cus­ tom homes in the Northwest suburbs. £ G.W. Thiel, Inc. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR 312/991-7676 FULL TIME POSITIONS MAIL ROOM (Sorting 81 Preparing Brochures To Be Mailed) SHIPPING (Labeling, Staging, & Forklift Operation) CLERICAL (Typing, Special Projects & Computer Order Entry I HEAVY EQUIPMENT (Experience in Drag line, Year Round Work) / Applications to be taken with a brief interview at our new headquarters at 640 Industrial Drive, Cary, IL. If it is impossible for you to apply during regular working hours please call: Mrs. Nettles at * 312/639-5658. WOflLDWlDt MARKING FOX VALLEY SYSTEMS INC O ^ \

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