t s 'AGE 15 - PLAlNDEALEIt - FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1984 Heal Estate For Sale The Coach homes of Waters Edge Automobiles flfi ForSqle CHRYSLER LaBaron, '77, 2 dr., vary clean, full 89 many extras, asking 11350, 1- 315/30S-1002. MERCURY CAPRI 14. Rally Sport Turbo. 5 spd., man.. p.s.. pA., tilt, rod. scats, am/fm stereo, 90,000 ml., axt. warran ty, rust proof. $9,250. Moving to aast coast. 01V344HQ7. CHEVY MALIBU. '73. 0 cyl., auto. 2 dr., now tiros, W00, 015/330-9599 aftor 5 pm. HONDA CIVIC, '7*, 55,000 miles, $1,000 or bast offer, 015/455-2240 after 4 p.m. CHEVY PICK-UP, 1973, good tiros, good battory, now ball joints, currant sticker, $550/best offer. Must sell. 015/330-4413. CHEVY CAMARO. '77, runs ex cellent, ps/pb, am/fm cassette, 015/330-4053. DODGE OMNI, 1901. low mileage, new tires, auto.,""exc. cond. (3,500/best offer. 015/330- 4*67. TOYOTA CELICA GT Hat chback, 1977, 5 speed, good cond., asking 12,400. 015/455- 4705. Mchcnry's Newest Concept in attached Single-family living, Priced from just *53,9001 Standard Features Include: •TWO FULL BATHS -SECURITY SYSTEM •ONE-CAR An. GARAGE -CENTRAL AIR COND, •DISHWASHER •CARPETING FULLY •EASY CARE VINYL FLOOR -GARBAGE DISPOSAL •CONTINUOUS CLEAN GAS OVEN AND RANGE WAVWrSIMM 1 h lafc* ». 1M Crystal lafc* MEASE CALL N54I30 FOR AN APPOINTMENT ) * Residential Development GrOUp, Inc 2?^ I ,1006k .06 .HOI lATlJ i Vjrtv' i - of MILLCREEK A new, desirable single-family area in Mchenry offering: •EASY ACCESS TO ALL IN TOWN LOCATIONS 'NICE COUNTRY SETTING •2,3, or 4 BEDROOM HOMES AVAILABLE *AfTORDABLE FINANCING COME SEE THE SIX STYLES PROM WHICH TO CHOOSE. SINGLE FAMILY HOMES FROM *59,900 OO win4r»4«« willow !i'i from >72.900 from *65,900 1 0 . 9 % FMANCme NOW AVAILABLE A.P.R. WITH 10% DOWN (3 YR. A.R.M. WITH 5% CAP.) McHENRY BUILDERS "km" 3716 W. PRESTWICK IN McHENRY (•is) 385-4488 orai io-s, i bats * TOYOTA COROLLA SR-5 Lift bock, '01,5 spd., ps/pb, am/fm, •un roof, rustproofed, Polyglycoat, looks 4 runs perfect, must set, $5,200, ESCORT L station waoon. '03, 16,500 ml., oxc cond., front wheel drlvt, 4 sp., radio, 05,300/bost. Call 115/455-0645. JEEP 74 Toyot6 Land Cruiser 50,000 ml. Not running. Make an offer. Scott 312/426-2233, d»y»- MERCURY COUGER wagon, 77, 3rd saat, luggage carrier, a/c, am/fm stereo, 41,000 miles, oood cond., $2,650. 015/459-3007. OLD CUTLASS Brougham, 79, 39,000 ml., V6 Diesel, 2 dr., power everything, am/fm cassette, cruise, like new, WOO/offer. 312/377-2025 eves ft weeksndi CHEVETTE, 79, 4 dr. hatch back, 4 speed, exc. cond. No rust, $2300 or best offer, 015/344-1994. FIREBIRD Formula, '70, auto., 1 owner, loaded, mint cond., lo. miles, $4,400.815/455- 5940. HONDA CIVIC S, 04, loaded, cost $10,000 asking pay Off $0,040,115/459-3540 400.015/455 04, 5/ipeed I asking pa) CHEVY SUBURBAN, 75, 3/4 ton, a/c, Posltraction, $l,J00/best, $15/455-1105. COLT wagon, '77, $1250; '76 Grand Prix, $1100; '76 Chevette, $1100, or best offers, 015/459-3565. DATSUN, 1900, 200SX, SL model, completely loaded, black w/sllver Interior, exc. cond., 40,000 ml., $5,000 015/720-0770. CHRYSLER New Yorker, 1974, $000.00. Call after 6:30pm, 015/653-9042. BUICK SKYLARK, 76. body fTHTwurlell^SlT frank, 312/650-2013 days, or 639-0206 FORD PINTO, 75, runs good, new tires, some rust, $300, eves, ft weekends 015/640-2543. CHEVY VAN, '76, fully customized, runs great, looks great. Must see. $3,000 or best Offer, 015/344-4529. HONDA, 4 dr., Accord, '03, 5 speed. Lots of extras, moving overseas, 115/305-6075 after 6:30p.m. DATSUN 200SX, 00, a/c, sunroof, velour Int., am/fm cassette, new tores, brakes, battery, exhaust. Best offer Mist sacrifice. After 5 pm 015/330-5549. DUSTER, '70, high mileage, good runner, $175,015/653-4371. MACH I, '70. All orlg. 73,000 ml PS, PB, f/r spoilers, louvers, 4 351W, shaker-hood sp.. 3511 $£soo/best 015/337-0245. 87 Wanted To Buv CASH PAID For Junk Cars - 7 Day Pickup 312/639-2620 WANTED TO BUY (unk & repairable autos. 7 day pickup, 312/639-0159. CASH PAID for Junk Cars Running or Not I Immediate Removal I Call 312/526-3116. WANTED-1900, '01, 02 Cadillac, 4 Dr. or Seville. Exc cond. Reasonable. From Private Party. 312/6953375. • WANTED: DEAD OR ALIVE Cars, Trucks, Vans. 015/720-1007 WASHER ft DRYER Heavy du ty. Harvest gold. Gas. Exc. cond. Reasonable. 312/695-3375, 6t5-0775. Auto Parts & 88 Accessories ENGINES, all makes, $250; trans., all types, $125; Installa tlon ft delivery avail. Guaranteed. 015/344-5114. PARTING OUT Pontlac Catalina, '70, 4 dr., 400 eng. ft auto, trans., after 12 Noon, 015/459-0994, ask for Jim. Trucks, Tractors & Trailers DATSUN, '77 Pickup, w/cap. 62,000 ml., must see, $1450/of Schmidt Datsun, 312/301 ft. DOOGE TRUCK, '77, new paint |ob, * ton, auto., 250, 65,000 miles, good runner, $1000, 312/991-1934. or 540-5501. FORD, '77, 350. auto., 1 ton, engine 30,000 miles on It, good cond., $2500,312/991-0934 or 540 5501. MOOEL-A FORD truck, '31. Incomplete but restorablo $500/ trade. 312/420-0609 after 6 pm. . FRUEHAUF Aluminum dump trailer, 22 ft., hoist just rebuilt, $3.500,115/641-4050 after 6 CHEVY SUBERAN, 74. 4x4, very good cond.. $1,350,015/305- 5471. dMCCR 10,000 Trucks, Tractqrs & Trailei lEW^AB '79. gvw. Pick 454 eng., :k-up box roof rack. w/camper $6750.115/459-6364. after 5 pm FORD F-350 '03. 10^00 gvw, 6 16000 ml. S cyl. auto trans. $10,975. 015/459-6364. CHEVY 3/4 TON. plckypr76, w/cap, good runner, tfn. Call 015/305-4024. FORDPICKUP '51 CHEVYi/4 TON PICK&P' Good Condition $400/Best Call 312/639-9222 Eves. R.V. SHOW Mav 27, 10 am-4 pm, Mc Henry Co. Fairgrounds, K Country Club Drive Gate. Open CHEVY 1/2 TON Pickup. '40, exc. cond- 39,000 actual miles) $2,900 or trade for boat or van. Call 312/639-9222 eves. CHEVY, 4x4, '79. step side, 52,000 miles, ps, pb. lock out hubs, auto., must sacfrice. $4,000 or best. 015/720- 0209.after7p.m. CHEVY PICKUP.* Ton, '69, ps/pb, good cond., $1,000/best, 312/639-0253. GMC PICKUP '77. heavy Vt . Loaded, low miles, excellent two vehicle. $3,300. Call for details, 115/653-9654. 90 Vans DODGE MAXI-VAN, 1977, p.s., air cond., auxllary air ft heat, $2,500,015/455-6525. • FORD, 1979 Club wagon, Chateau XLT Pkg., 2 tone, win dow van, 4 captain chairs, fold down bed, dual a/c, heaters ft gas tanks, cruise, am-fm 0 track, tilt wheel, $7,500/offer. 015/455-4623. CHEVY VAN '79, ps/pb. 350, customized, cruise, am/fm stereo cassette, many extras. $7500.015/459-5609. FORD, '69, window van, extra long, new motor ft trans., trailer hitch, $500,815/720-0639. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles HONDA CR 125, '01, never rebuilt, $550 or best offer, 312/639-2769. YAMAHA 500, '74, Must sell. New Imron paint, contientlal tiros, battery, pull back bars, 15.000 miles, asking $700, 312/436-4501 after 6 pm. YAMAHA 650 SH. '01. 1.700 milts, garage kept, adult driven, mag wheels, exc. cond., $1,700. Call 015/305-7000 after 4 EL HONDA 74, 750K, low miles, exc. cond., custom paint |ob, $000 or best offer, 015/305-7352. magna, 2.000 miles, $2750 like i 015/305-7115. YAMAHA 650, special, '01, black, mag wheels, 2000 mi., adult driven, like new, $l«400/offor, 015/330-7105. cond.. Ilka new, selden ridden. Must see. 312/650-6609. i b SUZUKI, 1900,050cc, full dress. 5,000 ml., shaft drive. $2,300. After 5pm, 015/305-0952. KAWASAKI, '73, 900, exc. cond., 6.000 miles. $1400 or best offer, 312/639-2961. YAMAHA 650 MAXIM. '02. under 4,000 mi., asking $1,400. Call before 3 pm, 015/344-4066. KAWASAKI 1900,440 LTD., $750. 312/639-0226 HARLEY DAVIDSON, '69 sportster, much chrome, runs good, $2.400.312/650-7336. SUZUKI, '03, RM250, exc. cond., ridden 4 times,$1200, Kawasaki, '01, KZ550, LTD, exc. cond., $1200; Honda, Odessy, '03, exc. cond., $1500, essy, 015/459-6147 or 455-6400. SUZUKI GS750ES, '83, 1.200 miles, $3,000 or trade for 76 or newer TransAM or Z20 Camaro, 015/330-2020 after 7 pm. SUZUKI, '83, GS1100. very clean, must sell. $2700, 312/639- 4329. HONDA 02, XL500, very clean, low miles, must sell, $1100, 312/639-4329. SUZUKI RM 125, 1970, clean, runs great, extras, make offer. 312/426-2275 ask for Matt. HONDA ATC 90, 3 wheeler, customized, in like new cond.; I25cc dirt bike. Swedish Monarch, completely overhaul ed, ready to go, fast, 6 speed, 015/459-4703. YAMAHA 750 Special. '79. Very gd. cond. $1100.015/337-0196. YAMAHA '77, XS 650, good crnd., $050; safety helmet, Ig. size, $50; call Sat., after 10 a.m., 015/459-3191. KAWASAK1 1000 LTO '77. Exc. cond., adult driven, garage kept. 12700 ml. Back rest, lug gage rack, engine guards. $1900.015/459-3204. DIRT BIKE YZ00. Gd. cond. $175/best offer. 015/459-6940 HONDA CB 450, 1973, 10,000 mi., drlveable but needs some work, $350.312/639-7973. KAWASAKI 350cc. 1977, dirt scrambler, $125./best offer. 015/459-0032. HONDA CR125, '03, excellent condition, S900/best. Call 305 7460 after 5 pm. HONDA 75CC, '79, good cond., runs exc., good for beginner, $400,312/650-6349. HONDA 75CC '79 model. Gd. cond. Runs exc. Great for beginner. $400.312/6504349. YAMAHA 550 Maxlum, '82, 600 miles, excellent condition, $1.600.015/459-0335. SUZUKI GS1000, '79, 7,000 miles. $1500. 312/436-3596 KAWASAKI LTD 1000, 1979, 1 owner, 3,000 miles, mint cond., $1450. After 7pm, 015/305-2345. SUZUKI, 1979. RM 125. exc. cond., $450.; Yamaha 250 MX. $250.015/330-0760. KAWASAKI, 1970. KZ 1000, complete Vetter fairing ft bags, exc. cond., 5,000 miles, stored 2 years. $1.500.015/720-4770. KAWASAKI. 02, GPZ550. bought new '83,1300 miles, very cleen, $2000 call Dan at 015/455- 2136. YAMAHA MAXIM 550, '01. low miles, excellent condlltlon, $1,400. Call 312/669 5001. Motorcycles & 91 Snowmobiles YAMAHA 400, '70. low miles. $600. Price negotiable. 015/305- 9570. Recreational 92 Vehicles • to the public- F ree Parking east pf Fairgrounds. Sponsored by lllinl Coachmen Chapter, Family Motor Coach Assn. For more Informant ion, contact Bob Meyer at 312/094-3754 after 6 pm. CHEVY SPORTS Van, '76, con verted to RV, full bubble top. propane gas, stove, sink, ice box, port-a-potti etc. Needs body work ft minor mech. repair, $1,700,312/526-2016. CAMPER Starcraft pop-up, sleeps 8, good cond., awning ft many extras. $950. 312/639-5400 CHAMPION MOTOR Home. 71, 24 ft., Auto., ps/pb, a/c, sleeps 8, good cond., $7,900. $15/459-3323. Recreational 92 Vehicles TRAVEL TRAILER, 36 ft. Midas, full bath, complete kit., sleeps 6. awning, tantem wheels, good cond., $4,000, .312/650-7594. N O M A D travel trailer, 74, sleeps 6 015/704-5014. TRAILER, 22 ft., Shasta, fully equip., air, sleeps 0, exc. cond., $3606,015/459-0120. TRAVEL CRAFT '03. V0, auto trans., 24 ft. Ing., Air cond. $25000.015/459-6364, after 5 pm. MALLARD CAMPER. 76. 10', tandem axle, fully self contain ed, 2 way refrig.. shower, toilet, 015/330-3746. STARCRAFT POP-UP, sleeps 6, Ice box, stove, heater, shower, hot water heater, de mand pump, canopy, screen room ft boat rack, exc. cond., $2,900. Call 015/459 3435. MOTOR HOME '73 Executive Class A. Gen., 2 air cond., 4 heaters, Michelin tires, cassette/stereo. $ll,500/firm. 015/720-1324. TRAVEL TRAILER, 10 ft., self contained, exc. cond., $2,250. $15/330-4767. CHAMPION CLASS A /Motor Home, 1970, 25', roof air, generator, cruise, sleeps 0, 31,000 ml., exc. cond., $15,900. 015^455-3571. Are you moving in the light circles? y*U»7i Qutl * - - » t * r, 7 * t , aft cm ̂ Read classified regularly to stay in circulation. To Place Your Classified Display Ad Call 385-0170 '2i' Line Ad 344-4800 r< pooplt road :lassi«iod \