PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, MAY 2. 1884 Cliff Ward Farrakhan help's debatable in the Jackson campaign Shades of seccession and Fort Sumter: Louis Farrakhan is at it again. The controversial Nation of Islam minister has threatened to take a party of blacks to Washington D.C. to ask for a separate black nation within the United States if Democratic leaders don't bargain with Farrakhan's man for president-Jesse Jackson. This is just the latest in a series of pearls from the Muslim minister that have included suggesting Hitler was a great man (although he later said great only in terms of evil) and calling a black reporter who disclosed Jackson's seemingly anti-Semitî XHymie" remark a "traitor to his race." " In what could possibly be the most damaging remark to Farrakhan's credibility and Jesse Jackson's campaign, the Mack militant leader said recently singer Michael Jackson nkd a "female-acting, sissified image." While I agree the singer hardly has the manly air to land him on an Irish Spring commercial, it doesn't make political sense for Farrakhan to insult the man who is the most popular black ' Jackson in the country. Besides, with that silly bow-tie he always wears, it's unlikely that any Dublin lass is going to say "manly yes, but I like him too" about Farrakhan either. However, these are just theJatest remarks of what some are calling the Louie Farrakhan Foot in the Mouth Festival. Farrakhan, however, seems to be enjoying himself and more's the pity. * Farrakhan has learned something that has him one step up on the game: reporters treat blackjxiblic figures wfth kid gloves. Farrakhan knows he can saytonything he wants and reporters aren't going to call him out on it. If reporters scrutinize him or Jackson too closely, they are accused of being racists. > In fact, he threatened Milton Coleman, the black Washington Post journalist who reported Jackson's Hymie remark, with something that sounded disturbingly close to death and he walked through that unscathed. Even Jackson (Jesse, not Michael, who's probably kind of sore a Farrakhan) won't publicly distance himself from tl minister. That's the sort of wimpy media treatment they've ̂ been getting. Think about what happened to former Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz when he publicly made a tasteless black joke, or James Watt's infamous aside about a black, a Jew, a woman and a cripple. Both men were promptly sacked. But Farrakhan's latest remarids-calling for a separate nation for blacks -is pushing things a bit too far. I certainly jiagree that the way blacks have been treated in this country* is one of the most ̂ disturbing chapters in American history, but some of mat is changing Now, blacks are starting to make significant political inroads- Harold Washington, Andrew Young, Jackson himself-- blacks are learning to (day the game. To possibly throw all that away, as Farrakhan recently proposed, because party bosses won't deal with Jackson would be stupid. The minister needs to understand tha( ̂ olitical inroads are made by working within the system, not from outside it. Get a toehold, build a slushfund, bribe somebody, put your friends on the payroll, award porkbarrel contracts, cheat, bite, steal and claw-that's how you amass political power in America. You don't get it by saying "If you don't let me play, I'm taking my ball and starting a new coun try.". Things are beginhing to go for blacks politically. I didn't think Jackson, with his relative lack of government^x- perience, was presidential timbre. However, when I hearth about all those federal dollars Jackson's Operation PUSH ̂ seemingly misused, I thought "Perhaps I've un derestimated Jesse's wheel and deal quotient." I saw his candidacy in a whole new light. . But if party bosses won't deal with Jackson, and , Farrakhan makes good on his call for a separate nation for the Nation of Islam, where would it be? °, It seems unlikely that the U.S. is just going to give lip a chunk of land to start a country to anyone, especially to someone who says Hitler was a great guy. That kind of talk makes people edgy. However, I think in this case the government might want to make an exception for Farrakhan. Isn't Guam a U.S. territory? MAYOR BREAKS TIE VOTE continued from page 1 employees who are in progression are subject to salary and performance reviews by the varioiis department heads. / A motion to approve the compromise benefit package passed 5-4. The packag ̂ in- DISTRICT 156 personnel and students. Cuda, however, said that approving the activity automatically makes the district responsible _ for a non-school-sponsored activity. Neumann acknowledged Cuda's concern and requested that the administration contact the school's attorney, who specializes in. school law, to clarify the situation. Swartzloff said he believed some time ago, the attorney had advised the board to follow the current procedure, but he would consult him to be sure. The matter of the Mexico trip was put to a vote and the majority of the board voted for it. Cuda voted against. Neumann also added, "I hope it is understood by the teachers \that no student should be penalized in tefms of grading if he or she does not participate in a special trip. People have gooa reasons not to participate in cluding the cost." Principal Bill Dodds replied, "We reiterate your point - whenever trips are planned." In other business, the board: Accepted "with regrets" the resignation effective June 6, of James J. Blum, English department coordinator and a district English instructor for 11 years. Approved the purchase of two school buses and one mini-bus for a total cost of $65,875.50. Awarded a contract for repair of the East Campus gymnasium ceiling to RCM Builders for $4,168. dudes the $1,600 Increase with the cost sharing of insurance, the day after Thanksgiving a paid holiday and free family pool passes. Voting in favor were Belger, Nolan, Busse, Datz and Stanek. Opposed were McClatchey, Smith, Snell and Serritella. from 1 page Approved a contract for replacement of the East Campus gymnasium floor with R. Rudnick and Co., for $34,595. Approved a contract for replacement of the East Campus sidewalk to Christian Construction Co. for $11,950. In other budget matters, the council re-titled the positions of some employees. Hie move eliminates the ambiguity of "skilled labor," etc. Additional pay hikes were approved for three positions on the city staff: park director, public works foreman and water department chief. Bolger voted against the in crease for the public works foreman post because it in volved taking the position off of overtime. The first ward alderment said overtime was a good incentive to get up on cold mornings and in other emergencies. Other aldermen took the position supervisory positions should be paid well and expected to do the job. The increases over and above the compromise ̂ package amounted to $1,000 each for the park director and public works foreman, and $500 for the water department chief. Salaries were also increased for the lifeguards and regular part-time summer help. Busse said the increases amounted to 15 cents across the board. With the budgetary matters concluded, the council passed unanimously the Control Budget for 1984-85. * oops > Meadows Frozen Custard RTE 120 BOONE CREEK PLAZA. McMCNRV.IL* (815) 385-8238 "THE CUSTARD WE SE$E IS MADE FRESH DAILY" SALE GOOD WED., MAY 2 THRU SUN., MAY6 \ EVERYBODY'S FAVORITES PEANUT CUSTARD PARFAIT BANANA SPLIT 3 SCOOPS OF CUSTARD TOPPED WITH CHOCOLATE. STRAWBERRY ft PINEAPPLE, RIPE BANANA ft COVERED , <WITH PECAN HALVES YOUR CHOICE 1 REG. *2.09 3 SCOOPS OF CUSTARD RESTING ON HOT FUDGE... LAYERED WITH SPANISH PEANUTS A REAL TASTE TREAT! CUSTARD BARS FROZEN BANANAS OR CUSTARD SANDWICHES CUE AMY ROOT BEER OALLON '1.89 REG. '2.89 rjy x OPEN DAILY It AM. TO 10 P.M. TO SERVE V0U. SLUSH FLOAT ANY FLAVOR 89< REG. M .19 <3^ <XVotn xaAe, anacftx NEW CARS ARE H0TN NO ROOM ON OUR L0TII $0 SUNNYSIDE CO IS OFFERING THESE TRADE-INS AT WHOLESALE PRICES!! DEALERS ALSO WELCOME t County nurses to meet R.Ns., L.P.Ns., and student nurses who live and-or work in McHenry County are invito to join the McHenry County P r o f e s s i o n a l N u r s e s ' Association at its final meeting of the fiscal year. A pot-luck dinner will be served at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday/ May 8 in St. Thomas Loras Hall T h i s M a n i s on Route 176 in Crystal Lake. Each person should bring a dish to serve 10 or more pfeople Meat will be provided. There is no charge for members, but a nominal charge for non- members. For more information call JeSlyn Bruse at 459-2230 or Catherine Cannqg at 459-1420. w e a r i n g a P o w e r f u l H e a r i n g * w i t h N O T H I N G i n C i t h e r E a r ! ^Thousands who suffered from hearing loss are amazed <#nd delighted to discover that, at last; they too can hear again with almost unbelievable clarity, yet without any em barrassment. This is now possible, thanks to a remarkable patented^ invention which has NO receiver buttons in the ear...NO dangling cords...NO headbands.wand NO ear< molds. A bone conduction method makes correction of hearing loss as easy as putting on a pair of attractive glass es. - You owe it to yourself to discover all the facts about this hearing development FREE of cost ot obligation. Visit, call, Oj write TODAY for free information. •81 CUTLASS LS 4 DR. (42l*A).. *4950" •81 MONTE CARLO (3463A) - •MOO" •81 CUTLASS LS 4 DR. (4265A) .... $4850°° •81 ARIES 4 DR. (4281 A) $4400°° •80 DATSUN 4 DR. (4131 A)...... $2850°° •80 DIPLOMAT 2 DR. 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THRU PRI. 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 TO 5 CLOSED SUNDAY J X . 4810 W. Elm (Route 120) McHenry •815-385 7220 Friendly, Helpful, No Pressure Salesmen • Stop In And Browse