YOUR SAVING STORE WITH MORE REBATE Sale Price 3.87 4.37 Leaa Mfg. Rabat* - 1.00 - 1.00 Your Nat [Coat • 2.87 3.37 REBATE Sala Price 20.96 23.57 Laaa Mfg. Rabata - 4.00 - 4.00 your Nat at 16.96 1 16.96 TO AFTER 19.57 REBATE QQ Qfi Final Coat WW* WW After Rabata Ryobl V-MAQ4 Baltcasting Reel. Fresh water and light saltwater baltcasting reel. Magnetic backlash control for better handling. No. V-MAG4 #1 vl [ Our Evaryday tlVl Low 6.94 Save 28% Magic Worm Farm. Magic worm farm complete with peat moss bedding, food and instructions. For gardeners or fishermen. No. 1000 Our Evaryday • * f Low 1.96 Save 25% Vinyl Poncho. 100% waterproof with attached hood, welded seams. For all outdoorsmen. 50" x 80". Our Evaryday • WW Low 8.87 Save 2.34 Vlcheck 2 Tray Tacklebox. Be prepared for this year's season. Made of durable hard plastic. No. 1299 2.87 TO AFTER 3.37 Rebate Berkley Line Spools. XL 275 yd. spools. 4 lb., 6 lb. and 8 lb. at 2.87 with rebate. 10 lb., 12 lb., 14 lb., 17 lb. at 3^7 with rebate. South Bend Graphite Fishing Rods. 5"6" 1 piece Spincast and 5"6" 1 piece Ultra Lite at 16.96 with rebate. 5'10," 1 piece spinning and 6"6" 2 piece spinning at 19.57 with rebate. > PURCHASE YOUR OWN PHONE AND SAVE MONEY AT HORNSBY Our Evaryday Low 96.87 ^Tobra Remote Telephone Answering Machine. Puts phone mes sages at your finger tips frOm anywhere in the world. For work, play or vacation. No. AN3200 Our Evaryday Low 49.87 Save 5.00 GTE Styl- ine Touch Call Desk Telephone. Beautiful home desk phone. Features touchdial and recall button. White, brown and rust. No. 84219/22/36 Our Everyday Low 96.87 Save 9.11 Cobra Cordless Telephone with Intercom. Oper ates up to 600 feet from base unit. 9 number automatic dialer. Installs in seconds. Beige or brown. No. CP220 Our Everyday Low 49.87 Save 5.00 GTE "Cutie" Decorator Telephone. Add beauty and excite ment to any room. Fits on the smallest table. An ideal gift. Ivory. No. 62113 I NlORt X ••