Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HONDA CMT 400. 1979. Needs front end wvk 015/305-2335 - KAWASAKI 1300 1900 mlloe, loaded w/extras 015/3054044 HONDA, 73. C.B. 450. low mllw. >500 or test offer. Coll 015/455-1*04 a«k for Ray. KAWASAKI 440, '01. deluxe tar, 1 owner, 2,400 ml., <900. CaH 015/419-2139 or 499 1199. YAMAHA no Virago, '03.1,300 ml. Warranty through Aug. SU00 Blue Book- will sell for 0X500.015/455 5001 after 6 pm. YAMAHA *50.75 Excellent conditio*, $800 312/497-3927 YAMAHA MOTORCYCLE. '01. 290 cc black A rod. like new w/04 miles. «000/test, 312/526 90<0 after 3:30 pm. HARLEY DAVIDSON, '02.25th annlvorsary sportster, flawtoii. 3400 milts, extras, 01SK9M164. SUZUKI. '01, 790 cc, 16 valves, black, low rider, raised white leather tires, like new, $1,900, 015/344^214. YAMAHA VIRAGO. '01. 750 cc. tack rest, luggage rack, highway pea§, 3.100 miles, like new, $2,300/oest, after 5:30 pm, 015/305-7442. 2 HONDAS: XL500 A XL105, both exc. cond, 3127650-4292. HONDA XL350 75. 3000 orlg. miles. &d. cond. (425/offer. 015/330-2036. after 6 pm. YAMAHA 500. 75. new back tire, extras, 10,600 miles, >550/bOSt, 015/344-4230. HONDA, CR 125, '01. never rebuilt, 1550 or best offer, 312/439-2769. YAMAHA 500. '74. Must sell. New Imron paint, contlential tires, battery, pull back bars, 15.000 miles, asking S7Q0, 312/436*501 after 6 pm. YAMAHA 650 SH. '01, 1,700 miles, garage kept, adult drfWh. mag wmoels. exc. cond., 01.700. Call 015/3|5-7000 after 4 I*"- HONDA. 74, 790K. low miles, exc. cond.. custom paint job, <000or test offer, 015/305-7352. HONDA, '02, V45. magna, 750, 2,000 miles, $2750 like i - 015/305-7115. YAMAHA 650. special, '01. Mack, mag wheels, 2000 mi., adult driven, like new, 01.400/offer, 015/330-7005. KAWASAKI, '03. KDX00. exc. cond., like new, selden ridden. Muet see. 312/650-6609. SUZUKI. 1900.050cc. full dress. 5,000 mi., shaft drive, $2,300. After 5pm. 015/305-0952. KAWASAKI, '73. 900. exc. cond., 6,000 miles, $1400 or test Otter. 312/639-2961. YAMAHA 650 MAXIM 02, under 4,000 mi., asking $1,400. Call before 3 pm, 015/344*066. KAWASAKI 1900.440 LTD., $750. 312/639-0226 HARLEY DAVIDSON, '69 sportster, much chrome, runs good, $2,400,312/650-7336. SUZUKI, '03. RM250. exc. cond., ridden 4 times,$1200; Kawasaki. '01. KZ590. LTD. exc. cond., $1200; Honda, Odossy. '03. exc. cond., $1900, 015/499-6147 OT 459-6400. SUZUKI, H &S1WTW9 clean, must sell. $2700, JlSBF 4329. HONDA '02, XL900, very clean, low mllw. must sell. $1100, 312/639 4329. SUZUKI RM 125. 1970. doan, rum great, extras, make offer. 312/486-2275 ask tor Matt. SUZUKI 1000, '01. shaft drive, YflndUmmer, am/fm cassette, trunk, 015/095-6795. v Recreational 92 Vehicles WILDERNESS CAMPER, 1971, 23 ft., sleeps 0, self con tained. air cond., storms, exc. cond.. $6,000. Call after 6pm, 312/690-7002. COACHMAN 5th Wheel, 76, w/everything, like ». Also, Ford truck. PAGE 17-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY §, 1984 74, heavy duty to pull trailer. Will separate. 015/943-4796 after 4 pm or weekends. TOYOTA '70 Mini RV. sleeps 4, 30,000 miles, exc. cond., com pletely self contained, $0750. 312/639-5273. • R.V. SHOW Sunday, May 27, 10 anft pm. McHenry Co. Fairgrounds. Country Club Drive Gate. Open to tta public- Free Parklngeapt of Fairgrounds. Sponsor eoby llllnl Coachmen Chapter, Family Motor Coach Assn. For more informantion. contact Bob Meyer at 312/094-3754 after ' 6 pm. CHEVY SPORTS Van, '76, con verted to RV, full bubble top. propane gas, stove, sink, ice box, porf-a-pottl etc. Needs body work A minor mech. repair. $1,700,312/526-2016. CAMPER Starcraft pop-up, _ _ jwning & many extras, $950. 312/639-5400 sleeps 0. good cond., awn CHAMPION MOTOR Home. 71. 24 ft., auto., ps/pb, a/c. sleeps 0, good cond., $7,900, 015/499-3323. TRAVEL TRAILER, 26 ft. Midas, full bath, complete kit., sleeps 6. awning, tantem wheels, good cond.. $4,000, 312/490-7994. N O M A D travel trailer, 74, sleeps 6 015/704-5014. TRAILER. 22 ft., Shasta, fully equip., air, sleeps 0, exc. cond., $3000,015/4994120. SHASTA Travel Trailer, '70, self contained, 25 ft., new awn ings A TV antenna. $4500/test. <15/704-6612 after 5 pm. SOFT TOP Tent camper. Fair cond. $225 cash. 015/670-6221. TRAVEL CRAFT 03. V0. auto trans., 24 ft. Iim.. Air cond. >29000.015/499-4344, after 9 pm MALLARD CAMPER. '74. 10', i axle, fully self contaln- iy refrlg.. shower, toilet, 744. IRCRAFT POP-UP. )4> tee box, stove, heater, hot water heater, de- .mmp, canopy, screen > A boat rack, exc. cond.. 02,900. Call 015/499-3435. MOTOR HOME '73 Executive Class A. Gen., 2 air cond.. 4 heaters. Mlchelln tires. caieetle/stereo. 011,500/flrm. 019/720-1324. JAJ , O .*! • 5T•' "I ̂ tT ,.01U* JW 815/344-4800 people read classified j