PAGE « - PLAINDEALER WEDNESDAY. MAY >, 1«4 y • h Qeneral News In Choosing fruit plants for pure pleasure SERVICE NEWS ENLISTED t Ed J Boron III grandson of Harry and Helen Zydek >>t McHenry. enlisted in the U S Air Force's Delayed Enliitmer. Program recently. Upon suc cessfully completing the An Force's six weeks basic miliL. training at Lackland Air Fore ? Base, Tex., he will receive training in the electronics ap titude area. He is a 1980 graduate of McHenry West High School. MARK L KING Mark L King, sor of Melvic L &ri Ada 9, Ktng of Clarendon riilis .ias been promoted in the U S Air F jrrx u* the rank ct senior aiman. King is a security specialist at Wi>rteniar. Air Force Base. Mo ATti. the 351st Missile Support Squadron. His wife. Kandv. is the daughter of the Rev.W.H. and Leah V. Wetzstein of 13bp Old Bay Road McHenry there's no pleasure like picking fruits you've growt yourself right off the tree or push. While not all fruit crops are reliable in all parts of Illinois, these suggestions from the Illinois State Nurserymen's Association w*ll help you select fruits that .will grow and produce in your area. <rntAWBERRIES Good news about strawberries-they'll grow in ahr.ost any part of Illinois, in almost any yard provided you ve got at least half a day's gcx-d draiiiage What a gotra crop for kids- strawberri£s are an Kk family project with no danfer of children falling out of trees. Plant the first yea ro stra wberries will blossom. Pick the blossoms and increase fruit production the second year. Plus, the scarlet leaves and delicate blossoms create beautiful ground cover. You don't have to restrict this plant to strictly garden areas. RASPBERRIES Red and black raspberries will give you pleasure you really can't buy at the store ..and anyway, there's always the added pleasure of eating something you've grown yourselt There are spring and fall-bearing varieties available. You won't want to plant red or black within 500 feet of each LITTLE CHEF RESTAURANT 1332 N. RIVERSIDE DR. • McHENRY, IL • 3*5-9752 ' >sw for Breakfast imr sky 5 A.M.- FREE COFFEE FOt ALL MOMS SR CITIZEN DISCOUNT ALL DINNERS AFTER 4 Faatvriaf 2 Mi Specials par Nif Wt 4 P.M -7:30 P.M. NEW HOVRSi MONDAY SATUtDAY 5 AM 7:30 Ml. \ SUNDAYS -- 5 A.M.-2 P.M. M CINDY STRAUEt Unisex Styling WE'RE ANNOUNCING NEW ARRIVAL OM>UR EXPERI ENCED ft PROFESSIONAL HAIR, MAKE UP ft NAIL ARTISTS. SO COME ON IN AND BECOME THE NEW SUMMER YOU WITH BEAUTIFUL COLOR, STYLES ft NAILS SAKAH DAVIS RIVERSIDE HMRSIYUM6 STOWO . 385-7010 K 2020 W. Rt«. 120*McF«#ry THE I HOP MR other, and you'll want to check on pruning and winter care for any given variety. Other than pruning, there's little care in volved -- and a lot of pleasure. BLUEBERRIES Blueberries are usually a crop reserved for the trulV avid gardener They're finicky about soil-require a lot of acid-need lots and lots of watering, and take a number of years to bear. On the other hand, if you've got the time and love the fruit, they're delicious. • And the scarlet leaves and pink blooms are beautiful to behold. APPLES There are several varieties of apples that do well in Illinois. Dwarfs are recommended, and even asking for dwarf trees is not enough, because anything less than standard is dwarf. Dwarfs may range from 9 to 15 feet or bigger. You'll need help from your local nurseryman to select and properly plant for the size tree your yard can ac commodate. Red Delicious is another real favorite in Illinois. Most apples will produce within 2-5 years. Keep in mind that the more dwarf the tree, the faster it's going to start producing. And always consult an expert about care and pruning. PEARS Pick a pear-the Sickle, Marine or Starking Delicious MEN'S WVRDROBE SALE O OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCKOF REGULARLY PRICED DRESS SHIRTS T 1 IV r 'fc- - H- J ' ANY COMBINATION OF 6. •s • 6 SHIRTS • 6 TIES • OR ANY MIX. THAT TOTALS 8 > O OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCKOF REGULARLY PRICED CLOTHING \VI \ E X YOU BUY ANY COM are very popular, as are Moon glow. All will grow throughout Illinois, though you will need two within 500 feet for pollination. Like the ever- popular apple, you'll need well- drained soil. PLUMS Of all tree fruits in Illinois, nothing compares with the plum for beautifutfblooms There are green, purple or Japanese plums. The European varieties are more hardy than ^the Japanese, and the Japanese will not cross-pollinate with the Europeans. Because they're a stone fruit, you may need Dursban to keep borers out of the, trunk. Your' local ISNA member can advise you on frequency and application of this pesticide. As with all tree fruits, provide good drainage. PEACHES If you want peaches for sheer beauty and an occasional (every 3 years or so) good crop, plant away. Peaches are self- pollinating. and grow very well in Central and Southern Illinois. You prot^ably won't get fruit every year, but the years you do, the sheer pleasure of picking a peach off your tree will be worth it. Reliance is most hardy, with Belle of Georgia and Redhaven as great favorites, too, For information contact: • James D. Hayward, Secretary Illinois State Nurserymen's Association Springfield Hilton, Suite 1702 Springfield. HI. 62701, (217) 525-6222. Crime of the/week This week Crime Stoppers is seeking information on several incidents of. vandalism that occurred in McHenry sometime late Thursday night, April 26, or early Friday morning, April 27. During that time, someone entered the lot at Sumyside Dodge, 4810 W. Elm St., JgcHenry and slashed ll car tires. Damage exceeded $900. During the same time period, several bjoeks away, a car parted on*Home Avenue also had a tire slashed. Police in vestigators believe the same person or persons are respon sible for all the damage. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for in formation leading to the arrest and filing of criminal charges against offenders. If you have any information on these in cidents of vandalism that oc- rime j • SPORT COAT AND DRESS SLACKS • SUITS • RAINCOATS • in McHenry on April 26 , call Crime Stoppers at 815- 459-4800. Crime Stoppers, which is sponsored by the McHenry Area Chamber of Commerce, assigns secret numbers to anonymous callers who provide in- formation. Callers are in structed to call back at regular intervals to find out if any suspects have been arrested as a result of cohfidential in formation given. If there are arrests, the Crime of directors then determine an ap propriate reward. A secret meeting is arranged to make the cash reward payments. Anonymous callers to Crime Stoppers do not have to appear in court. V' 5 DAYS ONLY \ M A Y ! » I ' M l l ( H ( . i I \ | A Y i : i I / / > m/tul SPRING H ILL Men s Furnishings. Firs! Leve! *5 Stoppers Anniversary HAPPY 25lh HANS & GERDA PFENDERT \ low. SUMCIMI &